l 2tihis',gt, them ',1'ill'fllAita o 1,th 'pon 'JI all! great country; New Pte V ! gnawed to "Fume pertoh inquirin' me they looked with ttoMdenee to the ," ',riuret, snd upon 'll the drink one o The atptiit of the C'lt banner of that , 'ritow they tilu? u1ee "deed; we noble Imrtr which d done att much f". y them geld: "It in warty we iGFi - to this country, and they looked to Mr like it very much. bu der." (Laughter) Whitney to beer to Victory tho old be getting tt,t",',tli' a due deference neg. _ _ . It oeetne to m, ho had been initiating Mr. Monk drew attention to the can. to the ee'.'."",' , subject. that theil ditions which had prove-tied in 1httrltrnd "Nation on this med the position of under oonstituiotud vex-amen, Since ,somewhet aptly "'rrll'd people of England had 11'l'llilit2 . r m. d Ontario new not "my set freedom where had they had g/ttltd, ontario were "forwarder." iorxigh- in that country of a. Government that ting verr much dad him of Bn had. remained in power during the long ta.) It had "3::eseed in an English Period of thirty years? They w ould , incident he oy? W1 A passenger had have to go back to the time when the railway turrriNte. bottle of stout, and institutions were not IO fully developed brought with him . dition . bottle of Walpole was in power 22 yours Pitt' it they - what a can " hour's rail. . {can and in the beginning of .the cen- stout would be in after \ uryt ter, erdPP,e,il, . Govern- ' l iourrte . t Ion men rrsrnaip in W i Wd Tro IW" do not keep It "n g But since then in 'zl'ldl'll "id/tgi l here. daughter" UI of stout, Mr. N been frequent changes of Government This particular balm: uncorked, acet- l and such ohengee were oonaidamd nee: Borden went om on 11 directions and eatery, so that everyone should have B tered its contents In use" era. One old '1 ohttttee to do something for his comfy iupon many ?rtt't 1el',r',",ye%'l with the and province. They understood it in in". who had his we d his c1othee,and Englend, end it should be understood ;1iquid wiped his tgit') and half aloud l lhere, that lessee of power 111th be limit. I "ire'marke4 hall t? t on a. iutotuen" ed if the country W" to be developed, fifiri jtlLiCeC.,E..'l..-t-T-'2'-1r-rii-,, l "s, and this wee gtfh'gl,t1.r, true of . ----- _------ Mr I i you? country he cure, Where 'rr'eratoths (hugbtef-l m did not know why. into , she d have n chance of brin ng to the Borden added, but that 'story "m. {are euch measures no he believes neces- his mind in WWW" with the m wy for the more] and industrial de dum. tRenewed 1nughter0 ' velopment of the country. Proud of Oratorio. 'N H an. new. of Benquo. " . nclusion to "I." ' . 6 would not, Mr. Monk remarked 2'.1 ate 1k,,1/,,"dt "that while the into political questions. He was Mt l'rovince of Ontario ttaa many thing," that .we were troubled here With the be roud of which we in the other o- hehe,', of prohibition. feh",t',t tram ring" have More ue, which - us to 2t Province of Quebec, he we d not look u to this greet Province in In"! "one! that; he wu too ignorant of it. _ we. Jt think that the Province of on. merits. But he had been told that the Wil, any well be proud of her son to N question troubled the Premier of On- whom we bring our ieelt end homes. tttrio, and WM, in fact, like the ehnde of to-night, (Applause) The task which Benquo. If the Premier, however, had he has set before him is not en only read P elaaaiar, he could take up one It is e Government which he! pent" deecription of the infernal reg- been entrenched in power end petron- ione. and ht would no. that in the a e for thirty yenre, nnd I know how eighth or ninth circle Dante found the " bird it is to fttihts Government in 2,'T'f men tendering lildwipabl, torture who _ ifor onl five or six you". ther ore I on auctions political in his country had t lander-tine the mu 'ttth' Pde',', 23313340. to on both sides. (Laughter I self. But 1 f In . . r . E Irsu1'h' feel end believe, us the Con.. Coming to the tout to which he had b servetivee of this Province feel tuni be- been asked to respond. Mr. Monk xe- i lieve as the great may tttref, marked that the grind inheritenoe which . Libeiels feel ind believe, thnt t e teak 'we had only _commenced to deVelo which Mr. Whitney hen token upon him- should be cultivated with a. broad ans iself is one well "within his WWW a generous national spirit. As coming i (hear hetrr)---arrd I believe thet the Com from Quebec, he could tell the meeting lliitiihiG" of this Province end.the in- [that he mtergreted truthfully the feel- de endent Libersis of this Provmce wig will8 of that r_ovinoe when he seid that i' rnlly behind him in the can" of ttoo [they were Millions to t',t hands with I overnment, in the - of gut, 1min; {Ontario in making this million I pend ' Wild and honest administration of ttlt 1.dfptniien.ey of Great Britain. They had , lie affair. In this Provinee, and rally Ite- inexhaustible resources and with their "; ' hind him In this caring-1% I think 'our political institution they were perfectly I I wntchword may well e. 0 do not iUre tsatiatud. (Cheers.; _ l ito doubt Hm: bot 'iit,deitgg'f' i l. e ggbfiufldfi' I "-----