TMII-l-rl-l-""-'"""-"-'"-""""""'"'"'"-"""""-"" ka .M -1 .misiatumoetrrrhnfetetr ', . In 0 Stl, ' uld mm, 'ari,2fflU. posltionl other. m. . If his hearers in On 0 o - and those like is: found no lace here- to his native Province they would!" see irpptnttaerrrltho h en Jam" wee I Ion either aide of the noble It,; hi Ci elwa [mode to m'ifmor to tertiimthstn '; renee twe,,r,,.ltr"lt,l, With old. 'e.' one on the Conurvetlve petty. The rty iohurehea, with I we "Wm?" might, perhepe, _ have been ttll,'. .tounded centuriee Nl', try "huh "ll'l, able in the post. The were willing to loame es pioneere of e new wor 'th' o kin hand in hend with Mr. Monk and to those peoyle end study the"). ay tIli; Borden, and all who like them loved T e country end had its welfare ot were e sleet tttht . r.tug,'l" a: heart, in buildin "P the Dominion end poled on. greet ttlt their G d maintaining British institutions. (Loud ' I would be loud Nth! to 'll , eppleuse.) Continuin , he paid an ot. j tatt King, and to their ootut rr. qufnt ttet to Mr. hitney no . man, . . e e 'us etor end a lender. The rt Down in Quebec they had GROOVE": in tg; House and throughout the gun" . tAtg12 of than: e 'IG, $2.51:- l tr, wee iunited in 'et',',', of and con. correepon n - ence the nex . ' . rim in Ontario which wee celled new N tario. t mhler of On Ontario. There wee there land limit- N I lees. lore-ta 'tiiiiitiitfyi1g,t)hlt, Q The Honored (inset. power, end mineul we t y. en, ' The Chairmen then ro e . should the! go to . ter, country? A ' of the evenin , "Our mafia? tht They woul not do that, would ttl V ", Whitney, 'i'll'fh,.,c end in so doin said end develop their own receive". "s that the Conservative rt wank? d ht Quebec would join hands with Ontario the Government with ITL'; not with in Tttt Connie A country of whioh _ the fire, tut the Government used. 'M wo d dweys be frond end always V (Laughton) They would ht them with) r y to eerve inithlul r. ' ls the are of enthusiasm, 2t not with the . The conclusion of Mr. Monica address I kind of fire which wee used to deetro wee received with prolonged tsheerhtg. V hello". (AgleuseJ He ttt with , . ensure of e size and out when o Mr. Carnelian! Reply T Ile gathering, and said thethhie ttu', Mr. Camila M.P.P.. of Hamilton. R at t- e honor of presiding over-it we: who also spoke to this tout. weweet- one of pride. It we: not only a. tribute ed with nppleuse end cheering. e we to the men who wank! be the next Prem- Ttrd pin-m " the opportunity," \ 'ts ier of Ontario, but because of Mr. Whit. ' toning to such anemia and marinas t) ney'e eound, who end trlotio policy.i addressee. While he gentlemen from (A one.) l!Msrr "mgr of the petty Ottews were hi men, he muttad to "u l in it]. Home had nbaolute confidence in them that the cues " 0min,"- not l V the leader, who by his knowledge, hour. ao big es the one in the (tree, Perk. \ age and experiencehed inspired theolute Toronto, become this Pro co won the ' belief. Mr. Whitney, he aid wee gain- 1tnitrd is): f,',','."'?.',',', Jott"tdt \ ' ing the experiences which would tlt him _ the comservativo we um that vm 133322.}? "tall',',",'.', 'It,' tfre,',. that they did not gut their whole force ing what iioiii and whet ehould t h. into the '.eottot. 1 W" B personal met. done; learning that it wee not 'l','r'lhtrl'4', ter to him. He had once "duh MIt - men to nuke romi-ses and pledges sim- tca," 'lt ELM," tttra" his. cum: ply for expediency and catching votes, wt . . qt energy . e t ind afterwards costing them aside. mend to remind the onservatives that 3 (Lau hter and . leue M If they V'" glow to conceive and ttif,','; l A1'el with e. p,'l',tp"'i.L'figot'o1oh1" ciete the forces erreyefl egeinst t on" . presence of M as" Monk and Bord e "'1 did not do the thing: they shoul Mr Luces (Centre Gr ) al 'dt do o destroy those forces. For the lest tribute to Mr Whitne 'S,', 'Ill? pu t twenty years the Conservetives had WR r m-h m rte d hnd d ev I', ed (tie tTI'lt been robbed " the bellot boxes of the Iant and wise lender and "i ' 'Mt - Victory "girth"! theiry 2tt1T,'tl the party had unbounded g,'lldld'; 'ld _ (tiieEeiirli,tt,,tiC-ttd1/rt, :21: .. tr man who would keep .. was: wining: 115:: him with m. (Renewed! tuS2hU 1,hr,ter 'ri1t,1i,?r?,'t?,'r'til hm high .) e extended to Mr. Borden P " prep" to do more. en to Mr. Monk hearty greetings. The "of Torte and men iirt his stripe" were, he said, offensive to the rople of the Province. The race cry, e aid, was not known in this Pro- _ vince. The Conservative 'pertv had