"_-..-------" - - "'-'-'-"""""""""'-""""-"""""-"-"llr-l-tlerl. I I - "Wewillnot give'ewey any has» , I Whitney that , vocab]:deth 'rs, mede without $2; ot 'd,'t t122,'ggt1S, "It: i has a _ ' rtancs tuners. i any member of the Insulate" herringl tll g,'S,tt, ts "mung. ettt y. ( the slightest ides " to he propriety o 2t "and 5.1m over . he ee- , the vote which he wee shout to Api, 1m" tfl'u",1,'fl In . 'a',',t,gllt a. ; And so on with every other not 0 the Bemttett rf,',',',',' two m .7 (r Government with regard to our greet 1itlf,pt'r."ttgliyitgi,1,,,'i'g 'lid'aGiiiT , natural resources, end it will be our S',,',' the were told) it was too ht. to _ duty to stop thet. With regard to the in in. an," my Name the, so iinam- of the Province, w etever we % far es the ownership of ubile ntilitiu _ will be eble to do with rsgerd to the Trdr concerned, the numbing. should _ sdueetionel interestsolthe country, with h", the w" to 9mm them tt a3 1 rsgerd tothe agriculturel interests of the chase R. Government he heliev if tsotutrrrrilittigoverned light we can 'N, wee Itehhtd the age in its ettitnde to do with the Mtantteg of the vines. We the labor problem. do not say we should lessen the expendi- A H M ture necesserily, but we will hushend the envy ssid tht resources and make two ends meet, or In eyitttd!etr, Mr. Whit", then rather ranks the revenue exceed the ex- Weldon had e heevy task Mug: Lib: penditure by e proper hendiing end de. ey were. taunted by the S . tn" velopment of the greet mtural resources are] org"! thnt they hid no 1"l'lf'a"d lf of the Province. And the moment we cen wee tantamount to . decleretion n 1 do tus-at will be our first task, lediee they were beeten it,would be 2, 'tfd,'; end trerttutnms--thts moment we can do "H the day eometr, he hi1trgl; nuts that we shell turn our 'e es to the farm. the Conservetive party. in , o "the. ing end .ertisan Masha end set to to New"! by ttttte" df "my , (Loud work to devise e scheme 2 which the it must It enother lele 'fl; W est men who in con'unc on with Dr. chum) r. Whither! c o t g titude Wd,',', formed end instituted our were a. further tttpt,',',',',', o ft' stert public school system will and their to... endlsn sprang: 'ggl'gtg'n; carried out here in the future, 'lwzt 'rd,"',',',',,',',',?,',',', on of Mr. Whitney's The tkhoot Symm. speeeh the diners gr2"t 2tt ttt . ' . and crowded eroun e gues b03331: 'fpeLtta,hel1gti'tf,rg") to sheke bends with in. 1f.hitto2,,th',r,: (edloeation st the ubiic schools, end we Mr. Borden end If 'll) h included the will mks it thet instead ot every pupil . der of the toMt ist, w c d being obliged as " present to wnete ef ' Army tutd Navy trnd the Heard tlt certein emount of time there in acquir- . Corporation of oronto, wee e n "ll 1& , ing s smattering of knowledge on l and thre thre Conservetive leaders at" T certain subjects. the children of the lla recaptiotn " the door es . tt . lamer end the ertisen end the - on . mschenics of this country will and the greetest possible opportunity for the no- tttt o edueetlon, having in view two t ngs, and holding them steadily in View, namely, their" probeble future lot ' in life, and the Net also that no mat- ter how deserving they my be, through oitetttrttstamtee beyond their control, they will be unable to go further in the pur- suit of seconds gd$1'g "dueUhm. (AgpleueeJ lg. ides that the pu he school should he e stepping stone ofh0igttmttoot,and scontothe university, is sepersted from our ides by e gulf, the width and dept}: of which 1 csn herdiy be estimeted. en, we sey _ there should be " leest seven or eight sgrieultural schools in this Province, "though not greet institutions like that _lhre.1pt." ,