.. 'M,, , . d no" i' m-sir-tttr-lt,",?,'.!',, " that all homemakers df 1lltiea' "a Mg:- mL lllil millMllillllilll, dtessx.Cotuttfea, M well " ths mom, r for London, were opposed to the tht"; m-"""'""""""-.""""' ure, which gave a very Md?i , ' 3; tumors. BRUCE c MIDDLESEX mm.- through their countries, 9nd will" hate wAy 311.1,. a pear before the committee an s. ' their objections. The bill, he noticed, bore the. name of Mr. Conmce, who was The Country Ana-cred Object. to In labsent. He desired to take the oppor- Provueow-.Motton to Refer Back I tunity of expressing the opinion that _In Toronto Junction Bill Lost - A iconnection with the private bills legis- Quiet Day In the Legislature. l lation of the House there was a want" [consideration as to the respeibitito' Ewhich members assumed by alloWing The session of the Legislature yes- itheir names to go on the back of bills terday was brief, and little business was i a; nTr,t,"adyg j,t:g,eifip,,ti,',ei" . i a no o er res b [ transacted. "on:rur. Gibson took ad- lhllzyiving their names a) be so used, and 'vantage of a motion to reier a private 'that if they were not Vault to move I bill back to committee to impress upon , their introduction the .1111", purist to :1:ch the members sense o their remonsl it?!" of thenwelves, or tth .8 ' ter ' . bilities in conilie't' I, h . t! l i there should see that they did not, come c m" Wt t t C 1n IOU" stn grief. Members who had charge of tion of private bills. A number of them gbilla should watch their every stage seemed to think that responsibility end-', 'after they have been referred (od';"',',',": ed when their names appeared on the (mittee, 30 that there 'tlite,',,,,',"',),.):;',' back of bills This led to confusion and .muny dolays m getting mug, l " ibusmess of the House. _ 1 delay. Premier Ross wavs rtontinrd to his '3 Mr. Whitney, while tsympathjr:ing to a' home through tl cold, but may be in his . "not oxtent, Tvith the remarks of the place to-day. Kttorncv-Gcncral. thought that no great Hon. Mr. Gibson introduced 3 bill to ,changc could be brought, about while the amend the joint stock corporations act. icourtcsv of the House was so often ex- This provides for a private winding up Aended.hv, was the case. of such corporations without going into l, The bill was referred back for further court, ',","/,2,r. the payment of sharcs of iconsideration. nous un er a t? into court. . . ' peHon. Mr. magi. also introduced n bill Another Objectionable Bill. making technical changes with a view Mr. Hill (West York) moved that the to simplitictttirm in tho manhood suf- sToronto Junction bill he referred back trage registration oct. Ite, tho Private Bills f,?,','.,',":?,,"),: :ince . ., . groin through the committee he la re- Lincoln Rttgistrtsrghip. Wen-fa letters from the Town ('omll'il. Hon. Mr. Gibson. replying to Dr. Jer. 1the exaltsyor and a number of othcrs sop (Lincoln), said it was the intention éproicsting against several olituser, m- of the Government to appoint a Regis- {eluding those providini for thy okten. trar of Dceds for the County of Lincoln islon of the cattle mar ct and the tax as soon as a selection could be made, nnd E "do. to do so without reference to the gen- i Col. Matheson (South Lanark) did not era! eleetiowe. [ think the reasons given wcre suftieient to Hon. Mr. Stratum, replying to Mr. (justify the motion. Duff (Went Simmer. said that the Trt- Mr. ("rawiord (West, Toronto) also spector of Prisons had reported that a opposed the motion. He had himself ob. number of jails, including that of Sim-no. iectcd in committee to sonic of thr County. were in need of repairs. In that Nausea. but the committoc had ulmmt particular jail also the rooms nacd by ifd11r'lien'1t)',l,'(). approved of it. the jailors were now required for pris- Mr. Whitney agrccd with the views oncrs, and a. residence was necessary. cxprcsncd by Col. Matheson and Mr. H , . t . I . Crawford. 10 Furthe, Consider a Bill. lion. Mr. Harcourt. ('hairman of the Mr. Taylor (North Middlosox) mom! Private mm Committee, said the bill that the bill to incorporatc tho Huron, had been thoroughly discusscd by a pa- Bruce & Middlesgex Railway ('ompany ticnl and loug-kufrerittrr, committcc. be referred back to the 1tailway ('om- Amendments or additional clauses could mittee, on the ground that a number easily be moved in committee of the of people who werP opposed to the .Honse. measurc did not know that it was under discussion. and. further, that tho hill had not met with the views of the com- mittee when it was under oonssidetwAiott.