FRINGE mm TBN A"CuatitrnofAsstsorttrnoduion.- Mr. Kribs (South Waterloo) ggtored --------"" tor cores ot' some correspondence in re- mrsm'rmm WILL APPOII'I' mb. ("d o the need of iner eased accom- yu'u'rmi: To WELCOME mu. modstion at the Believille Institution m--------- for the Deaf and Dumb nnd the 1JriliU The Prowler-'- annoaoure-t-"o- Asylum .for Idiots. He stated that for one new"; or the Prohibition . long time he had endeavored to get mu Fixed For Tue-day Afternoon two mute and idiotic young poop]. re- Nest-Tho Good Ronds mu. moved from a religious institution in ---------- 533921 X's-tuba is one or other of the 1 u one name . He . Very little business was transacted cause of the insulieicnt 2t,uttu,',t in the Legislature yesterday, and there It was not ri ht that a religious order was no inclination to indulge in 'srgu- should have are burden of taking me ment, the members evidently feeling of t,t'hc'r1t, whey the country WBS tired after the exhausting committ: 5&3. and 2,,ttt,i'dtr'"" of proper work of the week. It .18 now intend on. Mr. Btratton answered that that the prohibition bill will come up there wat' plenty of room at the Insti- for second reading on Tuesday after- tute for the Deaf and Dumb for an in- noon next. \ creased Peer. of patients, but the Prince Henry's Visit. tld lttm " mm. WM full. However. in . 'tys "" referred to, the ins tor at Mr. Monteith (south'Pertlt) asked if his (Mr. Stratton's) requugm i,IG it was the intention of the Government a personal investigation. and am ee to send a deputation to Niagara Falls ments were completed ,ttsterday tongs: to greet Prince Henry or Prussia on move the patients to the as inn t the occasion of his ROM Highness' visit ttr.iiits , . to Camsda. . lion. Mr. Gibso , The Premier repliedvthat-he had given manhood tmth a. bill to amend the instructions of a notice to be put on.l iven its arJgilept,tt, act "I Monday's order paper for the drawings Eussion teco ruifing Without dia- up of an tuidres of welcome to his! Hon." Gibt, , Royal Hi hues. and the appointing Jil ioin t 'id, i: "1.1: one bill to amend the a. 'leu'li'll to present the some. I in f,".,', ttding-up net, by provid- The Pternief introduced a bill to; fl',r',',t,'f'l//,',,e,r',' for voluntary wind)ng-up, amend the act reveetir?g.fl" improve was "(tad ng other minor amendnienu, meat ol highways. With the consent ot A r tt b: tseeond time. . the House the bill was read a first and " gum T of WWW? bills were ad- second time and referred to the Muni- l e due: tl,,,",,".',',',' and,,the House "journ- eta Committee. The Premier explnin- . . o p.m. to that he desired to get the opinibn of the committee as to the advisability of extending goof road debenture issues to thirty instead of twenty yenrs, and showing County Councils to issue such debentures without submitting the same to the electors. . _ . Hon. Mr. Davis, replying to, Col. Matheson (South Lanark). said that a railway subsidy fund hhd been formed, under the provisions of 52 Vie., chapter M, and amounted to $39,539, and separ- . ate accounts were kept of the sales of lands within ten miles on each side of the Ontario & Rainy River, the Pun-y Sound Colonization and the Broekvtlie, Westport * Sault Ste. Marie Railways, as provided by the act.