. a , rer" wry ms in PT 'prTiibdhrd' measure would call for a great increase . Iii, the number of inspectors. and bulk! T,,it,ltgt thd ine-tl Per Il':,,',' out 1 6 reports. with much isuperiluoy detail.l 1'h',t 'fl'r."'ffi,u . I The present system. whereby inspector" Brown. a . ord, replying to Mr. visited factories when they so "ired,l " ( l3t_Elgin). said that a short- or on the request of trade bodies, was Ple, of 8255 In the accounts of John 1. referable to the present suggestion. bulimia, Petr, of Fisheries for El.. The majority of factory T,y,',r,i,eat,i,',?t1oivt', fed, 1:32;" "whiz; Tdurre; th o ma 'dl to the law and were anxious o be?!" ,t:".;l'tlte.t"eei,'i', d n . . Promie inted out that the de- , on. r. men. replying to Mr. pa'Ethrhent was, t,ol; informed " to the b',tg',,egrit (East Victoria). gave the fol- F details of the work of the inspectors. owing lee, "writing the nttendaneo 'innd an annual report, giving all the in- lg0hhe Guelph Dairy behool "-1895, 100; formation that could reasonably be ask- iG .' 169 ; 1897, 68 ; 1808, 110 i 1899, q ed for, was issued. As long " the in- ét 900, 83 3 1901, M, and at the pre- spection was made at reasonable inter-, sen erm, To. vsls that would serve the purpose. 1 Ballot! . a , Hon. Mr. Gibson also objected to any M C, ng Machine. stereotyped method of inspection and f r. . 'arnegie (But Victoria) moved re rts in regard to this question. l tf eopu* of eorrespondence between the {in Crawford (West Toronto) and Dr.; Government and t'T, others concerning no (East Toronto) su ported the bill.' 'the P"'. of patent allot boxes in the Rich. however, was declined lost on di-' Trrovineitu elections. These boxes, he an- vision. "inerf/,',,oed' had ibeeln tested with 'Ye" Many Quetstiot" Asked. il,eo,Cr",l,e,d',1",'d,' reireeirlieo'eiuth,if, the Hon. Mr. Davis, replying to Mr. ing to have them tried at the genial ' Powell (Ottawa), said that the Crown Glectmjs in one or two polling places in Timber Agent at Ottawa kept a registry East v ictoria. of the territory under "at"; licensed. The Premier assented to the motion. made collections on aeooun o oun , . . rent and timber dues, etc. The groan?" Col The Redistribution Bill. of his collections last car was $21 " ' . Matheson (South Lunar 3l2. Replying to U. Allen (North the Attorney-General if he "-33;ng Hastings). the Commissioner said that telegrams from the Council and Board the Government had refunded to munl- of rade of Rat Portage pritestingl cipnlities entitled to receive payment for against the redistribution bill, and timber out upon road allowances 8144 8... which, he understood, had been receiv- Refunds are now also made on timber ed during the day The Opposition had I other than pine. Replying to Mr. Mor- received vigorous protests from Fort, rison (West Hastings). Mr. Davis said William and Port Arthur. that 10.000 cords of pulpwood cut oni, The At..tarttty-G'etlerf1 suggested that Crown lands under permit were exported the question be put in the form of a last year by the North Shore Timber motion for Monday's order paper. 'co., which had a special license. The i The House adjourned at 5.50. . Government had no means of ascertain-| , ing bow much of the cut on private lands had been exported. . Replying to Mr. Thompson... (Centre Simcoe), Mr. Davis said that -4,000,000 feet, board measure, of timber had been given to the Chew brothers in lieupoil their claim upon certain islands in the: Georgian Bay, which it was desirable should be preserved, as for as possible. pin a state of nature. Manufactures in Prison. Hon. Mr. Stratton, replying to Mr. , Carscallen (Hamilton). detailed the 1 classes of goods made at the Central; l Prison, and gave their values, as follows, tor the years mentioned t--1807, $06,166; . 1898, $08,026 ; 1899, $92,615 ; 1900, $85,. 774 ; 1901. $95,936. The Government T had contracts with one firm for the I manufacture of brooms and goods of " that nature. and with another for the I manufacture of cordage. The cost pcr' diem of inmates in 1897 was 39.10 cents. and in 1901 46.47 cents. The cost of: clothing, coal and provisions was much: