Em" _ at "one..." a. cost of m "a "I 'ttrs I'grt,2'l",ft1, be "n 1 68 each separate section of ten miles was tl "I": tl the tus" Inf tion ( also given. The most expensive portion " Jett . game; thirdttgn-mile trons? he"; A Conway's Offer Rejected. or y ge g over e t o Hon. . . land betWeen the waters flowing tgoward ' ment Ldtid,",tf,o,r,f,/'dut,', 3,t,t , Mittawa {liver and ma Fipusi and formation before the House w fl tn- f those flowing toward the JJl','d"lli/d't He read from th t hi ffl' a surd. I which was estimated " $278,000. The resented Th It"? r w c had been _ lowest estimate was for ten miles near K',') Lisk. do no rom North Bay to, 1 i the end of the line, $14,000 r mile. be sh t e" was 110.eiiesEyeh would 3 2t I"??? 2 ttl; in glue 4'J. Carte declargd am t, rt,v,ifot,td'2 "2tl L on en, n u e e cost an the la . en * y of rails. ying 'lt,"ry'ge,i,,t,e,J2,1e, Bay at New .Litrl l i Mr, Stratton's Views. ties an?! nonfuvlizr Tret"l'drnflt,'1ti1 I Hon. Mr. Stratton, in a brief, vi orous 'than 1 per cent., tutd going north 1-25 l te,e,ih, said the Government hat? gone per cent., assumin that the Iotrdg 1 l ut the matter in a most business- would be 'cltl1,'o'll,'lli. This would ttNN l like way. The engineer had by instruc- a road equal to the Northern or the' I tron made a {reliminary survey of two Canada Atlantic, and at an aver cost" routes and t e Government hid taken There was room for a 1',T,Tfl'dfi',", Il the J"%tti','ili/', of adoptin one of where the line touehed Lalus Term: these. he bill clearly set gorth the gami. and a. sounding 200 feet' it p.lyt .to be adoptet1, ind there wug no from the shoreshowed a depth of twent ( stinking of responsibility. Hon. gentle- feet, which would enable the Provi y l, men well knew that if information was to partake in a large trade B t mee _ given as to stations, ",,ttt,tr points, Lake Temagami and Wabis Ba ti', wfeen : cette., attempts might be ma e by specula- est was green and vi in I y , or- i ltors to em arrass the construction of the Col. Matheson Mr 'dei, ld rep P. to. J line. All the necessary information Government iiilfiiiei"ci'i "pr sad the which hon. gentlemen con d desire in the! company to build as il e offer ot a I public interest had been laid on the table,| plus 10 or 15 r e 2l way at its cost. and if hon. gentlemen had not become had offered to bpeldcen . No company seized of it. then the fault was due to cept askin tl)', it for ' bonus, ex- their own lack of energy to read the Governmengt 'l IT',,', amount than the "IIT', 1'rdrel'i1t,,'t,'l' understfnd them. T x on my. s a ma r o ac on. ant emen had he Colonel Fea . tried to convince themselves that the C 1 M . rs a Def1eit. line would not be built, and now that ff . tsthetson and. tte road would they realized that its construction would ar, or interest and sinking fund $200,- be commenced almost immediately they l, {PM er. forty y etbrt5, head" the were perturbed. The people of Toronto PM" ility of ite tking run " 3 lotus. and t e public generally" were anxious to) "you? be onlv tr branch line. have the line and would have it. ' with atehtord--a don't know about Mr. Whitney's Charge. Col. Matheson repeated that it would Mr. Whitney said they all knew, of bbe a branch line, and would probably y course, how much higher than them- e run at a lotsa. The Government should selves the Provincial Secretary was, and " . I how much superior his ability and en- b?" considered way s and means better T at" were. (Opposition applause.) A , e (are running into such a large ex- . short time ago two distinguished gentie- pegmnuze. . men from Nova Scotia, visiting Ontario, e ill was then reported without . I had told him they understood there was "heght.ft ' ' . , to be a change of Premiers in Ontario. th on. r. 1eate)tfo.r1ubi.11. to pr.ovidt for ', I Mr. Whitner had answered: "Yes, as a removal of obstructions in rivers soon as we ave the general eleetionm" 'dh' streams was reported without am- , (ppposition applause and laughter.) "ft,',',%, , . . 'lhey answered. "That is not what we h g!" . Harcourts .hill to amend mean. The Provincial Secretary has been t e igh schools act was given its second down to the Maritime ProvineeB, and reading. he?1 t'Agf, that he is to be Premier, Answers of Witnesses. an e ecared so to us." (Renewed On the Ho 5 . . . . - laughter.) tee on td,,rriryrt'2gg',ipi,1ift,t'gJ,',ei Hon. Mr. 8tratton--rt is GMONWIY the. statute law Mr Gibson moved t 'false and untrue, and I defy the hon. strike out the clause. rovidin that no gentleman to name those gentlemen. person should be excuged frog answer: Ar. Whitney did not do 80. but, con- ing any question upon the ound that tmuing. said that four (1in afterwards the angwer to tmeh ',,'e'deg,'l ma, t d one of the most distinguished members to erimimste him Ill,', was stronyl enf of the Ontario Reform party had re- opinion that the. revision shouldgi't o marked that the Provincial Secretary tained at all hep mad 1,"; ire. had gearly ruined one tTfg,"J'/,e.f and bill ' e a. su nt ve woul ruin another. ( ughter.) Con- ii, Whitne . . . . . y concurred with this view g - teel.':,,':,,,?,,',,',: Whitney again reiterated and the clause was struck out.