The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 14 Mar 1902, p. 16

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. new. .' . Mmm.o--.- . . T , . . " p, , t t n"; ' receiving any Grat; the same; it up We same purpose, ind he was ten, at w ich I agreed th' _ 7":va was typewritten The consideration aQXIous to prevent anyone else 4ealitttt NIPPON], the Government '. .. at.' I was to have been paid that day, but he with Smyth but himself. He told me was getting no considerati iiiilfor "it was not ready. I then went down one day that he telephoned to a per- Same. only. the ordinary p Meg" 9f, . th it . a Government supporter. ter this town and at about I 30 pm Frank son in e Ct y to Wire someone to put . th '." . . . s th hi d b I did 'k they were to,give me back: ,6 one I Sullivan and I were to go to a pro- my on ttr guar , ut l not now . . i (y e Fr in . , . . wh h h d d d kn signed m the lawyer's off -. rank minent lawyer's office, which we did. o e p one to, an o not ow Sullivan was with m h the lc. . . _ e w crib ctter, This lawyer. when I arrived there, had whether Smyth was.telegrap.hed or not, was given in fact he held the k ter the letter that I was to sign. and I Possibly someone m the city mic-v for a day. 'r took it home wi? h ineJ'ind i signed it in his presence. He then qollect the phone message, as I believe we decided at Gore Bay to nd'mke. some l said he would keep it, but Frank said he phoned to some prominent Soy-, alterations in the letter to see if we (there was some stock question to be servative In the City, and he .said he could get a letter from thtpnl about settled before he would part with the had refused to trtve. them his name the same, SO I altered the l etter and letter. The lawyer said he knew no- and they were surprised. About the made it read different to WA?" they thing oi that and had nothing to do last week of September I wrote Smyth had. i . with that. but he would give us his a short tyote.,a.tkituit..itt.t to come down T " . I b . word that ir we would leave the letter to our Agricultural Fair at Gore Bay wo Plots that Failed. , 3"."1 him. ly would hold It Ir) his pos- g',,,t,e, 2.n.d of October, so We could put I mailed this letter. addressed to the session tint l we were satisfied, but im on his guard, but he did not come. P . . ' f d d d h remier, Hon. G. W. Ross, Frank re use. to o so. an took t ,e Mr. Whitney's Query. _ about Oct. 30 at Gore Bay. letter with um. I know the lawyer's but ot no answer and the . I Ab t tl h f s b - . g F ' , name. . ceiveiiua i1'/ieytl,'.ot eInland" I} If) did not return the other, but LOW . . . my ea er, . . have both. I wrote Hon. . R. Shah-I Three Thousand m It. Whitney, drawing my attention .to the ton a few days after tliisJasking for We then had an appointment with statement made by Captain S.ullivan in the loan of two thousand dollars and the Hon. J. R. Stratton for the next O.ttawa, that I had given a written pro- after the session, but his secretary, Mr. iorenoon. We went up to his office misc to support the Government. I Myers, answered that Mr. Atvuttort was l M lwrote Sullivan, and he replied as fol- out of the cnty, andbon his rvturn the, ows _ letter would be laid eiore him, but we " WILFUL ' it/it "Toronto, Sept. 27, .1902. got no. math" answer: I "Sci" T9'I W, are / " iRI. "Dear Bob,--d am just in receipt of romp, m ecem 'er twice, saw 3min] 'A . yours of the 25th inst., and I muSt say €339,211 and Frank,. but did not see , ' i that I am as much surprised as you are. After I returned to Toronto. after EM, 1,. I ' ,2, I never made such a statement, and. l l in m fri nds . tl P tl 1 ' 2" I I M further I will forfeit $000 if ou can te Pl) g y len b in Te er 1 WV f/y, , rr . . . 78;. t ' . O h , y election. I saw the Sullivans, and they ji) . n' ', " . 4t' ge a m'ln.m ttawa tl. at he.ard me say said Stratton wanted to see me--- .1???" L. .1 F,,','?], , such a thing. I was interviewed by a he was getting afraid of me since 1 u v42, l " , 'fff, reporter, and all I said, and more, had gone up to Perth. I made an ap- /d " KN. Mgt q . 7 w. // is '." the interview. I will get a copy pointment to see him on Tuesday 'a of it and send it to you. I am writing morning. January 13th, at 9.3.0. When g, now before I see Frank, as I feel that I arrived there he was not in, and I , MAKES I \tvlant toflelt1y(1)(u Snow at once I did waited in the outer office. Vance was J no ting o t e in am accused of waiting there \lyers was there and 2 , . . . . . . , , Il,, WOEWL Wliten I see 2yt2, Willyhave him another clerk, name unknown to me, , " Ivr.1 e you more tl y. ours truly and the lady stenographer. They all " " WANT. (signed) J. Sullivan." saw me. I chatted with Vance until On the 29th of September I wrote Stratton was ready, and Vance asked That old copybook maxim finds its Hon. J. R. Stratton asking for the ap- me to let him go in first, which I did. most forceful application in the waste of pomtment of one Thomas Flesher as J. He remained about twenty minutes. vitality, which is called "burning the P. at Spanish Mills, and also about the When I was called, Stratton asked me candle at both ends." A woman is road grants question: (We did this to why I was in Perth, and I told him I often tempted beyond her strength by get some written evidence of the pat- had no agreement with him before the domestic or social demands. . Some (hi; ronage deal). voting in the House. He asked why I she awakens from this waste of stren t . l , "l l 1 '" I . . _ 1 f . h In M G w had a term the etter. gave an to the ,'ette.iu, wantso diti,,.2rhfde"." ' r. amey anted a Pass. evasive answer, and we discussed .nat- 'Tof.'l,e,ff,5e",'sfofi'l',fMl(,1','ar,a/ women, f lStratton replied on October 2nd asitc.rt generally. yfAi was dimmed there is no better tonic and nervine than 'f) lows .- . Yul." :haqec'ulht? I, '1 If t l'.ff , 0 ths, Dr. Piercc's Favorite Prescription. It "(Coniidcntial), gym}, ."m" '.)1Y l 15.lff 131216 a,s, restores the nippetite, quiets t e nerves ' ' :'I'oronto. Oct. P., 1902. good a chance again 0 "mm; .9 rm. and gives re reshing sleep. It cures wry dear Gamey,--1 have your let- before his name as be had ins. sum- local diseases peculiarly womanly which ter. of Sept. 29th relating to the ap- mer, when the "3311""? was discv.,sed. underminethe general health. Itmakes pointment of Mr. Fletcher, Customs He .M.ave me the parti'culai's of the weak women strong, sick women well. Collector on your Island, as a Justice fryslitioy dear. Also xilamtonhll af- "No doubt you havo forgotten me,but after oi,,t,h,t Peace. t -l fairs. I reported about .Little Current you read my letter you will remember me," I have transferred 'our,]cttcr totirt lock-up, and he called in Dr. Cham- 's,rt1ttie,ra1dkne''"),1o,,rt'itt,',re'i3r'i 1tAv,e.'r'etee' Hon. Mr. Gibson, Kttorncy-General, 1 1wrlaiu. and I was introduced to him; ir, "u 'i,",'.'):';.:'."',;,",:", ('oet,";",'l,7e' {3200? who has charge of the administration [and discussed the lock-up with him. I clinfge. t1v,1gi-pAr,.Ii1i,ttoiy,r,t,,fitarc,t,etid of )lISthfC, and have asked him to ap-i I also discussed other appointments; cou . not wa We! t of rel'??! m my. o- prove o WNW recommendation. "md I I left the citv that night, after telling e'Ti','i/,o/fd/'/'atdsi,t,,/,'a"tT/iseateTt'c,'rt,gstt 333. .will see him o.u my return to the city l--------------------------=--:----=--------:i tor here, but did not get any better until I went "I a few days Ill regard to it. [w __..__.__.._.____.... w - i throughacourseofyour medicine. Itook eight "When the estimates are being IHt- ' bottles each of 'Favorite Prescription' ind . _ . " I. __.J - p . i i 'Golden Medical Discnvery,'and ten bottles of pared for .th.e tom!"% 53.5""? I will i . . the'Pleasaut Fella"! Itell you the medicine ask the Minister of ublic W orks to madeacure of mcr" speak to. Mr. Boyd. in the direction in- l Weak and sick women are invited to dicated in your letter. i ' Consult Dr. Pierce, I? letter,.free. All "I do not know that it would bei correspondenceishel asstrictlvprivate. possible for members to obtain rail-E no " tt Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. .wuy passes just now. It has not been, _ d 1 Dr. Pieree's Pellets cure l/iliousness. icustoiiiai'y in issue passes to the niem- [ N": Patent. Top Can. Compare qnzintityan I , Hm" hf n new Pr,rlintow.nt till the ouezi- qusiity with others. tloccodont 15 economy. a I I -______,___,..-,.-.-----r_gA-I-IiggIIgt-t-t-ig-

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