The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 14 Mar 1902, p. 3

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, .. ti,'leytritr, ' we, th time. it will trv w _ 1 82 In" __ _ issue of those who advocate "mag? ttli) 'let. 'ttt "at the rue. Liberal principles." (Prolonged (iv t . _ gen emsn tom Ministerial . lsuse) , es Toronto (Mr. Crtrwford), but his PP . {amendment was clearly for the purpose I Col. Matheson'. View. lat dkllilmg the bill. Did Mr. Crawford I Col. Matheson (South Lanark) was 111'h is 't'lti1'hpte'/et1f, 3v": hi: Jti against the referendum in any shape, Province on th y ti f X,")'.,'),',. , . manner or form, as being against the 1hev knew ISI" 2'l/1 pron) it"; constitution, and for that reason he 'hon iri d A 'Ct ac y w ere " . mould vote for the amendment. He Gi" 'J',.,',"),',',,,) "s, fge,"1l, "ae on quoted from John Bright in support of mentqwas . darthas e overu- his contentions, and, continuing, held full r 'i'll'iel.1r,'r" ' ey accepted the that the Government should take the ""1115:ng a"? of ht: lpontion. responsibility of adopting the measure for th pp ause.) ey paced be- and standing by their act. The pro- L); embebipgolple ailcoglemc'; me.Yu.rt' posed present action of the Government 'i,'llJ.'d the ohacais one I,", tile" ft would serve as a precedent, and a bad lreferendunf so Aon', o 'l',','ll' i1? ha one, to the Dominion Government, which I, n 't it ' f , peep e a . t e 'might evade responsibility in the same pp 1 on .Y 0 expressing their opitnon 'wa and shift it to the people on the subject. It that opinion was tav- Y . orable the bill would become law and The True Signifleanee. the Government would assume the re,- . "pnnsibility of seeing that the law was Hon. Mr. Gibson said that Mr. Craw. I ' . , Aord's proposal meant that if the bill _1'lg.ie2'tu/aintitid 'tttrl lb: 'was going to become law it would be '(Col gMath ' h d d anar iwithout reference to the people. Those t t . _ seen) a ma 0 a comparison [who voted for it would be assuming the 53:]. '38:}; tstue,','ttritili,,httstg1,ig by 'tsports/tbility of placing it upon the sta- Dominion House t th 82h l as et' tte', 'ltut'e book without giving the people u P it and the agtltode (strut): , an opportunity of pronouncing upon it. Government on thi tll".'",,), e n ar , Hon. gentlemen might afterwards try son he co sid d" I . t Cd'/.'"l,'),') to place a different construction upon In th f n ere ' Te, no a 31.01"" their action, but that would be the true b i e ctr-mar ct!" ° que"lon.wtu.s a "ijliiiiiitA; attaching to the action cf us 1.5"', srs'"llt" on pure ami simple; l those who voted for the amendment J, t " case t .6 question had to be con- l and he wished it to be clearly under. sidered in a light that! .tut ot a i stood. He desired also to call attention cold-blooded business proposition. "16 to the fact that not only had the Gov- Government. were qullje tsatigtied that Iernment given the matter most careful they warp right in giving the p.eo.plon consideration, but were also adopting vopportunity to express an opinion on the well-considered recommendation of It', question, tutd that theiy Poti.tior? the former. leader of the Opposition, who f.'", . correct one. It was quite evident [ after the Provincial plebiscite on the 1thst his hon. friend from South Toronto , liquor question had stated that. no leg- and other members o.f.the Opposition islation of that kind should become law were not in favor of giving the people a , without being again submitted to the chance of expressing heir opinion on the lpeople. nieasurg. (Renewed Manisterisl sp- 1 .. . ause. Mr. Fov Would Kill the Bill. P . Mr. Foy (South Toronto) was sure. 1inteaf't,t,",g/at 'irrtue, hte that if the referendum clauses were but ot for th of'k , meal. struck out the members of the (goverlp- bill .11 . purpose illing 3 ment would not themselves vote or t e . b jemainder of the bill. The effect of "03121:; ohf;ollrtlttf,thtial"t; 3161;. Eearrying ou't the amendment, for which purpose , ' , e r I he himself would vote, would be to do '; . 3;:an with the whole bill and they would If like peg,,',", I do not 1't'l "$03: t: l have; nothing more. to do with it. lie re: n r ' 'lh"lfur'l",'d or. o t Ida was personally against both portions i"lrd'r'"lh'l"',,',',"r' t km gghngbll'l) of the bill, and if he could not kill it 1 or . purpo" o g dt . l altogether and at once he was quite will- Mr. Whitney" Interest. _ ing that it should be killed lll twu pan, Mr. Whitnei said he had been much I eels. He Wondered what the honest interested in t e remarks of.the Minis- and individual opinions of the members ters, and more particularly in those of of the Government were, and whether the Provincial Secretaryand the Attor- they would vote yea or nay on the bill. nerGenernl, whom public opin- _ M S , ion understood to be the men r. tmttons Itepiy. 'who had fought to the greatest extent . Hon. Mr. Stratton said it was evl- ig! their power against the action of the dent that the hon. gentleman (Mr Government. Yet to-day the? were per- I Fay) was opposed to prohibition in any; forming the Japanese act o hara- iri, T I: manner, shape or form, o posed to the falling on their swords, and, so to speak, l , bill and opposed to the Jt'h",'fiUf. he "0PP' ttinttfuieide: Fs as ---- -I_--gI-------..-.-.....,

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