The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 12 Mar 1903, p. 10

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" 1 , " 'cle: t- ---. Y .ii8 1 . " iitrc,ud"t'leirert " . " PI CT F ' 'A81 ', " P, estre tha J , res ablish 1 .u--ri A--r _ . -- _ C4 - p be taken, ind t the evn- ,is 'rtlitstt1e) 1f they can, than M. A"; . ,,m'RB, " ' ll be inv that the 1 . eo and prdposed b . l, remme "r*~-"*-- ___ i "'. l, W. 1 " by a trigshgatcd and re- 1501110011, and by the 'rseef,atrT this re- (Dublicnt rtrm txme'tb" tirkFe7iiarir, d. RI T.r, = away aboVEnSLliatm' )l'above1 ;?2;'cf3'€nddt11c Premier. It [ec,'),, "d that ii'j'ya1egsictNoorw I am rl,iiiiig,r,i,t' " P, '4" r tribun I . tca partir ' ' an It was . or tha g . w " Bra F a that u. l I hon fri . not argued b the be fi . t they r . " #11 , "alot' si . . accustbmed! . riend, that thi . y my . ne tof political View": V 113:1 " ii7, 1 . imilar matt . l method fi . , " not the be neither e . patrona e Th . m, Cl echo . . ers In th CY investm st .expefit It g . e 2 t3 _ LTg '" Pctmo e fe gat10n. He n d rule . ' nor do th ll "c.,', 11..., _ d to tri ns day b d Ience to one hi ta e re- , enloy It B ey as a 'ac 1 . ials of y ay, did . hing and an 1 . matt ' . . ut ther ' ' MII' Jud . every nat l not dis .. . ot ter, and .ers which e are ma 1. fi 1 gmcnt will b "We tl cuss the relativ . . politi are not the . ny UN d b . e res ecte " two trib {menu ot ical patron . . subject 0 ' l 2"?" 1 'ret/tttery",",'); of mi? Pro? .ch.arges, couldtgigsliiblm whi.c)t. these Emma" as ,jeytssibghotihtie,e Gm; .4 . _ _. ilaAllspt,cu"s'er.y)' whatever they ialapplause.) It 'w y go. (Minister- 'ers have interests . ppos1t1on mem- , ' i u . " 1 the hon. Ido not choose the question for Has not germane to nterests being to din comm')", those Li . , l . T , ' hich he ad-o gentkman in the to deal with a " 1e 'hon, gentleman. 'Ile; the Circumstano the right thing .1 I . , ' l ., and her pted m making in-I the subject of 11cm deal that formed he.hoty member mccs as cases arise. ; I 3 ' " ' "1.. l'r'eiaenr1n'c7r,et and there rather? have Supposed H125 sr.trec.h.. I would gunlcations with deay have had com- ' l t 'ent. I do "gtnlambers oi 'iiii and the length of :_W1th his experietoce, f,'.ioJ,ei,nr,'lt',nutl' I thiglirtmems of this . 'i'lit14 , moment's "2:13:81: 10 take l, imd the Jlf,t,,"i2t,.,tt/1)l; he has occupicd [ailmis 11011111 be 2gir'is'i'i"'t' hai) own s' . . . ttl mrl' . 1e would ' t '. . 5111011 he . . er o tl . . o nd th t itl msmuatmn tha " tng . ( "Inc re L' Sits 111 1e Oppos t e "unmade . . t the hon a ter of tl '., . eirained whil , to file an . di lion endeavo . Own ttt m his rema k . cen- . . IIS kind was . je a mat- be , m lament a . ring g . them has _ r 5 that m investigated ah' sub judice, to .r of the Gove gainst a mem- u, ' {3-0:th the sta1,1,iesrn:,itarbdeeJf 11/r1ieCs,y, ' milking silty. :ZiEECSCpnrth upon. frog: LE??? take f2g.rnihe/ltt because such ' , . est witl h a t o the p1vb-1 Slon, ce to the . . n is extrem 1' . sort of ar ll- purity, pf ' I t e same -e . .1 comms- ot tl Cy puerllea d g , _ , method , . record ot; 1e hon. a , n unwortl . 1 con .. . and F .', Show . gentlema . . . 1y " / in ttt as it had 1/,1./me'lSi1,t,'i'j,ti',, of; ed Questionable T plause.) n. CMinisterialart- _ " 1%",, before "WU; Llnainiitered" He showed . aste, House M , . . diplause.) _ 11ne. 'Ciiiliisr-i '5'"Pling to C'Lglc'sinimame taste in at N ust Adjourn. . Slice ' l ,overnme 'ICI. members - ow we ar l I 'i', and Jeers. EViC'VS iT/ae/ea',:), .111 YC-argtiingf 3'11: ISmut for a P2383111 otfhatth the adjourn- ' t . . . . r In th 1 V masculati ree W k . liiee 0 not care fo F 1]1\Cred here _ e statement d 1 . mg the L . ee s tS _ " bo lon r his M2eers I appla1 _ yesterday I . . e- tinctmng egislature of l 1. . . _ F . tse.) I . y. (Minist . _ of the Le . the " satufied 'ls')," my mm Cons .and 1 Sor think I . . b erial to and f . . gislature ll . ' 1 . ", 1,1 _ SC » S OCCu " . see his r d _ air-minded . cave it 1 ipproval . Ct long as 1 clence; py1ng l1is . . p C cces- Hous membe . 1 . ot the biic V . have th 15cclca,1 :'POSmon I ' . '6 whether F - r of this 1with. refer , pu '.10, Ill this P . e ' P ' '6" oi politic 1 l think I ot these we should not di I have en}; 1.) the m" _ _TU\'mce 1 .'arliaryentt t' _-. P parties in otl c " 1 qrave charge b 1spose adrninist duller lil whicl ttons b "ccupy1ng si . 1er .6611 with th . S efore we ro 'Pol'thnt ft l ered the Wm, ' 1"" s, ut I do no e, similar posi- llama" '1 e ordinary duti g - . mam," - cwhat im-ie)'en th t connect tl . 1 . IN hat les of ar- over which "'. oi the de _ tendenc ..- mm with endeavo . would be the t 1 P fied I 'preside I partment , of partisanshi y IU such exhibi . 1 . , ."m; to disch . sense of . . and perfecti i . shall be satis has . h _ 111) as the l . Ulthns eg1slat1ve iu r . arge our ordina F, 'rw 'regardless i t ly ohlivious - 3115- "ri given to the H "."1.. gentleman qmr F 1yct1o11s when s +, 1. _ry '. 1 ' -" pericctly Whe ouse th ' y was n uc . an 1n- my hon L .the. when and . e ' n the hon IS aiterno kno F I progress , " . ' 1 . _ _ . ggcmlm 1 CyOil. . ws that thi , -srw-r. Ever o _ plauseO miriend. (Mini jefrs ot. his most Jud . 1an should b . isiac . IS could no b y ne i . " isterial h icial fram . e m . ctorily; . t e done - - N . I e sin :, e of m , . . ;.eve.r. on . , sat I in'vxotl'e'd with reference t p. he siitgtydisd,,iiit,a'tr calmncgd' "111m {1:111:11}?er "Sc"yang (1:33:35 "mu both r I sonable ' What is the na o the matter Premier ha sf? ay toleration l " ten a 11' be retarded if w eliberations . _ a thing t tural, the re . s, m any ref ' AS the 11ng, and w d e attempted su ill . might to be " 0 do? TI l, " ., C to the seri Creme he 1 so. e o not pro _ C I posed. "in; plrcparcd_ 0111:1182; so?" ICUSSiou. he 'airecrc1tosuida,.tet,ed under (11115 Referen pose to do i . . member . :' ess" as to Ii . e is- 1e fanci _ . l the revers I h- iri cos were m d - 5 Slt t . _ " tich sid es himself . se course; lend to C) h . [a e by n 1 charge . IP11], m th e hon, on a oli out m tl , a t er Invest a . 1y hon. I n mu h: C case of . i? itcal platf n.e country remarkabl . F 1gat1o11s a1 1 . ...l . the " gn: tn be dis grave one r1 1 orm. abu .. n e thin tl ' It It Itil , ' onable . y lspoged yrht and 1 f _5ng ever _ 0t find th g. lat when l j _ ence g ' . the talr 1 , to rl14 there w, _ e t, and t y f 1 e authorit 1e can-i the . - . 11mg tt IS such a thi QUICK tl O lows he 1 y that h char ' L nn t?tit1ST . 1 refer- per o . _ llllg a; . . . "It d v hunts . e usuall tNE D 1 . gatuan . . y' a tum . '."". R Hiding 7065 no up author y , , ' mean to sa I)" the hon. Of these judicial trea e tor itylicial utter l tem- that b, 11151131131 follow a h'; that hel every if y that We should gentleman _ tment ot a gre ance. or l way ot argume , n he adopts: . ,eJeeegttttfrr1t"vr',e,i tone 3&6; an" "We Communication Wi h at question. The Long Ago nt. l iGiitfiFii) w.eek, perha L e. other, -. tt Gove . 1 1 . T 1. a.) , . aps, wl . Now F rnmen . Atom r" eotritnission {Q go1ng cm b,:11]c this ther . "-C have been al t 3110 a t forty years-well building t'k".1 riirsthtrr nirtmm ttld', the l has been some déuscd because niv I]: th.a',e years , not so long 1 n , a. Ills' evi ..-. t" I, ot the art oi S spositio ' - n. Mien .ago at , l l 03(1); and Siaxxélilvt; my me ioce- to cge1,uoniicsact'1e"e,vft'f, the departnchg £3161 colt innd p1Tit.J'srflit'iri, wholtisat; 1 m 17 lgmq municati , I ' lor re a ' ,e ,0m 1 ics--0a h _ T' after the lw _ "". each, , . 6 Ions iron - Celye com- monii, at ug ter - r i I Vere',',',':',':,?, (Ministe'r'igf "in, the i ')j,g,ittrovulsie: "gun"; by" member 1:". 22:10? the :,1,1,iyiis",iittttet1,1ede,o'), meeting in 1 this Pro . t') say that 1 piause.) n ry shortly ii', ms out in tl bd , meeting m h ln.1s, an india Vlllca will tne people _ 11313" b . a ter the el . ac , Mr. Whi y on. friend IS- ernment in 1 l bear out 1 ot ' ut I do . ylect1Ons to k . .oityey-r-Nc ' _ calls It . t , ' the c, back , not think 0 man m h J', the h . -take ; th tne "ulna tl ' Jm'vl very Ion . I had b IS l"'0k c l . on. gum . at the -, t Ry D701", 'COmm ' g when It _ een Hon M . a Is 1t th e-. 1 1 will also le pecple of this , sf to .nonlcv accepted seemed to b fri i" . r. Gibson-W at. I don't 1 . from that inves . . y, 'r'1'i'/(ili,lyrr, tor Ma . . that the ho e len? quoted l , ell, mv 1 . ', . politic: 1 srt.1qi1t1o11, 1 " anitoulin " n. mem- mee V that as C . , Tu. lial applausg; surroundings. J/'/is'/eu'r'.' _ Assn-11811 f3110wc1- was»? no means Human?" 18:? the 1/giieai,ol'l1yf,'e1a,1'r",1, l . _ TL . t . an esir . . Ion. . ieved ever 1 Free from Political T . KEN"; 311361"? #2:: It st.,',?),,,?,','"',,',-, gig:- clear. (31ini§§)c,;alha"e 111213;: L " aint. ' anitoulin was _ -' member . rcsr1hpioru . applause. I , :et the Judges Sit, the Governn s as likely to from and he (Mr'. N r .were 'ass )'; f eminent to," Let the c, . the , Tent as he w support that as Whitne .1 f ed,, forward the~ (Kilt 'ot engaged "gil;tt' tt/lsetiid,lt"' gentlemen 11151550 support He "qég it?" argument onxyhis gustesé _ of the ques ' "mm" .1" -- PM " . recollecti . . e , I ha his y F "Thine e ali I stton I 1 " both sid havin b 1Ot1 of his ye a 5 time n . one-hundred ri summoned Li. .ct the witness _ cs cl . g een reported expressm ' Pr 1- P9051115; CV F . ths of _ . . , -v 1 " _ to ns Cnner ot . . erythin 1 1 1 I tton take li 'Lt' the whole i 1iyi1]yi l 81m to have heard - me (I do n advo this Provin g that the _ . 1 from h place m .auat 1 1west1ga- Ion. gentlema iii them fro, ot h oates-(Minist . ce suggests I 1 . ttte tam f _ V V mosrphere . not 1 n 1imself b n the t en he t . erial lau h orl 1 free fro' ' fl political . . Ice tad the 1 ' ecausef . akes wh . g ter)-- d 1 V m the he '1, partrsauf ; until . pleasure of k N have ship, ado . at Stilts hi ran ( necessarily "Ru aimosN IT? very recent] nowmg hi - do pts It, and 1 s pa'rtisan-l . prevails .' . ' Here whicl made . y). as 1 . tttt mn the P . 1e want m t ,- . b withh -- ,1 1 1 , "Se of d . 1avm . . . renner . S to co - 'e,',,. :Cézim'ythml iortv 1,r,iesvei,: KID- 111151), were "12113115 11113 own 1',ute,t,'. (Ministerial appl'ius'?) the Witt of "is l an wu- ." so'sthe ea er 1a n . l . .i 1 . JUti. feyrelr hent. n (THEN: worked being 11?: :11; QFPOsitioC': "532130" {In The Proper Procedur , . m..' . S i., . ' ' A ' , t e. . . The dd le evidence (Ch" erial ap- Government l . r. Speaker at Chere hav , l ence will l be tak w ' "mg s _ . ' and th tl ave been _ a 1 hy thauG I be brou em as very n ttstained e lose earl . g1 eat ch _ 1 V Overnmc 1. ght out n th 1 tttch surpri ' no on th l days. w anges sin ' i The hon nt prtvecuti y ot e 1011. met b ised to le e e tenden r e all k Ce _ 'd 1 1 1 . , , F ' ng gt if feel li 11 er for M . '.artt that w . 'CS of m d . now th 1 , that, but E'mhm'm knew se . . e c'1sp0s d ' anitoul . ard trib 0 ern t . at , ' ' e chrse ' Dettcr th . It i se to pur 1 In mr h . unals of lmes IS - A . , acrosshh tbce lO draw [au It ependent _ sue a th g t In connecti . a reason to 1 I l,' " e scent as 1 aherrim me b : course. B orou hl of tton with h . able natu m Cowman .' ts R 5" oit 11 g m er IS el . emu" an g y charges f . t e Inves . . re ' -" with disc 1 . en doesl the G . ected Ill 0 . y on goe o this ki . 'btlgatw ' q nature. He k 11titl.5s'Ot1f, t . P ,cn eminent ppositio . " on the r . 1nd, and cms ' ' do not], new that the C I "I this communic . , there is n to be more J? acme m thi as "me-l 1 T . ropose to me" ""Cmmcn l cation. no bar C . uniform IIS respect . i non orthese 1 _ control the . _ t1 Mr. Gam of ommitte 1 . and, as 1 A will 1 _ . . ftp v A Proseci1-i ey-Let ti cs on P . ,' have . I the hon. ge C 1argct1. He k . 1 gentleman me tell 10115 n rivilege said 1 ntleman . __ new tlrct "'d . that wh - the h . ' ow practi tS and E , ' " tc,l1i'My, and I who 1uakes ln\1sll1 durin h at he sa on. en entuall F b tically ob ICC- ' . . , s- 1 J"'"" tl ngteca . .YSth l eco ,bsole . 1 (nan irho advi "WOW. his 1.0111139 and. positively 131mpalgn Is 2113501at I and be discon me absolutely ts' will . , l fectly free to so??? hiya.. would be p241. Mr. [1,1ith1l7,,'L..'.'l/"i may years since th tinned. I think-S916": 1, and their Own. . ffl their "WH Coll T, hon. gentlema . 1 Ican say is th lesres and El e. Committee n 1t is; ference to thesis?" counsel "41111:? and genera"); 'u/li' been very \a'tdtli'e ever been "1:310:15 of this HO; Privi-1 . be faire _ Cnarges. WI .. ' - . igned. "1 Cy tee on e than a . use has; F' one 'to 92:21:21; ghat, I would 13:92:11? Rights of Membe our filniat?:r- By1tw.e don'lncre commipg 1 , F Mr. 1iii?lt'iri.i.d--yo ly- . Even so im .rs' "a?on of 11:11:} .We do Lnt.otsi'),1r,?viraht,ri,, r ohridr2i,t,'/fJirddu could not before {meal 'ei",))',',),"",')')," a man in hi ','v',T/,',',", 'rrAgsrll'e'f this (IUeLHnglily 13311 1 'r, h . Ion. n pro li . . IS po- "1 e t e ore , .-- o two 1 1 . , P" gentleman C Ivitttt aken, a whom " ' q .. 1);?" Court Advocacy 111711? who made :53" 'll;i/ieed,,asotlre. 1,'vee'"ili,t of their 22%,}? will 'll/i' ide'ai' tr Ir. - , 1 , would tIC . mark o . r. o not r on t . e 1 t f l preamp; 'ttfl'; i1sv; Ir.?, .discyy)rsr, the 11am 810 me c0'%t']]t'1111lcl< gt an Juggling: The Hons aEYOgate our /u1t1,ecte.gindse.nce, I . 1 .1 t , Court ' ocac 'lqpemcs oi URN.) Cr Ct the Cove a 1Ott with a . e to . e ree to Act s. 1 9.. I dentin" 'ei u y V oich the hon _ n and I am ratl rnment--O mem- That re . . r.', ' en , . . n- . ler au . port . fi') 3119"" (1gtu'hlyrde0,'1snot;, ""138 11133; a3?" "111113153131smegma--o :05}: Just "$111;ng before this "i, 1 - ow . , o O . , «a can, le 3% rtat,tgiht,i,id"g,t 'ell"', of mzazo°urm°therwise"s'Tam?" ')sri,t/i1figreesp1rntdo2ehc'i 6221,31? way 1»; It mtercs ' , etl, and ry mu . e usi- ma d lecti 1 ee 0 Ir".' dcz_ of thos t and eonii. . ._. any memb st be tr y cal with . ions wo 1 n 1 1 Bt _ e who justified . 1 er of hi ansact- lates: 1 it a .ou)d. W , P. ta ttt " any propose to In comm . this H . , we ar S the w d e 1 ' l 2es, and members unicati Ouse . Vle e not obli " om d - t t " pro 0: . . of In - IS WS o 1 e IC ad Jade" the . y selves t, do ta . ether l 'r, . e control are not . to communicat ke n uponth Ott Te will have tl led by their fi Emig- ""~~-e-...w . e-- . em- wi . 1e " n m 1 1 yrith the Gov- We" Sybmxt with tt)'iitriegc,te, which as,; 's.-. ' . -r-e- tbink the e" findin ey. era-H- y are wrong w gs, and if ' _ . ' e may dis-

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