The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 12 Mar 1903, p. 11

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. . 0113 Win 2 "HrTF'E?.' ' .- NF'eh'm" M' 1l..fcrE.c,P, 'B% h] -"513 (arrive. But, Mr, that report will wig? . W s so : "T on. ~_.: 1Srd "re-. ' o Ptg,ttt'tt'gi", . Mr.. to the House as a direct contrast to . Eon. Ir. mt-r-tttttr thereby"?! 10; 'lat nll Jf, $1'1l'trl tttWt' tor. the _ the report which would come from. the to be tet-tttttq, . "mu" havmg'l = . and,'thltlre"r"8 handled bu N the Cohtmitt . . not a mental reservation, but withL th to er to certain. . l. ee on Privileges and Elem- an expressed stipulation that al- mthitta Which had taken pitutet in South tions. It will come as a measure of though accepted. the other version afford, and 'etgli the Attorney-General deliberation by two men thoroughly in- wt" the P" thing. (Mirtitstetritrl plaice '"'tuf.'d"lf, ggtlon .had not taken dependent of all id . .c applause an laughter). Now, I . . Rt.ut.t" had traid he WM . canal crations tti ex- remember the occasion when I dealt with not a very good Conservative, but he i,'g,ih'r"g,;, thoroughly independent oi ill ie' l.- -..-.n.-.. ._g ' _'._.-_.-1.... A' t' Frm asserted that he W" fully in accord With unwort y considerations, and it will be, itiirl-imtot fglt, 'it2,"i,htWr"US Mil; ge mailing gimme 'it,u'hr, vtative party, . . . , - . e r I trtyt,.t.heir. combined View as to what, Sidered as to whether some reasonable op- he saw best on any meaguiefo h"l,tU'l J, tile legitimate result of the investip-; portunity, some reasonable excuse. could been branded as a liar because of cer- f. tion should be. (Ministerial applause.) l t', ttaken advantage of to give to the pug- tain statements he had .made. He had It will, therefore, have the sanction' mid itif2go,,Te,ffer't", the foteut,tyiattotllle. trint,tg"irfSidt (in different ways. It hich th fi di f . i i ' D . was no e y een n ma e to him by three men _ w e n ing_o no committee rve at a natural occasion for takiniz who came to him before the protest wag would have. It will be to this Hansel that course. and as it had then been entered that he could'make a big thing _ ' that which the finding of no artisani practically determined by the Govern. out of it. It he would support the Lib- majorit could b p ment that there should be a eommisaion-- eral candidate. He had not encouraged , I y . e expefte.d to be, and! because that determination had been ar- them. Had it only been one man he F was. surprised not a little, when the rived at before Mr. Hardy left offtee-- would not have thought so much of it ' , Premier's proposition was made to- in view of that fact. it was considered by But there were at least three, and there. day that there should h b him. and considered by his eoIleattueth were indefinite insinuations in other ways. . . , . . . . ave een any the better course to allow that to come After the protest was entered he had . l Question in accepting it. I really ex-; out as one of the res gestae m connec- _ been told he would be dismantled and' 7 l Pegedhthat my hon. friend would have ',' tion with the investigation. tfgt'Y Itln ii"; in _a disclaimer and run c. j ' bat t at h . . _ , . a ll. .9 a not entertained such su - , a nature at: 1os'eg,e,,',R1stl,vee,r,,es ti such Not that Sort of Fighter. gmuimi's . for a moment. He had "a _ his d . d cues to Now, I am going to admit th t - .uspcon as to their motive. and knew, .," ,' th goo Ill' gment and approval; that 'haps in some respects I have got Ibeard :ih itt tahe/i'i','Q.e'""intc" would be if he did i . e wou . . ! . ' t lo a ling. t 0 trial _ cuszion dhlivc been met without dis- lgluon to complain of in reference to my the most depraved wretches lie $13,369:!" , an t at this matter would have i on. friend. At the same time. I am not Been teBtifled against him. Many of the been allowed to go to the tribunal free 1'a'lt It. 'tle titrhtintr members ot this lhad received money for giving (Name from the noise and the acrimonious 1p,1'",t/,lg.u'I'r"r'; and applttuae)--ln a cer- against him. One had received t'25, and an ' discussion which th h d l? sense. I do not take part in the! account of 840 against him was cancel- h . . . . e pn. gentleman Ie ates unless it is incumbent upon me; ' led. Another had received $15. Another as initiated m connection with it, and would infinitely prefer to listen to my stated that he expected to receive 810i) would have been treated with that ser- ',1,fetetitv"i,irt1c,11i', ,",fg'ug'i,U"t; and we Ravel while innit?" witness had served iiiG', lollsness . . . . . . - .8 iron. one: too. ( lin. years n naston. i grave a and impartiality with which so. isteriai applause.) I am quite free to i It being c, o'clock Mr. Sutherland moved .m.atte.r is entitled to be treat- admit that, so far as the amenities. the the adjournment of the debate. and the' ed. (Ministerial applause.) Personal relations. are. concerned those House adjourned. 3 existing between the hon. iiiGiGii'an' and A Manly Stand. myself. over since he has been a member Sullivan Has Resigned. i I am , isf this House. have been eminently sat- - . l _ Governmgetoi the three members of the v1.61330ry- and I would fain that such Another development of the day was _ n ' suppose. P0 whom the non. u continue. Hut when any hon. gen- the fact that Frank J C Ili r . % gentleman has made rcterence. I believe ttOman, Nth" in tho country or in the G: :l ' ..'ou nan. whom I'i'd'fd'ft t,fsva/.'te//' incidentally in the 2rt oharyten me with disgracinz my- t timey, 911189}! as being the 'gO-bew .the 's"t2't%Gt",1li,r anger). but 1 think if tion of /i',",n'dt,',1,?tn, with the 'tdministra- ween in all the, transactions with Mr. from beginning to 'ln'li admin? 111:: in" "we r',',,',,,',')';,,",,'?,?"),",',','.',).:?"),'? tlhfepii that i Stratton,had resigned from his position ,. ea ' u'-' n Frianeo _ . . . r t't'Jri's'Qt"1anxhni who would say that i's'"fdt",'it,1c).. (Ministerial applause.) It aSICiqulnnztl'ic Public Wo.rks Depart- or any reason tong that I had the right i) no rain. it is not fair: it is the re- n.umt. "U. Ivan was appointed a ses- itsterialapp1ause.) 1u"setmt1,1s"f,: (Mini r13?" g','ntfJi/p/Fvtore1i'rt,,if,',')"h2 for trome sional writer a year ago and after- u . 1.. mpartta . Hit o a use another. t v. . .i, . ' . 2idttu2it','d""t Pember who is afraid of ('g",in,tov charges against him. to find his "isms. min"; to the increased work in House if he does: "gt committed on this 'gd? lit-fore ho is tried. and than to ttnd t} I ublic IN orks Department, he was tice through tiienocoiri'iiil'ili'ster that Jus- (',1'", (reforms n few gentle knocks bark g.1ve11 a temporary clerkship. His re- Sentieman who. of 1',1i'Itetra.o'uh/i' big"; _ a ministered. (Ministerial applause.) Sigiiatioii was handed in "'Cdnesday 'l"l'gt%io/dy/l/1Th"e1)llti; Condemns mp. Immediate Action Necessary. night. and he merely called at the de- . gauu)_und that Eel-lie] 11,pt'hotp/',1u'2'i ll /d,.,etrc.etl,, lhat is aside from the main partment yesterday morning. "egg: s'stni,uaa/'lpt,U'f, brought. (Re- (I 1?f'1iorri.,,p1o.,e'i" or"'ht,ethte/t"dp.e'ihtyir' mat- The Examiner's Reference " . . use. the mostl th .. . . r: e sooner . 22335.23 J','iet',"', of the Bench of this massed: this House .. taken and this ..Petf,rborp', March 12.---(S oeci n i'itl'ltl'i'iit',',"%t/' iii: goat-11$?" that I, in' ter the 1',"i/tty) t,uhtt,r",'//egad {the te: Thc. Examiner Hon J it Sltrzltiioir s slices under . . been» . ( e- . . . ' ', . . . S which my name has been mentioned lni other! Ministerial applause.) It is ornin- .3499. has the icrllerrvinq editorial r - this statement n b " ently tmdosfrablw . . e l "name I ' "m lameworthy and con. 1 a Prelim! , that there should be, as Crr111g ' to the Gamey affair :--"Yes- 'the st,esfut,to"g,,.uult'im"rg,t'ied, to uni-opt j',d'.'C//'//ir1ari'rr, lc"M'gr:'ttt,ta"t"m any tRe.1"1ev m the Ontario logi~laturc Mr b . ' . preparer to _ k . . Ber; t at there . ' ". , ' "'w " . . . '33:}:ng Q/ion'di2frg1,"tlli, moreover, the :liglllaq. ti tth/i, 'ii),nt,t/,'t1g,"ig,1 of debates "i,,,5ut,. all??? die member tor Mani- ' , ft grave and im- - o a cs on the addr t ' ' '." l a v, atemeut or r; l t portant duties which thulso R _ trom tho throne Jtshi ess i'Cl'i . . ,"'. at icr " .discharge in connection "ii.'i ppolntod will. pnign "s. . . ' b Ing out the old cam- l" U ol statements, which were _f . _ - th this matter.; I .'V'truFlont4 from eithe i most tt . h' . . Crt a come to the conclusion tl t . view, and lndul i r no nt of l _ 5xtrarrrrllnary character a d friend or any of m 1a my hon w"... :lmr'IF in what is the re- .sliuwrrl tre, , ,, , ' _ . n . y hon. friends wi. "'1 of 'W'mlmg to the m l , b ' 'irm,gtlt, to which C01 a . are my colleagues have be ,I lsioriai applutvae.t ' C or uslon. (Min- ative, will " l, ..i . . In" the grave 'li'M.irG"v'v';1 h 'htfll guilty o this mitir'ri . . ll hat.we want 1tt that . . hi) hi n.(.:r in In',ure politi- ferred to have been c i ate been re. th" C',',', sbull be disposed or that cal "l'llnilcni' lion, Mr (1b . . . Ity of conduct . tu'port of the lid , H r . . . ' rl em and which cannot be 1tr%'i,5 ' i'mvr-l . . l Rtsig shall he re- Irtl. 5lr. ystrattrnt '1 . _ . ilty of ill ll, ll. that tho House " ' ss Irt:ic' Names are crimes and misdeinean l tru g ' fo (ion! with i ' shall be pr/spared Until bv Ily f Ft.-. ' I . ' they may be termed I'?' or whatever I F . t in whatever manner its .1} '.. _ . C' ' nun.) HI (.riiliicclimi with _ . hey come to Amman may re ul , lie (lililgm lr, l., ab 're I . "he" conelutrl . '. nor: ' n , m1tt'o, and that the bust. ' . , ' til it MI...r.v and , - . 1their"as,"figjdlxaihvana'ifiuoioboo to Ct Egg"? 3:1(lllllgl'y shall be prosecuted in mely deny the,ihiess' oi [mum 'cept the res " "". "bu" ac- u l _ . I' I et'omintr manner. (Loud Within an far . _ , n . .. tt a" "re shall gi't"1',tg'1h.,illtg. More than that ttt Prolonged Ministerial applaugr) thiue _'" l H" " minim"; thene gen- er duty to "n" Sadei'eto do. It will be er. SUtherl d' -. ',., . ll Tl I inc iuruicl' 5 allegation: of so. before a fair and my: t'dpi'yJ,"?, to l an tt Statement. llillllnp'l isnrl ('I'i'illl'l anions. In view and submit our case there. r a """1na1/ei)l; r1dy"l11,c',",.uethtyt,1a1t South Oxford in tin. ""l'iji'iux ('llnrm'icr o.t the charge: , ' in. more t ' iii ' Hllilt', ull t "W "t. --- , t.e "' Mr. Whitney Corrected (i, ".1'Y')), wals sure /1vee),(iitj,i,ijii,r/itiCif,is iil,luv: in: ri)c:1,"i'1,,j'y1t',t,.t int"! like . . tt wary oyul cltlze . A an l . "rt 8 t. L,", t",t' (omen: Ct mm Mr. 0 such: ' '" . _ ll must re ret Hon. M s. A 'l,_cs, , , l. disciisssigftatiir'tiierg'eiifftoihr'ii; tl 'TA/f, l! in It, [ s1T11dtey togetiméhiéix: ()l,'(l,ri1'/"',',','t Infilluil' 'j) Elmtll Simon", thr has sprung up i"vt"iiaTi, even b . n reg'"'liill)lo 'ilili g l (me ot the moat u .-....1.~ .. f" l int lilo mast ed t . _ I',' , een treat- ina ll. '. ' Ks. It' had heard of - CCttik ling hwv.ttiurscauiict, r- t the oii'riues? Inigo]. :10 references to which 'l,e,'m"//1l,l"1t"; either in Ontario. indilie my.dt. (lf, in the :l'lilil'lixi' I'. ill., be ment heard from .tip,ettothttmle,tvd.'yt."i,"et.-. Tho Dublin \x'oillduiliit lBHUShi country. C.:v.niev's siateidv., 'if'1',l1ii'j.i) Mr. sion. and the hon Kentlema . . Ft - anythirw loss tin " sat Slieil with "us'olc . that l , I' _ 'H c. _ . y pro- hear." II . n sass hear, "sum", . ,. l? {he most searchin in- t . tne inning,- will take the 1'ito,1.hg1ege, 't J'la'i'ieff/if't't'lfft' adjourn ("he 'ft,'g, fallould not be reatizy to form of a thrill commissio f s the i this i: not the first time the "t/,'n.""g,ntthd.t. It: W"? just 1)?.,itdatthtahte ("went time. lol, Court Judges No .803)? thong}!- man as done me an Injustice in ref i - o a smiliir naturei i . , let' matte" position li . r' A p- to this, and I wish iiGi" to . err Pl House--torwositi , Y.l Kilt come up in lhel- ll? limiting and Opposition I have done so before . l Icoriect him. event It tho 11 in "pplautrer--and in that Journals will make much of the G . I have never said it mill: do so now. might "gain hob-Te now adjourned they Incident. but the Nic .: amp) this House. it airi'n"ivii. Ja/IT,'," said in report of the ."H l" adjourn after the to be f . .il pu IC, with a desire referen _ . l y me with Thoy " FPmmlssiun Was eulimi . air, "ll do well to sus ', gifgtgittetoretgat1Q"u""g'sttpl,tg in"; Ilililli';lligfl'":é§:fil:f1('VPI'ylhing (tht'ggé judgment pending the /il,1.estt1gistti'i?,iei1d, the ballots of West . iii in n o the "mum of tho. p'til'ilg. and carry on to the changes and allegations f l my predecessor desired fol ' 1:13;: No we". sntlstivd T,")'.'..:'," until the Peo- Games, which scent to be hi ll) Mr. 'e _ - l' . n . ' 'as . l , - t,,eL/t'eel'1"iro amid was persuaded or {Sin}; slipinimn would t'e,r"t'/,)'e'i/y,'t,d all? Cred, and to bear evidence Oilfield, U1.l l leagues. "may"! digwmysoahé" Pin. col- more i',"r1"r1c'rdtlys', sutlstied, whether result of a carefullv-concocted lagr ti]: I help thinking that my ho." dd fa,,',",,",,',' much LTs:aiis :Nrc true or not, hefore those interested idr art Iylll y l have known it was thatl . veil must: appluush) fi . as done. i,?'4'tissterial discrediti l " pt y P.Tposes m ter i'Giiiiiie'i.a"iioii nat I'. gave the mat-, solves litq to I? should satisfy "WWI _ 1 mil tie Government." able opportunif c lgwhether a reason- Sl'l'smllilnl r whether there was a good 'd.L"=h".ht..e=,t..=e..,..i..e.,'r..dh'h= in: the 'i'ill'lWe,f(le, t ti tukratt of malt- hrtrve "If... 2"/,'/,,',!ht,iayp for those charges he ultimately came 'l',' tho that tact. but hotly t///'l'c'a'i1ui)e'//l,t,t,r1 the question to any it should be deferred 'tfire/ei"",',', that "us: the [allg'glrlnod They should dis- l "tiyNt'i,tt'i'i',,vtf.! before the u,t,e,i.,"s't,tnt." i swim-(y standpoint. {111(1): (Tommillvh "10m a l , r. tmW-There .w. . I '0w o tho ' F 191mm of ' this House who has leg: J,1uT't1l"'Jog'.t. l lic. We imaging, (also: o'wed to the pub- plain than the distinguished gentlema ioy Womb. an intolli' we were a super- who has Just spoken. Now I an an" moral poople but "gen" progressive and at Once. Mr. Speaker. I accept "will 3 In the lliillsé for airlines had been made i 'tit',',',,",',',','),',"", statement. I say t'hlltoni Ind fi . Haul years past. l ave as was this: that the ' . - e mte . . [ 23:11:21 held let in the House, #33me "I have l J,,',':',,')':,',,?": I en one until now, I _ ' . It "We t b q deeessor in the Premiership all}? waif: if position with all; placed in a Sim" i I 'gi't"rientr'itlt' desired to have the facts 'vu/tee/Inc',' said Mr fstntth"e'g'tg, "h",', ' a e est Elgin ballots .' _ . 10 munn . . . " n neared made public. I have U'/tdtrd'tsht, '/g, abused by ceretlaiiln J/ee, he is be- present Attorney-General says he di . r ttin people of this , if,"?",',,?,' and not. I . id until these t" ' country Bay that take his statement. and I say that or f hartrea are prov the reason I repeated it was that he said w altse we should not en to be true _ It so that I could not understand it in t'ffi.,','l"e/,', be very Chary L""ge,,g,', him; my other way. .r.lhra retrrnrks about him. $31,353:); _-_" -._...__,,-,.,.,-i1

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