' ,.u, '. g _ _ . , " " - q overtime 'iiririkfiéto'pioceedit [,, hates, 0or an- com ", s o w c were crow: r is . " rely have been diately with that ionsveeC'igl'artCi,eC..ltl'l o; beiore. ' as fast as is consistent with the i, The matter of debate was the procedure to be followed in making the t',t.'(i,hl,ti'it 'tee, ted V"hf-h, such iinvestigation that everyone recognized as inevitable and oecessary.. The \mairiiht.~ _ "tet.r"trt . ' iPremicr proposed that the whole question should be removed from te. l" Royal Communion. political arena and referred to a commission consisting of "two oi the Ghief We are proceeding by) royal . Justices oi the Supreme Court of Judicature." This term includes the Chief mission. 1 mentioned yesterday th 'iJustice hi Ontario, the heads of the three divisions of the High CPU" of was a matter iti1'dtli,,tttdeerU'el! 'Justice, 'ttsr/tit/ity/tl'?; Mose, the Chancellor Sir John Boyd, Lhief J.ut' 1ite/era1domtel"tioiii,' or a special c i ilireriitre't'e'idi'ii"i"4'f, or%Chiei Justice Falconbridge. The commission might iii-Etta Either. of these two, met , l., , these-. .. . u " - w" " , i _ . In the course of les. We: tt wit _d','ttrii'aa,ar,acsawvrii,s ktttr: 1og,),4.it'e"',IC'r" is advancing. It is seized of the responsibility as I to his words 1nd ortt.iidrivt' "ttite'- J'iGiGttaat public business should iOt the subject before the Ho the Premiehr'de'clared thatthe' Governmept dishosed. of for the convenience ' 'proposed to govern the count as honorable men, with characters unim- methbers., and the convenience oi penched, or not at all. As his speech will show, he made it thoroughly un- country. We do not want to del derstood that if the Government were proven guilty of the charges made by Moreover, we lin? that me exam, . . . . tion by a commission of Judges of tl Mr. Gamey, they did not wish any longer to remain in otic.e. He asked that High Court will be more satisfactor " the House adjourn for three weeks to enable the commission to perform its to the parties concerned. The Con duties. mittee of Privileges and Elections i _ Mr. Whitney Wants a Committee. ' necessarily a committee composed . Mr. Whitney, in his reply, took immediate issue with the Premier as to arnaJority of supporter? ol the. Gover ', 3 . ' . . l, , l t a reference to a commission ment, and any special committee tht lilie method of investigation. lie declared tha f . . " would be given would be sirailarl , lot Judges, rather than to a committee oi the House, was 'loading the.dic.e, composed. The investigation, 7 I and announced his intention of forcing a division along that line. Continuing course, would be open. The commit lhis speech. he expressed this belief that not Mr. Strattoii alone, but the l tee have the power to swear witnesse . i l'remier. the Attorney-General and the Commissioner of Public Works must send for persons, papers, and so fort 'i, make answer to the allegations contained in Mr. Gamey's charges. 1 They have large powers, but not large . Mr. Latchiord, in a few spirited words, rerydiated Mr. Whitnfy's furthe: l iii':',:),:,',',,.,?:,':',)"")'),":?)',,",":,?, i:tatemeut that he, Mr. Latchford, knew Mr. Gamey was being influenced Itheir finding might be, if they excu to support the Government. pated the. Provincial Secretary it woul a At very great length Mr. Whitney argued in favor of a reference to the be said to be a partisan tinding. Tho . llouse Committee of Privileges and Elections. who are Proge to believe any chars 'v', . . . a ainst the overnment would disb . No Slarig-whanging Investigation. k hive the finding oi the commissio Attorney-General Gibson, who followed for the Government, f once too and instead of us settling what is a Mr. Whitney to task for his assertion that the appointment 0t two of the best a disagreeable matter, the evi- Chici Justices of Ontario to try the issues raised in Mr. Gamey's statement dence taken before the committee an would constitute a loading of the dice. He defended the judiciary warmly, and the report of the committee would be referred derisively to Mr. Whitney's own speech as evidence that if the inquiry still under that newspaper ct.ti.cisy were conducted by a House committee, while the Legislature remained in ses- and that partisan criticism whi.chP, . . . . . my humble opinion, does not make tor. ~iou from day to day, the proceedings would consist of the taking of evi- the public interest. deuce by the committee in the morning, and slang-whanging in the House It- . . l Judges Above Suspicion. ti ~clf during the afternoon. . . . . . . Mr. Sutherland's Indefinite Charge. .yappi.ly. for "S m th.is fou.n.trr judi- '3 ' . cial decisions are received with a great _ The speaker, when 6 o'clock, the hour of adjournment, was reached, was deal oi confidence, whether those de- , Mr. Donald Sutherland, Conservative member for South Oxford, who in the cisions affect civil or criminal inatteis. - course of his remarks declared that he, too, had been approached with the. Even where political interests are - _ object of securing his support for the Government. He did not go into de. v.olved, seldom is it said that an el - i mils. however, as to the transaction, and made no specific statements. tlon. court ("59th a partisan char" .. I l The debate hl Lil be continued at 3 o'clock this afternoon. The programme t.er m .this I'.ros11ce. I have confidence . _ . . . in asking this House to approve Ol the " [ of the Opposition is not definitely known, but it IS understood the debate will appointment, first, because of the high I he a prolonged one. . character of our High Court Jud. s. q THE PREMIER'S PROPOSAL. in fact of all our Judges ; secondly, e- 3;. Premier Ross, immediately after the} bers of the Government, some con- cause of the confidence tl1ich the ' o- it orders oi the dav had been reached, cern. ple have "l.'"? conclusion the? a.y l rose and made his statement as iol- I stated to the House yesterday af- come to; thirdly, because I hell? it ' linvs:-----Mr. Speaker. before proceed- ternoon that my esteemed colleague, ". the most expe.ditious. way at t- , h]: with the orders oi the dav I de- the Provincial Secretary, denied these ting at the questions .involy(; Sh " at} to address the House brieiiy for charges in toto, particularly with re- fourthly, betause I believe that Ir ,'v a icw moments with regard to the ference to that portion of them which conclusion will command the c Ifi, ii, "mm brought before us yesterday was of a serious and corrupt character. dlenlce ("the country, 110 matter at iid Hutu-noon by the hon. member tori I have reason to believe that the s,tate-i their decision may be. .' i Manitoulin. The charges made by thei ment of my colleague is true. I have. Some Instances Cited. I w thou. member were oi a very serious. unbounded confidence in hishonor, inI I think that position is coucl 'e, , character. Quite unexpected, as yout his integrity and in his yelity--to hisil think it is unanswcrable. It has e- -." Can well understand; charges that im-' oath of office, to the serious reSpOnSl-ivailed in other places. Commi " Fi pressed both sides of the House some-! bility which he has assumed as a mem- have. been appointed elsewhc . d ti what seriously. and charges which I her of the Government and as an 'ad-|their findings have been fag l th "'7 have given us, very naturally. as mem- viser of the Crown. In the long time great satisfaction. For in " . l d On A & - "' At 77 _.'