The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 12 Mar 1903, p. 5

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". . I "are '. III I up = 1g,'.'|' ll J. , _ , J, 'fl Xr, a _ ".' if" H _ [l Cd , I " == . I \ _ C 1 ' (Continued From Page s.) all know how careful "the Attorney- .' ' i All I ' . iL I e T---T'-.TTT'rri,T General has been with the offenders in , .'.'. I - o statement made to this honorable this Province. that none escape. We ' g ', use by Mr. Robert R. Gamey, all. know perfectly well thatrthe ma- ' . ember for the electoral district of chinery of the administration of jus- _ tWt, . j." fep.e V anitoulin, on Wednesday, the nth tree has been kept in a state of repair, _ bt, "$4 '. " tsf. March inst., and all matters .an.d no matter how high the crime or biR, . {I d things. w.hich, in the judgment of misdemeanor during the last three F fl . s; 'fs' 'lu"'lhuenl, messengers: 'll, tyieoanrsinrpunesU'eanst esa',epdd'sreo.i"c11- 'i9 r 'se] . s O . use. - be directed to two commissioners, Not Pair t M S pp iM, l )3: .ho shall be two of the Chief Jus: . . o r. trattom ml . . MI " as ces of the Sign," Court of Judi- I said it was not I; the plural Mlliil EEK" ature, er the. resident of the High should be used when the hon. gentle- - ll ' Purt Ot Justice and one of the Jus- man speaks; he should say "we," , ' i w "ll" H. ces of the Supreme Court of Judi- filth" than "the Provincial Secretary." I l ature, and the isaid.sommie,i1n, shall T.he Provincial Secretary has peculiar l enter upon the said. commissioners ideas. I know. with regard to myself, , l the powers contained or given in ayd I am going to allow him to con- " l a P' _ MO . -r by, chapter r.9 of the Revised tinue to hold them; but I want to say m . (rtt1tety?f, Ontario, being an act in-, and I say it with all possible . ituled '.'An aft. respecting inquiries fairness, that it is not fair to the Pro- T . oncerning public matters," or in or vincial Secretary to say that he is ac- T . .3, any act amending the same. - fused by my hon. friend from Mani- I ' lhe Powers conferred ou m yesterday, He is only one of , . . those who are accused. (Opposition The . The resolution sets forth the stand- applause.) _...-" men g'.of'thc comnnssmncrs two Chief . Nul,.although the statement given The E'l'ld usttccs of the Shpreme Court of Judi- m. halting tones by the Premier last T yeary-eftt Mure, or the C.hanfellor' and one of night-not exactly as he remembers it similar-l 3 ne éustices of the Supreme Court of to-day., but I am not accusing him of I th "30% l e rovince ;.also the statutes show- intentional misrepresentation - th I p W ~d ' it; the limitations oi their powers. I statement given by the Premi b e i e o my say that this commission is un- ing a denial by my hon freignails T, 2jfl,"lt'll. er almost the ve ' - . . " . , olution moved battens: has. s',,',r,etnpce1tions,eTvtearryo" only coyers a 0mm id1884, when the Government from its the charges nudged; 33830310222250; Plangs l c PTOPOSC( to inv . , f . . . . . er . : lyheis made to corrupt ihtdiifliErstiii dial "),'nandt/ali/t-itthhii', Stamina!" m "ie- r instance. h.e . ousc. and the terms of the com- tary is theaonl) the Provincial Secre- rho .15510n, which are already being con- from tl T y one we have heard idered d _ . F -..; Te reasury benches. Th A - . . an practically, drafted, will be torney-General tl Mi . e .t . . imilar to the terms in that order. I Works and t}, 'rt mister of Public lyt'h'il ope t.he House will approve of this plicated l " rtnyer are all im- house. t c?Ol_ution._so that we can proceed with of the am charged m the statement for over thi In." investigation without delay. (Loud plause )me/{nber for Manitoulin. (Ap- Knabe ape, linistcrial applause.) is iiironi nd the Provincial Secretary Artistid | r. Whitney's s eech 'tiemPtcd ty one that stood up and at- the old 1.tolt, _.. p . th h o say a word of denial of perfect Into When Mr. 'W'liitney rose to reply he see c,1'e,he, made against him. Let us Mignop. I vas greeted with loud applause by his] 53$ G ether tt " true or not, what I usual sized 2,i,',v?,riter,fas,', and also by a demonstraFI J' F . hiust, no ion oi land-clap 31in v from the al ' Mr l r1 8 is '9" his the Speakcrl 1't'/fl'a"u1ic E; 1:11?- . Latchford's Prompt Denial. '2iltl,dt"n'i2 rig :--l hope the people who are per- Idtake the report of yesterday's pro- Canada, mtted to come here as spectators to- cee ings of The Globe newspaper d The he av il - . _ I will say this b , an eleganee--ra y m observe the rules of thcltht P3, eiore I touch upon . louse. li this is not done we will' a: that from the reference to tl areadeligh 1ave to ask all of 'on t '.., IMinister of Public Works th It We have - t:' . g o retire. be no ossi . r' ere can instrument w Mr Whitn . p ble denial fh . . . ey said ..--Mr. fhocaker,---i'that Mr G o ps knowledge recently-trein/ it seems, tur, that the position is thatlto su . amey was being influenced Gorhud Hal he accused parties are to 'l - _ l [ 1PVt. the Government becaus ribunal They can go beforteuilhc tne I Ely hon. friend wrote a Giir.' in which _ . . ie 'eo- e . ' ole at Ontario and say we-it is min I Aflfklfxledged thereceipt oi---- cl '1 I shall show-we who have been ac: tGi/i, i,aet,cnh/hic1)y the hon, gen- used of these high crimes and misde- UGiiiiti'iiify" he?" "31 deny that most ieanors are not willing that any tri- Mr. i'ffrt'/e'jf-rfr' 'dl now? AAraMA0' t M imathau try us. for these allegations ment, and ii he will "{1th In," state- i I- crime and. misdemeanor except a through he will understand"ml I get . . rrbunal appointed by ourselves. And a.ble to deny it reasonagl] It Oand be was going on. Wh.ile it was quite pos- t is a fitting climax, sir, to the conduct tion applause.) I say thzi't. J, ppOSi- sible tor the Premier to have been ut- n the Government oi this country for ber for Manitoulin read a J/ nlem- terly and entirely ignorant of all this he past few years by the hon cntl [lthe hon. gentleman ack 1 er trom up to a certain ponit, yet the knowl- 1en who sit up/m the trgasurc i",e,r1ici1/ri:/,1, for an a',",?;','.),',',',?)',),',',",-'),') edge that sometime 'fils going on, no enches, and are brought down tt tl y road grants ", that is whatpll ion for matter what it was, without any details osition to-day, that 'in their Oginiloaii I an that far when he, and It??? givenawasl stefiacjeote, to put him here l, e.' . _ - r. Latch - " _ . . IS guar anc to a ow him to ut lege/i' 'g"c',t,itettyhai1t'rthtegl "(hm /illt cleared "PL 'Tia-thet uiid htamd tthhiis, his foot down on a11v proposition that ' _ _ 1e ice e oad- h . ers 00 t e was hein madd. T s . d, _ . on. qentlemat _ r . . g C. . hereiore I ry 'ttecg,ptsh1tbtehenot,r,i,lc':1aM1yostehn, to not deny that1 {01:5 1:23}:th "ge ball' .with all pcssible confidence, 1 ma e y t em- Mr. Game . . ' ge at e ieving that all reasonabl :liics' i,(,Agi,latirei)t And. sir, they sit Mr. 's1'v1/riiytnwey'.-tllr"yr id,tenced. me." who listen to m: "if; heirlsefo: tne safety which has been Mr. Latchford--I 'dyen"y'elat believe., that the people accused by my oitch years. hey forget that the Mr. Whitney-lt is the t1.' d . l.oon. friend yesterday, and who will find vb: eiogoes too often to the well. I will proceed with the ex 231:6 "In? it necessary to_nyalce their defence be- mylc vritithtahvaeti,t)tt', patience of anylm-Y charge. Here we hat-icpthle "ll', of fore dhc bar oi the pe_ople. oi. Ontario. if?) " 2 true in them the eIementiiil'."ssPner acknowledging an a 191m inclu c not only the Provincial Secre- . t at seli-rtspect which is necesS, _ltion from a strai ht C ' .app ica- tery, but three other members of the ill be.unwillirur, to further tooth?" her for a grant Sf a onser.vapvenyml- Government of Ontario. (Opposition isconduct. They produce this 03:. the Government to 1',,Ti'cri,r1t,te1/1lte', from applause.) And therefore I suv that age upon propriety which no men ex- posed, and the hon. gentlemgnltals op- the idea tleat.,tlyrti.e gentlemen should ept men who are unworthy of suil m acknowledgment. that slieaks' cite}, t1omr.n.a.te their Judges is such an idea rguments would not only dar tc1 as , pretty large order ("Lau5 h0 It that if It were myt a very serious mat- '",aelicre' but be willing to acceptc Jo", {his proves that the gengletiiilah ter would provoke laughter.. . . ' . new _ eir trial. So much for that pomt. expect ihgi'ihewliign $331161) "fay"; to The Caron Case. "t . . . er , _ i, . . State Prosecution. [CE'Uhn was. not thought of as ;:l:31al;ht I True it is that in the Caron case at It is to be also, we are told a Stat yi"1snecrJva.t1he,i (Applause.) Because we :Ottawa. after long and protracted dis- rosecution . . '. - e a know, and nobod kn " apllte, in which several oi a f . -, . A State prosecution for- th . . y ows " betterl pomts of differ .ootli '. Isn't it a oiod hi an the Commissioner. that lar; , ience came up, a roral commission was - ._ . g. o. t mg, perhaps, grants for the . . _ qer l issued N . l _ . . {unisomc points of v1ew that we are given t G se appropriations are I . . . ow, I _fio not care w.hat PS wing in an advanced 'sta e f l are no overnment supporters tliaiil'a'd about the Caron commission; I r . " " . ' t ffi, Omtle tiongncn to members of the Opposio do not care whether it is right or 1 __ , r ~ u- . --' "a. ' ' :._...:.:'._ awi .13.. __- _ ' le r,

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