The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 13 Mar 1903, p. 2

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Kas, , " F new. . - we ' . . .. . y, " e " [3 Tiihd ii7eTiiFeT, : -" _ NAM} V ., " "" ssittlerfitilf .ow" M IMIP. " " on!" r'WSlrilraNlrllillEt-'i'tii id; the' t ey had not adhered t7ifdheft'yfipress- 'ad been spent in' tltisy. .1 F, q, a. i e I " .' h' h h 1GireTii"i'i' state- t" ed opinions. One of that; but. 6en"l, " epic of South Oxford may: 9t 1PP!'trPn "it I" 4,, .thrdeclara- i"tletnen (Mr. Whitney) had referred tot TIU, ' tam, wanted to know where 1iis9ttdMy merits, and a ter eat; . done in at- the report which had 1spptaretrin Thel s . came from. (Applause) en'wanted ttonir ?rto what 2rl is; he hoped i Globe in regard to his' unfortunate rc-| ir,rN, Ito enter-public life without being tempting to. disqualify I .' . F . ' d . onnection with w- i . ' _ l d lory of Ontario. marks of yester ay in c l MI hounded and branded as he had been. lor the tottor an tr k t have a the "loading of dice," and had foynd,' ' :1:aN ' An old Liberal or forty vears' stand- that steps would be ta e.n .0 . V in utting ' l , ' . . T . . ' . h . t ation fault with that newspaper " p I! "cm mg and to him afterwards :--"I\ly' most thoroug "News . . . . . Itich! __ ' t . ' h ferred to R' In its own way, the manner in w IC I "s ' f,isd. what " this cotintry coming to Dr. Reaume t en re ' i ll l .ords were used I tind. Mr.:' " l " when such things can take place P" He number of Liberal organizers. am l you; ..5f. ' continued that The Toronto ' l il ' hoped that m'new oi these tags ham _ythers who .had assntec in inbr- Vettlypietic Em oire in two different', ,. " gentlemen opposite would line up 0 ions compai'ns. yt1ent"y?1ng, t e Mai an 1.31 ference to the same) Ja1 what was said by the Premier, that names oi Smith, \anlcle. Prefston and plactes mates re . . "3'3 they would govern the countrv as hon, O'Gorman. He wont not orget to mat er. - . . T . . ' "iii " arable men or they would not govern mention thedatter. had), Mr. 1.Vhitn.epr.-1 am not[ it]? 11ith,')l,'iy -; l r", " it at all. If they did live up to their been complaints about him lil his own iOl making 1Tt'fl1'"?: but! l o ml) 1"i,r, _ (', I professions their rcsixnatir,ms 1rouhlbe riding, There were lots of others. He (pose that the hon. i',yi!,1',f' s if":CI " the hands of the Lisirr? did not wish to give the whole list. be- allowed. my distinct am poi _ 1 Q 11Ot" Ir:xtVrrs, "1""? him": lie. ici; it his cause it was a very lengthy one. Some denial at tht, statement 1t,r,ih11talti, l duty in his 1c:1:t, Iv' bung theat of them were in the employ ot. the line by Th,e (:lobe. to gethup alt: in: , g makers. 'yro;tr'.:t Home. and llama , Government. and had taken part in the tempt to iorce upon me t e ac um. "", J . f a searching itwestt4attot1 won e, general election and bye-elections. .\l-l edgment that I did make the s","",",', , made. Large ot, money had been I though they had not been able to bring ment which I have already minted. l _ _ I spent freely and improperly to secure l to the door of the present Government :wish him to. understand that I will not flevideni'e. lie had reason (.'hl',1i,e,),,e l the prunis, nevertheless the Govern-tsubmit to it unless the rules compel " L _that an effort wry1ld be mam Il 103'} mom had profited by the nianipula- me to do So. . r.. . . ' , gentlcmett.opr'oNtr; to is!" up martini-ii tiouc. rr:drt-luirttinRs. switchimrs. and Mr. Ptttyp.iecc--nle matter lri in _ i ,h. . . charges (ll a similar lléilllrciu ll 2ly; tl,clikc. ()ne oi there tltett was cxihrd your handc. tHC, as the presiding It',- - 7 were so he. had no that" tllf.1 "'".11'll, {ruin thic western hemisphere to the l! litters. '_ . l , soon bear ol lt. tClppotsittott I 1 British islt's, llt' was not kept alive Ilr. Ross-- [he hon. gentleman IS at a P, FINN?) I on bread and water. but was fed on liberty l" 5113' what. fhe Mail has rc- , , Dr. Reaume Cites precedents. l the fat of the land. Dr. Reamne then _ ported in that particular case.. , - " . ill _ ' N .. F. sew .uiter a! spoke oi" the "celebrated Pritchard," Mr. lly.ttyp/et-"l1e, statement , , 'd Dr. .keaunie 1').l1111, l,' m" 'C/i/lc/ whosy critlcmft'. as they all knew, way; made. by_ (he Mail and Empire----- , - q , tomyliptent,ary rcteretlce ," f,l,'f, ll ; F. that ho Wil, engaged to bribe the hon- Ylr. ll hitttey.rtl repeat that he pro- . ' ' made by thc secondcr ".1 tly: 'dt l Ts?i, s ' gg. "re f mes to read The Mail and Empire tn . l _ 'kl d .,-e.l.((tl .'. (p q " ,7 from the throne tMr. 1111 '.a}'t.]."i . :eonvict me of making a misstatement . ' reference to his (the "i',1rr'iackt"'lfi,) ELL" '1 The Speakership. _ in" the Roor of the House. I tell him ' il ' - in a: er act 2118 s H . . . . . ' ." ' i - ty to speak V ?lpl lid mt intend "l.iitcniny, intently to the remarks of e tt Wai, a_.falsehty,td. . i i. t he would like. say , .',',ll, the hon gt'iitlt'mnn from South oar-l Mr. Gibson-The hon. gentleman is _ _ . to take ttp the t".u.e ol the llou,e in! iord ri/ Rcaimic Ji,niiilratri'ii learii~ certainly right in the reference which . , E any l.ength. He wislyyl t".say tit-attic; ina .llic-cxlcnt to which he was at). he has delivered. How does the hon. ' © ' (Wagon 1.tntlcr tenn-S'dcmmn "A? "mll prisachcd. l I'i-el somewhat jealous. member (Mr. Whitney) know hte H ' , to his mind, oi 1it"r/1y'1re,r.,c,,e,, in" (f 'ppositrm laughter.) l want to 5;", going to contradict his correction? ' " y grave consequences. lhe C writes t a that he wa., not the onlv Uppositioii Mr. Whitney-Because he says what " had been made and the resolution "l, F ' .,. 1 w; voin,il 1 . .- t I tind---. '. ' e I' . icr to adiourn ior three; n)(.llll)t. ll IO h" I l ere; . accep - ' ,. . . the hon. "m". l f "hi 'li "mi, able enough to be admitted into the Mr. fiibsoT-rTlt correction was a " F' i, weeks lad arousm in dual?" i hum-l ttther ranks. He was not the only hon. correction of headlines YI flee (dobe 7 , ments..? patr1ot.tsm 'l"I OTC. if} .lmtl member to whom was extended the report, with the admissipn following "" ' try. We. question h {iii-olf'f' liiiiit hand oi welcome, and who was asked 1 that t.he. report was perftftly correct. . court ot J.ustl.e tyy ("ff c UL" ' y, to enroll hiiiiseli under that banner of If this is the case. and tt my hoo. , , or lack fl 'ttrt, 'f. """Fk' "1' "v,c)iJ1, purity. (Opposition laughter and ap~ 1 friend Pi simply going to read the re- , i ul V (used. . ll Cro tilO.' tit "f °'1""'.1'hfi plause.) I am free to declare, notwith- :port of the speech----- K) ". w, l Iimila.r "we" if alty '1""l "umjl _ r, standing the declarations of the hon. i Mr. 1l1oitner-Hle is Tint. _ T,. = _ similar. " he premium .1_li'tF"'."_j the.l'rciioier, that I myself was in a l Mr. Gibson-Who says he is tint? .1}. , were hardly any in the lili'itizi F'mbl" , position to retusc overtures. I do not i He says he is going to refer to a rc- I . , " that could be cahcd "I'm Ir..'., . ljlr'tin.' say mum"): 'l was told that T was aiport of another newspaper. probably I . . stance. there IV'"' tlu Irrt' .'11,?,T ms:- pretty grind iclluw. a man that might [in precisely the same words as The Mi e . , 1 that .oc.cyrrryl W the [?epa.rtylet1t, I'" be (""WIINP- ""1 to NW tttt J. o. atul (Globe. report. which he (Mr. Whitney) ' ca ' rr 3 .. Public "inks in the /,,lr'/,'1"g,. {31"} I will methat you get thtfireidiership. ',says is perfectly correct. I do not see F ernincntain i801. unwhrch a . "yp1.e/1 (Opposition iu.rt'la'yc.) but may .tylk lwhy he should object. , ' _ _ of the Crown was implicated. l iati (it your considerations. but I consider, ' lir. Whitney-He asks the House to. . . lion. gentleman was not TIT loin: y. Mr. Speaker. that there was the plum lt.eii'r. Ct statement intended trr contra-. '& _ r , his seat anci- the charges weir 111:1th of all. (Laughton) I let ll be nndcr- dict my denial . ' , . . .- - . . . . - ...1. . _ . _ in r ,. .. . ... . . . t . r only to. sixth it time "l to dunno thati stood. Mr. Speaker. that l was not. Mr. Ross-The one question m dic-; _ . he was willing to be tried by his peer}; a .rival. for the honorable position ot ~pute is the headina. ' I , _ bv his fellow-member,. Had they not in. First (ominoiier. which you have the i, M P t . th . "ls . . ' i l" P _. '3'] I "In 'a. inthe samel, honor t t ttt't'ttt9V I 'li'di I _: ' I Alf. ettyp1ece--- " Wtyrctc, m Hie , _ . t us r()\("m A . if" a T; ll ses "iii)') I '.' ('iill "Ir),)",')'))':','.)',':,.'" tl (in I. is..,",'.".',')); ' Mail report are these: "The hou. gen _ I . . lid": fl "/""11t/'.ft ',',1ierd"i[,1.y'j, i'llltl a: f "ill 'if/iii; ' ')lt:'l cil "Ev unit}: jl.'y (tleytfrt olrpos1te know they lime Ho; ' - 'culm'm' . "f. "2"} i "I" L}c.h)'\._! "or," PT y ' l "' '1 HC "M" satay except the dice. be loaded-ex-f 'r/ . "13"?" "i')f, [r','), 1,..'y., _0 "'1 {eh W ,' . cent they name their own tribunal." g " mem mils. th'. f") /,1,1,il, ',)")ii"tu//, trutar- More than Jokes. . Mr. ll hitney---Throueh the leniencyg ' 'l,'.',":, IN l ""'r"P .l'rl"; ..' l " '.'. '1': t.. . . . . I of yourself. Mr. Speaker. the lion, I ""310". "In? (it tan." a as " (it'll "i lim'eedi-ig. he 1;rirl l! "all been pro- l gentleman has been allowed to, , K" r be: For his part. he had come as 'h I1,'e'1,:,t.l t , iiiljllllrll im- Irtu'. weeks. ly/ie.? on and do that which. I . Illllk i pruate eTyr.".rclyyyft,l, With :IiHiIitaiia " it'll that he could hardly g.) litlt'kranl bound to say. there arc' 'g. Iris F. dytty, and hr mu .tllxlnlh to tlii t tit! l 'llh t:|n>llllltllls "h" soon. and tell I very tew other members oi the "(we " . , ' ." duties tti that "1he,ait/; 1l111,ert1eaa,,1 a, Linn that the tmierninem. was 'ic,T,:.r,r.1,1,ld do. He has endeavored to do , p I . 'l,' mlrtr fl. t 'l . ,1"llli,"'l/, or . al will l tr_,'i11r/.'i/'j'i', tHI .'V' 'itt 9'" ".tlminrstriitirut l what he dare not do elsewhere. He l , IIE 1r,1r1'l/'c"d,f,e1,' (ill till [ly; [mm/l)'"" in?! IJ,',') l ivlirh.'ll t". C,","..).',',,)')' Hint." Ill]? has made a. statement that my state-i ' GR.- rlilti ems ..yy I {ti-thinnis.' l c u asl, 'd , -r'ds Jim , I/il/Ill')")".',",",',,", Jain . tl',',-),),'.",',",;)".?, here ttl not correct: he attempts: l th 3 'l/ on}, I. sit "/" It fl. (ran at!" to pet" 'd'. 21' "Lil i'j,"i/ie",r.i:i1i't" infill: laid l .1Ui to prove that what I said is not truci . .43 r Massif?) {Toq '/'twft",',r,iil'ri,'e? / ill-mm.- C' , /' ir, _',l'/,)( 3.28:1: >1?" F by reading something from anothcri . . 'ik%,' _ T "si li'. lr.CK,' , Y.lZ-i' t". . lull} BBB"-' . "-. _ _ , l L' ' if: §'ll(lcllf'll n; "/f/li'",) l "Iigli M?, I f lr;:u,h:r) I (ii i't-Y'l"- ll .. 11,/j1',C1:,1.j'i,'i,,.1 ", whieh, he 'iayc. "lakes that; . Blillllitiih a... 3. .' "it'll". " l I".?.'? lt l '/,rj'Cr, "__., 3.3. 33' t: ",',d')." 3.3:: to be. a Pact. me hcm. gentleman had) ', 1} cused (,u1i1rl,"l,",Ir" , 1l1?!" "um .was ill: il ';,,i.,. ..' l"~ thw- i'itci:'ciit|~ made ri , no right to do it, and the hon. gcntlc- l . " h _ g - I - n Ik'. 1., l "ht,r', "A rterL, I. .... . " ia. ZEUS-3 vrsictu W i, ' S. l IP. " "3"} _ - n... 1'st" A..." {m 5.3.", "Kin"d and men have, not .lo.aded themselves with, I Tq tt, BEtt I Ill m) r. ""rl 'IP'"' m " l; l s,,-','. l: I .t C' ,' f it ' '.'. -ghirv. (Opposition applause.) F if : "' . Hard to this question. Sir Hector .hl.t i, , .'r'.H 'Ati' "PM" "In. mime mat l - .- .! " _ ..' . . M _ ,g ht tr""? lic', , tl 'tr Mr. Ross-Hs that the statement (it: Mr, 1cttv,,rcvht had not appeared in the re- _ 'lei-, t 'W' m tk *1 lllitrC tHilit, . . . a Prt _ .. -. curd of It tcs in itlrnt in the matter oi "d" . "Hi;- hull member that Ivctde i 1tt.h hou.iriend': l'he hom member bv. . Ear, ' _ . . _ _C.', ': , ' 'hqkE.. . .- . . . _; - , , the charges alt-mm himself. The 1lriytvositivurcminurcdTcx.cryutucyt li')':)]..:.:?] has not made a") state I U t I ' speaker did not for one moment ui..hloi the young man who, having tuyle i l ' " - , ' . tr, l . , le _ " _ . la iro within of mania Te and hitrinu, Mr. Whitney-You clare not------ . " & tt to ire louder:,--! that in any sense l', I p . . l, ',' ' '/i" llr Ro l-- M ' 1 . i., , t. . -.. ' : he had any olrjrcticrtt 'tl' irr'ndicc vbeen ttuccretuoioi;sly refused, said; . . p?, -, .3 Mm. trind lc, yey . . '. . . l J _ . J..1 . ilmld tn-dav What l 'l -' J lc, . against. the judiciary, who it was pro- NN ell, 1level" mind; I l: tpst "PM I'."; _ . f; a to" " mum ". _ ' posed should iiiicstigatc the charges anyhow.' (Laughtch it there is sucn s Ptlxmllg "dull the role ctt a Pr1rre-l . . '.,.', .,.. 'R..." tts'ter"irilri- r ' ' 'fb . pr l _ He would say that he entertained the " thinv,r v'.ts PM" 1.vytty'l tctt11rv', orgiltl l, lgclur'" l":- :l'lN' ._(]"'"ghl r.) l . greatest respect for and the greatest m"! plan "3 keeping the PM" ("WV Hr. )' 11t11e,v-r- lat lf, my attitude. ', ' L' possible confidence in the integrity of eruy"'ut h, I"twer, by sill! illys,ral.woys. i _lhe k).pp.or.itio.n leader here sho,k, ' t our judiciary. But it looked to him M a pit-cc .3 machinery with that Tr its i, ins clenched fist m the direction of tlic' . ' u though the members oi the House, by trlrject, the "mm" tbot "mdl'lw IS i Iremier3 ., - . i, a _ appointing a judicial commission weri, brokctt and dcqrnyod the better tor tlt: , yr. Rosc--.fllu, clenched list N hi~ T , . shirking duties which really behchd honor and glory of our c'outltry. ia.ttitudty I thank him tor his rocognl-, "'-. t st to them - e, fLonir-co.trtiniuvi Opposition applause) 111nm of decent Parliamentary rules.; 'sr w _ . . . . l The member for l ambton has ex Trers- " - p, . . WhatdidMr. me a ? ' . .. " " xl V. . tait. © Liberal Organizers. Il l Wh t y S y . Ecld no opinion as to the statement m 1.i, . . . . . . r. 'euypiece (East ls.i.n,ibt'tn)it.1.1e hon. irentleman The -u sti in 3; , ' -F .. . - . . g . . q e: ton l ME ,3' V _ ovf,entte",i,'galt,ri,aiisdtottaty"cyf,irer Saul he would. as far as possible, rev dispute was the heading. It was the: _eiit4 ME Vince ',1rt",1'd'lerl this 2,i.1,,.t, l" 'm' tram mun bringing into the debate any privilege of my hon. friend to read its, F ..fN, a. n" l" I . c " .-" il l 9 y tttnk c.or- irrelevant matter. Others had said ', words but not to say that he endors-t 5.: F, ruption in elections. and alter hearing h: . . ".. . '.., . I "W, I " the lon and able speech from the that It Au" a question which. as ("led them. f ikiii ' " 2' g ' Fer le, "iitrpossilole, should be free troni bartyl Mr. Pettypiece said he did. not think'

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