The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 13 Mar 1903, p. 3

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it: INS,t, t I . 2-1 . Li II BE.:" 7., "g- I 'th . . .-' s , T _ w "_, . U ..".""'-T"'~'>" / "ti C, _- . T 1 ['. Ri, l - 5'3" Bi"" ".. - ' 1 ' I LN, 'sr/i".' ".ail 1 Cl 11¢; - t'tt Atti' when hemmed -. ' "i. . tee, ' 'C" ' "vYL'i "tum gtMrhiractio as. . to.) at ... , . "tli T 1-11 Pee', Tiwcos-ot,e'_uN ,'"r.t _ ' l Pa' " ' "33° Speaker-The dehtte' hast al ', r, Whitney; Genera Chases; " 11$ ttt j 'it'irarma 1. l 'r,?'),",'.:'",',':',',",?,. , 'irq .. _ I .3111 , taken a very. Wm Mr. Pettypiece went . " ". i'at1"dqitt'i' _, ki e' .. F) eectloIn . 1'1»: ., " , - ere If tt range. . on to say that i, , _ . I a?" 'ieh"at'either 5...». ' 1 I ' " _ House a???" new menibefs in the 'tl,,"':')',',',',',',"):',", made charges for par " 'tgt,1,t'i,1t"lik, oit" neither '513'"'~' . ' I V - ' , . f A ' . , ' '.u . E , " A ' 1111 better udtt,teueitdettesre, charges ivihiiiat,tpthyJ,2a2y, pu.rposes A 1 "2252""?! atitti.t ttt to 'tfig/dj/lt)'" . et every m '33 range, and . e committee would l _ t' o ma 'iro1it'iétr1 . 1: ,e' F , . ember " 1 not satisfy the e - der . . . captutittftr)it to say tt - Y "lat he pleased ountry. lhey wo 1d ived political b . _ . . nless m t . t be accused f u enefit from ttil Li, . Now th y a tentton was called . . rom every platfor f sult, well and . e W. . " . e member fo D I.' having whitewash d _ Ill 0 T . good, but the . 1.; 't understa . r undas. as I ttN . ti e a 11low-rneml - bbject abo _ one mitt . nd him sa rs th . lhe leader at the O . . l Mtr. ve all otherrwas 1 . T4 Ri' . use that '. , at he did not CV . .' pposition was not the bottom of tl to- ttttttt .' ' expresstott and h en consistent m tl l, . " charges to .. t . of the _ ' . t e members h . . . IIS matter. He if the wer , aseertam ' ." ' , statemHouse are. obliged to receive his "in! time and again told them that tl . The 'Jd fi. true or not. (Applause.) h, ' , ent. I think how . . " Monty of the Liber 1 . le. , rges were of such " . _ . , ' 1 1 member of 1 ' ever, that any!.l)ecn ele t d a members had ture that tl a tiertot" na- 1 l 1 ' 'hc'ha: 'l,", r),1iedt'11:e can read what'ition andcocth by corruption, persona wanted th rnru'gh half the Province Tr x . 'reatl. -. . , er 1m . . - C » e am .- 1 . _ to express G 33:35:21» ',12,. pemmted hy asked the 'H'i'l,l.lJot1'/'r, ilcts, and now i and the other hIIltfme party all power, 1 . _ contradict the stat " "Ch would ',tigation of this 1&de p ace an inves-l party in, those l ty.ante.d the other , ; . tmember ior L,'11t/s'."""" by the hon. than. gentlemen 1'111:)m11I1 thIe hands nix be of a :.,.e2ttti/y"'ttiiitir,.atiEi' should . . i, (~'- ', said 1 1 le aac alre; 1. 2 b nature H A" . " 1 . ,1; lar been corru , _ ,3" y 1 iormed b . . . e W95 ttt- ,~, 1 Ptquiry Could be Broadened -' Uh? -'\10111d like. to inggEtiérttcml' "ms l no 1i,a,e/jc.1,'ieth,ti,ti"f'i,r of the House that ll , g . ', wlt1Cl1 in its . . . . . It mutter , - . . e spared . hi . F l '., . . . 3 . ".t Import . ' _ » counsel . 1' ttt mm 1 1 r hi Ir.. Pettypiece said he had C...". Vinny cousideratic 'Pff Wafi Mr aloovei, "cm It" witnesses, and the. full tr , F. l iyl tlt the remarks made 1 q (tlm'lmjm ii whole attitude 'd',.", or advantage His l scope would be given to tho it I 1 ot the Op _1_: , I" ne eader/ 'h'iC'iit.i, . IC. Was mrrvt e . . ." were anxic se W o _ , 1 A position my ,. l I Uh matter and . . V (O sav. ml 2 " ous to get at th b ' why the i, . . .' . reastm as to; . ' 111 all this t lk - 1 It. li th . _ '. . e ottom of , . 2vtstigatmt sh ld I rupt1ou 11nd hee ' a ' of Cor-,; . e Investigation r r on beiore th . on not gm _ _..., "N "." n that he Wi w . 1 committ ' were by a . 1 - e Judges TI .. (iiHNOtls' to Wat his m-v'e1 ee of the H ' a re _ . .'. "be Was. he tin: . _ E " a Party in .. . ., l wo . . . . ouse one h 1 F. 'tt,p"id,i,icigy (liIfIer1ence between the: (it)? 'ir,),' to vicar the 'rl/ac)')',",-"",'"',;';",' ' :','.f,'t"iit,,.h",' 113:6";th m obtaining a coax ' a q w ichhadl ' . , I (et tt r0111 the cl . _".f It Ir-l . ' w Ile the oth - V _ cd. The l t_', . 'een mm1tum-1 But if T 1131156; (ll cor . mt , _ . V er half would be . " ._ , . 1 . 1 Fun crest . . 1 I not rJ,e.ict1drii,i'i'i'ttsiviuf1',Tl1ttt7 was _ in , IthCIICddcr ot the Oppositioh all: 1 i/heir/te.:,"),)',,'?) 1t,il,".aaisnaitni,f a Convictiou.1' Cd . , "mission was limi . 1ry, Utttt crmt-: l ccre tut matters should he iiv,vs- to tl . e a satisfactory result 1 i l , . . , ited to th f; , , T muted 1 . 1 ' , I...' t ri." 1e Province _ f, 1110111111 In th . . C itctc, "102111 '.s' I 1} tllc Privilcpics and ry, 'f .1. tisi: as a whole A m 1 1 _ 0 ttTstrttCttrrHs if II [10115 Commi I . t E at -' a 1slactory result , , . ore L' reaom howev wp. c "a" no' . lllltc. 111 order that the hr . would be a ve di l I 1 ' , er. whv tl _ . . , manor noiurhtl . "c; I '."', 11}. ought down bv . r ict " shovid not ' _ K Illriiltry . 5.1 " a cured up satpntact - _l. . y those comm . ", ' , . be enlarged t .. lv he w 1 . . . . - P_t6 _ "H ', who were . _ 1Sstoners that hon " anv extent -' fas at lilwrty in place . - 1 .i, , .- . away and abov . . I. ' . . gentlemen f 1 - f _ nmttcr 111 ll l - , . ntynthrt r strile stress . . ve political , _ side oi the H JIIl tIle opptrslttr; 1e lands (n that comnaitt r., , ' ' YN and bias, and wh I e " . muse desir 1 1 . . '1. and that war' tl ' .rh,' _." I uv, selfish enuls -N lo 1ad no " terial ap 1 eu. (Minis-l - 1 '5 It". "we ol the . , bcr . . N to serve exe . . 1 plattse.) All th . l . ttrt" yicutth 1)..- . . mun u patriotic . t. ' . ept what every ' was to ptlt a lai ", ey 1nd to (In ... _ xiord (Mr. Donald Suth-'y . . cetizen should have . ' t . . p am statement . . erlaud), Min was' 1 ,11 V l ,' tron with tl 7 1 m connec- f . mg, ( the h , . tttto wru- i. _ ',' _ IC, t by 0m: (.1 the: . . IC, matter, the vi di I l I - . crlt. mernbe 1 . . trial lll'lgcz,' trr I , "fb 1 , . . . the mdit wr A n tttation of , toulir h: .oer trot Mam- - . _ "H mm quilt "I st-,' ' l ical hono t t rad dune and ,oual . . . . y rtpei , 1 l r of Ontaro . . A . . . t could he . ' a wrxupuml. li tl :1 t . 1. value.) It . . (A1)-1 C man a C '. 1 e, l . " Ill- ,is, . it cader m t V . . "out q e K ted by the bume tribuir.l 1 f,ie"tsi.1',"11,i",y,i,/i')'i'cl them to 1,6114}? yiniste.r oi the "IC',",',')' that a , l Charges Should be SDecifu- 'r 1rid,,ytc/id't, Pam't'lill taint. he should l 1""? time in the H321; it? /l',i l _. t C. , It L 1111 tH" sci " _ ' I .' , ar10 . ' . . ' _ . n - l a Hoy. utiticrce:1 c,vr-ite h: _ I ,' tee. and have the s'ftl'i',1," 1r,'gpy/11t,; I life fnzutmfl be driven from DUN?" I 11%! In". yi'vH'c i,','.,'.) 1191' i 1:111" '.t '," [51:1 sostautiatcd. (ADUl'msQ l 1 OVCA orl, earth II ((IInIitrlthtI acts, or it would 1',ti rT i "ll-5 'v.vinuittrrv,s' _ .7..' V , , If. illuk- ". l t ' l . I .f, ttv, an y and dee 'hai/ -', _ j LT l7""'mnwnt ~-id('.:n:l':t tr-. rrll the (Mr. Sutherland's Charges i 1:13:11): a 31111151111. oi the} CrlngnIOtB": ". 1 ' 11'" came . _ . ' t 1Nrlm ttme that . l . . _ cr 10 result. wiilii . . n _ 1 © , \'ith 'c1,:,1,fiti,ycc_,".j,1.r1,yd/'ytpi'i: churucs 1.1911," 15""'9'11md cr-nmhinml of theI 121"". every Cabinet tf/neil";'.' lt would 1 '; _.'.. 'l ".' PI "'. i. iviste . 1 ' in" er 111 UL witt .I I, . ." 1 ce, " war; in 1 . * . Irom oi- I. puma) 1111. iair 'rt _ I'M 41, 1 yiom . 1 Muses in his case ' .1 , T he Interests of 1 - . A I I l, ' ' name 11,; thi, 1." I k C, M them, according b . . T, \Intc that the in- , . '".' the Pro- l it"? uncIe .h'id been besmirc'nsd uh)" Kiri not a very high-grade "ii,l.0 1ilit" (":1 03' nvickly and Jfst/feat'////, should go! , ." 5;; 1lit-I 1115111l1atiun< and iouenderec, whi h). 1119 .clusr.s of men who were like'y"fhf he trusted the "011:: flint-I11 Extent! 'r',"'", NH wen rc , .. , . t" I yt? 1111 )ll .. rd r l W 1 wav .' , W011 . _ j . y,t x. . "and Univ 1.11 l; . . - 1 cilttrtl. IN ere thes ' 1 _ - to Sustain th . . see tts p, b' .5 .m the 1iov. e tl . 1 l alum with- ol 1,031,] _ . I _ . " t 1e class 2 G _ . C Comm1ssmn th i -.%, r"', .~ , hm bv actual lee . - e working tor him? Tl . _ t I m ernment "0 . at the.'; KT'.; i. had been 1m. 1 . k 'd deeds that the my]. 1 . ley werc t h: F l oposed to a 1 . . I 2 '-..~'-- let 111' ,,ulrsta ... 1 , . . y 1uuNnlo they could 1, LIVC the matter . "pl Olnl. and ili"i't, 1 ncwed l . 1. . diluted. tltr- "S dc . n. , . l ,0 tn for H . Ct cleared t . . Brf,'r li ' ( , iirric,terial al) oraus 1 1.1 Hue. l"v,e nun. genth '., . at; possible (31 '.. . 1p cts quickly ' I1Mk'4 . lured t l . _ l . sc. .lle IM'- "Am," .. , _ I (11121113 111mm- l t . ' misterial a I ' , ll" . . it llk tttI,catttlu trtt . . . II .. Witt', shown lov 11 _ I» 1 . lr. St. John ( F ' , pp ause.) ' F I r . muons at 'lull)",?','))":", t',1,U1fe"r'st,1s m- branded them rm perjdrers ".1, 11"?"'54 1 adjournment J,1vt'it l ark) moved the 1 i I ' had been elected by ttleans III);I:I,I\\'I10 and them dragging dut lhc'iif 4:115. House adj'Wll'ned 'l' sit-hate. and iiiii, i "1.» mm or bullot-stuffi I' _ anna- 11101115. prawn-1 "; .1 ' e-l ' ' 5.20 ly.1n 1 . Mt . ink. and ac,1c 1 .. . . k afterwards wh cl l 1 N . 1 l 1 , there wa I . . I . Ct li vvsiicil the H , _ . q 1 1 lei, otes. _ Jig , that it 'i:.":'?,),-')),'))," (I111 rt1caot1"elittt Show 1 M inisterial ag1llflk'11') 119111Icgt (14011111 The I" G l = I lot-s A" t menIt mt either l'i;'irJ, lure t , . , f . . le, very ttit-l _ 1"ecy :zillel'v ork'. . . .1, T 'c"e"'tete)tlitr' or v.ersonittr"it had effected Ehe wr'.), Eu?!" cs,.ti?t1'.1eJ/.f, showed that? 310' "l": ("looted G, Emilio? 33'?" I _ IE 1 I C U" 111 llllV 1uemlrcr I" tl 11 . ' y Hill! iar ter I _.' cert; :-Presid C' I v ng ofti- , " . . . l ' It' then _ . _: S1."11f with . t .1" ent, C. . " I I 'AMI F, 1,." crmnem side "I the Ham-(- Put IIII C, , 119: only since the trial, but I ' Mail and Empire . Vi c. Cie.oyge, Thcll 1 ""1112: those charges . u . ' 1 I" ll ther w N . _ . JU- , , ,. l ice-preside l I Lgt'g' - Mt had bun repeated " 1 , . " . _ Crt' " bad lot tt w ' . Brmc. The f: .., 1 nt, John Still I. .,uch an C\tent that people I. .1". I. 1 not the mull at the 111.111 who <hn vas tary. H. w (1 'I'L'mlg' ditar ; Secre- oil I " ltherr "in _,,uucthiio:g iii" am"? iT:), 4": "MRI". but mi the man (i.iird,r 11111.11- Executive ee',tetisgy,t,l1i; The News . _ IL, ', st', . - , . . 1 I . M? 1m "111 thum . m Nut - l - '. "Wm 1 ee. witl ' _ , , ., "ic.lityx had ("Inc in the charv I - , . . V. Lavers '1 ' I above C.) . 'IIS., 1(lnr1ng tlu: week; the time I??? l'Illath l, "here did the "101"", C0111 " I I mond, rii/', Cy/id) orld; M. o. Ham-l V " (i'. when tttIV 1. t M mm: :"hlt'h was recvive _ . _ _ C m)!" l TI ; . . I! Te ; Harrv p. . 9 _ ., 1m b . . (ll 1. 101 , , ass " t ch:ttrur,e d, 11 L' "if." y' who had 3111' 'icaudidates? Several 'l tll). Opposition! Il Q'hilml'h' rclegram more,: 's. CT"; .1f~ l NHL-Hm aloai V,,," ...' "'"V.' 'rl 111111 1. J Ar. Jr,: ._. r. . V 1 . , I: $116.1: 1'/j1/l,'i"s'ril"i' ..idvt1/),1,i/'. II: ilicflr, "and that " had been (e,tyic',ir1",(,11,i" o,i),iJ,dl/e',1,e1/i) y.?], :---Has the It.. . 1011. member for M . .I ' .H . Rt 1 it In 'tttttttttttc III. tive " II . (11011-1 whe ". I1 I n1ty information d T . ,. _ . anitoulin -. (lull . _ en _ Itf s'CVCTI hmulr l! . "n judwncnt Ill; -1 _ _ as to m estabiishinur sweet-111.11 ar.c, m Iurtch CClit' P . . Ct I F.; _ . 'Ab JC expect d . __ 1.. the char: , 1 ul , t .",' C. m It 111 the 1 , Aitit Iliddlesex ie . . e In the V made he would ' M" he hml "1"- lhrth political . - . t '9"! 1- _ . N" e ecttot1 case , . l . T . deserve v 1-11 f _ cal . . Cd parte; hurl 1 . , Wily', the. date _ . x . Whaf . y.' _ . .., ...: . . or . __ . "ram /A' e . ptslltt- . L oi the "li Ji'.',':', ti,te'c'yt,tt't,ieoutti'toerrti.""/at/ ii 11103::an 1'1er 'll '0')th 1111 IF,' "me new": Jirh//J'"t',-r Ca"? (i/r/ll.) ttil1c flit". Fifi" _ o e utterlv ci, , 1 . f..', . l' KT said. _ _ "rNmr ttl tlie tri: . 1' 'dy, " a .l '. $11k: would be HO worse thalllllk'c' thum he '11-]! I?!" to Ibsnnw. that in midi-)1] 1"" i Cine. undnh'hl'1111 tlf. bank Ste. Marti-ti ' i;1i'f'" had made simil: C',?. _isle,aer1srho l 1101} Itll orr,rauizer - 7N: _iudgmen . . 11.1. date ot' - i, ' ( C',, .. . F ar charge, . 1 a ridnw . "em 1111.). . - t Ill the Svilt b , . me- .1 . de.ti.nite wav. ior the dh .II m an Ill- WW " I. It I was for Corrtl " " . te. Marie casc'JE . rithoyt hating the Comm . , our Yt-'itrri, theil- pst _'. .111" Opposition 1 .1, 1 1 -.-----r_-----r------r-.-.- mt0 definite shape (Ila,L 1l) put theut frl J, t,).'r'-PA"/v1"'" zccntral and chl' '1 A . . . . ". . 40m ' v" 11:11:, trPN ._. .- I . _ 3111-1 I longed Miuisterialapplause.) md WW1 them llv.t 'ilt",-1uscc1,r111)11,p1ji'i1t,"i, with " T .I\ . . . . I" L Ch, "(1 tot" him 4, . .i' I /':' Icascs Are Difterertt. t lb" that "TIS' (limo ior m id? i,,' ' F , The leader I I 1111111t 1lll1~11(15(\'1I 'Hld if t1((11.11 .' U thet - 'ai . 1 W It . 1 , . . ~- 'ntts ', . . terred to the ',,t)1;'o?il"/',',",'1ivt1il had re- Hut'tb'dtntllh F charges . ".11," 13531: I f been expressed lw gltiol? [which 11,1111 "tbmlulcb 'fd wCrt', statrtW what wasli' I ' . _ J." 1cnar "__, I"" . 'lcnr "rT._E' _."! 1' Iwnght to a commission of Fifi ( art-' lower of those " .]:(,t',tm'c wouid belt I ppstd to be appointed i . '.ylgesprtt-l, of C)utari , l 1ar7,cti, and the name; _ ofCommons 1 ' _ '.N the "(mam . _ . 0 would stand clear . . " 1 C . _ ". J.ut in that matter ,1 did today, _ cr than "1, I I aron investigation), ii the hon (MIC! Di _ 11 I l . . t,egauo:t,eddi't'it,; that (1116511011 gun-11 iffers from an Election Trial / i . wont tind that . .: ill"'--', In this Ci Pa, . '51 19tances were Entirely diffs]? ureIuIm-1I| Vince the 11:: the honorI (I)l the Pro-l . udgrs who wer _ _ _ ent. llch , . C..' tttol of a Minister of 1 ! ouse were can" be selected by tr, a ', 1-rou n, was at stake, and the in )1th I ' ."". . 1c1r C . . , bC ' tton' .' , ' . 1'tftitt a-e. . /1Ministerial 'applause ) Tle. 3211111111,, i ct,'/g,21g1lc1cl,,i,'t' 1"le In which every if)". ' _ e case under iiirirdi . p, go; ini t llncction with it sh i P l " . 1011 were . l probed to the . ould be 1 . i 'ereatures of the H, T not tile" F .. ." verynootton1 I ' . . . msc, (R .. 1. not be smug; 1 - . t would I . ee,itigtritao1 {93:311st It \\~a:nc::~:](li people of tlfcltlil'gvtdle H'husc nor the i , o a of oatri l, . twc . .7 , . 1 Cc t at on ) use other such hi 11.? "tttsm attd to I . , charges MI connectis cc of , l _ They all knew l 13 sounding phras,ts would he prowl] and th ml 11 ith li , ' _ ', . ' 1owever that . ' . "1111c int ' V C ot 16m ' knit!" appointed wo . I arty Ctrnl- p, o. but everv 11. 1 may , uld have a . . Inemb _ - t targc ll . C I m . - er t . . 1. tat the 's _ tr. of one l". tw? members of 1111:1153; against thl"f,roi)21.iye1ily, had mad: - l I I iir"rg'Ls/t' cn the Home; it "Rudd be investigated 23:31:11 Secretary Shouldli , ' mimems le) 'ieier,f,ilscir", _i"11,1,.e't,:,ti) $511k might be, 'l1ihn/t','"ltitec1iahvai,t, the i . _ . . l gs, am . tiecretar e rovi mi. w the cas ' . would . I y or the m incial .' . c trom different stand- , lin, the 'ge1t,',rsthhtiund"i1J,b/g it); Mauitou- _ i ' I 1 ' . . V ()l . . , 1 _ , F..--".- '=iM ltwaa-a matterthat differ high to light. . . , e m that re- 1

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