' Mr. 'rtrGtrG" nta ""'*'¢'~-?~ iT y . v we"'" _ can be discovered if . Jun." .3 'c 'in its c Vatet ' ' _ _ 'lltltWlTCi'.rltT" "t ' _ th "-r;yt'F'a, ' . . r. Lucas re lied co . "-- 'et, ti'beeia. -- .- - a- J " Teri," '"' . to ix Ir, Pense by saying that the grig- _ ii),'i,l,t?t1 to listen and make reply mm?" and those who' lowed hi -- . Ina 01,3785 at Ottawa did not in li- 'étt Y, tme and oft to we and iifa (?1t said that when a ' in! ' cate S H . I Tpit e mte char e . ccusations of in.-. his co A; t.ector slt.,tg,e,vv,i,'y but when from one eng if 'le assertions flung j,',',',',',',',?,', conduct were made against ' c ion was s ow . ,. . e count to mem ers . 'etrex,tiirsietsi'itndt he ["ggrttsvtlrf,siegvnir- are, r/isepeacdt,i,'ggt'rrartu,ttnit,t ',rivid to 31: consider J'Jdhr1,ia,Tatrht,tr ought to' e . pposition applause.) H 'd tl . ministration of alfair b to . ' . , was right, . te. Liberal G s y appoint a commute . not recall any statement . . e could . overnment H ' ' . e to exercise . . which was a credit to h . e Cave their judgment u o h prejud,zing of the case Tl f, t e member for Manitouli l e . ll p n t e charges, es- had been to other . " reference'; or that measure of coura f n p cta y when we saw by his l t - matters. W I in" . . tre, or stand-', they rarel ' . wry that near the mural atmo e mustl a. up in Parliament and t ki t Y exercised it well Th I A . sphere of Ont . res on ibili . a ing the! to con id . ey had The Premier ho ario.. p St iity of makin . I st er whether th . . ' uld throw dow 1 char e hi h . g a definite were e accusations 1stacles and allow in W l '.' ll tie w .rir, ' W 1C the Liberals would see not such as some better qualifi d lcnce if there was F C 'nuemnuur CVI-l as properly answered and if tH1tunal could consider If e I . _ "l any, and until I . accusetrwould. , . , not, the a t h .0 the. law did that he (Mr I ucas) . oc) de . get the Punishment the g ve a rig t to these tribunals t licve in his 's'ii'cir'i' Ui lt " ould not be-l served. It was a pity thatso . y on such investigation . _ o carry . . . '-it.\'~ Hon D: .: l relevant matt h d . much tr- s " was most ro- Mills perhaps thc . avid I . . er a been introduc d . per that the House sh ld p . . . .t greatest ccmstit .. tht discussion and th " e m it Th ou refuse to do tiotral authority m Canad u o ' . ey should ende - . at fitted the pre . . . " _ a. and a trro- r that everything of . av Th h . sent case exactly , minent Liberal had said i fact h . .a Personal char- ey ad the speciall 'd g I" . . C . f i ii ' that I er s ould be eliminai d ' . b l . y esignated "l" tt. would he an act of c . . _ Mr Came o e . Nothing una for hearing such ch a Liberal leader to lt owardice for a I} ' r n proceeded. could b. Legislature lr d arses. The', ' e I attem t :roader thant . . e . a seen fit I reference to a Royal (1'1nt,oissdrefne.nd a by the Pfennig-f: "it"111l,o'it mtroducedl charges in 1884 of attcmp'tinafter the.) . Powers of the Commi . . Ibroad that every sin 'ds Cir! terms sol rupt members, to amend the Etat'iitgor'l ' Salon. lby the member for Ag": arge madel as to make provision for the . so! ' it had been insiuuated in some ("an lung Piper read to 1"eitoh"2', in tlr"l such cases. In the West HJYYmS oil, ters that Mr. Gamey had been bought fpreparea by himself--0au hOUse, and Brockville cases, in view of rhon and or had I d - "ultuect to th . . .s . . g ten-Was rageOus man . . t e out- re cnte and brought back the! . , . e "'0->llgation f " her ttt which th "i'i'",.i,"i,i.Y,vs' It was due to Mr. Games) that /i),',%s,T/), (Applause.) Cogld ziiiati Greevy fase had been conductcdcbeiuc- e nave every opporcmity oi ir~ C.',' 1mg C airer than that , C -y' a committee of the Hou l ore his case F . _ " l ovmg had been made th . (om.plaint vatives s id se, the Conscr- l . or instance. the country l iat the commissir . al that they would !wanted to know ir m Mr Il , iquud make no nndin " "ters any Circumst not under " It - . . chregor are l . g. rlle statut ances agree to f what Mr. Gamev told hi . ., g ._ them absolute . . e to that . . . a re erence I... . T 11m; they also into the d il power to inquire committee. Sir Wilfrid La . l livanted to going". up any other ch 0 . eta: ed charges made . d on the same Subject h d d 1"."r' which might be sugkestc"d s l le. (?.ne Of the Items charged wa ' an self em h . . a eclared him-; _ ' . ' , _ . -' ' _ . , . ' that th , p aticallv 1n fa l dence ro res l as tic. en I minimal Secretar tv s e'; enc ." v.o.r of the refer-' 'ters "Iran's; 1e,isce1r.llht'it/'c,hcasi'g,tr, paymml of money {oxalic "na//n'il,teo, thel of ru,f,t,testotntii, touching the honor , If/le/ls/ey The act under wt,dotyhahy.1tctlin: The Jud es could if. f?" Commission instte:dlg?usc to a R.oyal . 1c.1'.1,'y.y.,'tiiyl! was l" be ctn'.'sti'lutTii.etatt.a.t Charge. and they '/,1,d'tved',li of the House. Mr Cto a committee cyon.t.aincyl nt, provision for a report or} whether th.at. money had been paid ov from Sir Willrid'slw. dim°'9" 9110th i tinding by the Judges. It did not COtl- by the Minister or not. Wasn't "'12: ed the following r for Ctr which includ- itemplate that there should be any ii/iii/ enough f Wasn't that what the hr mittee on Privil e tr.ense, to the Com- ."18 or report um" the f l gentlemen OD ositc . . 'n. ' etr.es "" We reins .. 1 acts. , pp wanted to hnd u send this cas e to l i Col. Gibson-Three lusti t . I" as there any doubt tl out: b 3 _e again to that committ tilting a commission 'i',J/,'itCiidec,1.",1,s,ter- authority conferred hy tJ'e"/'e'r,1seLt,t,hr,e, at??? lit " ""lt right, it is not iaicre ( cisely a similar law if me that commission woul L" SIA ure e .Onor, the dignit and .' _ "hgitght otherwise. 'a,,sJTavetloh,,a,ivt? solute and undisputed ble,)"., that ab- I,',', athtyl'a,i,nd,tsh/,; House Sign" béhlflasfeii , fe a report u mi 1 v . 'i . . . . n S o such a cou _ isterial applaugc) tie evidence. (Min-i Objections Overruled. 't1r,f,u1e,tltt,5ecl disclosed." "il'e'tr, the ' "All; beucy,-d do not think that' .Reitrence. had been made to the re ion evoked loud Government Whig: . g - _ _ . . - I onl r a tery good reason, I can .tiy/e.ti?,rr.oi:y..r.. btratton. He had no Other Eminent O l . a y lcahd this act as I find " before limit" that if anything like what i ptntons. I 'nlC. t on ' . . " . V .. was , . i ion of th gin I would have the 0pm- Vnouglii out against Sir Hector Lange- 111th: Caron case Hon. Mr. Girou l e ttorn l should b , _ had at ' ard Mr Lucas or Cydbgneral. l ton he cl 1i)r0\¢d against Mr. Strat- di . . id that the consideration oi thi i . . _, ocee e to g . i won i quickly " r.. ,' vision, a strict s, ' there was such a fi . . say that if sho id b . , reare. lhere . C party one 1 d hi N : N nding it could h . UH " no acrimonious disc .- _ to consider wheth ' e. mi; lo meaning or force If h aye, the matter. 'fhev ll d .IDLllSsloll on Privilea _ . er the Committee ot," ',slon found the iiiii t e.fomtpirl, justice prevail h',' a cured to see b l MS and Elections was the be , i . ' , . ' t high crime it tmster guilty of a wh .. e only questtonwas 'my to take charge of s i . _ would not i . at Jvas the best wa t . t That w ' . such a case. thing The mm mean any-! it , S y. 0 gc, about as what might 0c . l . st the Ho i . tiurely they should . sent . cur m the pre- " then do would be use could! accused h Insure tor-the - case if the char es . . T . to confine hi . t e same protectir . . gated b . g s were anCStl-i , . im d - . ton whic a co - , ng the present sessmn of the 'rlh,'lT. 31°31]? eigeunatcrcorded the vilest crimina'l The bony. 'leacdoe"r"'o'ltttehee 'l] the. .House.' . Ihe Attorney-General' P . . lt was Ob'g': d neared not to be antic Ai'di"ta"',,n,. ap- : , a osmon. int f . l cte that the commission mous findi " us {tat a unani- . b The Attorney-Genera/s name I d of etrleerefai,tsh, the rights and privileges ', wanted itmsgccShogjld be arrived at. He t' . een connected with th l m ouse. The same obie ;ad ' me ' to be abl . . . . . '". the co e to par- would like to k - . e cnarge. He!, Ti" made to a cOmmissiOn . action! . e . . untry, and say that . . General had now if .the Attorney-) cific scandal case I in re Pa- ity finding only had a.mapor- l tendered his . . lth . . .ord Dufferin on whit . I been arrived t . too. Mr Lucas s resignation,,'; at,"CCaSIOH. reportin . . ewashing the acc d at, _ . . paused and th ial Sec tr to the Colon- Girou: l . use . Hon. Mr mg no re 'l I ,' ere be- retary, had express d . an had said that h . " . ll hon P I y, " proceeded: "Th that that olsi . e the vtew the Privil ' . t e history of , . Whiter will not an , f. e tain Jection leld not be sus- eges and Elections C . Lil's Whitney-Nor il,rlsu"t'elriis own eitseiSth,evapstt'giieylt,eti,hsrich, the com- 3:319:12: if the same 1s,tt,uroen'e"v"etr- , ' . ' granted b . etttir legal and . Jfnowp it-trom I a , Mr. Ross-More . . limit . y Parliament.' and without that time. That, iorsoo h .882 to (Laughter.) Important still. 'd"J,t,l,te"r'e1li Moreover, it must be re Cameron. was the trib t1. slaid Mr. ' Mr him TI . ere that the commi I: - were asked: . . Lina that they . . " "-- tc A - in no w . 15titOtt could ' oadopt 1n th L'st .l'mglrtheR Premier gin 1vlt,'tlr/'ie,y,giedet,rd j'lri'h'ic'tvi1',', '/l"irfeehtc',,r sufpeLrsede the Oil's}: IgAlton McCarth: phi;:"gf:."" . ' . oss-Where ' e . The iu isdicti u5e o Jommons . e onservative c,, ins Mr. Lucas Th are the papers " C _ r1.r, 1ctton of the Legislatur Ni . his opinion party, had giver, '.lrr, __ . . . . . . 'A. . upon the . t . u"n, . [he Peterbo , e papers are here--. ameron added, was simil e .r was . . _ same question I ' r y ro Exami .: . . tercepted . _ni)arly not in- very unlortunat . . t ily paper and . mer; It is a fami- 1 or interfered with in an otl a t -., a e, he had said h; l l .. . . e - _ . ', . . . question _ -tld1 . You will no .will be accepted I hope 0rd Dutferin's Opinion had y way was so Important th """ I ' l , _ . , . . . t . e (we) 1 ' i t, /o"r1'e,1"l,!d,"e'rtle itltstanj with the At- ii]; co1h'ye.i,1,t,ig',t,t of the home 2:12:33} ( luau; 2:563 to ct, party finding ; "351:6 l ; Messrs. Gibson and Ttlt/oh,," Hon. bathe as ihgilbglalc le, "gm" was the l dent tr,,te11,dt,ebresenoi1eitt, lOBlhrec "1chan t ' names used bv on are the M I re e ousct -d . ' . It? ench .- , ' . , Mr. Game. ' oretover, our ow . o ay.lsati.siatitory conclusi , . " more iiikieolit: limo", if the 'ca/'lgiissiuvodf, press provision "lv,',' tsetunt,eat'tte.de ..tr- 9 arrivcd at. slot'; would have been inc -G the charges against tl ll rights and privileges f ter. Ihel Ill_the West El . _!'. :S y eneral as well M tl If Alton ture could in no w . or. the Legisla- , election cases gm, at.rd Brockville r" l 63?"? (Laughter) ie Provincial by any action my tienteg,i,'i,',,e,'.,l, with 1 leader oi tlie'bal Eh? mstigation oi the r ol. 'i _ . . . mi . e commi . , ,- . ("Minion . . . T of rising 'teota'r/,jrnuioo,,t in the habit !',1it'ttthaek,rl2licgtc1eort1d, take "331?: -1']l"i':t>tionf5 by, been roend,.lie"rii,i,ti:e the I think thi . . r oolish Glicst" N h: . e a ter the co . . , cc tl the Hous a com- IS is a y - . . Ions. ad made its mmtssiott so - . Le. but that w f hon gent] ery foolish one Tl .; a report, as full .. l - unsatisiacto . -: . as ound . eman . ie evidence .. I " as It the . . ry, since it l Statement of minor that the whole of the "(135113an taken before the bar iicaling with the mum-1:"; method of (t ,Manitoulin will be tnhoen. lmember for P . "tan: u-fhcn the matter came upp-'rtisan, N l 'inv . . Sn ' , re y re er .. Cl . am i 1Git"11:11:32. (Alpplause.) Ject of the Thedez," for a Commission. this iiiatt::(li::r: 12?"! "c"2dlis'len1 ii I T . " scone ud . . e io . . ven to _ . . it? Mr. Stratton £1 growing" out naming its saga"; was accused of f.l,i,vth:'i/,t,e.ys,e: said Mr "dmc:',',',',','.'",:', trieotTpi.oJ,1dtlatvhe, to sign 1neciiadt1es they were taking 1tv1',fa/etoratshtet; il'r'dw'lrlt1leiit'criroe, "I,1d tbathe need :2: 0 . . . - as . H e I qN . on . . . the charges 'lraTfs/l'i"dls1eiif""tt to try his; :23:sz: lhe same objection baa?" ale thii. the 'g)lrtnete,?io,1,1d, 1"ir,',,1'e..-. " . . . gainst the refer ,' late y be ch ..' wou imme. Mr. M. a. Cameron 2,c//einsctefil to a Iue,'li'srseitlcne. 111t quiry. "Exhibits"? [Lurking the in. . n 1 . 0 . . Mr. M. G. Canter Practical a: reported then that "01:0 the.. matter, and the av.e a finality l in opening, referred)" (West Huron), the appoi Jcction could be taken (iii lave It. Y intended to ism." by the Governmteciit titiiiethcvurse sion. ntment of a judicial commistif Charles Tupper' O i l nate matter as r . Is un- Oth l 5 pin on. . . . easo er i Weir iflt Libsrals ','v1"r"e"lfsb 2gigrt, quoted il"g,erdeJ,tvii; moreover, could be; /,1ri/21',e,,rg,.t, then quoted Sir Charles ' or an r . s o Ca Countr . I Opinion o h . bers on th eputation as the ron case the Li y n the n t e same sub . e o . . mem- , . iberal art Ject. the first _ ppostte Side, This a resolution tha p y presented the O oi, the many cltarges m was I.. D. Ed ar t the Chart" made b l Pposition that h d ade by C . g should be sub t y a ever been 'pe- fyttnu.ttee on Privile mi ted to. the: Objection was nudges and J..qectioy.,' . i e by Sir John _ l ' _ -----_-- f I