e, " Swere . Iiiii"iiiveisiuited. So'melmes of three 'ii"i"iriGiiFiiiohiirii Tatt' of the members of the OppositioiGore Bay. He was not /l)v"'l'r"i.,', at icould not have fully realized the gr.av- stenographers grew f),' :15 trzhility l I ity of the charges under consideration. Gyre Bay, :md he 1oluy. k "La/d, in l _ and what they involved in regard to the ot any yt',T,rrrrrt,ply.T.i Itil, e "I". _ i honor. and even the safety, of the gen- the jitll'lf bvhirvl Vim." ,l"xlc"j thosl, ( itleman accused. He did not wish to "WW1 like to "Pl-1,3 lcédiiire "my: _ give any opinion as to the character of tttAce, tpol, PC Tush: .0)"an M; i , the member for Manitoulin. He knew inrpcared lDC'trrrc' k I i' 1iiaiiiif, of it. He had. h.owever, the (Hear. hear.) it l strongest possible feelings in regard to History Recalled. ' l a man who would endeavor to entrap . 'another to commit it crime. He did .1". F. G. Macdrarmyl (IN on I'lfglllll 'not a<snme the charges were proved. th, up)" it necesiut'y in order It: 'ih LThe Government. supporters would ac- wit the liberties oi th? p001"? th,,', ', cept the innocence of the Minister ac- Parliament should take Its place ur,' 'ill- ' Ectised util he Wily proven guilty. 1trcnit.ovtlotsrtt.viHthisiu;tttcr. Wh-n- l The question of patronage as ewr it innit t-uik il ltlr'slilti-n on the coni- tillVOlVCd in this matter was not lllkmllill he became t.ie cie:iturc oi triv ione to involve the Ministers re- Executiie that WUs not uric ssh ll :ierred to in the charges. The. lrlt' mattfr? ""01""! sullcctetl the 'rr' iquestiou of patronage. was a proper l.. I':lt't' oi the wr',".',',",'.',?,?.',",). Ilr. Mm IOne for discussion in the Home. and 'l""""1 "IC"""' '.u.r.'rrirr'itll 1251mm)". 'the hon. members opposite were wel- tli- "tst "ly llrltltllt'lllml up :i.: rtl I come to makewhat they could out of tl nt ll 1y"i,.l,'r1,". Whig"?! l", MIMI", t the statement of the Commissioner of ""11" m i111)" (, "in I, "ZN "Hid Public Works (Mr. Latchford). The rrvpp'rrt "' Ill' _ C,"".',"?,'.?,".,",',' 1" .iiilfiii charges against the Provincial Secre., K"'"'1"11.11::islifl':i7y,(,.',;l,t'lifIjlliiiiliithI?" tary. however, were oi a more serious y': I'm ll' . , i. ii .' , 'l' _". /,.r i . . . _ _ l)("t\(ti ll..l[ il.i tin-in} n. th Ctri nature. the Ciorermucnt had absolute sl, .-t ,1 ',"tt 'n., - l . "itil !, . t,r l)citrup,cd to i If' " pm it I It l li (r1oyfj/trttre that he would meet the [ _ "ml should not w [MM "m MM. charges in a digiiiiied way. He mime "Hf," ""14qu 'rl *'ll"""""" t . (liutely denied the charges. and the pro- _ /, 1,1 l"' . ~r pump .5 "1,, 'pmed Royal Commission With in ac- , , ) ICUt'tl wlth .th" letter part of public 'lr. H. G. |.;icktier (North \\ "up. ., iciplllltn'n {he (h'vt'rnyiryt, in taking "Wu. J ~peu'h my sitlllt' length. titltlll'! thispositirsv, wit-tadopting;) new wlvch he enlarged upon hi, VICWs oi 'policy. He had not been impressed the .1oiii:~ til the hlilt'thi' in North any more by the ttlltttillltllh given from W,sr, If"... In (unknown 11y 51ml"- for former leader, oi the Lilicr'd party " ';r's,' nun-nee o: the commit-non. ,it than by those of the Conservative hr',r:,r',u, lli.lt the ('r-.irr,r-nr ","/t' . party. , :ti,i'.ul to h,cr. their one come brlre I ,', ifwll'illill't'i' ts'; the Home. :'ixiittgh for 'Some Precedents. u', my rte-Wu] hr could not iiiider~t:ind. ' , , i In 188.; Sir Oliver Mowat decided "I" As W" "W" ""1" """" Iluie, itlmt in cine oi charges affecting the :hoiior of member: oi the Home. the charges should be suhniitted to a ju- dicial commission. So the action of the Government today Hao no new step. .\lr. Blake, in itihlretsiitl . t John Mucdonald regarding llh r FRI to tit on the Pacith wandal CHlilllllx< sion. said that he did not think it con sistent With ills mrl.i-rcrirtit to sit upon. a ctrntmis,ior, appointed by il gentleinzin' who had made such reicrtmcc, a, hei (Sr John .\I.icdoii.tld) had nude con-i cerning him. It "in quite wrong] therefore. tor the mcwhcrs, of the llp-i po>ition to state that Mr. Blake reins-; ed becauw he preferred " c-unnnittee to' a cotuuti,sttm. lit in") Sir Wilfrid, Laurier adopted the Mine opinion as Sir Oliver Mowat. Sir Charlc, Tup- per at the ,Pllle time held the \IilllC. views. lion. (it-urge Fl Fluttr. weak: tug of the some (TINY. said that the com- mission tilled the bill exactly. and ":1: infinitely preferable to a coin iiittee j e the Home Sir Lottie Dates and (ditch could le. quoted to the same ci, feet. The Oppositil'vii contended 'hat they were giving away the rights ind priv- i'eem of the Home He replied that they were not dome: so; they were merely delegating their own powers to another btuly--tun, judgm, who would "hurt to them. .ind the matter would thev, be Mitre the Home to take what- ei.er 'tl"tl'tl' they liked. Wanted a Roving Commission. '1 he Upomitmn ohiccted to putting charge, in writing became they might be called upon to pruic theni (Ap- plau<e ) Iii}? ()plt(\\[[14ln wauttsd it committee to dr~:il With the matter. an that they could bring "ll sorts of runion and cliurgm which would not need to he prov-d. Whit they wanted was. not it l\'o;..:' (Viiiiinixsioii. but a rowing (Ullltltlwtttll (Hear, hear.) Among the ~('llMlllltlllli :tiirl rr'mark;ilrie Incident in thix CDC, Mr. l'nttullo AS' serted, 1t/, the I? vll':"'v. ts'1vt .. tire pnpcrx in tin I .-~ Col. H'ititt-wii Int-M". l' _',') "s ' Mr. l'uitiil'.» l h '1'; l rl", I' _ tl,', ; plnii~e.l l Col. \l itl't'wli' A:,. l _ ":, ll, \ they'll be i)l't'llt"i ' V r, Mr. l';ittitll-» \. I .iz'i :tw' ].il'i i _oi that. "lit I an: :.a._id .7 to 't:.t' I document r('lllullllilp, hum: Id,, Ll-,,, t, no guarantee tin lilih" tivic-, \.i'i ' not be added to or t. hl'll tinin \\, , I": the guarantee oi their .l'IlilHl lu- "1?. ' cient? I think not. \uione tlioi dint: . ments, Mr. l'.ittullo \Jllti. lit' l' the t i