rt: , " I l h8 . w " _ . r, tithe ' " G . . 3a, r':'] JCiffrt5it Bi, _r5f,2.'j'iyE . MI '7'" _'"tiiii"i,if,"i" ' iittttaji fEjjkql been 'ititi'd a t,jtlt'tti?/: ' at»- - it detyiiiiiF Prey idem of "WWW-1; Thelneste of that company; Dr. Nes-? bitt continued. was the Temperance & General. I l Mr. Ross-hir. Bole was never em- F Ployed in the Temperance & General. . ', Dr. Nesbitt was at a loss to follow Up the point, but concluded with a gen- cral campaign indictment of the.GQV' eminent and a prophecy of the indig- nan: wrath of the public which was hanging even now' like a threatening cloud over the heads of the Ministers. Questions by Members. Mr. Whitney, on Mot1day--Was a.ny person sent by the Government to m- vestigate or examine into the losses 'and damage caused by the cyclone l which devastated a portion of the east- ern part oi the Province ,5ome time during the past summer ? If so, has he reported, and what did he report ? Is it the intention of the Government to aid the sufferers by the said cyclone; and, it so, to what extent, how and when ? Mr. Matheson. on Monday-Was Frank Sullivan it the employ of the iGovernment at any time during the past month? If so, in what depart- ment, in what position and what salary did he receive? Since what time has he been in the employment of the Gov- t crmncnt. in what positions and at what F salary P li not now in the employment oi the Government, when did he leave said employment? Was he di:,micstul or did he resign P It is understood that the Speaker has recon ed 1v,stitication in the manner. prescribed in the statute of the vacancy in the seat for North Renfrcw. caused:, hy the dcath of the late_ John ly., Munro. The announcement will proh- ably be made to the House on Monday., Premier Ross was spoken to yestcr- day about the subject of com- pelling witucsses to reply to questions ; that might incriminate them. He ; thought the position was one that; would need no special legislation to en- force it. I'he pmhion of such a wit-' new would be similar to one in a crim- E inal court who turned King's cw l deuce. There was a provision in the I English statute; covering the point' there. l l __---------..- l