I ' LEGISLATURE be "iiRW'b the ," . . .-. _ . iien.ttitrl!ttr, Ltut'rllr'."'8, "" " HA for met-nee. it we rtie I: 3.3;". .' . Gglflilll were objected to, 2'Sl star who he. I . '. t ' proposed to brave b h e 5,t', C, and have it so enter e31, ' at whence. -. . _---------" l presented. in the minutes 4 Di . . ._. ' ' C. Spened to Await Proceedings 't S, typposition Arriid? _ . . 0. Gi . _ ' . t of Commission. tend to titsst.tersaifr.thtat he did not In. Erleat length. That. fianr.'t1t,h,'ltr st,',',', ------=----. |otters on his id . r an EVIDENCE a sho.rt "mg-,3 3:0e SicgrccdHo'LSC had . BILL PASSED. commissioners would h .t at the , to report. Now the ave no Ioryer. ' ----------" they would report ychlre afraid that Op leatherette: osi . o matte . . _ p t Ion Offer Host ofithe J,',a,tctgrsi2swmtJrt' g; .uniypor1a/lt Amendments. 1011 of the hon End In the op.rn- ' . the country "'0;le hafmcn opposite, _.------------ If" .those Conclusionc e 150"" respect Pre It,',',',),',", did not pm?" thfetllosc con- mier R " . e tlemen o osit on. gen- Adi os'G Presents Reasons for l(lcclarc 'll'gr' 33:33:}: 5:03? at? able to of the supply bill we Call]::r;mem' and a Division isltchtrheJ "rl/ was i',ri'etsetlui'.oul'e' af- discussion. re passed without or-Members Go Home/ the "Wit 'i2i?y2sdt,t,,,'i2irg,tt,o,), said Rm" for Adm. ment - - lira vtres had been [2,'vl'e"r'ls,i','l'e", was ul- Mr. Ross offered hi . . "V I Ap.orn.er-frsteral and moo ed by the when the House d-|s motion that The rem . . . . uhich had been iiGi at was apomt adjourned tttttil l a Journs it stand Le .' atrtHIg busim which the! lllal fawn] the point t?k¢_n. He argued PUSltiOn in ""hiéhprll let _next. The ).trislat.1"e had to dispose oi bciurcl It would be well '03] VFW of erense itself Was, he said the Hduse iounl adjourning to allow the Roval Com jitiretse.d without any ti,ie,,it,e, iiiiiiitiii)tpi,1.itttif) a cg,i,dal,"genu," Ehcy had mission si ..t, _ . 'I ll ges. S . tom th .nop.e th ' an . "armor .it was concluded yesterday' probably 'g Half days would be 's'p'e'lftjieiti??, 2itsb,ti,yekrottt'd meet for 2'22: um k .' and the members separated counsel, rlTerhrlrrue',"el',trs of learned for taking "56"! thOugh perhaps not le . pril 21st. Mr: Henry CarscaLl economy, also in It}; for the sake oflThCy assumed thactc huntil next week. n presented his am d ter to have e, It would be ber/ would rega d . t e commissione .: . en ment to th _ only the . r It as a m . " evidence bill. providing that th e "tlt evidence We'll?" would act with granter of urgency missi ' _ c com- Ypon a ' . would be ea prom they ar 5:1? should .make no finding, and Whitney a'"i,1,',eei,','t, asked for by Mrlbm' of the 635:?" that toh",','",,','?,),','.'. \ifgc-c all?! the instructions were ultrai thes. following 1d"i'vei's'i1'y..1t, was lost 'lli2aovueldtot,yt,egr, 'tr,eerg'r"le1t, who might . P. " Attorney-Ge . ear-Bar '.--- . u en e commission spirited reply, taunted tL'C'C'SEWW' .sy (Clariicgic. rele"seatunLeedis)i, Brower, 'sts/i'." from 'tt'e"lotsneu. Tnsequemly with being afraid oi "will ark (Bruce) C salmon) e, too, that o h . t was Oi- t a re on bv Duff Ei q rawiord D ' both sid . l cr members , Judges On a . p , the " ' 'iilber, Fov ' owney es might re . s rom . - votc being tak Gamey He d y. Fox, Calla h ' tendance as wi qutre to be in at- amendment was los en, the so I. n U" Hoyle J . g er, battle h ttttesses. It w » __ . . St by 41 to 46 e P. Joynt Kidd . , armeson JCS. t at a good as alanpro. eral minor amend . Sev- tle (Curdw'l ' Kribs La k , . the Hon many membe . 5 . . " L ' ' C ner, Lit- h " would lik ers 0. lost on the m "Fins were declared rison M e ' ucas, Mathe near the evid fe to attend . ' me division and h . N '. . urphy, Macdi . son, Mor- It wa t ence as It was b . " lull was carried and sul , t e bill i'°5b'"- Pearce Pre armid, McLeod .w 5 also true that eingtaken. ' e - ' . ton D '1 ould be S the membc . ed to by Chief J _)Sequemly assent- Svnc' Reaume Reid g ( Wham) lan . o much OCCU . d . rs . . usuce Moss utherland St. ' myth (Algam " ce apd In thou h . ple In attend- ministrator The su . as ad- Willo ' .John, Tuck . a), the trial th " t 1n connectio .: . . lv b ll . ughby-- I er, Whittle t . at tt would . n ttith for A . pp) l ot $345000 Navs-- 4 . Y: o give ca . be Im gt 1 (C,iie,r.1,r,' In: Owned by Mr i,a,i,i'?,Cii,-r,,ev"t,,irssii,'rr'i Auld, Barber Bride 'af"'l'lig 't'ieu,r,'di,,u't'/livirtf afgllliE'c' wor , but Col M . amerr '. ' meron (F0 '.. . "t S another ty " oust'. Th . offered a w - _ . A atheson N on (Huron rt William), '30! th f.te??.: Thev ' Il". censuring Him It confidence motion, ?)aer.2geben1avnd) )'COS:'rr. 'lfe'r'iell.'e,as'ltps'iiftlTrreel to taming}: its; holding the N '/:"icrd','," ior not li',','lr'1sfr"e'i Denis, niefle"n'llef,', gyjierQ the 'lt/vc',.",,'.,",,),"') le§i~latinn l2": This was losA or enlrew election Guibord ll I)son, Graha , ry cn,' ppeared, as the C ose ' or until it t on the sam . . . . " . arcourt His m, Gross appear th y trusted it . ' vote was t e division. Al mes, .1.-ttchip ' islo.p, Holm 'iworth , at the Gover wouli, Idiourn for 13:: we); the.yotion to ti'il.lc')ei',i,'di",c,aic,?tre'i'r,etcea,e,y', all? (N5: .try. {f ti'e"iiii'i'eiiivcri Tingle: chi?) similar s, With a res t ' u o. Pens ' s art, Par- it would tres were . l t " is, in 9:332: (mm. The 34i0urnm:: 133mg??? 1siU22,tiea. Pres- 1? ent Swims; ":3"? for ggzlavtchr? . act, welcomed to , OM, Ru ' iekard, would d onsider h - ot the by man n, Taylo 'sell, Stoc Str I ah o. It B at next irom thrifxbfrs, Particularly thos: hope.--46. r, Thompson, Thai Tud- 8g',',e,,ggre,d, ":5? 1/,e,t,teetiro,t,1s1at they them an N a "glans, as it will gi n tagt1.ccayrel1 P T - Hons: "as sum-I]. the hone?!) fas a . opportunity to do th . 'Ve a; Smith, Cars , owell ; Burt H It would . vindicited as tl o the, (it'll eir Spring man, Beck. callen (LennOx): Bean- adjourhmebe. by the leziderlSZ truertf/ remier Ross . . ' w- one nt would in . . . ei state . . intimated Mr. Game g . ' and tvottl Convenience ionde': Elbe Globe, that ibis alrea.dy o 3 Amendment. adjust their Itll",: mav members 1:2! the tt probably or . comm"- n the motio . Flier] they re mess affairs. so h end oi the game bei R. R. G n ior third . m " .esumed. the " t at 1 ' week. ore am amey (Manning li reading Mr e or six week y could conclude s Cotttmiaaion U . tryiye.nt that th _d_ln) proposed . . GM 3. On the m . 'ltra Viree? 'ue/ time, but that"; be not 'hel 1h on Objections. o . . k . if the evidentc'gnblf' the third readin Whole tct, to a comaiiitbm be re- but". Whitney replied llen (Hamilton)l Hugh-(1%?" Cars"- a clause 03:30?" 'ifls"t7,','e't'ieoen, ff 1't ed 'ln his side of the Ile the ment- u ent which he h d ve e amend ment hi ying the S o a d eral e motion to d "SC object- previous day a. .proppsed - H w ich he pro ame amend- reasons. TI . a low" for me ' . . , providin on the ouse wa . posed wh on the m ' "3) object Ston r rt 3 that the com Whol s In Commi en the " erits of th td, firstlv 6nding. t" .0le the facts - C on Manda .tttee of th copdly, on th e proposition . ,- ' . and that h ' and no contained h y. This a e by the P . e artrum ','1nd mmsgo" Was ul he thought th Ga t e statem mendment li retmer in . ents offered lel tra lar . , mer. On F . ent made ieved that tttt fat/o . ""33.th m power is, In that It berg of the Lady)! lasts. chr'in by Mr. of the liouthe duty of 1Trri, He be. . elf???" the 1'g,steohtal? 'om- at: the meme"? with 'i.ilt','s,'il',r.aT"t'i" body was a:- and of the 'h',' member . . eact under hi a power e am d t. or Manito . CY to Wade. a remain read "me as a ' 1tbstoeg was issued . ich the com- the Sam l.' P.ent was 'dec - n m. ple s representati . y to do its ll owe to grant a gave. p.ower to the questio e division as u lired lost on di . If that were I',',,'"?, of the poo- '. e holding of an c.omWssto11 only for Mr. n. pon the Previous 'lr/P, Circummance e case under or'. . cation oi the aérlhty'h'rhe Whole 1nj'e'nri4'ea,,nt',e', th.ep moved We;c il' at ream. 'im/r',,',',:' much 0 authorize the is"; t ought, was the last ' providjntr th a further iiG' pecu at reUkon wh-, _ how- ' the Ministry Rafi: commission 1if,itesie.1)toci1atre'ul" be gluten}: words by tf",'d) remain all '19"? Legis. i t to the and f e commence- ows _ e ill, which out of goin 'nd e the inv : ss.ton day itothing that had o the act there was "The reads as tol.. tain g on. The leo/devel,'),),'?,').,"'..', was thintt but an . any Rhyme to an - on 27th statement mad . ti ex.tent, divestea . int-to a cer- atPPlled. t',te,'in'v?ri,'r'forir',esirei'v'ieti,osi?fe" an 'dtl'dytar,ye5is, r, 'tetu1t',g biaee1r'h,Ttoaik,. certain $3513" for the a only and ' 0 subord- e a cha ey shall be ob ten 5"ttr widen - the the Minist. upon a rayon of whi h clause of fee cowing deemed to cul' and" invetrti . ce oo the m a . . ttatton I 3. ed, therch could act. hat was a}: All h the said 'g,u','ie,.r, the last sunny necessary that . .t was pe- that the can, by the amendment s - to b . wanted, Mr mission." es of the Hon ' while thed l - mm . wa e s . . Ga . Hon " we cle " w - = 'fe,','d", should not ac: 2u's'ieo,'t"G 0&1"th beat: st',',': Wat) has: 533:3 be at 11:1: (it? 9:1" the l ' u I L r d nected with "1e .e ence he h S. com- moment and y, ready to meetl s col- . at Conlpira " con. to wh express its lf . at any Cy, . " the CO . . e m re d mg maussion Her . . : and to take co .r'err were do. . _ , . _ mum .of any