q - a", - a CW. - Gi4 _ w. i i - ___- " - i - I, r w 4...".2'». T?, ME. F" , , ' "a, . . ' w _ . "" certain estimatel'o , can a certain amount orcom'm, Iru',s, F."' . . - , rv _ misled in ire%tidii . , ' . ' W" was; P.. .' , Width some hope. F G-iii 're, expenditure when the estimates as ":15 tttrt,",'?,',?.,',,',',' th tommutyifth q - ['r F' d timated receipts brought down, and on consulting e ' . , es a , ose, , itatement sh.owe es . ith cash ublic accounts find that that estimate "de.dty:tions are correct they are. 'er- '. V , . for aird3 bf $4,4'03,3pa, which. mm the} has been largely increased. Por in- jtainly a c'redit to every person in the . ', Mt hand, will make $S8stUB3, w He stance. besides the amount brought Province. . . . _ . . . far is $4G37,-. . h . tes of last ear and Mr. Ross, continuing, said there had , . tstimated expenditure so down in t e estima y . . . ' d the . N f 11 d the Drtrc-. been an increase in the revenue from Je ' Mr. The assets are $r824,ao8, an m that respect We o owe . Ipublic institutions the amount having " l . . . . ... a surplus tice of the previous year. we paid ior l ' . q r l iabilities $5,884,946, leaving drainage and tile debentures $1,625. we grown from $97,735 to tra2,8ss, an tn- ," l . of $r,939,26a. . paid hr railway aid certificates $126,177. I crease of over $25,000. That arose . the financial . . . . . aid trom the fact that a greater number of Lieut.-Col. Matheson, we paid in annuities $102900. we p . . . .. ll ed and ' it . ' 0 for common patients were now paying for their ', . . . L. the Opposition, fo ow ' Ifor the univerSi y 4 ,444, . _ ', Critic. of 1 r of $239.-i 'school lands $9193 or a total of $270 '- maintenance, and there was perhaps a . . . ast ea - . . , , . .' . . . . . estimated .". deficit . y d 1p11'i'ilG't'l.1 That. with the estimated e..xpendi- 'Jatraei,ilriitiie, ts//1irev',s,'aotti', (if tt,gyl"g, 5 m on ordinary res enue an hi ture. brought the actual expenditure to ap? s of $816 pa leg s. th e le- ture and that it would be larger tltls $4,345,003, or $52,982 in excess of the an Increase o ,469 un er e SUPP . . ' House . l d 'ith: mentary revenue act and of $4,253 in _ year. When he concluded the . actual revenue. The year close in V I fisheries owing to extension of the area i witnessed the sudden collapse. of the la bank balance of 1egcrit"t,-,tela/,titl licensed .. . l ' . .., . . er ---a bank balance whic ias improve debate. Mr. Whiting} deferred.1i;l'::to since the closing of the year, for to- The Estimates. -. . . ise. ou . . ,. . . i" , discussion, and the. 1ti gm ress. day the-Pcash m the. ba$nk6th ":6 Tf) Mm Premier then pointed to .s.ome', ; supply, made considera e p g 'iLttt.) 'k','Tfaet',Cae' h'y'ei"n',i?t2ud. ct" of the increases of actual! e'gg.dist,1,'g, .. . .' . . . . 2, as om ar Vltl I I. sue , Local Improvement Law ill penditure of the yea.r, we have. "in 'h J2/'ii'a/lhct.a11.i'/0',' pu'blic tdf/tide,',",',,' 7 [' Colonel Gibson introduced f bi re- drawn on our previous resources m maintenance $3r.234, agriculture $a4,- ', specting local works and. imprme- the bank, except to 1v/ir,y :,s"tt'tlel,e,ixitrleJ/,' 480, hospitals and charities $23,a40, F," ments. He explained that tt consisted aliens: 2:221. led/Ola' 3.1.1:. "2.3:. : "i;c4is?ott1lz.ati?r'L'eeadt. $57,444. ft1vhla,ei' k V . , 1 uses of the . 4 ' I. ose mes were men ion r,' I of thedocal ttttpro, emcnt c a 1:" em- half to our credit. _ because they were all in the natyre.of I f l, municipal act. They were. l - b it Some Declines. l txpatr5iop, opening up and developing i bodied in the consolidated bill su 112' "In some of the departments of the some industry. Pen,rgee,'ehTen, might il ' ted to the House a few days ago. n " . - ' ' .pomt to that as an evidence o extrav y" d b made to rearrange and reven.ue.there was a d.ecline as "in" game of the Government. Expendi- , effort ha een . 'pared with tool. For Instance, taking tttre was no proof of extravagance. 'r simplify the somewhat complicattd pro- |th.e whole receipts Of 1902 yi.c?mparetl The question was in what direction the ir. visions of the municipal act, and it had lwitli yoiaWrf, was a shrinkage of 'expenditure was applied. Here he 'i' seemed to be advisable that they should "$177399- That s.Irinkag.e mainly 1"t'ile, warned hon.. members that the supple- rt . t bill tem- lin connection with two items. first, the mentary estimates would still further , be the subject of ansepara e , h 'i'rcccipts from Crown lands, and see- increase this year's expenditure. There . . porarily at least, .which. could go. to t el ondl from succession duties. Jn was an increase this ear of $io.283 for . . . t th l y . . y . l MuniCipal Committe.e m order .t?..e.. le iCrown lands the shrinkage was eytyr"- civil government. That was onlv equi- Views .oi. representatives of iniinicipa " .1), through the small amount paid in ivalent to an increase of 3 1-2 per cent. _ I Les might be heard. All woyld approve, lilie treasury for bonus. The bonus paid 'in the salaries, which. he thought, was of coyrse, of any change ip.the con- ior to be paid as the result of timber less than was the increase in oth.e.r ' struction of th.ese clauses which would grants had already been paid. the pre- walks of life. The estimated expend:- r tend.. to simplify and make they 1110136 11 vious year. Taking the receipts from ture for 1903 was $44i37.428, and the readily intelligible. There might do , the Crown lands as a whole, howercr- lestimated receipts $4,403.372. He want- . differences oiopinion. howev.er., regar ii and the main portion of this comes led no misunderstanding: our estimat- .. mg some A tne clauses wh.ich dcalthfmm dues on timber and lumber-the led revenue was not quite equal to our . with principles, and he mentioned th.e l'income was larger than for many years. estimated expenditure. Dept . were ' fact that there was such a bill. that l, The total shrinkage, however. as c_om- some large items for public buildings _ would dea! t'it.h these particular {CT lpared with 1901 was $r33,r46. Tren and public works, which might not. f i tyres of muyicip.al law. and th.at luf1 Ithere was a shrinkage in successmn however. be expended this. year. For y j t.ions.regardiryr. 1t ypuld arise m which lduties. The year 1901 brought to the convenience, items amounting to .$26:- k' i the City municipalities would bc iiltfl'nitreasiiry the largest income from that i070 had been transferred from Tisc.el- C"' I ested. m order that public attention 3: source ever received, $366,58r. Last laneous to other departments. An in- _ i might be. drawn to the fact and that no l year the income was $236n69, or less crease of $6.250 m .letrislation was ' one might hereafter say tha.t I"19'5""th $130,412. Of course that is not a largely occasioned by indemnity and i ', ant changes had been male without the i matter under human control. and we mileage in six new. members. while ad- I , public having their attention drawn to (have got to accept the inevitable. Diir- ministration of iiistice cost'$.1.627_ more. ' them. . In. the Pple manner he had ling the current year the receipts from made up of small Items. chiefly in new I found it dcsirable titat itthhertle, should IV."!, this source as the estimates will show. districts. , . , _.. . " Olttt vii-', V , - . . , hill specially dgafliglg ',v,'S,itl'/ia'i ac: in- law expected to. be somewhat larger Educational Estimates. ; age ieatures e Pf ll '..: Kilian the previous year. In these Tl . f d "to I d in- _ .troducing the new feature. o a owing2 items there has been a de- ie estimatesQ or e uca lon ha a. incorporation as an actual 'iye,.r,y,re,t,,ei'c'C'e' in the revenue-mot a very emerged trom $76,593. to 19yry,y an f, municipality of areas he.ret?fot.crcat- 'serioiis decline by any means. In some incrtafe.of $45,673. fhis "1"" not large. I. ed into police villages by the {DUNN} there have been increased. considering the _ylls which c.ame to i" Councils. Thus they would be humor. I ems . . . the department. llierc. was an Increase ', ate bodies. exercising certain powers General Increase in Business. of $7.900 from putiuc and .separate set forth in the clauses. "For instance, in the Provincial tc: st'ilioolst;l new sclioodlstwetre ti,nfc,',',"tit. . .. . , . . ..,'., e artment the revenue as e in It newer is me Cs cons Y. y. ' The Premier's Budget. ce.et'edD/re,i,',,r $88,157 to $108,184. or each calling for a $1700 grant. There ' l Premier Ross. in rising to deliver his an increase oi over $awoo. This. was an increase of $6.8oo for mainten- I [ budget speech a.t ten minutes before 4. arose very largely from the number or lance of high schools. there being new - i was ,rece.i,v,ed with loud applause. "Mr. charters issued by that department, and [ones at Iarl,e.rta,iie/ Sault Ste. Magic , '. Speaker. he said 1n opening, whcit I the constant stream oi charters which and North ay. le Gfy crnment e- ' _ made my financial statement last year pass through that department indi- jsired that the outlying districts should " I estimated the receipts tor the year cates an extensive growing wealth in (hay equal laCIlities tor superior edu- , a at $4,075,872. The financial condition the country, although 1 think this re- ;catio.n with the children of the central . _ oi the Province is more. prosperous mark was contradicted by the member idlstflttls. There was an Increase un- than then expected. so that our actual for South Lanark (Colonel Math.esorr). id" 1i,s,rysy.ty.?frr:; from $1.200 to $2.590 ' receipt, amounted to 34.29203. or.an It indicates perhaps a change In the for military instruction. a .v.ery desir- V er655 ..vcr our expectation, riiiioiiiitiner mode of doing business .irom .tht.itt- 3ab.c form oi pliy sisal training; Arr- L. to snows. our rcvciiiie being drawn dividuals and partnerships of thirty 1091?; 1/',firceaa/eedi"elns, $5"? on the §C11001 from minor sources. covering a large years ago to the j.oip.t st.ock company. gory Irafticiab .giencei the growth lot _ area. This increase, as l intimated m limited. As an indication of that I ll" "chm" ff f1 'l't"iti"d'T1,r,',l1i of le , my opening remarks, suggests a cow may say that in 190: 520 charters werel 'lil {Went} i',"eal?) t 1a .Qunshed m '. , dition of prosperity throughout the issued by.tllat department, represent- "Fill aacn1/1ut"etliT"' ff'/1J,',,eat"ig,'g),( his- Province which is very srratiir.ing. The ing a capital.oi fi4s3S6,t.xxy . "f.l,1.iC.t.s.,'ii,"i?// "on _ In N .. ill , d" 0 f' estimated expenditure, not including four companies .inc.r.ea:sed their capital} g. . , it C?,! If.a '3'? ah'lce, ":5 . statutory charges. was $4196.05. while by $7,000,000. I think that las.t item te/t'es1nd32d,tcliaseil,3,,irg,1. "in? Ti - _ the actual expenditure was. 34.964.063- may be considered as an essential eVi- ir/id/u 'engincerin 'dll/J/tIli/i',',. t; I or less than the estimate. (not includ. dence of the growth of the 1uslyyr't1'il' countrv and mg the United Sgtst i Cl ing statutory charges) by $180,362. . It of the country. . Seventy.-ope extra l'lhe Saw-0, filled '3 most Nes. ll has been the practice, although I thin.k Provincial companies applied. for li-i ortant - i', e sin , at S 2t = . it would ho well to change. iticenses showing that companies char- p p C l ce .. .ne ruslt perhaps I . f ' . . . ltO the learned professions had - ll vears go by, mu to lir'tercd outside the Province are seeking . T before ma y ". . . . been diverted. It was proposed "'t , . the estimates submitted to the. the markets ot Ontario. Up to date,l . '., _ _ crude in V . . _ I to vote this year $224.ooo ior the con- ' ' _ :harges created bv statute. IN this year already, 187 charters havell . . . . House C . . -l struction and equipment of a new SCI- ; . ours? thev have to be met, and the been granted, representing a capital ot la" " b ildi hi h 1 th It ' 1d r. . 'if use would to a certain extent bel $64,940,000, and twen.ty companies have 1 b ce _ tll 'tI'g- w. ltd "1] . o.uglu wou " ' o increased their cai?,ital.by. $aooo,ooo, e as Ir ('Ctrlll etzfiis, lin arrange; " A . and sixteen extra Pr?yincia.l compan- "if? am] apr? "wees 0"? study o I: 1.es, have oyppliet.i for the. privilege of llipid f/ll',,',";?,,',":', as any seiool of the L'". . _doing business m Ontario. It is im- m dupon t l', codntiilicnt. . .It was pro- .._ pp.ssible for one to accurately say what pose tod expan the 1l1ll1'lr {depar- "h' . this m.ean.s. It may mean a large ment, an ..3. sbcparate buiding'or t at lti l _ ' .accu.mulation of wealth outside seek- purl?" "a? 'lee"l'curo1cttri's' The £37,} "only f' . ' Jug. investment here. It certainly doesi pen tture o t e " oo t 15 year wou 'ilk; ':tryg !ibi ' -- . " " I f1fhWi , .. , all a"'--;=" . ----