Ti . '0 a c. . "f ". ms I = r " " IT,'. ..,. - 1.4 f "mthl tiW5ir- i , g w. _.. ' - -.l " , l "Y, " w " TE ' 1lltliWiil " "I 'tIMI ' _lll!ll.Cii.Cl'i'iiiiiii7rr'i," '. pot proper y.diitgitoie ' _ . m investments on!" li' , £15.: ii'ifth iet,"tal8,illglBrrthtlt'i' has _ Dr. Jessa!) (Lincoln) toolé up the ' iretttutft, On accurate" -these, th _ tg"' '. . " ___ My", _ it Wo tor. ease tar the local physicians. declaring ' fore, themwas a reduction to be ma ope prim C031. Me, .. h't ln " li that they were as competent to Jud _ in the rehlaitgli reee.iptr.fors *9"? ttt his license, yt. Mi fUidit "t l py of smallpox as Dr. Bryce; He askEd . . . fettr""D.é ucting this, they had or- to Mr. Davis. . . . ivhetheralrthe young men' wh , dinary receipts' $4,035,000. Then, al- Mr. Dans said that the question m sent to take char e of small o were lowing for any expenditures upon tiewl' connection wit1,t. this. sqhitct was on F e dul t'ililliaerf h sicia pox cases buildings, such as $21,000 for the new the order paper on Monday. and .he. "mid Styriiltton re lie-ii th tut, di infirmary at London, $15,800 for the had seen the leader of the Opposition l t the localp h . .a " id n.ot Agricultural College new buildings, and explained that the answer could say a l b h p ylsicmns were m- and $ '00 for the School of Science-. be brou ht down until Wednes; compctent, ut t at-t ey had on the 3,3 not g d instances wh r l l h . deducting these. they had ordinary ex; day, and he had accepted the explan- {CCOThS d d e e oca p ySlC- 'penditures for the year 1902 of $4,272,- ation as satisfactory. tans a Rr,'irctke cases that were 000. There was thus a deficit for 1902 Mr. Whitney replied .that he had not smallpox a.s c 1c enpox and Vice versa. between ordinary ' receipts and accepted the explanation as satisfac- The. practice was not to send out ex- ordinary expen itures of $239,: tory, but had merely said that he un- perienced men to take charge. of the 000. This tp was "tttyt-sith-and/ur derstood the reason. cases. That could. qtot .po.ssibllr be that we, had had special taxes.; Mr. Davis replied that J1e was sttr- done. They sent put medical students These new taxes amounted to $350,000 prised at Mr. Whitney'? statement. who wereable to go. out on small salar- or $4oo,ooo a year. . , The information would be brought! res and give their time and experience i Last year they had received from down on Wednesday, and would be} to the treatment of, cases that had l the Dominion Government no interest fully as complete as would be requirfi already. been diagnosed as smallpox. on the Province's trust funds in the| ed by the hon. member for South Lan-i Mr. s. Clarke (West _N0Yth_umber- hands of the Dominion. These funds Urk. . . . land) also spoke briefly, defending the amounted to $3,400,000. We owed al Continuing, Mr. Matheson criticized inspectors. . debt to the Dominion. and so they re-' the Government for granting powersto The House adjourned at 10.05. _ fused to pay any interest On these', companies to develop power at Nia- Notices: t . funds. The Dominion did not pay usl Sara Falls. They bad given three . Mr. Pinvell--Respecting the employ- an increased subsidy. . jer,t,1,,e',',itrieuledrs', an.d nowdno Eloy: ment and wages of females and day . " . _ com anies cou go in pn ? al a . 'm.1 ti . . mm... Deficit mom il',ce',iiii'i'i't advantageous sites without are: .33.: tyi?,.dntt,eas:itgftacr'ti.ilr1y, The ordinary expenditures oi 1902 ex-. much larger outlays. t . . amend the municipal act. ceeded those oi 190' by $263,ooo. Ill. Mr. Ross s.ta.ted that the Chairman) Dr. Barr-To amend the municipal the estimates for 1903 there was a deaf of the 1oe'r'"s"ili'd"l'l alsstclrtebd tlaat {Exact aet. l . Reit. The estimated receipts for 1903 were other Sites avaia e., CSI es ose: - . oi, . um- were $4.537,000. Supplementary expen-l given, and capable of being " cheaply) .er' 33mg}? aidindmtlihl Jigisénment ditures would be at least $roo,ooo, and iyg.e,d,ctf, that. inflormation Mioijlid (lt' ac. ' _ in other ways the ex enditures would be broug it own in t e repo.r o e, , . i- amount to Ll-,nf,'gi"' The estimated Park .f,?',y/tvsit'//s4.' to be laid i1iiii"t'payarit?owne.y--T; amend the mumc i revenue was $4,403,000, leaving a deficit table in a CW ays. I . - . i, of $450,000. Deducting expenditure on, Mr. Matheson"agreetrto leavethatl _le- ""1913;ng J,1yi,entliegl111flt 7 capital account. we had a deficit expect-; point until the report was tr.rdug.htlclp,a, air; 1 ll,,' uir of Ministry: Whil ed in 1903 of $170,000. Mr. Matheson down. He asserted, however. that the! ML" It. 6'71]? 'd Tecumseh 1irol pointed out that during the last ten Province should develop the power it. ihas, tl e 1 owns". pd the sum of $63 34 years the expenditure of the Province self in the interests of the people oflwell, on yr_rccc_i\fclmd for the 'ear '95) increased by $810,000. and said that we the Province. The Government was -ir0m the '/,1""Uf cied //lU"ii"Ite'l' ii: could not go on from year to year in- afraid to spend a comparatively small the amour): tag ff bein $270 ' l creasing our expenditures in this way. amount of money on developing Nia-'Ccnseb /'t',rv/elljyo'rfi'ir, oi the "blouse for' In the face of this. too, we had our) gara power, and yet were not airaid' Mr.. "be" r the number oi voting Premier going to Ottawa to urge the to go ahead with great expenditures ,3 returndb .01"mg ted to the countv Dominion to make a raid upon ther on railways in new Ontario. (1..e.,yji an Jrir , comm: C It.' I 190', rel. Province. Ontario paid one-hah' of the! 45'1"" .m the years 900, 901, - . . (Debate Ctnc1Med., (ispectively. revenue of the Dominion. and lit the: . . . . 'l , T . d the municipal Premier asked the Dominion Govern, Mr. 1fhitney, iollt?ying Mr. Mathc- I Mr. Lucas--- o amen . l . ment to give us only $780,000 of the) son, said that he did not propose; to act. H d tl munici- - $2.160.000 increased subsidy to the Pro-l debate the motion any further, m "19W 3 Mr. Ha2na---To when l If ' aht l ' vinccs. of the fact that the House had already pal act. 10 amend tie flr1ye,ff , ' been in session the better part of two To amend. th.e workman s compensa-' l The Surplus. months. He would. therefore, be ton- tion for injuries act. . . . . , ' Thé statement brought down by the tent with the opportunity of debating , Mr. Sutherland-Inquiry or .Bllnl'eil r Premier showed a surplus of assets' the various questions that would arise try: (r) What are th.e regulationgg . over liabilities of $1,939,000. This was in committee. ' ", standard of road required by thed u - $5,000 or $6,000 less than it was last! Mr. Ross considered the step a most lic Works Department (as callc for year. There was a misleading idea ml satisfactory one, and the House went by clause 6 of the act for the '.mproven the Premier's statement that all the into supply, with Mr. W. c, Caldwell ment of pu.blic hirh,vays). to be "FTP: claims between the Province ahd the in the chair. Dried with i1tcld,erateoi ep),bpertn/ou/'1) Dominion were finall settled, whereas . . . palities to o tam icir ' _ ' there was a claim under treaty number Estimates m Supply. the sum set apart for the iyp.rt,ee1cr11 lthrce, wherein the Dominion asserted Th.e.estimates under the depa.rtment of public highways? (2) Is it the Ill- that the Province owed them $475900, of ciVic government. amounting Cl tuition. of the Ministry to extend the lwith interest to date from March of $326,44p, were passtd "1 ctyy,mitte.e With time in which County Coun.ci.ls Td Jastyear. very little.disctyssion.. They ity.lud-' avail themserves.of the proviSions f), E Mr. Ross interrupted to say that ed the various branches of the Licut- the act for the improvement of lug _ he had a statement from the Dominion; tenant-Governor S otty,e: Att.ornet-Gen- Ways ? / ,Solicitor that the-open account of theleral S Department, Education, Crown ' ..-ee=.re..ezrerr=e='-"-"-e-e-"'= , irespective Governments of the Pro- Lands, .Pyriic Works, Treasury and Vince and of the Dominion was accept- Provincial ftrt.tary.'s Departments. In- ed at $1,807,986. This included every- spection m public institutions. license: thing up to December, 190,3, except branch and audit of Justice accounts, .treaty number three. Registrar-Genera/s branch, Board of; 5 Mr. Whitney-That might amount to Health, Department of Agriculture, ill-l ',coo,ooo or more. surance and neglected children's 1 Mr. Ross-But it has to be settled branch.es and thn miscellaneous. The by the. courts, and would settle down committee then rose and asked leave to l 'probably to a few thousand dollars. sit again. ' _ ' _ Mr. Matheson, continuing, said that .Ury.ler the consideration ot the Pro- ;we owed the Dominion Government vincnil Secretary's department Mr. !$6,572,000, and our only assets were the Strapon explained that a system of Idrainage debentures, $90,000; bank de- grading clerks had been adopted, mak- 'posits, $r.227,ooo. and cash in hand. ing three grades, first, second and juu- j$180,000._a total mi $r,606,ooo. Taking ior, and arranging for promotions at . l "hat from the debt, this Province owed the rate of $50 a year. The salaries l '_$4.966,ooo, over every dollar of assets ranged from $600 to $1,500. 1 tt had P pay that debt. .Criticizing Smallpox Inspection ' Pulp arid Power. Dr. Willoughby took occasion underl l Mr. Matheson laid stress upon the the head oi.t.ht.e Board of Health esti-) jossible arrival of hard times. It was mates to ulna" the system of small-' time to begin economy. and not to "a pox Inspection. .I'ic thought that the t Ion increasing our indebtedness year by danger from smallpox was being gre.at- . iyear. We should not go ahead now as ly magnified throughout Ontario. . '7 iif we had money to burn. He believ- Many cases were reported 1Nsmallp.ok red that on the Pulp deals, as he called, .tha.t were not smallpox. This was p- "hem, we might have obtained at least luring the Provmce. Hrcould In- t .$1,500,000 for something which the Gov- ?tanc.e several cases, 1p..hit own rid- 1i.tiin..1f.n/ iritteied away. He gave as mg the Inspector had failed to come i an instance of the Government's ex? back when asked to d9 so., after having 1i'i;y'iiiiiiiiii the alleged sale of a timber ggifammcd a case that was not small, q M Mr. Stratton replied' that in many' , , ' -