t a T .lI ' We. of Et 273,. = u r) . In ia,,"',':',,',"'" _ N F f; rr ", II its???» II "mount ftr, . r, P '-ifttt'ti' " ' 'i 'iv " , iAyICS or "Dog, 're'2tirtt " to the fa ~: 5"" ai, N -sh,,'eg;rit :9 Coloring}? (by C F Erlmptlfl'u' go, Giemi thc . [ . L 'r n ' ' . . . . ac - l an. - I 1tle,t .kittd tofe K's 'W 2rd, In- Town oi E . atoning? h1ghWaysIt" '"id11i'ih'?','ii5,riii " I counties and f rk he did in 1902, J. w' 'st".""',:',,",,'.'] tsttecti'e the3"tbn"£ till ap.liii' ..- "tich., Mr. 143;,th man} (kWh-at Naming}, at Jan-4R : F Com 1,"lt"rii's5'i'rcit"'ii, "M. "w , w I {sawed $1.6m is gd, replied, this? lIn "ll'.' Cafedonia Regent" the fi'l,'l"e'r1"r as the 'iit?,','ltli,'r'a1tlfi'rste,ir,' F t903 H 'T n 1901 and " C lway Co " i h tttttil O . . ' '." m- als . " t a d ilton _ wer [ [roads and be' mSpected 51.21335 Min arscailen o com tt Tra . Cat r . rid coloni ". es & Al --Res . M . e up. bu Chou Pract I .attons etc . tres. and mad ization' Dani ttoma R . pecting B atheso t was Com I I t . . . iel B ailw rttce O n and M _ Oppo I pany I nox, Le d: m Hastmgs l e chmm- pal a urt-To " Com . . u the gr r. Ho sed by C I i Front e S, Renfrew . tiuta.rk Le ct. amend th pany. pro . . Qund that yle and OH _ enac N ' Addin ' ' II- . W. H C mu . . pnatlon the othe 3 .the nu . o record gton and m . Ta l mct- was I . were pOwe rs,' tt w co . ytor-T aid . too " 0 cohort.': ther oi days ,dvowrtsedkei,",t as to 'df/y"'?))')')':, the cfsadamgud the act Rm was: until TJ:;ge- mi gas-1% ' Ir Fo 7 each W " any. a ent t" espe . ng bill ay nex i - . y mo .. . C. ral R il. ctm s we xt. J tr,e,yit'e"tlct "1:3qu l a return of co Kt.1sst.o", ftt,vae,llidfee'"' ail 23-N0'th i,itits1,'s,iets,iii,i'tt'ie',i't'i,'e?i)' "-..... y e . O a . ' r- . fl am" ecti 1au . -. , r . 1 . lr, other 3:223: t Malta's: awn?" cipal iiryur'/'/1'-'rl11di fdl1'fay the Ross 1942.: ie.ldys, det?"",'):,,") 2,1?a"gr oss repli d. S or water wer ft. M . mend th . Mnsor i' orial Ho ". respect an- 7'; e that . power l . . Bow " e mu . ' idate tl spiral . lng th ' T onday wi it would . Mr. Sudb man-T . ttl-l Des I " d l . Linds t . ,ithout . be dow _ ury & o Inc A emu"). r _ c." of 'yay, [ Munici fail. n cm way Com Copper ai', corporate I Burying -, csipectln the ,1 owl tn i 'tpal Fuel Yards J fi ppm"- iff Electri Rthe' respecti Ground RE [the Men 1 ot l lir T 'H . ma. "i',", uff.--Tc . C. ail- t " the . Pyltl? D spolis ' . . ' o o c mu 0 . o N "% reading of . flt.st?n moved ChmI etrolca & §"°"'p°rate tto,"o2'rn,.fci,r,1," by-law mummy "Phat"; ties to go a. bill to "Ruble Ithe second J liany. t. Thomas tit', Sar- Cliilsrwh' 2lielvid' 1902 of J,,r.s,',"i.t, - _ ' intc "uni . . . . -- r" .--- ail , . ren' 2 tl ' ow Ji Cases of e , the fuel 1) . cipali- met 03 To wav In S Hom 1e Jane n of the pew xtreme urgen "Miles; i ot act. amend . ti g the Cit e, Branti Laycock , .., . cy. H n Col the _ ilze y Of St ord: _ " becaus er would b . e thon I _ one! M a5se . rrmN and co _ . Tho ' fame i se of h e Spam I. ght street . ' athes tsti- 1 row ntirm b mar. t . ct- had 1 t e ex . um Wi 7.' ram, on-T _ wn of P y-law N C) le ately wl . perlenfe sed Col vay act o am I N t - etrol .. . o. 6 gal- f no .' len t Some . ,'mc-I y . end l' lt. a" P ,9": to _ _ 79 o t t finefially rc he undertakin ly] munici Ilatheson-" the I,:)')':,,:-'.":.':',":'," the low (anhrm l: I;ic 3Ir. Gibs p 951$ka g "as. pal act. To an ' tlt,-, Ite n of D'xr- ' J) "I"; I the j,ir,ii,ito)it.if that in r Notices. merd the I AILWAY 'itii'iif gull-:1; i? in. te incurred 2i2, j,e,ticiarsta,ci, It" ' Mr Gi I LLS AMEN . '5 ad alre . . ryyr the ouncils S . ibson-- I C .eads Mgn fi past ve urrogat ' An ac ---------" ' tc,g,f,ir't11e', any 3:52 his mtefuiii; be. amend diatom" act t? amend tl PUBLIC INTER ta e ' n th " ot ame statt . ISO . tel E ' was no .en by them. eu,'.','.',) have "d the . 'rite law; a an act to1 ED By STS PRO . t m f: . pe, o Mr judicat nd a COM TECT . tensity of :13?" of ind.tyis,g,,aa"t'," he muniéi Pardcr--An We: act. an act to l 1fel1l1'.f.""" - F ties. He was if: lfmwers to mgr-t5 er.- Mr Ia?, tlr.ainage a: to amend (Preventin . I and controllin al""' oi thei icipidi- (liliry' '. esbitt--O lft. the " . tr companie I even. g their w . It' owntt1ur . . m Mi: :, ll "1m! . ',l mg a M tt From ' . wt ceivseit/71,lie"r'; their 'iigt1e/p"a",r)/ mt} 1ry.1ec,1t tthry: In "18) next--h I and f onopoty of Ri h Obtain- I a very _.. . ,mnv . ' 1m- ereoi Wat b . W o E ttr t of l Sheet r . l vigilant L' and exer ernment . respcc . anks al il Bi ntrance t Way (ranch. ailways and control . - ments I and th ' tively dc . N _ ills Re o a Town _. 15c: q those . OWr we uepo'ci - .0 diffe Jt I) thei, ported -.tfitte' ther the; 91"" we <19"!le obtained 'LI'.", the he}: Ilht'll' "1011:?" Jepurt_';1 ranged For N and Four A ' gram 1e',,ttiropurlid, co i',ii//) Jt,e"r",i"i; It,lyrcreedi,t, of 1% (),r,'1yr2', tsd:,' ttict) t.f1'1t1eeti'" r-' ton. As The; "a - an operat 5 menu n e by," . m ailces, C " Tl ' i he l . , to dcali . , anothe ' C lor tl wrcoi . mllcnt , _ to i', 1e Rail _ - I, " .- ."z . . rm I.. 1eve In 7 andr _ . uway , . 1 5:0'1lddt1'cwt|dhema'if": a?" m ""1101?! are" i,,yaetr,wle9rr'oi', "tfi"' 30%qu Ietti,ety; tity,.,,,),',".:,';').?: of th l t ey sh o SO an- saying ic lat mm ' r cm tl L rate Ji . Pt set own :. orted fiv . e ', busi " ould fro intr l more th 1ey to Cit l "!ut of i lc'se dcm v Ill- t C "NV others "c bills and 3 . .InessN I It the bald an that I I ircll ot tl ntert'st . 'tuts and m ft. sda . 5 for consi _ ', nicipaliti .. le quit mg or otl month oi Mic . Nmt wits cr . ( 1 eq. l l next. sidcratio I tes ',l _ tt agre d tier l . the . ."kumn _ -. edited', [he . . It: trtsards should 1 c that Mr. Di year " A; l t I ioliou', , . I .'. and lave c . mm re . ickens . ll eacl l witl - "'2 bills V I and prov'rsi under Pt . .Cftam p. espcct1n son-jill W l anwml _ , were r I chas "51011: be ccytau.1 con A""' also . g $185. an to at "\mn' I 1twvts. o, . , W'Wted , fam'iICIeCoQIlv and it,"rr/i111,1';r,i/ied1 £1th chum?!" to ':i',c",ytl1c'tlear, £01333: Jawl' \'cm'xdydcd in each (3?; amendment' " it to . e should against 1 _ 1r- iid,' T...' C ilW r 'sl '11]I95;I . , II~JV~I31r rights _ , ilern. to r -' they 31:: (,e,usll')i"la1i"t'i"ets' 1agti.1:s.te,.':U't1l. "Nerd-i T.?,,?, Bills cspectivk: 1.1tfr'rcT,11f "in on the highway IPc the 'cii;1,r"/e.,i,t,'er s1,i',ll,1l,1/is to Say . {"0 Qpectin')' The pu' Committ i pames to I l the right, .7 mum ' plumeSc . ttot c Iv."'"" Tow g St. tIthmu es meti san II conduct . f- m com-i, 'd The bill '. .. ttter Hurt T ll of St ames C gh bills . l ' 1C \-..\'. TI power alc _ l ' committee A'Clt", read and Th'r'rah. til,trfi)rao,ive' the EEIEI'Cdra] ., '11:: Embro 'R di le bill re"pe {Mg thc'; ' To M . ,tttt op. _ . own of '1 age t Ci"disT/i e) an el l , a ial R . ct1ng the; ake P . . ii'. tsu In 'Hullt ..' _ of Be _ 11p nf " N Ctr <1, " _ ailwav I V f "mo .3 by-la H sville avertc trance . it, to _ _ ' - "a: al ' Mr M Mrs Li , m I aws 534 . and bills Jit. the ,,. Into Ji. provide ri , a tor) '.' . athes . iable. . ngersol w" Lynd 6 . N conf . railwa N th1ibro. I 'gnt oi en i reading _c' son Prc anm rll. Fh IO m rm- l ys already 11 cai -» In! t . 'posed 1al priv e Ci . _ the T .11acs be l cute " _ 'u wl mak IV a bill ' t the ts" the _ 1.vate . tty . "Wu I (in exo '. r P. {t " .._ "We s'gat/in1et,,tfur, vle(it,'i'otniy,'r'"i the leg",?, stledi'i",',tlm/,t),ef, 131"?" C',iJec'rf,rt,1it,c,i'.ii, ril,t,i,tcli'iiis/iifti.i,iir'itjri?,att,! br -:,cie-i,l'rri:tic:h,i'ii',j, q . muni . - Mr - l ac t' C'.,', IS,' C tl v e 1 ,; _ _ n . - rt C ntra C. r.'. . It r . i; _ 2rt, ipii,1ct,1hi,1re1,. fwd 'Clutflcpn'g an; with a may?" "cl?,,',',',')?.:)),"'?) "'!hl",', J/til/Ur'." _'i,iii.:ii1ttc,?rlt't,': l"m; 311123111"! cial audi an." wht .o the bil %, -l.T,l,2-e.d.d'.l,,lc.'ll,.l,,Ci..;,,=s,e, .0 dealt g the "I - Jw? 31110 e the . it . , petitis . ill rm- BY-L ed las la of . . ndmcn . ", , ex e a 1.?,l at" I."." in . AW N . f1 yea . .siry0a _ ts "re tT,'tenieeroet the Ic/l/tll!,; liable 'io",'1'li; Ni HAD SWIFT _ "a"? Ill vim-rd," sie11l'rarcfll,1eC.' "Opt" S. .' , _ . ' _ ' . x I m . _ regarding: :1: no 9-03"?de It is {0123'} lag," Falls R - PASSAGE l/ui/f/nr,?" rir,haein',',rtotaencj'od 1'-',tisi,,,1, i,eir,, 1 counts C Corr-~ or 811; ',.,; l atepa . . mg a . 7 ? 3m on i pu -' I tw '.. A: pres t'ctnens Tri1CH1 --Othe yer, U . way: Ironopoif . t? camp?! " - pet1t1 _ went thi of th . . r Pri pinA . l ot a . ny', Mr. [l")',',),','"," obtain :31} "tepcav'c'f' ed'h,e, Private Bin 1vate Bills. rms Bills Reported right of. agree wi _ n said ctlan l S uri , c, . . r \x . tht and "NICE e . prl1lt I) "m . the act Eh this intuit he 1.y/11t.,; a charac l hor the Ill/ef open- St;-M pect11W, th i, cellentlv 1'{'l.b€en Mufc' of the 113"": 1pi,t.Cr,rtiCi..itsii; skir ff"" Wit] ' léchri" Rail": le,",',.,'?, k q l, and sei, " It way "I" lo w ' . 1 . I invasi _ mish "MF I, . spectiug F y om)- , Sat/tl, _ It u ".' le ., ork 'v.. )y a . lon _ . mel- ' ol Bars . the I {an}, i a gt?" "£12113me k' biil "KL: rifliboi ttec','-?,',',,',',"?,)" quIImumdpal "i931": the "in: rtt,i.l"ac-1: Jo1,1tti').le & Lak , Ollowti: a a ' ttt C own _ . it? bii l ,Hs until ' 0r C-(r 311V to . Ci?', Mr 'l'jiscti'," second tin 'l onfrms of Ni m] was I I two ve _ "Witnci C. extend: . _ .. . . me WCI" "ta 5, ' an a agara Fai tr that Too., . ysars. tr ng thr ___ I nicival ickensou--T Wile-g no Pow yirecme . ails .1,i . ," and In om 9 . t road; . gut. fo ame; "1:11": "WT Con ent with I' which yejys fro r c'nn1 ole i September I Mill} Smitli--Tr end the ',.(d-"/,/,1ri.t'i,(,iti!sri,'fic', 'fr,cis?i,'i,ll.dvitt:rtts'iii,i tf)?,-, VF" aicy,dtltlla/ (in: etynn until m: ' l I. , t', *. I .3521. . ; ' " ' _ )p V I It] tl A ortl l1(' 'dt" , I M act. v.rmd t I.rol'er . llfmor a - to tl le, II J Lana . if, 121.30 M» . I - "E; tra.""""--"" he 13:1},1icl7t1(,nI egcebcmg ('xéislo per will: {any}. ?;:I;'5'gg let, Railway 'ci)"',',',')),",),','" thfl } 'y . T atHt'tlt" .' itime . PL schoc Il'ted fri: , tctr,' . 11 250. Impauyf. , "Pliny i II I al Preston---T i Alt' V'""'"~"HH:111; until 111cm"! taxes', "on; "Him! Ile' lion-em //', $450.00} farm." 31.31" , C act. T. ".. Ir amp _ I an. and I end of tie San II Ind tixi J' rom , . and tts b. l ' I ottnciV I In" bill I." the mu . "Tum" we t te memhr ""4- Mas 1eI hve "34"" the time 5"[0000 to Vomd'i walks "m?" t-. t mu" _ ,'Ihci.|7 ill, . . re " Ca' ts of t ' 1ayor " . acs in 0r co -- "T' .000. (163i; as well at, 'c. MISC ':i,'c,.:'ii:ta?'ii'ii'iii)fi': 17:01:19 Mr? 8:9" It" 5111)};32rf0w" lo . om the DaggnIhglICtu'I'n at! iid', HHHA' walks f' sile, ipay 3 .nted a I' J': I. W; the R: .." "LAM-p0 - ol the' - fous . Ill b, if ers m - pc'titu' atson - ailway " rated , ,_ , I Bills I ltie atjrcrnt 1 " I theyl IISHggCSth In'pphguirnzn from 200 ;'3I\- tensive" st,',??,',',"'))) t 1,,e, Ihlnbl'o R211" ntroduced d. l-lr, 1 . II (IIT week (Herring I. Mr. P te- Embro systcut oi 1 f'pos1.1.114 .. dial': Mr w . . __ , ciock. rthc H S, to 't ' . couside . ' attullo R . radial ii iitt. ex-l act . Mme, 'It ouse's i:watt the ration b- G espectin me,- Hum to ame y-An ne". I1 trf.. Rev 3 positio . declaratic Crt Fraud Be g the Lo IE, A DC! the _ Ln tr, n , I Falls ."i. Jolu " n on Pi' . Inn of mg end Elec f "flan, P .. c . Littl " statute "mm . ll y said t (raw Cywet" . an elec . 1ric Rai arkhill k Ilia] act tle-To an L" law. 3.1: roaded tl the ifrit'1',f, of 1fia'slarta- Itt,f, }{l1r'ttnc line fr ailway. Prop" I .. . w l, tend th One . hrough . I w Vlad [£13m sambt on at the om a poi . US-I n nieipal . bt. Jon, C "mm.I , night. l the To F teen rail IL pn and l tt bounda "m on- a---t 1 ers sh le tl 7 wn C . 1. undun . Iuro ry bet .5 I. act. o am . ould . . "High buncil . I l . patisln ll to t Ctwee1l pal aft. Lucas-To end the 11111.! 'tiriii,ti1t?er'r.hc'iii,rpi, "Hinze"?! ra'cpayji Bills for Tues: through nykhLll'It" oi Ms .3 amend tl I i ower l ' A w n vote l i T ay. . - . It", . . , wc con . . . " ol'. he . Loan aPaste/tt-Rcti; I C' mutticl- 19331-13] pot be 'J,"il'bh' soil Alighrh for t.he 1',,(,Cip,',ir, bills _- J. w avings {Deming - " Ttlon t mplete ..tr1c" pl V. t mee yllyff on I "in come b I T . St _ Com . the. El . axatw erm until , - ' at ts at utysd . etore ttr12: 0f. Cisif-1l're'?ii gin "CV-Gt;1 would id"', that th 3&1)" the Rii11,yl?,'icah, 'tsl', o'clock 'Y 11ext "hen' r. B . ork especti T Arc teral t small. .7..' oss in ailwav . ' indsor '._. I munidpaelainc 'iiiii,'itt 11g, the twig: have "Taught the [no Attor- pany 1'i ite/Lt/g Cit)v&RA-thfstburgil ti, ct. To amend th 'fIOWCVC'rth Various), E'W'd ti,'tt,Ts'yf,re'l -tol)eipeic:,et'i, (IT F ailway Com; C , av cor JO . . as b - Y '0 . o Cg) ttun 21'sr.ed layin'g rilt.gntli H: l C1'dfpe'citoitrfl"rll, "i'sr,t,.d.ra,1tisr' Mani- _ Ittuttee , and i1 f.ver the irii ,anpan g the C y ,Lomnan. I concur 1 this . ill!' T v. "Coronial l, y. ' red. _ Vle the 'I I lo " 1nCorpora Cement K Igct'Onl Seul & Ant: the Minni . u e' pany. ny River tit/tti. -_ v.seseemreserisas=seasrs ailway . L