A . ' . . " -»V~ V '7 -r- 77W" r. c ere-A" act "Spredmg the' with other cotinttet'. For this reaso V v, College!" St. Jerome, .B.er mh l l he WEN not inclined, thereiore, to with- Mr. Dufr---An. act entitled t e IOS draw the bill, and it was declared lost . sation act. ' n "ivision Pita) compen , o .. . x . 1 Mr. Msld--An act to amend the street: tight prwute bills were advanced at railway act. r Mage through mmuuttce, and fourteen: '... ill; _ ..' , . il The Shannon correspondence. I pruatt, l...) "H:- Lth'n tnett "cont" 7 t reading. utter which the Hume nth, Col. Matheson moved for a return. ionrneil :1 "'..loft.1H. I of copies of all awards _mad.e.hy the ' l arbitrators between the. Dominion and' Lanark's Road System. the Provinces since the (late of the last. Thc l'rn;;te 11111, C unmittee return ", aVo a statement cnt the acc.oynt; briefly entriilereil the hill to Cuntmn between Ontario and the Dmmmon1 the lei-law n? the Connty of Lanark from December 31st. r)192, to P'f.re.nl,-l authorizing an expenditure of $05,000 bcr 31-4 100-3. as, Will"! by the oyii.trl, on road improvement, in addition to for the Province and the Dominion: $33,000 \xltich they will receive tron! the 'l'he mction carried. ', PT'WH'H ". liu- hill With upphSt'tl by (1.1 Llatlteson also mr-i'etl iur 'it re-, >"\'cit an: mi thirteen ,nuuicipaiitier. iv.rnrrrrrpruuhmce,tstc..ivithrtrsptr" par") wit the Krl'llllll that the road". tn the limit in the township wt Rutlr w-iiitl her-rm the town: mo,ti.x. but ruiord and unsurx'eyerl land; adjacent Cui. Muthrsoii. who had charge or the twirl to Shannon in 1902. from the year bir,. mu! they represented only $328,- t{\'i~'_z. and <ubzequent thereto. to be land 0ng out I" trypr,rroo U! the total 355659; km."- the Public Ann-myth 1r,mttttl- lment. The system would amount tqu tee. with power to 11111"er uttu_ the 3 ~34 ,,,11.:;_ The bili was laid overyntill, ("nu a," fully as in the, C346 wt in" 't,Tuesdriy, in order 1-) get a report troml ("13114 for 190:. The muttnn rarrierl. I Mr. A. W. Campbell. Assistant Lam-4' . . . is! ' r oi tlic Works. The COIN", Dr. Barr's Bills. l n! "m ' Publi, "1 . orl T ' nutter. reported. wstn mine mm I _l)r. Barr 1noreil tne INN"! reading t"rtauges. the bill respecting the Town) tn hi, l).il In ltltlcntl tilt: il$>C=Slll€lll of Whitby, confirming a br-litw ex",' at t, p'trrridinw it"? the taking of "sl'". erupting tarm property within the town: PM!" UHF" Ill three year, inc_tead "l in lots of over twenty acreW from tuxa "(TV liar, :ml Yntl' holding a ("UH fri 1mm tor future debenture debt. except RCKhl-Ill in the tir,; year and in the "gr "11.11.; I"ulrrt1r. 'ee'm'l and tllll'tl yt'nl's, aha lnrl' ttttter- (Noti i one new minim and making :tltt~r;itiun~. tces.. I s,' ll. tiibmn hml no tulrj,ritiott to the 1 Mr. Carnegie Wlil inquire: What MU going to committee. although he 'amount of revenue Bar received trout luuzht it, nth-ant;th 1r,v:iil he unret "mods and turests in ' the riding ot 'Y ',HdO111A1llt'i2Ct's. The bl Wits rcurl an Victoria during the years 1898, :nrl sent to CiHIlll utec. My). mm and. 1902. Dr. Barr :ilw inm'ul It bill to have 1 Col. (Gibson gives notice of a bill to tio. high '5"th art umendrd by "MUM amend. the loan r'olTorn1H'nc_ mil. the trtt,it e; who :re now appointed by. --.c=tt"e:.".'..-..-rrt='=r'e'.'t he tcrwttshtp ("tillt'llr eleettz'l by bal, be . RAILWAYS WA'lT DELA Mr. llawnm'l thought. the que'tiun , I ' ' \i'~ nut of great iio1prrrt,viv', Gr.cai1stn 1 _,__._._,_,_. nezt'ter the hi-h ~1'lltv'tl teucherc," nor ' l""-l'ei'~. iI'CllIfl'b oi Ill" Foh:cational 'SHOW THEIR HAND ON THE I-: .iw'jiii liall llPlHit'll ll. yhcre , ASSESSMENT BILL. up. lit".\t'v"l'. nu l't'ItMull uhy tht hill r-_-__-r-res.-.----.- ;'.v.-.i.1 l- ', "thi '»-1. . . " m-"l (l "l l ',', fl" Ip")?, 1'31""! Ctrl l Special Committee Lay Plans for Err. ...t' . I "C" . ".'JIVllI " r1":t".' . . _ , tertng Upon Their Work Next Sewage Commissions. _ Week-Special Days for Differ- ' . Hr. l.:i~"..i\(;' muu'il the '\"~"*l\.'l 1!.th ent Interests. _ VGG 1'lt - NI Ah '." ll'o'lue tr', a lii'i to amend the mnmeipail - ' . ' 'itt'l lix' delegating sewage arrangement: _ ' . , . . -- to " lvrairi W. cr,rir.rsiiccioit. (fol. Gilr , the ngnt over Premier Ros, snisit?k.C- n-zi lllt'vllgl't it has not 'viviuohri: 1.. 11116"! bill. as recommended by the Au- PUSHED THROUGH Hen" mi"'_l""¥' tl'lt'tit'llmll 1"i,,v?,lyiicir"v'i I sesmtent Commission, began in a mild . 'w, t, a; ..-'._ .f ', . . . t l" "H . I - 'l'l ttrrtt m Ile, H ","' I wav bciore the special committee YC"- Irwin-arr, " :umt important one. and no " . Huh-Hit? t}..- lilil might saiclv po It :verday, when the corporations ' ".rvi'siv't, t'. It ta. mu! " peer-:11} tin..- showed, through one representaive,that . ' . Ur. Luckiitr aim moved actc. to an: ' . ae,' ',., . _ ' _ ie. Legislature's Day on Routine TH lit, "minim m" the light "~11 .he) desired dclay. "hen"tne Spit . I . . ..". 17 . . v ' mat; suggested to Mr. Nicol Kings- Business. .1211 :ivh lit :.1.vpi~mt:.1;z mtnnuwtnnetx . .. -. _ . _ _ _ ' "WWI ltr tho: dutie- for " pcrio/ W- mill, K. C., that the railway Interests w-, --.--, - 'let Ir)", 1. lite lull-5 were rt wi. be heard neat Wednesday, or. to meet V ' him hali wav, on Frttlav h JO) I Local Control of Roads. _ l a) . _ "'. e I , tested THE SHANNON PAPERS , V l _. l "ww I t , [against the snort time in which to .-li. .. "l. l'l'..llt humor 1i" rennin _pr.tpare, but he was overruled. 'delldl F'. .m at: tnlantehfl Hi" all 's"r, 5 fhere was a wrod attendance. at the ------------- i "T .,.-_,. \vy . " he N ' _. . ' -» . . . ', 'r" 1illi'1 I" "m." , ' _ tli. highs o" l it'nmmittee. including lion. J. M. Gib- m immune that wen imprmrmr'u'» I:..n Messrs \Vhitnev T If P . . . _ .. _.. .. - . . . restart s', tr t, .. ., a. ,..'., . . ,'. '. _ . . Will be Laid Before the Com- Ir, ,'_", t l ,"fvl, It m 3'. rillijmc'im l l:attullI-, l'elise_. Pettypiect,, Henry mittee Ii'. li,' .~- 'rl'. :,"/,'j'"/,u/,7Tj,"s,',:') " Carscallen. McKay: Barber. l'llvylc_ . 11"Ht'l» "r' 1'WP' _h?cal'o concrrmn Hanna. Duff. McDiarmirl, For. Barr, "M" "-1 " WW"? It'r'rlol1 ttt kmnv lnr' .Stork and Rnswll _ _ -"----,, '.-e,l . __ w,,.,,.',,,'-.,.'.," i. r-'. _ ff. ' 11"." , 'll' .y.y.l_"r'".'? Il'" 71-1\"'l'»('_<1 'llfvn. J. M. tribmn was elected a d R d A "Mix in t 'll)l11'fyl-Hle1 -»t lublit Llalrvym, He Invited disciv.,io, un oo oa S ct to be Amended - <er '1' -T i . _ whpt ~'h""l'1 be "one in the 1VUV mi in- Im rtant _ l, Arm» '(1PINHCl the manure} \'ltlng this ciac:wc ol' intern" that jr,'. no . Matter Before 'he hum: r- 't '.'..:".l(l mean the frt'termu' be affected to can"; beicue ttie "in!" Committees. Ill"-".)" i/rr \ltlt'ldl mime) on all kind/ nutter. lhey wanted. tur "1513me to _m urixltttxnnabie roadx.~ as County >at1>ty tly'u-iye_.by hearing the rep-: "_-"----------- mane; mm men in the past. Ji',',:',,'."'),),,',.", "1 the llllmit'ipal ouvorir-' [ I'lls _ . . , . . ri" . Amend Good Roads Act. i LII .T in". tar lllt bill would meet thc, the l.essislature spent a busy hour i MUM" "lllitX'ullnn which would be [m routine buiiness )'C'tertlav aitcr- 'Mr; Rr,, stated that the purpose of: "med .mt tron] personal t'rt'nerty. In (I . . ' ' ,H _ the lr<,-vmc1.tl grant was to encourage! Hamilton it was said a 1erv consider.', 'l'H-tl. an man} prnatt buts \t'ere ad-.,tue counties to go into wider Incas. able (ctis, "mum ariio. . _ tamed a stage. heveral public meas- tlrt'S. "10 Prt"'it'ttt bill would itwowel, Mr. Preston-H, do ther know" are: introduced by Privrte members Is _yni/,""d1,l,iWs, 1: tlherle wcrt? mun-5 I Cvl. Gibsim--Tlwy i'an .CuillV ile- , . . . tec. , wsrttluasktlieltcm. m: str; _ 't . _..-.',...'.., . ' acre msO tlispozel ol. lu the course t l "and: r": biy 0 "ll mcmb"! 3'? "3"" tnat by "tannin; the. act to 5C, ._i, , . _ .11.". tilC "n n A onday or ti1clr turmcr £t§<655lll€llt 1-011. Th . of the CiiiCutir't0i1 the Premier announc- Tue-mt next he 1sould propose some' had been rt'ceivingr C ol ('ilr 3n fi . . . . - . . . l .. I pst " til that he Would iutrodtrcc a bill am- {tillvtltllt tub in the wind roads act.1 int-new tram Inn-Mun: unit ""521: . . . 'vil H1: nuikcitcr - , . . . " fl' " l ending the act tor road Improvement. the"! t I ll intlu it uen more "ec-l tn, In" in place. thcrcm thes. would "ot, a " w, I l. V . . . t "(It jron17tc,?.trrIo "'r .1} . I'm. Metltefon strurcd an order for cur yuihcrraiul. 1,, reply, said that 'business, tax. Hm. "f/f").':,),',', the tne pruxuctiou before the Public Ac- tie minimum-uh «u " certain locality. the: wt "at be h ri C, (Munster! " . . ' '-.' . . b.Te -. ) V ' "4 '~>-'-' 20, r.- " - counts u-mmitlt'e ot all papers rctat- new] l ' 1.1., sis lldtl' lutn sugKesteo to? 000. a ooo 1 hw, ing to the Shannon timber limit. arrnt "r 1"" tltt'lli "t he. t,r pill)lf~ll the Cl -_.' . . . . . . o'.. , ,'., ,. lawman "VT . . ---v The following bills were introduced : an '/"/LT,)) ""'t'l'g 1lrtt he weu:ld "m l tion that the Chaiihnkahpd ill iii)""),'),?. ' Col. Gibson-To amend the Ontario In": t" [,'i'r1y,1r1ly1 order to oh-) retarv Hi the i','/,,1, iiirn'aif the. lics- . . :ti \"lllall V nun", ' -. id ..- I '. Y..' _"3,"s' pp . t ".ri1HHiss"ICrtt. sura ce act. - t k 'nsitera ton , - . . tns' n t 1 y3lsuo. Mr. Kenneth McKay. a prom- _---------------..,