"I: i. l . . ' r" G alt mi . . I I - " I", ,'r BBre'i' -' r, 5. (ij'iltfftt"ji:. 5"" 't . - EF4?yr79rst-s . [l .- , a Partial Reversion to Old Sys; tern of Election. THE ACT TO BE OPTIONAL. Legislature Debates yr. Tay- l. lor's Bill. . l !Changes in Assessment and Munich!I i pal Acts-Charges Made Against I i Magistrate Young of Rat Portage, l , [ --.--.--r-.-.r-- l Private members had a day to them-! selves in the Legislature yesterday, and many bills were advanced a stage. A lengthy discussion took place on Mr. w. H. Taylor's bill to amend thei County Councils act, by making a rc-, version to the old system oi appoint-l ment.opyonal. Premier Ross said he:) was minor of the bill, and thought. the optional princuile would meet the' demand of public opinion in many; quarters. In saying that, the Gmern- pent were not necessarily retreating' trom their former position. Mr. Whit- " oi.» reform being made; a. . . f - .iled Mr. E. A. Little (carriwe.ilt ask- :d when the Committee on Agriculture and Colonization would be .called .t.o- gether. He said their services might be of value in considering the routes of new railways in the newer districts. It seemed to him that agriculture had not been fairly treated in this respect. Mr. Dryden replied there would be no difficulty in calling the committee together. It could be called to-mor- row or next day. Mr. Lee's Pointed Question. The House put through a number of private hills in committee. While the bill respecting the London, Park-- hill & Grand Bend Electric Railway was being considered, Mr. John Lee (East Kent) rose and said that though he did not know whether he was in. "order, he thought so many railway) bills were being put through bv pro--I nioters they should put up a deposit; to show they meant business. He sug-' gested $roo a mile for every mile oi" railroad they proposed to build. (Heard hear.) _ 3 Mr. Whitney-Don't you think $.5) would be enough in many cases " (Laughter) F fhe matter was not further pursued. Province's Bank Accounts. Mr. Ross informed Dr. Beattie Nes- bitt (North Torontor.--The depart- ments of the Government do not keep separate banking accounts, but pay all revenue into the Treasury Department. which deposits in the following banks: Commerce, Ontario, Toronto. Stand,- ard, Sovereign. Imperial. Traders', Metropolitanand the Toronto branches of the Banks of Hamilton. Union, Royal and Ottawa. There were no deposits made by the Government in the Royal and Ottawa in 1902.. The rate of interest on all these spe.cial der, posits is 3 per cent., but no interest is allowed on current accounts. . Mr. Dryden, replying to a question by Mr. Carnegie, said that the duties of the Advisory Board oi the "oiiiiiiii/ Agricultural College were fixed by? tiWtl.t.ev, and were to advise and assist, . .... . -'