The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 8 May 1903, p. 4

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Br, ' _ t" ' - Wr9, , eras. so?" '.9, , "Aim?!"- ., Mi A-s..- - . to amend the assessment aa,.fiiptii8tttr, F 'Ire" I . may; mint of the .cotletr,t and. ,targl- 'th but it, attullol (North Oxford) that .sfho.?) lands 'not belonging to the: . ' t , The 1g'l'rl'l :has held Lsro.alrttttr.': tn wad. t at Ion al amatters of money municipality or only temporarily usedl ff . the last five years. Their rtn.utnee' {.93me iture t e Reeves sh.ould v9te as for school Purposes shall be assessable l , tion'is " trer day and travelling .ex- piper t e 'ttdeze,")., of their t.ttyniciptl- for local'improvements; also that all l i. peiMes. _ . I its... ggger'c1,,g,reo,,pdosiit'eni 2° lands which "if" 'i,xxtre"gr"'s' "if?" ' " . , , . n Itse 0 im rovementsw en t e rate or sue. is t. Charge Against a Magistrate. . l many counties. and doubtless many of 5"}:le shall become assessable there-' (c', i Mr. Lucas. asked .i ' (r) if": an); them. would take advantage of the new after if the purpose for which they are (' ' charges against VVIlllaf; t'oue glicen prgv'sizns' . used is changed. It plso gives to towns F , Police Magistrafe at Rat or ag , any r. . A. Willoughby. (East North- the privilege now enjoyed by cities oi 7 ' J made to the Government or'to in'- timberland) said sentiment in his appointing other than Councillors as a . ', official thereof? (2) If so, has 3:13;)" county was very much against the pre- Court of Revision. l 1esttgat1on of the Ch358e5'(°{ ls ptlie .56" County Council law. He would Col. Gibson had no objection to the' l upon them, been ma 9 3. .. . not, however. go back entirely to the bill going to committee although he ' raid William Young still acting as a old system Tl , . l 'a. . , I . l di trict , t d . .1. ie present law emascul- had heard no great demand for it. . . _ I Magistrattr. "-1 that 1?. d: 'Complaint a e municipal Canned; and held out The bill was referred to the special I Col. Gibson rep 1e .-- P", reward for their members. assessment committee. . I |_"'as hrst made in 1901, and ML Flemf. Mr. Dryden, while not assuming to . V , L 1 , l ,mn. Inspector of Legal Ortices, was ispeak for the Government said thel Revision of oters tat. I l fiiirccted in January, 190;. to lll\v§gt}l- "',lack of interest in municipal Councils) Mr. T. H. Preston also moved the . 9 one: lle'rcported T critics-ice tiitli'dil'ias not due to the reconstruction of: second reading of his bill to amend; ,. itlallllizlc tue charges. subtitle! irii [tie County Councils, but to the fact: the voters list act. The 1ar,.he geld. more formal charge was made It} dlr'l'y that the work before them had chang- directs that the voters: cities. J902., antl,-Ur. Fleming again 1,1vcit//. lCd' The present law had been Jiiiiil1'l, mu5t be pt.rb.lish,e.d within t.h.irty days. , gated: No report was made, as A}: ied desirable through the fact that many", without waiting for the reviston of the ileming died shortly afterwards: pliant the older questions of importance 'roll, and if any Ptrsol.t by. appeal to _ charges, lower, were deuieltxi2fty, that] been disposed of. The bill should f the Court of Revision ls added to. the ily by . Mr. Young. lnspcctor 1RQS' (go, to the committee. assessment roll there is no Prov???" _ P . l il' T is . . . ' _ lf/v.siril' 1.ta,t, PlO1rtagc, bitaiiic ainv Mr. IN hi.ney said that while Mr. for adding the name to1 the Koteégunlft t lu.rryes, tit was imam: to o a . Dryden did not assume to s eak fo without another appea to t e y leidence ~supporting the, ce.r- the Government he nevertheless d'll Judge. This would seem to be 1mpefe?- l tam parties who had previously urit- speak for the Government. " sary. and the proposed amendment IS l ten about the matter declining to gnc . to allow the Judge to make alterations t Hilly. information. The formal com)- The Premier Approves. _' in the voters' list sca'ireretsrtnhdeit"ar with ain - 'y . . . . , . . . l C the assess- RI J) puipor td to be sent I.), Mr. ROS. said it was not a Govern- the amendments ma e to l . crkley, but Inspector Rogers was un- ment b ll l . . ment roll. _ able to tind anv such person The -9 l ' ant, although theoretically Mr St John thought there was too I l / -.', u r, . . _ the Government was responsible for alll ' . t- i. . . . . l d ciarges r.gatrcct Mr. Young being legislation still w . much tinkering with the muniupa an largely oi a personal character, it tic ' i'l',"r"h'i2,',,'li.ehCelri1evJrtf, tTvcert,) assessment acts. He believed that title . ' _ .' A '. , ' 't e 1 ver', tr%U' '....t F . . . would seem that the papers relating T mucn. The option which the bill y law has satistactor) .as it now stoo ' the matter should not be made public. posed would meet the ml li yl, pro; The bill would provigle tlhat . . "N ' t ' . 'r. )lC opinion o lists could be atere wit out notice County Council Membership. some counties as against the present and therefore should not pass. ' l Mr. W. H. Taylor (North Middlo system. NN elland seemed to favor the Col. Gibson said he would hesitate; sex) moi ed the second reading ot it 'it/ici/et,.,,::"";,".,.,." but his aw" County oil a long time before enabling Jydges. Pl bill to amend the County Councils act. . l. leses. he thought. would adoptl make changes on the voters' list With-, The principal texture of the bill is to m Its entirety t,he new bill. The bill; out the parties being present. .He did make the Reeves of townships and vil- 1111 certainly 00 no harm as he under-l not think the mehsure a very. import- lages and the Mayors ot" town, mem- :stood It. For the first year or two the ant one, and suggested that it be ar- [ hers oi the County Council. Under the present law .had Fedmd the "9611505. lowed to stand 1 i present system the Reeves were not .Uf bounty Councils, but that war notl At the suggestion of the Premier iitr in a position to make a statement oi l-lt: case [ister ll. The members r-f a the bill was withdrawn. l .e:spt.nuditurcs to the people at the tvom-ll 'County Crouncil "We the better l:Ol'l Park Commissioners' Powers. l inatinn meetings. Since the old svy- !llii'.'1ng had experience. It was pro-i . . 1cm ' Deputy Reeves had been mm: iper that the Reeve of a township hay-l Mr .tyoved the 'second _ away N' 'tli the Reeves had lost their! mg, say, $soco,o?o assessment sliouldl reading m his iii" t? Imend..ti.te stat- tmfri. 'f it!" County affairs. The perrplc have. a. larger vOice in certain. matters; ttttt law (if. 62 Milo"? by strikjy.g out New int taking their former interest! than the. 1y1"e?e11.t,jCu; ot the smalll 1,ly.e, provmon t.r1iflyr1ts, the Niagara _ in i-strut-ry Council nominations. (lvi.lliysw. with only $300,000 assessment) Park. Commissioners authority to en- Cir. bill provides that the Cnumyilivliile inuregard to the appointment oil, ter into agreements for the dev.elop- ', Lgnnicdslsliall b3 coltlnpmed li Reei'cs|!::l::l(ll 3212315 l was Iwell tiifiylShOUldi 113:? rygeoteers1i,tt1g"e'.t the ratifica- O. """Hl'l'S an VI agcs an Mayors/iT C . pain y. Wotl " well - g _ x ' . " . l oi towns it lthe Council of a local llllllll'li E" th.e bill Eh 30G to the Municipal'; tiiiir-toRiii': bi'idbteiiiiiic Iv/li.,,','; gibltchce , cipa ity wit iiii the county wish it. In T ommtttee. IC overntrent had no', _ '."' ' "e I',' . p, 1every question arising in a Lionnty'lalmlog)' to make for the prcsent lawg Legal Cop1mitttT. He did not think lCOuncl constituted in this way and null il.r'. were not retreating ii'i'iisi'ii'ii/ l would Ite po~~ible to do exactly as 'i' volvin . di _ . .- ' . 1, in _' tl A,. l C . . If tr. y; his hon. friend proposed, but the Gov- . g an Cxpe11 iture at over 85.000; C'," 1Cll _l'1"1t1y11. they were he: ernment had no objection to the tor purposes other than current CN-l rlivi 1"" thiuk .they .w.ould be hl:sme-l amendment of the law so that at ree- . pauses, the result shall he decided by Ir'""??'. its' p.ylolic 00mm" ranged itselii h ll b s bi F, 6 adding together the e ualized V . .'rs "1,, new lines and thev shot ld hc, Tents s a e u mm to the ratifica- . mClltSAOf tl , i.,.' fll l , assess- . w? l _ le ' i). "Y-'. F l _ tion of the House. [ . " municipalities whose rep-l in. ,uret in ct pu lic opinion have its! . . _ i',"irleat'i,v,fii' vote tor s.iuc.h expenditure'; v my so long as no wrong was done. '1 Machine Voting. . ""1rafallls.t 1irge.cctl)ti. l Make the Laws General. l Mr. Pettypicce (East Lambton) . . . -..l net (South . Humiili \ T . . _ moved the second reading of his bill .agreed, heartily with the principle ot Ir. Whitvey thought the Govern-l to ermit munici alities to 'is F . h bill and tho 1 . .. . . men's "ttit'ide tc "rd tli bill .. l p. _ ii. 3 ..e voting t e I.: ' ug'it it wus similar to . tl .. . - olvi.'t ' ie, 1 I'"' imachines. repeating the b ll passed one that had.b.een introduced from the strange. un .e"ery. hill that weut to Its: itwro vears ago, and making certain Opposition side of the House last; second reading did m only on the PN-i ichaniies. i 7 year. pressed approval of the Government ' i Mr Whitneythousrht thev ~l l ' i . "w. .. , , . "'r%_Br 'i . ."'"r, :heys.hould.not . mgr. 2: i; H 5.310le Quinn Ontario) lie could'sre; la) utt:triyr? thy y,t..rfelli_ l take up much time in discussing those l :t eve Se ll .cpmplied with a very 1?,l,T/,',t' ".tht e proprietvo'i taking at imacliinc methods. (Laughter.) There is'"jT.V"t/icGorl',i,1io/ii, , . \:;lnl.ll (illit.r?c"&.l "ll ot,i,1,kily,, il§tlclnillnl§lllg 'was danger of .tlo.e, mafhine breaking Ihi. and" . ross I(Holland: said that ""8 Go 1.l'c'sC )Lthl utpeny "j, "1;"le dxown ll the mKidllc oi the day, and F s - y was we please, with the;' " is g' verrl.mem. ps year on he tien IV ere woult they be? . 1iprese.nt.system: "The bill, however, wasl pt'OplC were dissatisfied with the pre- . The bill was read a second time. li"iry,y_siltt, and ll other counties want-t sent law, and the new Parliament were Mr. St. John moved the second read- led the change llC would not object toi, c:;pec'..~d to make. a change. He had ing of a bill to amend the. municipal the bill. . I never heard one word y? defence of act tn enable township residents to ' Dr. Barr (Dufferin) thought the bill the present luv.- crcr"pt within the wall, have improvements made to their i _ was an Important (me, upon which the of this Home. roads as local improvements. The government should take {position lie] Trrp',iort. oi F.chtrrl Lands. second reading was 1carried. . .believ.ed that it was identical with one: ' -ei , ., " . Mr. Foy moved the second reading introduced last year by himself. 411d l. H. I rclston dihoiith liraiii'i ol'lan act to amend the assessment act. 'n- netcconrlrr"arlingol er ___- Present Law Saves Money. n. me He .c on (l mg, Vt his bill h HoeyLyu2ye..e.1.e.Uy3o p.m. 1 Mr. Win. Rickard (West Durham)) , f said that the questions of public Illl ' penditure were not so much discussed 'inder the uld system as they were now. Under the old system there were ie' members in the united Counties Council oi Durham and Northumber- land. Under the present system bet- . 'd, ter work wa.s done more expeditiously and economically than formerly by a ,' CouiiCil ol 24 members. The present ' j' bill, how.eve.r, did not. he believed, go _ 51;" ' back entirely to the old system. ",i'r'fjio, Mr. John Lee (East K.en.t) consider- .3 It; ed the bill a step in the, right direction. - iiiii _ 3.31mi. J. iPreston (East Durham); _ ' I

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