The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 20 May 1903, p. 2

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. " i', t n 7 _ r re W's no " ' Hedi -= "Eir"l'e"A' T.s.cA_D' 'us-".- . C7.'lrt _s'\ta" " -" M": mw': , l _ I _ I "'CPE""' "Y' we 'bond, and yet the public money aa ma it serious consideration whee V . ' d ' '. out on the eve of an election. 'MG w" I proper policy for the! would have to be brou ht . ", Mr. Michaud (West Nipissin ) said t,'r"hTe'le,'lt, to adopt. in separate bill. g P ' 'he had made several requests for the gur a eel was a great attraction, which '"-"'".'lPdt="P="lr=".'&.".'--.-.L. 'tt0ttey to be sent. It had had no effect goughtd arge sums of money to Can- l on the vote in that section, " he had a a, an It would be a serious injury gliMBlilll To _ got only six votes there. toNInterfere with their privileges. N MILES ~' Mr. Whitney said a Jett-understood ir. L.atctiord, replying, said no o,-....,..-,,,,.'.,. rule of the department had been delib- mam ttt the WOW? was more richly and intentionally broken by the ent.lowed ,ri.tih sporting fish than thi- LIMITING THE SPEED tht AU- ietiie.,',s, secretary. The Premier dif- tame, and it annually attracted thor. TOMOBILES ' IFVI'VCd from his predecessors. He said, sands of Americans who spent large C.LCLC..i,CC'.",.."" . j Y hat are you going to do about it? sums of money. . The Lake Nepigon "'; (ill cy.mot prove it ?" It was not the 1ceernss/' would not interfere with the an- Government Not Desirous of Being V 3303:1311" their had said could not be ',rv1aeyr,"athrtee., settlers' rights in any Taxed by Municipalities-Colonel , . , n . I a . o a . done h .or t e only 'thing .they had su l of fi hqreeinent Toutd.s.ecure a Gibson Says the Provincial Buld- F I d t eir best. to prevent being prov- ppy , m districts' which were in s A C . . '7 J, ..The. Commissioner of Public Works tlot tttltr..wjst served. Perhaps the g re a redit to the City. '.' "231133" iii an dOpposition "Melange? t1,',i,stc,feps1t',,',T,'i', capital of $1 .. ------. . pu Icy eclare that he o ld ' con a/ne some wa , . . . _ support the Government he woui'd 1'; company would perhaps tenrieliut 212:]; L"); finnimpal Committee of the . 2'31" good treatment. All those things, water than any other company (Lau h ftrt a ure yesterday "awed one sec- _ I tted in together, ter.) The. Government safeguarded The tion o.ut of the five comprising Mr.l The Premier's Hot Shot lease; until:l strong restrictions, which 'Pettypieces bill amending the act" per" Mr. Roy said that what he had said i'egicreyiSith ageoosd, rental and not in- imitting municipalities to use voting, . tr,eethtt,sita,cehf, not bi, proved that .1 way. . e sporting fish in any tmhachmes. The clause passed providesi y y corrupt argain. His] Mr. Whit at voting machines be kept locked'; - hon. friend knew Fhat, if he would only i a ice l ney contended that the and sealed for thirty days after elec-i ' lg, iaur. Dr. Nesbitt had suggested that i piiblicthigrghg'uld tag been made tion. A considerable discussion 111- l, e . , . l ne . . F . 2eerreevwlss'lsJeri2'.'t Pfrg;l(;l.helt was 1t'h,ll1,i.iei''iFeari1l' ' or submitted to iigtciggnthhfrst'ileecll-Loi'rgisiign's $11" Pio, . cou ' . mo n . .. . r. R. R. . . ues. . t Hoet T,'uv,eotth,,errtv'evaist a corrupt .bargai.n. ed a Jin,f,irGTge(sha,gi,torelip,), ask- le,, t1:'arf,e/," request 'Of Mr. Henry pi. conducting i,voelitiitgCu21snodeti] tiled "€315 of the Lake stil',',,,.',",',",,"?:,',",',,'." Ireagsziieceln tt i1,hei'titi,1tot'hes1'sepeit,lsdw'it ' t . C . , l . . . b 333$? tocar,,e,setecttye, and reputable" highlylie tt/g,troi(,et.1ow'rt,th,e would pro- ith'el cities should be limited to six . n ' . . . ' .t was . I V _ the world witlhghtwgcilfo Sanything ini general terms by Mr. 1C,ai',hac'rudrefhiat't tne'irtcu,h/"pietridPsrfdti11 said, if- Sinister motives? Are 'r,c"'ittitsesfcf the settlers' and anglers' rights were found ten miles an hour wgss $2,31wa that every man who dischar es oliti- p.rote.cted, and advised to give a no- est speed limit for cities with one rx- . 'el lduty hat. a corrupt mgtichP I ll lice in order that the questions might ception. He also iiiiii"tiieT were in . ould repudiate any political art " e more ully answered. {more absolute control than a horse.l headed even by a Gladston p y, I After some further discussion the An amendment to osed b M C - i the Baptist, who proposed 312::0110nn ', motion passed. V ile. t callen that the IEspeped limit iii-"13:55.! . n . . . l . ' ' rl could engage in ublic 'tlh'et,!'Jll', A,number of public bills were girenl towns and incorporated villages be Ie-i without his motive being im u d ifs their second reading form ll stricted to seven miles an hour wasi 1ratrs.politjss into the mire a lhe '. t lows s-Mr. Burt-To am a)" as fo.l- agreed to, and the bill was passedE .the miserable soul of the man" rl pity anal act. Mr.Beck--To {men dttlhe mun" without further amendment 1 T the or out of it who islethlet-r i'e.i.lyer act. Mr. Isle,','),"?-",",,' e Streeti A lengthy discussion "rTs'uited uponl, 'Jf m a s}:i_chliing, weed," in a sciiii _:u'/,',,1'ennitjirtt,1 act. Mr. 'ij1':t,ffs'oan',t,1,eehe) 'Mr. T. H. Preston's bill to amend thci Way. is own ' . - iamen t e la u, ,' f - I 'munici al act. T . clean s1d,'2itsi,f,'ewse-ha/lt,'g/at biemg too c.ompanies 'ivas"i1o,cefitir1)dr te, and waft-r: 9rr°Vid55 that in hi,cely'stiobnjeehed/iy" Mr. Whitney-l would rip ause.) Stotts, and his iii) ost on ilivi-i, l ocal improvement works the C ii! on: word in reply----. l It to say respecting doiverlwatso Jphed'1/i, the act! Imay by by-law provide that JdTocll se.Uuit-1 had no reference to my The House adjourned at (STEVE-m i lb: p.aid by the lands benefited, in pro- Mr. Whitney said the P . Notices of Motion. . . I I'rdt,ic,u'a,1rnealtie Ogiizsffigiidlgfg 8, a perfectly well Dr. NCSbittrchmljcr line?" Mr. Ross gives notice' of bi l ernment responsibiltiy for a share 3f there was not a corrupt bargain"? if amend the act respecting Lh x11.toi the discussed. Assessment ye a corrupt intention, t ere to the Manitoulin & North Shore gRr:ii-t' f,o,'re"tii',t,','gr Fleming claimed that 'My Hands Are Clean." wag ft . . ; t1orrg'Jiito was not properly treated by F Dr. Nesbitt-l . . of r. resbitt wiil move for a return! 1e ovcmment on the local improve- doubt th said there was no correspondence. papers, time V - ) ment qucsuom The Government ere were corr . pay roll sheets, should l h . for when the Minist upt Intentions, "ere di S. or other_ documents, Which! Siarebi e .cost of local mi- ... e rlnl" . n-" . . to A, be delivered by 't'h1tesro,s,Tiisthl 'tre to to tiie'iii'i'fu? n dim-V appertainingl, Wll"/l1,.e1t,ie enefiting p perty tner ts . . l t . Tiands agent he asks him toe row" done on the roa imb grants and work,' COL Gibson said that I l "he Ross Government. w Nippon. Markstav d My} ctween or about! a Governme tib ildi a pace whtre, . ianything about . hen he says I l an IN arren. l 'f , d 31 uil Pf existed was al i 'iieve tii my hands, there h Cavan T . i aiore place. and me Governme t , 'me U"fd a. charge proved again: A d owttship Improvements. i fh not propose to reverse its be": 3 , n ls is no . e . . . an . . . . '"s' [ l iii), hands are not an: fol/3122mm say C 's/dill',)")';",',':'.,"?:',),.",, of Messrs.) If wind: £33251? To"? 3'th tlax i119"- l l tat a letter address , . e Says A K ll ' '. - . crry and T.', _ a oca trtt- _ . ed - . e ey, Cot - ( provement we . 1lGyr"r.e'udr.idRn.oetsg,ystt heartfelt" "-133" land _i)vte1f-,i.,"ot-'isi.,'t1,'1o)a1.r,isd,v,) "an" do the r1eesnotnatgykJeoclevn_tiithite, I * . . . myth (Al . ': wat e on Premi R v a 'i Wit us with r i ' 'defied anyone to goma) said he! da ier oss yester-; espect to Govern- . ' state wher h . y. and asked for assist I. ment House, the Normal q h . lone Conservative in Al e t ere wasl drainage and road . ance towards; said C l . . P..?C ool, etc. ' " throu h ' F ol. Gibson. The bi!! ' l , as road boss, and goma employed acre tract oi b s g 3.3000' amended an ' was argely 133m employed on tghge 'reoUsen,)eroef It?!" north part of tllecvrnssh"i' m the; powers to a,'iii','iiispaia'isiit'oiiie,'iv!ii'r) rmers,orl e- . . ' . i s ( M, . . eisog Mr. sia.fCseacnoe,fmeethed,'oopierrjtej,i. (Private Bills Attended to. i ,tt,vgesift,ugiiilii page: to prohibit spit-! _ said the instruction given fort Arthur)" The Private Bills Committee d 1 I l Mr. £055, bill was agreed _ i _ men was to employ settl Toadforc- with the bill respecting the Vill eat; iprevents a municipal C . to. " i,rf,,s,1,',.ec,.t, to their oliti ers, Without; Niagara Falls and d ./1. age (if; (being disqualified bv ouncil1or from done in hi ie, _p tttes. That w isu es ' . aided to. l . y.reafon of anv l Mr 'l/Iso,??:'?),,::,',.,', rate asl cogigmige' theb 311313011111'ncllt of al {Exe'tl'lption from taxation based on a . - ..' t on Jarr _ . . . .Jon y tne Li . ' on ract or a r e .t . 'in 27 years in Pariayidsgl; 2siiiy,i,,o,e': ernor in _Council to arliit./i1iitrt.-Scij |c1pal Councils e ment with the mum- the money was spent Sometwhewas that' 11112011 whish the. two tru'r'fi'l'i;illi'deesrll'tt. "-"-t-T=T.'e..te.".."="g.eegs-. ttiocn 2%? (ii May each year - (résbgelit 1','lfl2, rtalls'vmage and town shouldI Ma . us ter)---betwden the ft}? st- ce "Ed ade. The. suggestion was ac_i, 'lf did {in}!5th of June Ct of Mi) Pailtnll the bill will be redrafted , é r. . . arne i . . . u o suggested t . ! .said, a grant had beg": s("Vest Victoria) to prevent confusion fromhfit ii! order. iin October, I900. the 330.1315 riding names, the new 1"t'dicyi2'Jitsy"l,'leffdy It) than being in November 21131011 elec- (tallied Ni:ura.ra-at-the-Fjtlls. U d be spent till a year later. i n was not . he committee passed a bill e . l " The motion was carried 2:181: the Township of Machar Ie/tll/xt.-) ' Fishing Leases A . tax'ait' grtst yy) woollen mills fro i . l gain. lol?.., A bill confirmin iml , I Mr. J. s. Hendrie (Of the Townshi : g a Py-law I . moved f p of Bertie t ','order tor a return of Cortes or an assessment of the Can (1.0 tix the} [between the Department Pondence ', building Company at $ a tart Ship- iWorks and any applicants {sf Public'pcriod of twenty years ie',",,',' for al 1irights or .coytssioqt for cor; fishiyr An Imentlment was 'mar/es,.),",",,',',"),,. i purposes m Lakes Nepigot, 'l'd,e,r/ii,a,r; respecting the taking (were 'f the bill! land other lakes in Ontario sine:n$;:u '¥1grg1:aclL Park by the T03" tf gal" ' I, 1902. together wi . y . O ystrikin ii) agreements for 'ghglthruchothe,s, sosi, .all which gave the magiccigiilti}; Itt.lau,se/ concessions .since said date. r shine Loepass a 'isciiis"a"i't'tt'l'/"z%/'iets"1iiei,f,)1 , Mr. Hendrie said Lake Ne i st rdto levy and collect tastes S re.1s-l ithe source of supply for th gSOn was an mg anything to th ", notwith-i ri5f,lttrntr, in the whole world? Iest trout; any general act. The Cl: .eontrary inl - .. "but. 't t was B', ir. Harcourt, said tt1a'"h',a,.n, BOILi A l - _ ~7_ _____,...a,-a,

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