't w' "5' iaifiNir" qtir, _ . T)jitijiim Prtl 'l'l'tri7g'.'lilt "in": may iviiE.r, lHe don" .ed whethzi'athe .' Ti, 'i-lil; T'. , ttttttee rose. The Teming Ratl- draw after yments have been inadel would be justified in deve1opittpoqyer' t'l Way and th h bills f" . --. . were I - de otpe, ot "tttttie t for tive ful years and the' stock. has at Niagara Falls for the tieautif.ot a , "Thea? a van.ced. . . ifi d been in force five years, h, ENNIS portion of the Prtrvtrtieton1r. The ex- Colonel 8l'de, 'm committee "are " days' notice (written). e Shit" tent to which electric energy codtid, stctidi, og'U,ee't1,'a',t,t',t, amen.ing receive the full amount h.e has paid be transmitted, he believed, was only act lt sum} f',',. e Sn 'io'g,"nt,1'l,"l on each share, together with interest 120 miles. He was prepared to vote for ' lee 'll, r "in "is $roo or $25125 - at th.e rate of 3 per cent. per annyry. any measure that would enable all mu. tion: I Ti,1ti,r,a,rt1'," of an ama gama Provided that the holder may with- nicipalities to develop their power, "-350 x1ntr , fee of tas .for.ex- draw at any time before the expira- h h . . liti should . amining and ass li moms . . . He thong t t at municipai " or d p mg upon app C tion of the. s?id tips years the total come to the House from time to time 49a; "tl',',',"?),', under .sections. 40 '3 amount paid in without interest and! to obtain ermission to devel their ' '. 100 or order m. Comm" an less five per cent. No Interest shall I? . . . ell, t- certificate: " for examinin and ass- ' . I powers. e did not believe in e cg! ing GFri"Gaii"itGi', or Id,'),',,',",')"; be allowed on the fraction of a dollar 7 ing too many duties to commissions. under R. S. O. c. 130' and $roo for or the fractional part of a month. In The House was just as capable of d.o- order in Council. Sub-section 2 oi' the event of the death of a. member his; ing the work as a body of commis- section 130 of the land titles act was, share; may be withdrawn lit like tttan-t sioners. There ought not to be. any rr also amended by providing for in- a?" y his personal representative, power on the part of the municipal" creasing the guarantee fund by "one- l . _ ties to go into power development en- gntthcof .linl, 91:11: cent. t'i1i,tt,e, value Judicial Pressure Suggested. terprr.ses ,'tttiye'uur,i',,t obtaining the sat Ut . . . . . . L . ,ings an xtures , Col. Gibson said that he had under- sanction o t e ouse can Companies Investments. trhken to investigate the circumstances A Safeguarding Clause. . , . o iected to bv Mr. Do ne . H hard- . Colonel Gittson's bill to amend the l fl u ht h) . if" Y. . e itl - Mr. Ross said that clause Jr guarded loan corporations act was taken up ly ty P. '. owever, t at It was WI l the municipalities from gomg during in committee. The Attorney-General m. the limits. of possibility to scrut1- l . of enthusiasm and ex- . Proposed an amendment. making gen- mze all .the little by-laws that the loan tic time . t r rise that eral a provision now enjoyed by sev- companies might pass from time to citemenlt dun?) an_n "ltnearl'cri'asl tron. j eral companies. through special legis- time. They had even gone. the length would Al ll em if of western lation, providing that "such loan cor- a short time ago of preventing the fur- ble. . . .e. cf/h"", ff ested any ' a . . Pgirztion may, with the assent of two- ther incorporation of one of these 'g1g"e1tli,tllttieiif tl s':t'itussel"'i'rehste' clause t Ir s of the shareholders present or companies. amen . . . . . . - represer.tted by proxy at any annual .Air..1y.h.ittyy--why not exercise a prevented 1',udciteuvi,t,i,h 'trf,'emdrrrelt'e" o.r special general meeting, having no- little.judicial pressure? Is it necessary pg their taxes Ti',','al t e Y, To- tice of such proposal, lend upon the to Wipe out the companies? . fixed by the municipa act. . gel secui'ity of the. debentures, bonds, ob- .Col: Gibson-That is exactly the posi- r.onte there was still a margin." T. ligations or paid-up stocks of any ccr- tion I take. l trat.fururt, which was twenty mi s, ex £0ration other than those corporations Col. Matheson-There ought to be) clusive of s_choo.1 taxes. What was eretofore in this, clause mentioned" some legislation. No stock, when the! there, th.e. Pr.e.mier. asked, to prevent g Govejnment. municipal or. school ,cor- installments were payable from time to the municipalities from coming to the pora..on bonds or securities, or cm."- time, should be forfeited for non-pay-', House and asking for power togo m- .tered bank or incorporated company ment. : to some.scheme of their own if they 'l',tg'/e"'ged, in Canada, ."but the ag- Mr. Henry Carscallen (Hamilton) had to increase the tax ra.te.?.1.f. a gregate all such. lending shall not thought a claim; should be inserted combination or union of municipalities t1fece,,eadidati any one]: :t,1/r's't' 71511":wa oi providing that at the expiration of five was formed, as long as the present pat in capita o sum en ing cor- years if pe Government was in ower the would - . " , .yments cease, the company - . p y "eel Gibso id l l h must publish in a newspaper the iavor granting thkm a power concesf such wide owserl-l dsaii ie ftiloug t amounts so on deposit, in order that smii on as favorable terms as those als sideration pwhi ha f7'TiUl" ukcoln- heirs. of persons deceased might make ' ready granted. The Government had House to, ivec o l tt., "gt." has the application and procure the money. .,' no interest in the corporations; they printed g. n me l eing re- The statute of limitations should not istood for the people. and he thought 0 L. run in such cases. , the clause should stand. CT ne can Compan 's Method. Col. Gibson said that the loan com- ' . . . . Mr. J. P. Downc: (South Wellin _ panics in their annual returns were VAppomtinig the Commission. i, ton) again raised the question of inf" compelled to report as to the balances "klsu.lyl1jLnipb.je.ttt) to the appoint- companies which operated savings Iii; their hands: He had never heard of 'imeiit of a commissidit t the Chief banksi ic . . . . .. . anyone not being able to secure money Justice of Ontario, as sue an official n wh ch children invested in the . . . . . . . hope of ultimately acquiring a share. from a loan corporation 'll O.nta.rio by i" knew nothing _of the municipalities' He instanced a company which pro- reason of the statute of limitations. .necds. The bill, he feared, would be ."ided that the money be confiscated COL _Matheson objected to t.he re- "utterly nugatory. In any event, the ex- . if it did not reach a certain amount. turns given by the loaii companies not tiperinient would never be repeated in , He read from an agreement providing showing the amount oi loan made by a 3 this House of taking away from a - that the money could only be with- company.to one of its own directors municipality the right to say who . drawn after being deposited tive on stoc.k in some other companies, such should spend their money or how it f years. the clause being as follows _ as an insurance company. in order to should be spent. "The.holders of this stock may with- haye control of the other company. , _ Mr. Ross pointed out that the ap- . draw aiter payments have been made Col. Gibson thought it scarcely nec-, pointment of the commission by the. . for fiv.e iull years and the stock has essary. for instance. to show that Hon. i' Chief Justice or some one outside was il Ite.en m for,ce tivs years, by giving G. A. Cox, of one company, lent mone . necessary where there was a union of ' thirty days notice (written). He to G. A. Cox to buy stock for Mr. Gy : municipalities. It was not a ver seri ' I shag recon; tlt. full amount he has A. Cox in another company. i ous strain upon our t'lJdilrastieersti, I pal on eac s are, together with in- C 1 l M h C . . . o' terest at the rate of 3 per cent. per oone " eson unoua. _ Afr. Whitney objecte.d .to the pro- " [l annu.m.. No interest. shall be allowed Col. Matheson-Those are just the arm" for five cfPlm1ss"?..ne.rs, and i . on the fraction ot. a dollar or the frac- class of men whose dealings we want ought three would be sufficient. : . _ tional part of a month. In the event to see. ', Mr. Ross said the typ.ertditu.re would , of the dea.tlt of a member his shares Col. Gibson-Well, there are not , be liar-.3" but the Chief Justice could i _ I 1may berwiihldrawn in like. mannchhy many such men. It would not be of ma e tt three or five, as he saw fit. . " . is pe soia representatives. he much value to have such returns. " Special Le islatio N a . . , board of directors shall have the riuht Col Matheson--When the Domi . g n "can" . " l , to gauge] and retire this stock at 5'"), givcs's'uch reiiirns why shouldn'tinigg Mr. Thomas Crawford (West Toron- 'I; i , . time after five years from the date of Province do so? to.). expressed the View that clau.se IT, 'l i . 'ie,"rli(,icaiite find (heforeithe date of nia- Col. Gibson exhibited a copy of the mhich limihed the rate of taxation to ill l "high " t eyh amid" expedient. ttt returns of the department, and said he e Irdatre, xed "P the .myn.icipal act, , i , lf cj.'",,' e 10 tshall have no would be ver glad if the hon. member won render special legislation neces-f I I ' t ailrnolsccfwncv g. id th h would move L) a return showing what, saor'y' before Toronto could develop, llt gi, ne', "Cent-rail /hsia,hd'saetdt f,t, Attor, these returns meant'in the aggregate. p C,Ta. . . he. fwd l y iii in 'u l p Is.e lt oili'er The bill was, reported as amended. b ol. ileon said that might be true, = "fill (flyma ik a fd a practice existed " P Bill A . ', '1 ut he believed that provision neces- ' .- - 'p,'irtldestrrollf.et e name of the company ower 1 "m. "l, sary. If Toronto wanted to develop , 'f" - o Colonel Gibson said h h d " The House wen.t into committee to .P.ower.,.they .could ask for the legisla- 'it , , _ ' . e a .mafe no discuss the Premier's power bill. Mr. tion this .sefsio.n. He was skeptical as such statement. His hon. friend wasr W . d l . to the Intention A T t ' trying to make political capital rather! h-itney. un er c a.us.e ll. repeated his to d l _ u pronto ever A , than to rectify an abuse There 'l belief that no municipality other than did eve op power, but if they l i It , a provisipp that a conipanv not ol,",',','.!) Toronto would ever go into the power "10.131113 Th out a good case, he - . .. ,- .ith the la , e _ . _i business. . . ' " e e ast one to want to pre- II I ig r/,j,ri,ry rCr'/s'tr'lfion'." " should be re Dr. Beattie Nesbitt. (North Toronto) vent them. . it; l, é bb., . said that the contention of the Opposi- In reply to a question by Mr. Whit.. l a ' . Kit The Abuse Recently Remedied. tion was that dthe Government should ner, Mr. Ross said Toronto could " - . . . ... . . . .. raise $8oo.ooo annuall bef . ka" u. Mr. Downey, s eakin a a ' undertake the evelopment of power it . . . .y ore reachin 'iiit' . he had applied 5051c le, ageinm lad self. It had been demonstrated already the limit of. its taxation. g MI I inspector of loan corporations for a Ithat esou,ictl'gd.ter1'rises were commercial- _ i The cohzideration of the power bill I» " 3' 0 v of the by-law he objected to, and y pro ta e. . . ' n comnii ee was continued in the I .. TI ioghd it was not on file, though the hMnhlrl. fg/cd/reg (Hamilton) said a evening. " I . er uired that it should b . F., - t at e cou ar y agree with the l . . l Iii i Lax. rholwever. on applying thee" ti last speaker. He was not prepared to Removal of Commissioners. l , Illil H11" found a by-law, with the ink not yet say th.at the Government had not act- Mr. Ross proposed an amendment to i Ill Fa dry, amending thA.pros:ision, he ob- ed as it ought to .h.aye done, in connec- the provisions respecting the commis- =.' ' it, - jetted, to, by providing that the money hon with the privileges given to the Mott as follows :--"Provided that an _ I g1(si1 , may be withdrawn before the expira- companies at the Falls. Some return, commissioner maVbe removed from of): liriri'4 ' tion oi tive years. The new clause of coprse, had been obtained. Whe- fice at any time by the said Chief Inl- ' - ll',? read as follows _ ther it was enough he was not prepar- tice upon application -of the Comes? , i Li! y. , _ .. of the municipality or of the Councils. i AG T i ... ' "'r, _ ru..s-ti: