, FRIDAY, MAY " 1 i rmHousle world behyvithin the facts..b?";'j i _ was carried. The objections were that I ere y Pr ering " attendance, ttith-. p T . out vmg any reason. They believ- there were s.evtral other committees ied SI',!,',",',, had been asked to attend.' wanting t.o.sit, ttenorr?w, among t.h.ep ibut they did not know that he had: the bfunicip.al .Co.mmittee, .oi which I been formally summoned or notified.' ', _ ' Mr. Davis is Chairman. His attend- i Mr. Whitney thought the order be- anc.e there was necessary, as represen-, 7ing an extraordinary proceeding the ----- _ tatives from outside were to be heard mouse should incorporate a duo" ' h on important matters. On the other 'therefore. COL Matheaona Theory on t 4: hand. as head of. the department con- Col. Matheson however amended G C cerncd. W. Davis wanted to hear the: his mction to ii simple order that amey "e. evidence in this case and he thou ht . . ' . . ' g Sullivan appear before the committee; the 11,veits'taegseesti,d,,ees.ired should all be here on Tuesday next, and that the order' -----_ at t e same "m_¢- be served upon him forthwith. .. MR. E. R. WOOD'S ABSENCE Mr. .Davis Strong Denial. St. Catharines Statement. . Mr. Davis gave his word_,that all the _ St. Catharines, May 28.-One of the -----_. time, necessary would be given on and evening papers here says '. "Cap." Sulli- alfterdTuesday next. w. Davis also de- . van, whose presence is so keenly desir- Considering' Propriety of Pro. (fret (fol: Mathew" charge to be ed in Toronto to give his story of the . . , n f'] tttl air. Eve.ry effort had been Sullivan-Shannon timber limit deal-toa ducing Clients Accounts. ma e to get the -Witnesses here; there Legislative committee. spent Sunday in has no.thing to conceal, and in this Buffalo, a guest at J. McCarty's hotel. ________ connection .he. repudiated most empha- a--.------"-"-. t,ietlly, the, insinuation implied in Col. , I n An Exciting Day in the Public Ac- iii-#1350"? remarks. Ale had 'vu/lr/Mill? HARRISON " ll - . . . s.cyssed.timber or politics with Capt. coma: cirmmittee--N1livan Said Sullivan in any manner whatever, and l, to Have Handed His Timber i'eup1i,rtanuvtassi',1,pe'erc"teeg,eyece, of t.he iPet,r,eygiuTgiu7ridi'f'" .' e ecame ommis . Proceeds to Members of the Gov- sinner. Col. Matheson's statement we: . VATE BIL - _ most extraordinary. Wh did , . em e . . . y int he m nt name the Ministers if there were any 3T0 Make a Park and Preserve the connected with the matter ? He would Old Itort-Cornmittee Concludes ------_ throw the accusation b k . . . strongest possible mann ac m the Its Work. I There was a lively meeting of the C l .ii l er. ----------. . . . o. . at _ . . Pam," Accounts Committee of the , Ego" a Fighter. The City of Toronto was given the Legislature yesterday, in which, in the The delay until Tuesday brought a ' . . Bill c mmittee continued absence of Ca t . S lli further protest from C l right in the Private 1 s o . . p am u nan. ol. Matheson . d re and the absence oi Mr E R. Wood. that the Government were fisrhtiotr "'r of the Legislature yester ay. to secu Manager of the Central Canada Loan' time at the end of the. session. He Garrison Commons, amounting to P." . d . objected to the delays in the work of acres, and the grounds of the Exhibi- an Savings Company, Col. Matheson the committee, and said it was. part of tion Park for use as a park or exhibi- threw out the bold charge that the the old game session after session. '_. , Th " . t t rn money which Sullivan got for the Col. Matheson then moved that the tion grounds. e purpose IS o u Shannon limit was taken from him by thairman 35pm; to. the Henge"? S11: Ithe property into one large path, and members oi the Government, and that 1132:3302 if": ?:1er,1,'lfa?ucl'l'teh'l Loan to preserve the Old Fort as an historic that was where the money came from and Savings Company to appear before, landmark. The commons are at, pre- which was given to Mr. Gamey. Col. the committee in the morning, the said sent held from the Dominion Sit, Matheson said '.--- manager had not appeared, and recom- eminent on a thirty-one . .years ' mending that an order of the House lease. recentiy renewed, and subject to Col. Matheson's Charge. be issued directing that Mr. Ii.. R. cancellation at any time on thir.ty days' "1 do not believe that Sullivan got Wood ye.directtd to'appear on Friday. notice. Power W545 also gwen t.o that money for his own use I be- the 29th inst, at II o'clock for examin- purchase any land in any of the muni- . -.' D , . ation respecting the accounts of. the cipalities of York County for military .lieve this Government or members of said company of Capt. John Sullivan, purposes, to make an exchange with, it got the greater portion of that and that he produce all books, papers. the. Government for the commons.l money, and I further believe, and I deposn slips, checkshand meniorinda Fur-these purposes. debentures are to! say I have a strong suspicion, that the in c0nnectionv with t e same. 1r'chs,,ufei,ye'h'il,e, in forty years, athai three thousand paid to Gamey came An Unfair Imputation. our/submitting a VIrtl"lltc Ie..- out of that money. I am satisfied . Mr. Latchf.ord obj.ected to {he radii; IPWBTS- . that the Government and their sup- tion as an imputation on Mr. . oo Mr. N. W. Rowell KC and Mr S.' . . _ '., . . that he did not deserve, and said the IH.' p, r" . " ' . . porters are trying. to balk this Inquiry. committee should wait until Mr. Wood i west 233510112215»; 2:281:13; a ndumber of I know that Sullivan has been com- had consulted his solicitor. .It was igroiind that thpe) ur.os Ic/re '19" the plaining very bitterly among his own also unnecessary, as the .comm.ittee had iproperty was despireg f.. or tye, the friends at not getting this money. It full power. to compel the Witness to Thes. feared that it nil'i,ath,neot, stated. was taken from him by members oi appear. He. pr.oposed an. amendment a cattle market 1lllf t e used .for the Government." recording that this committee oriega,Yrs. tionable purpose or some such pbjec- . . as reasonable the request o i r. _ - _ . . Should Be Specific. Wood the Mana er of the Central Ex Ald. Hugh. McMath objected to , g . the pro aertv b ho . Mr. Latchioro--Mr. Matheson should Canada Loan and Savmgs. Company, I'eiercnclct - l emg ugly. without a be more specitic or not make the communicated to the Chairman. that Colon 1 oGt2g,a,tert'tyoe,,r,,si statement at all. he be permitted to co.nsult with his "men: . _1 son thought that thei Col. Matheson-You get your bank counsel as to the proprle.ty oi his pro- citvl the mas] of .great yalye to the' manager here and I will show you. ducing before the committee the pap- should gug ll " did not believe they' Mr. Latchiord--He will be here; i1el ers. which he is personally willing to Err wile a o.we.d toObtain the prop- was only summoned yesterday. produce, and that he be asked to ap- use: I 1ottt being limited as to its Col. Matheson-ln the last days oil 'iei'lr, on Tuesday next, the 2nd of Ji'isessment C . . the session you are fighting for time. u11.e. . ."' _ op.mrs.s1oner Flemin . Mr. Latchford-VVe are not fight- The amendment carried by I5 to 8. 12t,t1,t/e1at, 3:"? thcctions raised werE ing for time, and I do not think there Fruitless Searches. would We"; Sleicarcld that the city is. anyndispozitlion on 3h: part of the J. E. Roberston. the messenger who interfere with the i331: "ialhkd. and.so 'l/l""" o e ay or e er action at went to Buffalo in search of Capt. Sul- market. He did not "i?! t e Junction a . ' , livan, testified that he had. gone to all the Council, but could 5:1tto tie down . Mr. Wood s Reason. i the hotels there and enquired for Syl- that the question of enlai'l: personally This discussion followed the an-; livan..but could get. no trace of hip. tle market had not been 'd',1,'Edtehre, cat- nouncement by Mr. G. P Graham," He ("9 not know if.. he had been m the Council. SI ered by Chairman. that he had received a mes-i Carter s saloon. ot.1 I\iagara street. p. Mr. H.. Carscalicn (Hamilt st1Re from Mr. Wood in the morning, M.iller gave Similar evidence of his gested Swing the power on on) sug- that he desired to consult his solicitor trip to St, Catharines and Port Dal- "Rims vote of Council. a three- beiore producing the Sullivan papers housie last w.eek, the only .trace he t r. Fleming further said th . asked for, and that he had no oppor-'; could find being that Sullivan had ended .to erect suitable}, il . ey m- tunity the Previous day to do " The some time before boarded a tug and l? military upon the new m dings for Clerk informed Col. Matheson that Mr. gone to the. Georgian Bay. . bt,bpught in exchange property, to Wood had been notified between t and The committee adjourned until Tues. firu,oni:l Gibson said. that h 2 o'clock .W.ed.nesd.ay, to which the Col- day. 'ti',iiial,. was a most importantt e pro- onel replied that hehad time that af- Order For Sullivan's Appearance. tic f1lr: The value of the one to icrnoon to consult his solicitor. . ie,','. a park and the . propozy . . . In the House durin the afternoon Preservi Importance of g "it the Old F Will Investigate Rutherford Deal. Coloneld Matheson moved his resolu- 'tOric landmark could ort "r, an his- ' tion b Mr. H tion._lai over from the revious day, estimated. . . yo.t e over- IN: Cr. Grant be 11gLfhtote that inasmuch as Capt. £31m Sullivan eral if/i1iplleoibeshhvg,.i, in the gen- from before the committee to-mor- 2diee,sutitstotig,ena,irttbeee?rteh th/21t I') questions to 't1l'lmtptl'g,d.msat; . . . n mmi ee, t e ouse t e . . op e. ut row and produce papers in connection . ' were all aware . with the Rutherford limit was objected 2,grt,rne,hiy to appear on Tuesday 535935 the present oiiiaattlile" dsitfliih , Leg, and a: amendment. by hferA.dG. Colonel Gibson thought the full iies (11uttce'ai,y, of if good underffli: aekayc anging e time ti ues_ay purpose would be served, and the he l e indefiniteiy increased by A '-