The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 29 May 1903, p. 1

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-- . fiii'Fr% the 'ii-iii-l-ii-tfm'!!!!),,.'??'? ' . _ 1Pl2lFc1l! .!!f,?,fsllae'1','i" _. c', _ . His 'l',')',',",',',',')],', was that the Tecbm-I stated that' with; citizens 'si1ittdtltoi'nt cal School should be included. He'hadi tavor of the e" . i received communications from othefI undertook to meet their wts es. 1 cities. who were interestedly watchingI =eae's-a'ar.'aeet-=1S'=t"-e."P. l the bill, and none of them had takenI WANT TO KEEP FENDER. any objection to the form of_ the bill.I - F Mr. Thomas Crawford ( Fo-I . . irontO) thought the measure, if it were London Street Ratlwav Think It as Ito be ofI abel vallue, must include the! Good " Others. , ,chnica c 100. . . 'i"j"eecitlii" bill was assented to with the earl Mr. C. H. Ivey, solicitor for the ception of the sections relating to the London Street Railway Company. ap- Ielection oi, thed 1t"h, mud] in}: al- peared before' the Legal Committee oi ll'iiihed to stan or in er cow era l the Legislature to object to Mr. Beck'si l Mr. Latchford fixed Tuesday next. bill to amend the street railway act. ifor consideration in Committee of the! The bill seeks to compel all street :W'hole ot the resolution setting apart' railways to put on fenders which satis- f3°'°°° acres Il land per. mile. for the! fy the Commissioner of Public Works. {construction ot the Temiskaming Rail-l A clause in the act already providcs'I iway. . this, with the proviso that in cases,; (Third Readings. where the City Engineer and the com-'; i The iolloning bills were gven their pany have agreed upon a fender the third readings:-- l clause shall not apply. Mr.. Ivey i To amend the high schools act--Mr.l, claimed 511a}: this1 wafs die m Low ' - (Harcourt. i don, an t at tie en er in use was _ r. l To amend the children's protection Ian excellent one. There had not iii) TURDAY, MAY 30. 1900. iact oi Ontario-Mr. Gibson. l Ia fatality. as far as the fenders were -.----- l Respecting the Hamilton & Cale-'; concerned, since they were adopted.:' GHUUL BUARUB idonia Railway Co.-Mr. Holmes. I labout eight years ago. It would can l, Respecting the property of publicl (the company about $4,000 to make the land separate schools in the city oi"; lei-131139, and the city itself had not 1]lIullufhl?llllil (Windsor and other matters-Mr. Har-) lagkrd for it. The bill was allowed to ' lconrt. I l'xtanti over until the city an be heard Amending an act respecting the town) on the subject. .--------- inf Sault Ste. Marie. the Lake Superior': Mr. Smith's bill providing for the I :Power Co., and certain other com-5 equalization oi assessment for public 'Mr.Fiarcourt's Bill Passes Com.. ipanies and persons-Mr. Comree. I school taxes in union sections every 1 mittee l, To incorporate the Stratiord Radial; five years instead pf three.yas passed. f' . t':R;:.iy;t,v,fro.-c--Mr. Brown. . l Mr. Holmes' bill providing for a i i PTvidjryr for the construction oil small alteration in the method of print- l m.----.----'- iwpr.ks of tn1ryy?ven"r1..t along the 1iy1kl int: voters' lists to make it easier to I Ioi the upper Niagara Ross,I insert additions was thrown out. " lNOT OPPOSED IN HOUSE. I slhmlmng the City or St. Catharines'; ==et"g."r=rih".'="-"='.".."d'."-"r.. , L-.. r. Jcscop. I . I i Respecting the Tonnship oi Pe!ee---l, WANT A SUBSIDY. V I - }.\lr. Aulrl. l l -_- , I Providing for the incor oration of: f . . (Business Can be Concluded jIIIt citv of Niaitorn Falls-Flip Crrocr,' lBruce Mines & Algoma Railway Next Week, ', yr. I'rv't bill respecting the, Town-l l Ask For Land Grant. limp oi.York: and the Glen roan bridge I The Bruce Mines & Algoma Rail- wa: reierred back to committee and "m q ---------_ Iaiiimided. It will be read a third timel way Co., who have already constructed l0" 310114" next. ! 'sevcnteen miles northward from Bruce That ls, Barring Contentious Matter, 1sovernment Bills. l I Mines to the Rock Lake copper mines, Such as the Gamey Report - A The following Government bills, li,-aiod were given , Sham.' .'hiiim Short Sitting. "ore given second readimzr.--. I l to build to the main line oi the CP.R.. To amend the. municipal act--.\lr.l iare applying '10 the fj'r)ester,er1e',1,,ti/eori a --------.--. Gil,,on. i, rland grant ot 7.400 acres per on e tor The statute law ar,e.uinccrnt act. 1003: I 100 miles. Michigan capitalists. includ- Mr. Harcourt's bill to aiiirilganiate "Mr. Gibson. ' . f I ling Mr. M. J. Mark. of Grand Rapids. l P blic Hi h lTechnical School A sccond reading wat; iuven to NIKI Iare .said to be behind the enterprise. me It f..',' 1g am . ' Penw's hill to amend the general road jlooking to the development ol this ricn :Boards in lot-onto was the chief sub- ("Inmnim Hit. I icopper-heariug section. Mr. John lic- 'ject oi interest that occupied the at- Col. Mnthecem's bill, respecting the; iKay oi Sault Ste. Marie. President I', itention oi the Legislature yesterday ai- T"/le"'ii, of wages no} withdrawn. i Ithc rogdrisaid yesterdag heI beltieued l? t I ie misc at lnill'llf' at .50 'min. ,the >ll stir was vrante at eas t. Irty- Iternoon. .llr. Harcourt t.old the House Wi .. W d 4 t l ltive lllllCS. more!5 Would be built this Iin committee that he believed that the More ttnesses ante . I I vear. lbill to be effectual must include the. , Cl Mathtson git-31> "i/ic, ofla inf»: .' t==='r==.Td"-t"=u---T.r..-" " '., . - l to P" o v . o no ousc tiat nel ' . Technical SchOol Board in the amalga it,.)11a'Cr,/"1ac-f tc))'; of the "wig", , HARVEST WILL BE EARLY. Imatirm. This was ly com- lclger of the Central Canada Loan & jmittec. so that the proviSion is now Savings Co. be ordered to attend be (practically assured. The question of fore the Public Accounts Committee Ithe election of the amalgamated board film] crumoit C't,f'i'l,'e"'a"///',),l "Id . . . . mmnuttcc as o t e account at ta main was not dealt with, but ."m be caken John Sullivan in the said company ironi . up later. A number oi bills were read le tirct day of June, IOUJ. to date. and a third time. that he be further ordered to produce The House ends the week with the WWW" the (C?,':,'):,'? books "i the work of the session in excellent shape, If". bank .5"ng He said account. , . . , (pun lCtCllll>. checks and other mew and with the prospect that, barring me moranda in his possession in conncc-l Gamey report, or other unforeseen iion therewith. i contentious matter, the business could 1lr.. Sutherland _will more for. an firm he concluded next week. What the ac- dry l" the "0qu tor alretturn m "'I'piIe'i . . oi ill CorrejCttt ence- we ween any tle-- tual date of prorogat1on will be, how- partment 'c",')')',')'?,)",,'. oi the Govcrirl ever, it is impossible to say. but both men: and any person or persons 'r)ll sides proiehs to be ready to adjust weer-Iii; the establishing of a reiorma-l themselves to the circumstances as they WWW Ill tht: 1'rtriy of C)rford. I'm": lWill Extend Pumping Plant. l ' it is expected that the supplement- I , TD - ary estimates will he brought down 'es "Ta Jolyn. A. Auld. M.P.P. .(sovth, early next week, probably on Iuer triratryi), introduced a deputation to; day. l "/tyrl)1avl 'f,'f'"i;tianrl' .I'lestei'giayf [ . mun Int, own or ingsw c. tel ISchool Boards' Amalgamation. , iiieml'icrs oi the deputation were May-ml Mr. Harcourt. in moving the House' 15; l..'t\cha)': W. A. Smith. Solicitor; into committee on the bill providing (. W. f)cnui.ersl.y?tt, Chairman of.the for the amalgamation of the Public, lloartr. They a.sked for an Orr 'l'ligh and Technical School Boards, 7d", HI Cccmtril apr.""") of a by-law Isaid it had been beicre the countrv W." l-mils? $.10.'mo l" 1nlprftve and extend ' {now for some time. and only one obl ilhc pumping plant v! the town. TlN)' siection had come from the bodies Jon- leerned. The Technical School had asked Ito be left out oi the amalgamation. The C (Trades and Labor Council and the Sta- I ' tionary Engineers had also objected to '

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