The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 2 Jun 1903, p. 3

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Wb uty 2s uit 2l d ie teky Moare NEVH | + --the . n ar :;n:unl wlth.l;lg om:u{..unt T fret 'the avater--at > 4* --| he w subpoenaed; .-otfi'oc-.umn-'s cut "was*about '1-'73{.' never seen *"Cap.' mtm until recent-- . 000 feet. He could not giv lg'flu?:.y¢ l&'and that «he had _-ueco&:u in .an the price per thousand fée .t'l ber. | | the, ?m,.'.o gould hlvem}:, per-- did not sell the logs, but: the tMD®T: | | sonfkt knowl of any of them. _ }'g: Iteras of the. mgunt fAigured c':s in' Mr* Wood he 'was positlve the 'about $25,000, and could be produUC60, l | | $2,000 check, cashed by the Dmxtmon . duplicate by the bookkeeper in ; u'rhe Bank on the 24th of September, had been : 'day if the committee des'red the o¢ the g.ud ta Sullivan personally on that date:. cutting, driving, skidding, etc..] he'elgiorutlo:r showed that. 2 timber cost about $16,000. . Ml\th atflcl: A lctDermotPtI or Bouthfi?lsf:s hok # £ count. was the next --witness. He swore h ; Capt. Sullivan's Account purchased the whole Township of Ruth-- Mr.. E. R. Wood, Manaéger O0f T8 || erford, with te: exception of six quarter-- Central Canada Loan & Savings CoOM--|| sections, in 1901. In the last of April pany, was next called, and produced :' and first of May. 1902 he had corre-- gertified copy of the account Of C%P : || spondence ;with .Frank J. Sullivan re-- John Sullivan with the company. [Th®|| specting purchasing the Killarney . or first credit was $4,500, deposiced on July | | "Shannon"'--gections. . Mr. Latchford in-- 30.. The checks issued against the AC-- || sisted that that correspondence be pro-- count were presented to the committee, || duced, and that &ge witness be not asked with the oxaaptlon of all issued before | | for a resums of the correspondence from March 31, 198, . which had been --&iven || memory. A motion was passed ordering to Capt. Sullivan on April 14, and a re-- || McDermott < to produce it on Thursday ceipt for th%m given 'to the company n?'(t. Melie t was presented. r. Mc tt said he had a At this point Mr. Latchford handed over || bet with J. igrenty otd'south mvg:.agg"y & bundle of checks which had been prO--|| in 1902 that the Killatney limit would be duced by Mr. J. M. McEvoy, Capt. Sul--|| solt by private sale. ~Tlis was based on livan's solicitor, and by this means the|| the correspondence he. had had {with work of the committee was allowed to || Frank Sul!gya'n."ne also swore that ln' proceed on this point without 'delay. ' the correspondence with Frank Sulli-- Col. Matheson tried another fishing || van he jiad offered $4,200 for the limit trir about an official of the company || He never had offered :'i,ooo but if he had going to British Columbia. Mr. Wood || known that was his last cfiance to bid he said that Assistant Manager Morrow || might have gore as high as $7,000. He told was--now on his way to British Colum-- of%m tra.vos'ubont the limit.and that he bia .on his honeymoon. had made an estimate of 1,500.000 feet "Where is he now?" asked the Colonel. || whether this was. what he actuall eet---- "I don't know," replied Mr. Wood. or whether it was he actually saw. Col. Matheson thought | Mr. Morro® || timber onerthte ""::"m" estimate of all the ~might' have some better knowledge Of || argument. The witn s fin _goint of _ much the Sullivan account than anyone else, "l'sr'oén" wKHEr T saw ho aho eniarvamets but Mr. Wood assured him to the COM-- || 1 toog saw and the observations trary. U % or; 5001 came to, the conclusion there ]}l'll :'e(rjl,v to s{ulrthcr questions Mr. Woogi fe?:d 34 iog)nfeet.there, and for that I of-- sald: Capt. Sullivan deposited a check ; ? l uh f for $4,500 on July 30, and another check alllil'li';"Dl?vls asked Mr., Mcgermott about for $4,000 on September 6. The withdraw-- | SAid Ne owned n No. 53, Setord. Witness als were as follows:--On August 1 a check || qy @anmpy. jago. ¢ t, that he had bought it ced s ce beornnst puoin Sulllva.n.'[ ronty rbr':'4'~»45°":fl§§";"30,§,';§2,&',, Tor cashed at the Dominion nk on August 3 Pdine: Ape + SS o 5: on August 12 a check for $200, payable| **** 4"4 ow he held it--at $30,000. to .R. A. Grant; September .9, a check Cap. Sullivan in .the Box. s for $%00, payable to the Minister of Pub-- 1 * k liee Works. This check, as produced at || j tnwas now almost 1.o'clock, but Col. the committee, was endorsed on the back, || |, %/}®S59N Insisted _ that Cap. Sul-- "Returned to the tenderer, Frank J. Sul-- | j \fA" _ be called, ° since they _ had livan, by order of the Hon. Minister of | ;]" « there. _ He _ was examined by 'Public. Works, the tender not being ac--| Mt. / Lucas _ respecting the various cepted. (Signed), Fred. Gelinas." 'The| Chécks | which _ hadT.. Bbeen _ produced accounts and deposit slips showed that | JUring Mr. Wood's examination %}' Mr. this check. as returned thus endorsed, had | M¢Eyoy, his solicitor. He testified that been redeposited on December 20, 1302. (\he $2,000 he drew on September 6 was ""Phat sottles that," said Mr. Latch-- 'Lashed to. Theodore C. 'Taylor, clerk in ford. the Crown Lands Department. Tavlor . On September 6 a check for $2,000 was ;had put up the $250 which had purchas-- d@rawn, payable to John Sullivan. It was |ed the Killarney limit, and was to share accepted on the same day and was casn-- '?'.""f'"?f in the profits. 'The $2000 was sd by the Dominion Bank on September | XAYlor's share of the $4,500 note of * i Charlton's,. wplch_he had discounted for On November 1 a check for $1,000 was | $4.000. . The-- $2,012,50 check was Taylor's drawn in favor of the Temiskaming Rajil. | Share of the '$4.500 check after expenses way Commission. This was returned and D24 been deducted. It was Mr. Nihan of tedeposited in the same way as the check St. Catharines who had discounted the of September 10 had been for the Public NOte. _ HMHe had taken Taylor into part-- Works Department. It was redeposited 9®"Ship with him bécause they were oid "on December 10. On December 30 and on friends. . Witness didn't have any in-- January 9, 1903, two checks for $1,200 ana Structions from Shannon. and Shannon $500 respectively were drawn in favor 0# had turned the Killarney limit over to the Minister of Public Works and were Pim long before July. aIso returned and redeposited on January , , Sullivan's examination will tontinue at | . 4, 1903, the tenders not having been ac--' 10. O' Messrs. George Cole, cepted. < Killarney; C. H. Burns, bookkeeper for "So between the 6th and 9th of Sep-- Charlton Bros.; W. Cannon of Killarney, tember, Sullivan drew checks for about, And F. J. Sulllvan will be asked to ap-- $3,000?"~ _ said -- Col. Matheson. "'Two' pear. Information will also be asker re-- thousand didn't come in for 19 days, and : Sarding the Secord limit. $900 for about three months." * ez mmemmememmmenmme t r Did Not Know of the Account. Mr. Wood at this point explained that he hadn't known that "Cap.' Sullivan

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