The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 4 Jun 1903, p. 1

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_ , . "sri, ariii"wiih friend: on the Mor of F FRIDAY- JUNE 6, 1903 the House. GAME" REPURT Wanted an Adjournment. Mr. Whitney, after the report had i ' OVER been on the table, said that at the I beginning of the sesswn the Govern- _ . merit had asked for and obtained an ' - adjournment because the Government did not feel like doing business while . med With the charges were standing. The Cabi- Membe' sWere Consu net had been discussing the report, and Curiosity. its contents were known to other mem- bers of the House, but he thought that ' .------_ in such an important matter the House should adjourn to allow the members N to acquaint themselves with a matter WHITNEY WOULD ADJOUR so "pertain. . Mr. Ross said the House had been in ..___...____ session part of the time during the lit- . ting of the commission. " was pt- Mr. Lucas the Medium of the tended to have the report printed im- mediately for the use of members, and News. 7 it would be in order for any member 1 to move its adoption or to discuss it --.----- l for one, two, three or four weeks. The . . d! House could pronounce Judgment on l House Concurs In the Estimates an tt report, accept it or_reiect it. I? t Other Basin .ld not see any.necessity for any a - Does a Lot of .Journmentat this stage. .They could] ness. ,proceed with business _leisurely, and lnot create the itnrrr.ession.that they m----------- i wanted to adjourn without giving mem- bers a chance to discuss it. The Gamey commission's "eport was, Mr. Whitney said the question of the MF . the minds oi the mem-, report far ovtrbalance.d and over- "ppermost m . . . da . ' whelmed any petty question as to whe- l hers of the Legislature yester 3' ther they should sit there or not He 1 though otherwise a good day's LUSH was not certain that his hon..friend i ness was done. The rumor was with; was correct that the proper course eral during the forenoon that it would; would be in any event to adopt the re- be present-ed, and there was a full at--, port. It was not , report of the House .h nl or of any committee belonging to the tendance of expectant members in C iHouse; it was merely the report of ~ the House opened shortly after 3w certain individuals who were ordered The Premier was seen to have a tape to do certain .thing.s for the House. In girdled volume on his desk. and, yield-l the investigation in 1834-5 the report .' 7 7 l . of curiosity he' of. the fom.rmssronts was merely re-, mg to the .attyosr' 1ere - . l. :ceived, leaving the House to take any) PrrSCmed it normally ty? the 1peakeriiiUti'nt'ii7e action they chose. l .ris soon as the ordinary formal pre-; Mr. Ross said he did not know thati Liminaries were over. This was at 24f the Houlse \ii'lotilil3 have-Ito adopt the re- . . . _ . Most of the mernbers'Port. n t e arne case. however, "minutes 'ly1? JI,'," d bv the Cierk 'the report was adopted by the House. . xpected it "on e rea l - __ 'Hn reply to Mr. Foy, he said the evi-i dr'." that some means would be at ("lcr dence would be submitted as an appen-E taken of acquainting the House of its f dix to the report. I F I . 1 contents. What happened was that the (Regulating Loan Companies. l Premier merely read the superscrip '; Col. Gibson introduced an amend-l tion, a formal statement to the effect ment to the loan corporations amend-' that it was the report of the commis- ment act to meet the objections made sinners appointed to inquire into the by Mr. Downey a few days ago about charges made against James Robert the clas.s of.busiyss. done by some Stratum by Robert Roswell Gamey on Companies in issuing terminating March ll, and it was carried by a page shares.. The registrar. of loan com- to the. Clerk's table. The report had panics IS, given powe.r. if he finds any been in the Premier's hands sdince (0111113311): 13) laws 1:1,,n,rsit,,'t',,', order them about I o'clock. and had been rea , at to c .wit rawn. am in Case of non- least in part. by the Ministers at the compliance to strike the company's afternoon Council meeting. Its pur- name from the register. port rapidly filtered through the Gov- Cumulative Voting Ct5ticized. ernment benches. U d id ti . C . in er consr era ion in o . Members in the Dark. of the House. Hon. Mr. kare/)J.tnl1t,iet b But meantime the, Opinion": "WEE; 'f', r'i','..',,1i" ill?) Pugh-"His? Rand erg were entireiy in its oar-3 cc me at: o.o oar s, . r. . us- suspense was continued by a discus- [sell (E. Hastings) upheld the system sion between Mr. Whitney and the oi cumulative voting. Premier as to the propriety or. ad- Mr. Crawford (W. Toronto) thought journing. This trl'Cr, and the ordinary the best method would be to elect by business being proceeded Iyit.h.,.ryea_s- wards; two .members for each ward. lll'CS were. at once taken individually The cumulative sys.tem might result in to ascertainth ef/it llhc hrstthlo 1"ilW,11"',e,1e1.els: ele'ctilnlg {representatives mme was ' r. .ucas'. tie you 111" y no means suita e rom an educa- looking member ior Centre Grey. lie tional point oi view. It might even went at once to the Clerk's table a.nd, lead to the introduction oi party Poli- carried the rHrot1,hat:k to the desk hei tics. By a ward system all districts, shares with Mr. St. John. Hwy were), central and outlying, would be able to quickly surrounded by Mr. Hallllit.l have tlyy.r.intercsts represented. Mr. Reid. Dr. Nesbitt and other Oppo- i. Mr. Whitney thought th.e cumulative sitimi meniblcrs. j1,,ly,./yc,),t,co. relad tefi'/. lsystem a. iandangle experiment. if it . tracts in a my tone tor thew enen . were a right system it should be used while members of the group moved': generally. away y intervals. circulying.the news.) Mr. R_Oss said that the purpose of theI Mr. Cianley sat a couple at seats to; cumulative vote was to broaden the the left t.or.a few /l11tltfs_ his head,' franchise. He objected to the word down. elflnclng no Interest in ths re-l "uvstt?ttt when limiting the board to port, which meant so much to his ill-E4354)": a dozen members. ture._ Shortly afterwards he went back ', pr. Beattie. Nesbitt said that the Pre- to his own seat. at the north end'olj nner spoke of not limiting the area to the chamber: Mr. Reid YISthg be represented. If that principle had him. an EMILY trom the knot concen- ll been in force at the recent general elec- trated about the report. By 4 o'clock, in) . th le: d f . . . " . l' l its e ea er n the Oppositionovith however, Mr. Gamey leit the chamber, " popular majorit . ' .- . I . _ y ot several thousands. remaining absent about an hour. On . ld . . his return and during the evening he"nou now be Premier. He objected . ' . . C ' t to x r . . ' - was seldom in his own seat, moved an"??? expo Iment being tried on To from seat t eat, . ' . . t an ,bodf'NS, Shut had llme to [ii) Hon. R. Harcourt .replied that the o y y. r. Stratton wore a more . d . happy air, and moved ireel F anton hi _ i war y stem resulted, in the utmost sec- uellow-members on the 'c,",1'r",n,,ieh/irt-i-onaliiir. Everyone whowhad ever

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