The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 5 Jun 1903, p. 2

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. . _ .. A - . BEST. ' P'c'girihtitiG'betireen an employee of the .. _ . , - ; . , w et er'VMr. T.astr " ever Government, Taylor and Capt.. sul- . _ / had "previous dealings in Crown pro livan, and also to their balances m the? ", V ynerti. ' bank, as to attaching their i,',"s7'tf'd' Ind-l . . , . n. t as to the question oi putting e em- A Troublesome Quesuo . i ployee under arrest. llcave the re- " . . Mr. St. John then formed a 0""??? sponsibilty with the members of are I :lor the witness which was the TV]: Government." . . l . . 'ject of discussion for half an hollf- I K. Mr. Davis said.his fir."? knowledge oil . . ' , mitteation was: PHave you dealt IP. "I": Taylor's connection wIth the deal _ I I'm." with timher _p.ttr.cltitsctl "U" J.1? through bulliran s evidenceZ and he. . if IGuvcrnmcnt. in which yotl Itve PM"; had innnediatvly smpended Iay'liir. be- . 'ii, L r 'eipatcd in the protits or reci"rsyd s?ure liming he had the right to he heard ' ' . 3 inmney in connection thercwrr't, "n" briorc dismissal. The ea<e would be F 4. r ' " Iyou have been in ottice?" . .. . . dealt with promptly. lt the cmnttttt- / . , , l "Adi tlie any "W 'l'lcsim" Il yoll tee wanted to go into the Chew Bros . .23 . i. want In," replied Mr. ya.v.lor. _ trau<aetion he had no doubt the dc , f I I "You iIITrswt'r that tlt1estlon. yt, If partmeut would he shown to have act [ I" , head is level?" .. .re ed promptly. . . . ,.-. RI _ "1 want to know u you crttl 1'Y y-'ili The committee adjourned until Tues- ' T fr tinger at anything 1 have done. Jar. s , i Ci?,, "That i, not honest. We happened . "d."e=ee.'xe..ei,"='t....e'he.ed."d 1 w" . 'to get our tinger on one." It a" The question was repeated. . ., I l E 1 Ri"' "I don't know how to auau'N' c. .THE Jlflllllllrlf'8 flNlllilllll I . " "Answer that. pileaae." . l I __________ A "I, "l tttt , link 1 late a TI , it to Luz- ."v i 5\.L'l'."1 n t t I b' lGOVERNMENT LANDS TO lr),')'),', , "Yul: trbicct to answer.'" . MEET COST OF ERECTION. I 5"." i "Yes." '1 ---_----- . P, If,' .. l tin-\e that the witness be I'n'del'f'l l 1 . . . 1 ~ ea; i'd it" ungwcr that question." said Mr. ht. (Hon. Mr. Harcourt Gives Notice or a g "dl , 1101111. . ' I Bill For This Purpose-A ShortI k;'iallIl i Mr. Ccmmec ,aiil "'CIII'W'Lmil' "WW: i Sitting of the Legislature-Aid Hail; ' be mt in a lair way. "it: tint ltr ltlt1, I . . ii)" il'" Itir_~t lmrehan-d irom the. (Jon-rm I Extended to Charities. l in Intent in any ca:e. . . I _--.-.--- . 't?t'i; " I Mr.. Latehtord 1yi1rt.11/".1..tt11, ""21 l The little amount of busitw,s to he ' 'lf r C', _ , were 1ttvest1gatuw a variant matter, an" itransacted by the Legislature yesterday . I I I it they wanted to go into another ma. I . . .- Mi, > _ ter they should do it in a regular way. (wa, Mtclidml to In about. half an hour. T " I Mr. St. John said the Government '1 he announcement In the Govern- St e ;were airaid tt' thy "e) 7 Iment's intention to assist in the erec- $32» - 3- Ilr. tit. lid"! .sairl: _ . .l in." not F"'- ltion of a woman's residence {or the . .1an i Iing to get a an" lel~\\c'l, l annKHllll-l I t '... . . ... _ . _ , I, _ il3illll to leave thjs eoninuttee. I will not I",,t1,,iy.,ti,i,t,-v,ei loronto "auntie on)I " Mil ivittt' my/timc..' . . . .nnpmtant teature oi the titling: - _ I t I i 'llie discuiiion cotioed in this lou. R. Ilarccmrt guw notlt'c "1 A " r "train for some time. In the end the. bill to set aaide certain lands for unnI Ea ' Chairman. Mr. Graham. ruled that the verrlty plll'lnncs. lllcat' land~ are notI " witness should answer. but he had the (ii be tisctl .ier Wilfrid Tmyc'rsrty I'm": In Iright to make any explanation he de- gposes. but will be ear-marked tor niecl<I , - " ' sired. The witness replied that all the it"; thc cost (ll erecting I) woman's , _ Itimher was purchased from the Gov- Irt'Fltlt'llCC. It ts the intention to set J - Eernment. Iside enough land to pay for thr: fret" . I Was In Another Deal. Ition of the building. so t.hat the tundf . _ l . . already raised by the Woran's Row i ilu. "WNW" thcu.procetulytl l" at"? deuce Society can be devoted to iur- . . Inl say I hy.t Csaiit.icipated tn another nishing. etc. The location oi the land . "imi- but with Ct private party, "HE the and it, extent have not vet been tle, 'N hhnit }\'-'l> originally purchased "DWI cided upon, but it i, the intention that ' , the tun-ermnent. and l considered It: it shall be chosen with a view to mak- l 'lit" pf11ytte property, and I had a Irer-, I ing the gift immediately realizable. " - .10" "gm to fl" It. . I'; Mr. Davis informed Mr. J. J. Pres- ~ I l reply to turthcr questionf untied ton (Durham) that Samuel Johnston Isaid the tranaaetion in question (will- ..f Mount Albert had been employed by Icerned it limit in Lapreol Township. in A the Province as a culler during two) . ll/fd,; hc thought. His Patti)" Wits' prawns. receiving $744 in all for his, ' , I(apt. Sullivan in that case, too, and ltynrk i , he got $yy,oo out of 'ti he Sul A number of private bills were ad-' I I ( [mean not the manic. It was a limit solil vanced a stage. i i, by their Bros. to the late J. yv. Munro Mr. 'istr1tto moved ratiticp.1ion MI I (.t.rrt-')Yoo, and he and Sullivan came Iordere in Council placing the follow- l 1n..1'.u the deal. lhcrewere about tire iing inetitutions in schedule "A," nnderi . . ('tj,ij'ii').i','ir:i,,rirtei? let. tllt'i/,1,iatt, "l/J, l" flyy:ity, aid act:-Royal Arerarylra e Mt lintit and it was gulliv; "J. l. A i0 {If ill.ytpit,al, yergly Ross Memorial Hos, The . the {"00"}. g". it" gate ""tness, Inital. Lindsay: Cottage flotpital, Rex: "IIE t , m m cm. i Itrew: Loyal true Blue Orphanage. Pic, Illlt '! The Charge Fails. ltitlll: .and that a grant ot $4.000 each :1 Witness said l had . . . I be given to the Homes of Refuge of {ii - ' any 2'J,'iiys"/1n'lea,n/'. 2:221 received: Lanark and O.ntario Counties. J " . mm tor information 5552:1531: iiiii \llhfi "sebum" were ca.rried., iil " I. its, and, in reply/tr, Mr. Latchiord, he meni. Ross, then moved the adjourn- MII ii,')ii1//y'gC,o7/disotal,"pr'ae,t,o,t, .t.e..Ai:s own Mr. Whitney asked whether it was " . . . ansacttons, he I . . f l G . ' _ . having never contributed to party tie intention tt the 1(P\Cl'nlll(lli to funds. . ' 'prtllK the eyidenee and the addresses " 8lllt . Mr. Latehinrd proceeded to exam-1 If, counsel /heiore the commission, or . _ a.) me the witness respecting his checks-1 ,eithei of them. . l _ . I illl which had been Produced. but the pro-l, _ Mr. Ross repheo that, 1tl eoursc. it," ' ceeding was cut short by Mr. Std tl1ey w.ere timing to have a prolong-ed - Johu, saying '.--- f, tliscus,,iou, it would probably he neee<~ Iiil ll . . "There. is nothing in this aceonnti isary to print.them, but It would be , , that indicates that he RING this! rather expenswe. It would cost two , . $3.000. I will admit that." or three th.oysay.l ilollarc. However, . ,..- 7 . .In reply to Mr. Hugh Clark, the, Ihe would advise his hon. friend. . wr "it.rlei? mid Sullivan had doue quite! _ The House adjourned at 3.55 o'clqck. ' _ a bit tor him. _ I '"-e.l=.T.e"d'"-""."='.tt...tT.eetee . . l. C I "What. have you done for him ?" l i "Nothing, t-xeept take the money he: I - t garr- me." , ' liathesott Suggest" Arrest. ', ', Q After the examination had eonclnd-i . cd. Col. Matheson rose and said :--l I t .. Mr. Chairman: This i, a gravel . t . _ I matter between the Government,; _ and they must take the responsi-,; bility. I think there are two Minis- , ters here, So it is not necessary that ' you make a report. I draw the 19.01%. _ tist.n oi these two Ministers to the:

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