"amendments of the municipal Pe [ mgendmen't \ye',ta assented to in com--|-- mittee, and the bill was reported. _ --/\ Mr. Dé,"i" 'explained the clauses of x the municipal amendment act, which is a collection of the provisions decided 1 by-- the; f)%pméigsl Committee. g;'e first clauge provides for county |. Councils being composed of Reeves of townships and villages and Mayors, qf \ _ towns, in case a majority of munici-- palities in the county vote by resolu-- tion in favor of this-- method of con-- stituting the county Council. In such Councils, when a question involving the expenditure of over $1,000 for other; than current expenses is being votedi upon, it is provided by the Bill that' the total equalized assessment of the municipalities whose representatives vote shall be the basis of decision. The _ discussion drifted to the changes proposed in the election _ of county _ Councills, during which Mr.t R. A. Thompson (North Wentworth), in his maiden speech in the House, up-- held the system now in force, and urged that the change be laid over. Mr. Whitney protested against the tinkering, piebald, Joseph's--coat sys--! tem that would follow the optional system. Why not make it uniform all over and <tick to it? Mr. G. .: Graham was opposed to all the clauses of the bill. It would be far better to leave the present county Council law as it is until they knew better what was wanted. The Clause Carried. The principle of clause one was car--| ried after a lengthy debate by a vote! oi 49 in its favor. The committee} then considered the sub--sections, and carried them, aifter defeating several :pmpOsed amendments. | "The clause providing for the laying of pavements on 'the report of thc! engineer on important streets was amended, at the suggestion of the At-- torney--General, so that the city will pay 25 per cent. of the cost in cases| where there is a street railway track allowance to be paved. A clause was| added at the suggestion of the Prem--| jer, making it clearer that municipali--| ties shall have the right, under the roads act, to isste debentures with--. out going to the people. The bill was reported with amend-- ments. The House adjourned at 11.25. Mucummntiznmmememmemmmemy