an agreement made between the Sturgeon--Falls:Pulp Com---- pany and the Imperial Paper Company, giving the former company right to sell out to the latter. ;4 --_ _ Mr. Whitney said that he would be able, if he had time, to show that at least two timber grants had been made without the oflgcials of the depart-- ment knowing anything about tflem. 'He complained that the information _| given by the Minister of Crown Lands |was not -- explicit enough to enable i members to vote intelligently upon the ' | question. a | Mr. St. John and Mr. Gamey -- also -- | criticized the agreement, the: latter _ 'cluiming that an estimate should be . | obtained of the amount of pulpwood . i timber on any area under considera--.. 'tion. and then a public auction held t to dispose of it. j | _ The agreement was carried on a di: vision, a straight party vote, of 33 to 29. The other pulp agreements referred . to were declared carried on division. The Hoiw:*% went into Committee of Supply at 1 o'clock on miscellanecus in the main estimates, and passed the | | item, $141,652. | _ The Premicer then presented the sup-- _ plementary estimates. The Premier said he thought the business would be finished to--day, and; the House would adjourn from to--night' until next Tuesday.. The typewritten copies would be in the hané's of the 'hon. gentlemen to--day, and possibly ; the printed copiecs by next Tuesday. Mr. Whitney doubted ifi the evidence would be ready by Tuesday. * The House adjourned at 1. 20 a.m.