act. _ To amend the public health act. To amend the act respecting mort-- gages on real estate. J f;roviding for the construction of works of improvement along the bank oi the upper Niagara River. | _--To confirm by--law 247 of the vill-- lage of Beamsville. . ho ol on Respecting the City of St. Cathar-- ines. # bor ays To permit municipalities to use vot-- ing machines. To amend the street railway act. To amend the Cornwall debenture act, 1891. -- chC (s oi An act respecting the property of public and separate schools in the city of Windsor and other matters. _ An act to amend the high schools act. An act to amend the children's protection act of Ontario. _ _ _ _ Respecting the taxation of lands in the districts of Alioma. Manitoulin, Thunder Bay and Rainy River. _ To amend the act to provide for the appropriation of certain lands for the volunteers who served in South Africa and the volunteer mili-- tia who served on the frontier in 1866. Respecting the town of Rat Port age. : f 48 : To confirm by--law 713 of the town ship of Bertie. Respecting the Township of Mac har. To confirm by--laws Nos. 192 and 193 of the town '*of Aurora. s . Respecting the Stormont Electric Light & F'ower Company. Respecting the wuelph Railway Co. and to charge the name of the com-- f(fll!y to that of the Guelph Radial ailway Company. 5 .Rcs'gcctiug the Southwestern 'Trac-- tion Company. Respecting the town of Sault S:e Respecting the town of OQakville. . bRcspccting the Lindsay Public Li-- rary. Respecting the city of Ottawa. _ Respecting the town of Colling-- wood. To revive and amend an act to in-- corporate the Kingston & Gananoque Electric Railway Eompany. Respecting the village of Fenclon Falls. Rcspectinsg the corporation of the College of St. Jerome, Berlin. _ _ Respecting Marie. Respecting the township of York and the Glen road bridge. To incorporate the Midland Ter-- minal Railway. Respecting the Lake Superior Power Company and certain other companies. Respecting the town of Brase-- bridge. _ & Y Respecting the Church of England Cemetery in the town of Sarnia. _ Respecting the Toronto & Mimico Electric Railway & Light Company.. Respecting the Petrolea Rapid Rail-- way. 4 Respecting the Laombton Central Electric Railway. e ~a l Respecting thur. Respecting Shuniah. _ Respecting the International Tran-- sit Company. | _ nols o f e city of Niagara Falls. % Respecting the Clifton Hotel Com-- ny, .l.imited. s , To incorporate the Sudbury, COPPCT Cliffe & Creighton Electric Railway C(.'mpany. & s Respecting the towa of East L0' ronto and %almy Beach Park. T'0 amend the act respecting the Canada Central Railway _(,oml?any. Respecting the Colonial ortland Cement Company, Limited. ; Respecting the Hamilton & Cale-- donia Railway Company. epe ;/ Xo incorfiorate the Kingston & Frontenac Railway. t Ys 2y . Respecting the township of Pele«. To amend the Ontario insurance To amend the act for the improve-- o i_l-xc'orl%gnte the Minnetakie, Lac & Aibany 'River Raiiway Com-- y. 0 incorporate the Sarnia, Petrolea St. Thomas Railway Company. Froviding for the incorporation «f the town of Port Ar-- the municipality of To provide for the construction of municipal power works and the trans-- mission, distribution and ~supply of electrical and other power and energy. Respecting Boards of Education in certain cities. \ To amend the public schools act. To regulate the speed and opera-- tion of motor vehicles on highways. Among the items in the supplemen-- tary estimates passed in the Legis-- lature -- yesterday were :--$35,000 for Gamey investigation; $16,353 universi-- ty deficit, 1go1--2; $7,500 for equipment of School of _ Mining, Kingston; $1,000 for instruction in agriculture and horticulture . in grouped rural schools; $3,000 fror teaching staff at Macdonald Institute, Guelph; $2,500 for Prisoners' Aid Association work; $11,000 for enlargement of Model and Normal School; $41,416 for public buildings; $30,080 for public works; $13,900 colonization roads; $5,000 for statue of Sir Oliver Mowat; $10,000 for a building at the Toronto Exhi-- bition, and $1,000 as a contribution towards the Queen Victoria statue at Hamilvon. nifent of public highways. & Amending the act respecting cir--L cusses and public shows. Respecting municipal houses of rc--| To amend the municipal water-- works act. To eE . To amend the general road com-- panies act. L P WOX y % utss i' s ic ie The statute law amendment act, 1903. % .To amend the municipal drainage act. Supplementary Estimates. fuge. To amend the loan corporations act. To amend the land titles act. To amend the act respecting the conditional sales of chattels. _ ; To amend the Temiskaming Rail-- way act.: > --<-- To amend the judicature act. To amend the separate schools act. To amend the assessment act. Setting apart certain wild lands of the Crown in addition to those pre-- viously set apart for the use of the University of Toronto. -- To amend the Industrial Schoois act. ooE The act extending the charter of thc; HMHuron, Bruce & Grey Electric Rail--, way Company has received its third: reading in the Ontario Legislature. The company has now a charter cover-- ing one of the best electric railway, routes in the Province, extending from Owen Sound, by way of Wiarton,l Southampton, --Kincardine, Goderich,! and so through the counties of Middle-- sex and Lambton, to the town of Sar-- nia; also a route from Goderich, by way of Dungannnon, to Wingham, in addition to the "belt line" in Huron,| and the branch to Wroxeter. The sec-' tion of the country to be served by thisi railway will thus be brought by it into close touch with the county towns of; the five great countics of Grey, Brucc.! Huron. Middlesex and Lambton. For the most part. the territory to be tra-- v«rsed has at present no railway facil-- ities, and it is throughout a thickly ; populated and most prosperous and beautiful section of country in the gar-- cen of Ontario.. The very great trans-- portation facilities which this elec-- tric railway will in the near tuture bring | practically to the very doors of the people will inaugurate a new epoch of | progress and advancement throughout | this very productive and progressive ! section of the Province of Ontario. By--laws granting aid from some of the | municipalities interested have already | been voted,. and others are about being | submitted to the people, and will un-- \ doubtedly be carried. The name of the company has, by the new act, been changed to that of The Ontario West Shore Electric Railway Company, a name more appropriately designating the scope of the company's extended charter. Important Electric Railway.