'lE!lr1'lC, ' M M%I , " "r. r' (if: on " ', 4;. -,. , Ci.', is; New? r L' - t m ten ron p f , wr'.'...m"' '.'ieniuta'tiott. . £4- - . nee, "eomnieitql, .. "in: "iiimrtrF3tr.M glNriiii'i'i7 "5'? " .l!lllii,ir'e/,f,l"tlkole'i' had lione "it? to ma. J, _,. 5 P"'s -_. r"'r"r4 "-". d Ora-t" . . _ . '..f-" of the a ring - -, . ' . . ,rtie ate mercy irfttie Ni" corp _ ve the position . " - M . , sd1e,d'rteo"'i',ti'gi"tef'gt lt' ""3313? tion or: the radial system; around 're-li,,',"],',?' He had, al,",','",',,",",; 0 intffgtgteeg _l:/it'o?'"Sll lllllgll was passed without discussion. . {onus ' Pig; ireeeeicsi"geo"tr1t,itj)'ii/p ' .i.iil,ieionpt,1e"r'et h,reirefarnol,rl "h 'Ottawa r 'r 'r." 'fs';??,),' Sheriff Dana's Case. i afghan: to 'fd '-Mnckenzie &Nicholls ardtdt1ltrsaplt'lse Ministers of. Labor, El"- c." . "l", , Mr. Whitney asked for a return oil, Electric Transmission Compaq». .He cans of Labor, .ifiirjtr,ttieitip,t,' :33 _ .. r correspondence, in connection with thel then submitted the following motion 'bureaus, and Courts. of oncma . . ll resignation and reappointment of Sher-l as a substitute for that on the order Arbitration . v "y', . . . '--- . . h considered the attempt - I iff Dana of Leeds and Grenville. He: paper: Mr. St. Jo n . o an au- said that, as a rule, when one enteredI . f P t st in the present bill at ttawa into a written agreement he under Resolution o roe . daciou: one. d . took to carry out the agreement. Mr. " This House protests against the Mr. Whitney thought that J, . a; . Dana. however. who had been a mem- tendency of late years on the part of vision should in some way bcfo tails: I . . be! of the Hyse, had resigned his the Dominion Parliament in matters that would settle the .m'htt,rrtf,'Toerrit, l price when he round that it would not of legislation whereby 'contpanies are Dr. Beattie Nesbitt. ( dor(West To. r . bring him $1.900. the amount he agreed being incorporated by special acts, to), Mr. Thos. C/aifod drie (West , to pay to his predecessor iaynually. lilimigh such companies have purely routol. and Mr. 1d 'l e,,"//,fg'n' Mr N He. ly '?3PP_°'V"'€d to "I; 1mff: and Provincial objects, and come within the litmhlion} Puma": (tigerttatiOn would ) clamLec lb) thisdneatijis) is) rifle escaped purview of sub-sections li and 16 of Hendrie said t/lh,'l, to ligrotest against y, lihh nijriien~oi31ie it: til: court]: 3134 (ii section 92 of the B.N.A. act; that the go tO-Ott.i-wi:i ii C3316 up for rediscus- ( _ waould be kall the more i,',l','iiita"/iue' if expedient which ll has .heco.me. custoni- "damn "M l , the courts should decide that the ac~l lary to adopt, oi, inserting m bills the Sion. . . . - .-. ' d 1si,eved liiml ' mere assertion that the works of the Cutting Down Our Rights. l tron or Sheritt Dana na Cell 1 company being incorporated are de- . . . i e l Hi his burden. . . 7 . 1 . thercl clzired to he for the general advantage Mr. Ross said that the I,,),',"')',"].',',':' 5: . _ Col. Gibson pointed ('..)y "Ital-trials" '; of Canada,' affords no reasonable pro-I had long ago commenced to cut do"? i- . t , '.'/im v.othing done that 'p/y,',,,",,",),,' (au", I T iectioii against encroachment upon the. rights of the Province, an . it " ' . .i.,i:'tt:ti the prqvls1on/ of 1.tlt,1.tf Y. " P I r.' '. l ; isdictio ti - bill b . might become the. duty of th.e Proyinfe _ T iii ".4 that in tom the receipts irom 3 rnmcin in? 1 Ion, 1e I S 61118 - r.m' iudicial declaration of its . .ch 1'/i"'i/,""ivl'ie $970, and in i900: entertained and passed apparently in 1?:ll'f'engcg the B N. A. act. The I igiieiw'. Col. Gibson had corresponded: ordinary routine, and without reference /')l,t,ii,dr1l;liearsri'/; power concession Cr, P, Wrights son of the late Sheriff Smart: to any serious. consideration of the '03" t gm all fours with the cases in ,'"' l\\\'1- limes A. Smart. in order to.eifectii, question of Jurisdiction: that there is "a? inobecause the power concessions " 1("'/ei'i'i'i"u')rniirnt-, and found that it wasl involved in this growing tendency to, £23166": granted by the Province. but , . :1: GM; o:' _ pound l tlesh. Hie: wards encroachment on the. Provincial not the powers over streets, highways, ifaniilv would not consider the SUSgVCSft Gll or legislation aninvasion oi the i, Tl _ tl h d bt in d . th I . ltionfand. under that state oi alfalrb:'l rights trt municipalities. which this l3c. . 'ieseHiey a 0 at e irom " - 1iSheriti Dana resigned wit,lycy/t an)! Home regards as of serious imports: 91"?""0'1t. ouse. . d d th f 'promisc of reappoint'merlt. Col.. Crib-d mice; that the Provincial laws relating If, 1'l'itdi'r' udas carrie l air t , ' 2' Leon then wrote the represey.tat1v.e oi) to electric railways have been dree/iagli')'iWntylse, a 1trcl' It"it 10 minutes to U il - ' ,tlie county in the House. ':y",iPiil';.otrhierl to snicguartl in many respects" the:' mm ll OCOL t is morning. ' ' ' :st'ggcstitlin or 'i':';,:"),',""'):?,? [iii '1'trtelfti: right, and interests of 1;filiCi)/iytiiltri,jNiagar, Power Franchise. _ .7 _ _ ' i if,a/fi,sp"tdvt'"iic. iamily, because we Iii, rtjryc)i,hcrt)ic1t1o tl1et,eonr,,atir'lvc'1tty,) 21111111 a?" Mr._Whitney has given notice oi the t _ ' itlle :)ll§ was Deputy Minister oi. the. aiitection to inunicialities iifi's afford- lollowmg motion :--"T.hat this House ( . timerior, another member oi the minis: it)" C,:')' be oreitodic 911V 't': L d /." ti disapprov.es of the action of the Gow l, - _ _ 1., had a good position vnder the Du": Ct l": " l Ul Cdcla y attecte ' " Ilin eminent iii entering into the agree- _ l iv.:v )[micicn and other members: entirely rtytrovtyi, by .tl.le ';uv',scsi1e'ni'ii,tli'a'iti)'ie1ii1it1 with William Mackenzie, Henry _ _ llmj," it", my; provide) ior. There) i and exerCise of the right to legislate! Mill Pellatt and Frederic Nicholl, V ' I"? 'rt'illlC correspondence. and he: regarding. these local railways on thc'bearing date of the 29th day of Janu: ', _ l luroiild be and to bring it. down, with part oi the Dominion Parliament. ary, 1903. empowering them to take' r : T ew- [the cxcerion oi that which its. po- ' "This House: therefore, respectfully water irom the Niagara River for the - I \. .1 (, l,ylte between illnlst'll and the late Sher- V 111'ng the Dominion .Parliament not.to generation of electrical or pneumatic "I " tiff" W"; . r,aid ', Us vite m. Hm" j/'-tri.ily/.'y1, m this nature, pertam- l horsepower for commercial use under , i' , _ -. T ' _ Mr.: ,W.l1it's,1ft' s/ill it )vaat" J, 'Smart I iugio matters heretofore generally u.n- t the terms contained in the said agree- l. P 7- j . _p-ibrc,'1rh.,i,11.1 {Vi-fete: t}: Viii/isle' (lfrjtlmd to be within Provincial Juris-i! ment, and declares that all such agree- I 'r, gig" miner /.'ly.' o//ii,"'ih111,'rdlinl,r'. e ", :ldiciion. ar.d which. in their 11ature;,ar ments should have been submitted to Ll _ _ F .l' ll-rid,')'),',:')"'").,) c/r/it. - i'nhuhlr: "I purely local concern. l: this House for ratification." I E _ -..,' -.. I Protest Against Dominion. :Provmcul Licenses. .l - . c," ', 7 .a'i _ (A Mr. Pattullo introduced his motion _ _-uri. Foy asked whether considera- f... u, ". ", r l oi protest against Dominion legislation I win had been taken.oi the ntces.s!tt for, 1',r' - i in matters tinder Provincial jurisdic- :i'Vk'Ohlpan)' 09911))"th Provincial land: . J _ ition. whereby companies oi a purely lwdlave fl Proviu.ci.al license. . , q " ' .' llociil interest were being incorporated. Col. Gibson yii.d the q.uest)on had., l ..-" l espccmlly those relating to street and 1lo,trij'i,' Ir.:,):);', iteire.tt,tne,yliey 1'03? ag?! i .. ', r' l "I" ic railways. The motion wasthe I _ l '3' av x . s o e ey.") v . '. _ :.'_' "ts i i'ekskt't'irt Lunch it». iltt bill now before , (legit'l'ntcgt. of the, B. Ni .A. act o.n this V ' V '.--.i' ithc Dominion Home to incorporate Emu}. )cni'g "t1l,1e",y? overridden, . i y '. , the Toronto & Hamilton Railway 1"" alt,", "in? He had addressed a . i - , c s. ; i ("an mm? in fiscal matter; all aszree) Hm. l protest l?. tht lateHon. Da- . _ ', - i . l", . . , _ 7 a, nil Mills. Minister oi Justice at the t' ' -' {that tire 1'r/rirscy had. received unjust _time, and had received a letter Ac- V _" "p' U'l, :ITNIIllVClli- ln tinancial muttcr, the kuowledging in it certain measure the g . . W's? canurt1niysiht.eld, alrl.is.tt werc 11m" pay- justice oi the Province's position. He . ' __ l . ' ' Kg ling coal duties .which were l great had also written to the Minister "of . 3 _ ./r,/r,ia'rr,',.rti.rcr'f/t:1 litziitry to Ontario. These duties am- Railways. and Mr. Irving had been . l _ _ 'sti'lri, /"'rufr' maimed to " couple of million dollars sent to appear before the Railway 3 . 33?" :a year, and were paid by Ontario be, Ctrmvtittee on behali oi the Province. - - , . he? _ Itiitise an eastern Province desired it. A Proposal was now ma.de. th.at. any 7 o '3 '. -'s l Dominion bill in which Jurisdiction is , ice-a. Ptewa Bargain Counter. I assumed by a declaration or its gen- _ t eric','.,,.-,";..':::):." l W,ss had till seen the recenti I',") atli'qmagc .to. panada shall go be- 'c,riir,iiiii'ifr, a? l "suit or" the loan (mummy ore two ltldngVUl the Sup.rem.e Court l :;"'i.;?V-mji '7 ' legislation at the Ottawa Leur fy a EOhhmlflUIm. Just as in the Pro- ' ' . 'be fragili- _ I 4 L, . .' _ ' . . F g scrrs"" l Unix " b . t , . Tl Stl . mitt State bills had to go before two = g . dict-to" ',, iiim l, "gm" Ejzntflf 1030'th 1( Judges of the High Court. It was a ", 1j":rij?ait'j:ij'k1' l i?,'iCt,,t"i1.yi':1,lytol"11,al'il1,1e,sttoU, my "one that the Dominion should as- l :2: _,;.-,:?; iirg' V15" had been reiused it. he" , "tir', mine f) totitrol over intersurban and . . , _ _ - ")i:i'iaaii , mm" leranslation "I; the Provinhc was Older. .ines. which were essentially mu- 7. i-j'?itiiiggi, be balm-(:1. unworkable and Ltliei-e: '/eipi"hi.n their Eature. H.e be1if.y.y.i. "13} (lrit,,'ieiail -1 litre. he ,ympathized a little 'Wllll the brtct i)?,'. "a? t at certain companies. ", "r 'ilill . _ . V . '. . . pet) incorporated by the Domin- "a, aiiit" - promoters who went there tor charters: ion. could hold land in the Province - ' '31. Ir,Tt'fh'i " l.rt 1.0;". however. some chit11p,ec, liar]. without a Provincial charter. They r 5:35}; 2*" bcen made. title (if them of much im-i, should make it clear, however, that _ [fingéizgfil ;ioriaiice._ to nppttim il Railway Com-l, they were emphatic in their protest _ V _ _ r.,tiiii)? _ 3.25;" mince or the Legislature, They liadi against Dominion interference in Pro- V l r,"':):),"'.:"',?,),'""?,,,,',!,! 1' hf'llt'd. plum clictgic railways were first: vincial matters. l . _ _is_,ui'irih-ii'i,i',tti'idllll )0ng C Minor". iiat they would result " 1 . _ ',tF?s?.lt'iiN l in competition. but instead of this tllcl General Advantage." il l, ', _' eye: 'l C'Wllmf'lh were coming under the con- Mr, Foy said that the Province's I ' l .5333 i tml oi tFe great railway systems oi protest should be against the detlara- - I i?i3lil I . ~ 'tllC country. The bill now before the "on that certain works were for the ', critiiiilE I " I Dominion House Have the Toronto & Vgeneral advantage of Canada when ' l ":Sit 1' I Hamilton Railway Co. power to absorb such was Contrary to the fact .and to I We" 3 .'1 nun/hy of smaller companies. To, ll" express Intention of the B. N. A. 'i F Hit-"'4' . t ', "mm 5 "Items" were being jeopardized! act.~ It such bills were passed, the Pro- 'ri-ti-lit . . , it» the bill. The radial railways were vtnt"e s1cruhi do what It could to get ' I "":", I '1': , raduallv _,_' . _ them setoed. F , /rsv'srr3'a. ~> ' 4 g,_ . passing into the hands of one Al T 3 'F V l _ r. . H. Preston (Brant) drew at- [i, iiikiSill I = . - , _ ,