I... =T2Ka r. q K . Andy . P ' "KV 7 . V _ m ' © 's" _ y ,. Tr t at te report of - " a e, te ' ereign vote: [l t op -- . ihiaiiinlll tl x _ tf? 'T' T! partie , " . _ _ Li disapproves of iheirarotiey. . In fact, " it t. . 'r'ely itot-- [these "net' Shodlldaii: 339:? J, (ti , great movements are sometimes at:- H.!" t _ to thisv'thlt the people of terms Eropgse i'er i th with"? . k, coriplished b a Government riding has income" piiG'G in the vin- close t is f ap n 613 ts- V for a fall. hl greatest leader. in 'Qntario wi not bli men? Will it tory of this country. 0 man can w this land and in the old land, the men gleaming; 13,2 330;: of Ontario are reproach. me or ','glitig,fegrrug g3? ' whose names are constitutional polit- e sat . . n that tiiF?y,yitutgl our post ions or pu " V . . . unfair, are 30 part'" , am e have not borne the bur.. ical landmarks in the history of the so G rnment tot- . . . . . would rather see a ove . , en and heat of political life these land. of whom Emerson sari.'Their, its fall and bring down with it - l shadowp "uh, over the institutions at if; ti'(t):t:ord and reputation of the pub-' if??? gyesiatetosre"oorut a; Ifntyo 33$ _ in. their country, have gone to tht d" lie men of this country .th.an see (Lcoud a lause.) r 'i ectorate and have been defeated, and that justice should be vindicated? pp . f have ripen Ye"',',,', P???" g?d,tt,tgl Surely not! Surelylwe canlappgal hip Mr. Stratton's Conduct. , "n the course wmc t e ave ' -, the conscience of the ope o t IS '; ',)i,'su'i'.' But w.het.her 'G'lrl'n.1')'ji country, irrespective theatres. and Js'ietit,r,eoyirr'.ctttatlteotn.u' heats: {l rise or fall, it is important that the say to them, 'Nt?twithstatyiing our solitical life with a small majority ' (administration of.public affairs must (faults and sh.?.rtcomj.ngs--and these we fifteen or sixteen years ago. He has i be kept at the right standard, and admit--rnotwithstayd.ipg our weakness- one in and out among his people. Ati, r" that by no means must they resort es, and we are frail as. other human Ever election that followed his mad to dishonorable or unworthy method-'3 nature. we have been tested as .with iority has increased until. I think, ati , in order to secure themselves in fire, we have been under the fierce the g" election it a," 1300 or there- / power. i'light of the lmost seaighmg legal 'ln-I, abouts No one who knew him would .l , ni ation tiat an overnmen .las- . . ionly Honorable Support Wanted. Tl') 1'e?j'/li/t'e'l' to yin Canada. Wei lay dsurgt athcehagg,getrhs,rdtiarnieche,s. ti "When this charge was frst. pyyle i."'°"° on our trial Wm the ay.e,st'; iii": dilil h: build up that reputation i." on the floor of the House, I said if it IJury and bti.ore the high court.,of the and become the head of a great finan.. ' was shown that we could not support .pcopie of this county. We have pass-i cial concern? Is it not evident on the I' ourselves by honora le means I ;ed through .that unscat.hed, no blot 0.": face of it that there was public and po- 'would refer to retire. I lay so our reputation, no stain upon our es- litical moralit there? How did he jnow. {Loud applause.) rublie life icutcheou, no_reproach cast upon the bear himself dining the strain-not as , has no charm for me associated with manner in which we hare administered a man who had done a smart thing == "the wreck of my life's reputation or the affairs of the country.' " (Ap- and was not going to be caught M Ithe disholno; of glyt'famuxll '(cAglt plause.) t it, bmh witll: the steady tea" of a . lause.) ope t e "he WI 1 y Mr. Gamev's Duoli ' . man t at new no man cou prove l/c'),",,',',",, when any Government to which J .' city ' him guilty of the charges. (Applause.) i1 belong will jeopardize the good .hl.r. Ross referred to the, conduct And when he said to me, "I shall re. , name of its party for the glittering ot the accuser only by quoting from sign, I shall cut myself free from the .hauble of a few more years in of- the Judges report the Passage ie-: Government," I said: "I have known like, (Applause.) We did not cqn- la.tiug.to (Jamey and Frank Sullivan,', you for fifteen years; you have filled {spire with.Mr. Stratton, the Provin- vyh.erein ll 15,5}?!th that Poth, try; important and responsible positions; cial Secretary. There was no con- their 9'3" fitlinttve."laonnds' pra,ctis.e.d. SYS'; your department has handled about . spiracy against. the ton. _mem- 1ti'i'gc1t/csfou,i,'/d"'1ntiv,'t bandl. .. d'mphuttl I?! one millio.n.doflprs a year; you are. an ber for Manitoulin. (Applause.) . No anc e place Ppon Ififl able administrator, most industrious . attempt was made to sap his virtue mu.:orroboriated, statements m material and faithful. I Iray I shall not believe 'i--or whatever virtue he possesses. PO'EKS» hhhh W113" t,llgs,et statement-s any charge against you until it is (Loud Ministeria1applause.) 233.53.432.52? 1il,eentii1tterou1e0teii, 2:31:34? the courts of law. (Loud Without Foundation. . preferred. As to the evidence of H _ . .. . . 1 found .\'_'r. Hammond, the reporter for The Appeal to the Jury. The commissioners lave so . Gl l M R . . . . For 27 days they sat and heard Ill? ODP, i r. oss said it would be sui- And the Imputation cast upon myself witnesses. They examined all th.e flfcin'tfo' read tiledjig'dges comment ii and my other colleagues we resented _ h wei hed the evi- a _1 y, import la een exaggerated. then, and we resent now; and we ap- statements, t ty g " and it was on a comparatively ivjuorl cal to the Jur we a cal to the rear 'dence of the Witnesses. They stud- branch of the inquiry Mr Ham.', gully of this cghntr ply; the ho gand iied their demeanor, and on the charge d l . . ... . ' . . . y, pe l _ . . 4 8 . mun lad said in evidence that he had in the belief that the report of these '01 conspiracy they say on page , . told all he knew and what he had commissioners will be the cr " Ili d l---ar, Gamcy had no personal m'itold was 'iniirrii-'h'ri'riuei's so far as judgment of the people of til): awhioele 'tercourse with any meniber_Uf 311"th charge of corruption, was con- country and we ho e that thi tter iMinistry except the Provincial beC. i ceriied. will be ielmoved from the spheiéenclizfi ac» iretary. With two or three of the', He was glad they had reached this tive politics, that this House will lleveri others he had T.mt official corres- stage of the investigation. He wish. have to weary itself as it has done anal pondent.byt with the rest not. 53°; ed to thank his supporters in the to preoce.upy its time with similar iii-i that. With regard to the a F House lor their indulgence through! yestig:ations, hut, relieved from these} reharge of conspiracy, .the cmhhhs'ttlle trying ordeal. Had the Liberal it will be able to apply itself to iii, 351011ch are of the opinion that. as a party been less confident they could great functions of a Legislature. look-i', {matter of law ther.e is_ no evideyce not tell what might have happened, ing for the prosperity of the countryi I'whatcvcr to sustain it as against but there was not a weakening on the and for the e ovation of public morality'; - members of the Government and the [part oi a single supporter of the Gov-l at1Cthe Progress of education. i other persons charged. (Loud HP'!erninent. They would not btilCVcI When the Premier resumed his seatl plausc.) lthat any _,n,ti',1eur'e',' of the party, inuchl there Ji'," a great outburst of applausci . . ess a mem er of the Government,', mm is supporters. and. as the Hows t INo Motive For Improper Judgment [would have prostituted his high posi- rose immediately for lunch. he was surf! l Mr. Ross went on to say that nhe'tion for the purpose mentioned in the rounded and congratulated tTon hiS': of the ablest lawy.ers itt fit'ed,t, hadllGamcy charges. In this convection great effort. i served the prosecution. . atm0ney we expressed surprise at the attitude . , . ) he required was. at his disposal to of the leader of the Opposition and Mr. Whitney's Opening. i . bring witnesses irom thrvery ends of his supporters in assuming the truth Mr. Whitney commenced his sat-ccil' the earth, all the machinery of the of the charges before the evidence at 3.15 o'clock, and was ioll'iiy" my" :Government was available tor. him toovas taken. plauded by his 'iupporters when i I prove his case. He went into the . . . arcrtie H th I h l .lle, ',case, con amore--perhaps not; at all Lift Up Public Life. 1'iitiot f Cl','") l at tie Premier: events as became a lawyer bound to We had a reputation at the back of the slibjcfi' :1: h: bid a IdlSCtllZSlOll}:ni no his duty towards his client. A.ler us, continued the Premier, a himself _ d see)"'seoc e . Tit (iii, thist,. what was the result? thIcputation as good as that of the s." _ propose to o er some obser-. lcOm'mlssloners found there was no ev1-best men in this community, and I Radar?" "l regard to the ktryryasre rnt, Home of .conspiracy. They acr.eptedl, do not say it boastingly. (Applause.) in 7"Per, . and the propositions Nl-, that verdict; the country . would ac-lWe have not been deceivers, political vanced Dy him. and then some reicr-l . cept that verdict; all ritr.ht-mjy.t.iet! Pharisees; we have not been whited once to the .reporf, the plirposeti o,', linen would accept that verdict. What sepulchres, as we have been reproach- the Cottltt1tSSion, the manner of they object would the Jysd..Ees.have in giving ed by some. Who is going to say conduct and procedure, and the any other verdict? Their position was th.at these of us who have been ten, results which had been found! intact, they were free from the ti,'tc,'tliti,t,e,,e,.,ty 1wepty-tivt or thirty years in bythe two commissioners. ltwas quite: itical currents that drive Si1v.tTtt?/yPlp.uhl.ic life have been all _ their time clear in the opinion of all reasoiiable' out of oflice and into .obscurity. lhqy1playmg the part of political hypo- people what ought to have been dour-i had nothing. to viryiicate. but their crites. masked villains. exposed at the instead of what was done He would: honor. and in the face ot that fact opportune moment and then tried and d . . _ . l h , . d iv l to th conclusion '.. _ . on caior to pomt out that the Pre- t C) were ri cl c condemned to the discreditUrom which tl t he Gov r. . il _ ' ' liner and the Liberal press had en- lla -t ernme t was not Rmlty we could never have emerged , ls of CCr113 irac that th r w oth- . i., . . r, deavored to keep before the country . p y, . e e as nc that the Justice and the fair play that , t mg to sustain it. (Applause.) Anti we can expect from hon. gentlemen , only-the fy! mat a court led come so they sai.d not only that the charges opposite ? I put it to hon. gentlemen ,. to a judicial fining on the subject. The, of corruption were not proved. lot." that the are as much the custodians that .th.ey were disproved, isproved m of the ug, of this House as we the Judgment of two of the ablest are. (Applause.) If this Government ' iJ1',CTi,./tii, this .Proviryre. (Applause.) had been' as guilty as was charged by (c', ,'c,1y.'.i.t..1s..t.y1diy1.t,.r the bray Of the the member for Manitoulin, thcrp is, i onsereative press, .notyithstandityr not an hon. gentleman in this House 3'th 830118 partisanship that prevails but would have felt that some cloud (Ill this .country, he ventured to.say had passed over his good name I {that a Jury of. twelve Conservatiyer, say to my hon. friend now in all sin- iwho. with their hands . upon their cerity, that if 1 am a judge 'of the pro- hearts, listened to that ewdence, would per course he should pursue that the come to the same conclusion as the course he should . 'th i d -. if h h iiti fr . ursue in e pre- l,y, {80> l t ey approac Ci 1 ree om sent case. that will est meet the Views? T" (Applause.) rat the best men of this country of