, - l' . "is s' h; " Ir."'""?' ei'never' fdregee"?,'et,'t/ ', I " ' _ - 'V .. aw ' _ , 5 i ir, been t e uch a deliverance wou ave ' , than?" Premier had claimed t " tgfrgl guage., and so it $3131.33" of the given. The argument of Mr. Blake, , r ,' "t - _ merit had allowed the prose? had WWW" "merited mote i'and more was not even touched uppt.by the'; 3 " choose their own couns§l- They h ti, Premier repres ho Gf, occasionally commissioners. Their finding. was; , _', done so, but he could itt,t,t1'eeil'Tyi that of a. "t'ti',d/'li' aloud. It the simply a compilation .ot.t!testrlAeir' , an outcry would have been ,'y,taitd,"elyr' engaged I' r {Manitoulin received any in favor of the Provincial ..t8t.rtP..17.l, Cotv,eibative Government had clal member o . 11 it amounted to thifoi accompanied by a very skillful mint-; . . tement. These; patronage at a I . ,in . . hi h ould count at ' .credit for such a sta . . h Government made a barge l mizing of anyt mg t at f , _ 'ame m n had also appointtd their ownl th.a.t t f . h according to the all against him. The simple ia.et w.?s l a ib ' d they would also endorse'; with .hip, whie ' th G'uieavoted this that the member for Manitoulin . m PP.1, an . h " commissioners} Premiers language, ey h i" been on trial and the langua e l _ l": (13:13:12? otiot emake themselch! to get out of. . . tiged by witness aiter ',vitt,esslielfru/T _ clear Vow in the language of con-t Judges Merely Individuals. . crating the e.vidence of the member: iiis"c'insiiii, we heard that the Nari"! The Judges who hearti_the aet1,1t,',gi for Manitoulin was not 1303:? with . had been allowed to choose t 5y,i, were just individuals,. like any.. W o not even mentioned, m the ep if he , tion . d areat deal', . . _ d t from the street the result that the supporters o t. own counsel. We hear a g . . v, might be picke out. . ai n- ' ld h . to draw ttt l oi Liberalism, indeed, 'intdc'dte1nl"j,ia'1:1i' anywhcée. and iy'rj,'ig'gif, 1"Jt,'llesil'fg'il grit/yams: at??? subnii'tc to the Pro- ' . . a e 'a'", s oceralns "'". . . _ l 't'het'ir,r,2icscc21tncthrey) it Russian you: iiiiedoii'ork. and 'd'fec down the "El vincial Secretary a little while longer. ; would find under the skin alTalrffii' dence and r"lit-ondterzilt'hievitlliloutgliemd];I Charges Were True. l but if you scratched ,s.,c,',n,'e,vt'uheti/,'tf a 'ftu"e1syTiswloc'inir' himself and the He declared that the opinion 1:0 tii,ei',et1uerne"r',) 32312222322121 tyrant such) oublic a wrong, Tl, much 1t,rsns1i11"e'rhst, "ithh he gash fixings; grahinfl ' _ , . e com, , es ma e _ . as Russia could not supply. ll £33032, étould have no reason Fol 'Ctairlign were trui, that t.hey were 3::th- iven to GameY. om lain when their conduct was crit- ly true, and the commissu?nHs - ' t The Patronage $1 denied that thCl cize'd. Hon. George Brown had! selves believed th,a,t, h.e rgieitvoel"i'to,nfJr' h The ,,l',r,et15orl1i1i1ra,1et1ll'i'i'n had got riticizhd Juldges on a Fancy-1:661:21" agdt as he (Mg'e\1::(it::ld £2: it' "hi , Ott. mem " . . k . . . w en tic were ac Ing a .- - t e ur oses any of the patrumflc- He knew ll. ilimt'hc matteryof an election petitmmg ceivcpd I'. di I no man in ppblic liie who heeded so; md he was summoned for cr?nte.Tpt.'i The attempt to get w. Hym,'lfef.i careful watching as the Prim? When if court. but was held to be iiiiiiiilil to forget some of the things he kncn'l he was making arguments 1n tavnr oi; n his remarks. It was much morei was not only not disproved, but t fr, a party position. . l easonable that men who were not Slt- Provincial Secretary. had n,o,,tjevriedds',,r' . Mr. Ross explained that he had said ing as Judges, but as Fy'rriis.yiiditt,el, say a wy?rd about it in the w! i' y, . that the member for 11anit.ou.liy Iroti :5 servants of the House, should noti box.. These facts tr/endisrrehdit I: )Liio no patronage from the Provincial Seer: Je, free from critli'ism upon their tactis; possible for him gig]. . 2h: sy/ta/er.. retary's department. He had admitted [he conduct l the .Gmernmen b I say that he did not 61ft": Manitou- th _ ' tment of Mr. Flasher and: alling to their assistance mem ers _rpetus.y,f the-m.etpl?er or t h "le Ir"'..']?,?) . off1ccr I if the judiciary could not help but lin. The Premier had spoken of t e ' m\the \'r'clemiiEThen lie had received iring the judiciary considerably .mtol presentation of evidence 9:19ng mir l Air , nine, il ration he was pro-) .lisreputt'. But these. c:ry1i..1T1,,ti,t,yysi terinl point lo the cornnussxon, . ut Ill , 5".me ot the ions" er.; r the Govern-l ivere trilies light as air in the minds! one or two instances: .when twain"? , mised for supporting of the Government. We had a in; oi a very distinct, positive, and seriOus i ment. vliciary of whirlibthe r:vhole world mlglil character was brought dig? tt "tlles , . well be mud, utt e were not let not allowed-to be iven' Ores f . l Mr. Hammond's Evidence. how in 318 some high yrcgard that they tribunal.- When evidence of men" who l ll had occurred m hlmhlh'" .thg It??? here two years ago. were prepared to contlrladict he, Pro}?f ! mier. having made wp 15 mm m. . , . the utter falsity oi t e en. ence i he himself would bein some danger "l SirJohn Poll? Family. ll Frank Sullivan was offtred,.it. was. at l he appeared as a witness before the'; Fancy Sir Oliver shlowat. do'ing as; once turned down by the distinguish- ', commission, would. also tight very shy; the two Judgesyliad done in the pro! ed Judges. The evidence of Mr. ' of the attempt at subornutiotl oi IT) sent case. IN e. had this gentltnyy1, Passmore, myth? that the $900 came (dd, on the rim of the Provincial .Yec-l with three sons .in the cmploy of the) from the same p ace as the $3,000, had J J . . -'Pi d to Mr Hammond/ Government, which must stand or fall: not been referred to by the Judges. retarv m "Far, l Cir,) He said1 according to his decision, and Sir Johnl although it was very material to the ' He did "m (1" ','fi, "r'dT/li.an'C.,ii'i"'? Boyd himself, for the last tight_rsr ten: verdict. ', l thet. there ",T; 1101 aim lid that there years, had received from tht Grsve.rnr Mr. Ross-Mr. Carney said that the: ( cvilenc....e: NN "." I/l?, tiit duct of inrnt of Ontario remuneration tor 1113 $900 came from Manitoulin. ' " was? Tlve point was the. conc . I employment by that Government ou'c-) Mr. \Vhitnev said that perhaps Mr.l , the Provincial Secretary III endea\0l"| side of his fees as a Judge. He was Passmore had" said so, but he wasl , ing to induce Mr. Hammond T, forget! sorry. upon his honnr as a public mun trying to point out than the commis" it some of the things he knew. 'S'uppose, and as a private individual, to say it, sioncrs had believed everything said ll: the hon. member inf Manitoulin had but it was indecer,t---(Upposition al": by Frank Sullivan and had discredit- " done that. He could imagint.the su- ttlisuse)--and th.e fact that all these ed Mr. Gamey's evidence, because he) ii, preme indignation of tin: public. lt things were being done trom day m had said that he had nothing but the. ll was quite impossible to lramc a morc day. without promoting even l smile best interests of his constituency at dishonest comment no this qt1.est.""I on the faces of the part.i.sani,in.tlys heart. Simply because he did not than the comment oi the comt111Ns1on- country was_nnother evidence or me say that his motives were bad, and cr5 themselves. They did not reicr to low state or morality IH this yro-' tl.oat.tlyere was no 'money considera- - the alleged offence-mot that. Mr; wince among certain people 'rr/l/ll'; tion offered, they discredited him. Hammond differed from the Proviyija! whom higher and better things Slii'...-l Credibility of Witnesses. Secretarv. because he did not differ be expected. . verv much (in anything important-- . fair. 1N.'titney declared that his ("plum Again. thelodFes had asked, "Are l but that the Provincial Secretary had inns 'ill. this regard Wore backed "l by the Ministers statements to bt read i'il t attempted to or: My Hammond to that oi man): of the independent page": the. lig.ht of a corrupt bargain. or as: ' l commit a crime. l the PrSvince.. Quoting from fire indicating a. policy of conciliatirrn?" He' I "". The Premier had spoken .miy'ne sup-t y',t,",1y/?,,,)iei',','s, he head a Irrleis'ntlc it) could Imagine that thc Minister _ would 1 . . port given to the Provincial Secretary: l cyl/fit/e""';) In to: 74:16,?" _ , eh.) , thank. the cOmml55lOtters for that ex-l l 5 hv the others of his party. He be-left' 'rate tht' ,"t'ff""5 ...1.lr11ylyrr',rt preSSion. l , , . i . when the mention in the judiciary nun. Th . ; . l lieved that mere were men sitt111g.fml, ieceived with jeers , .ley Tight call the member tor; the ilo,-ur oi this House inst as guilty-i Ilr. 'rc-cr-fir/reps were heard 11' Manitoulin whatever they pleased, but; , . a _thttli, P/tei/ell/tgee/a/tttill,,)) a srp."1trrr:tt,i),e, 'y/ll/tsl; _, cr,',)":.',':',:',':" 111/r"e"e'deveiet1ceo,i,se1'g,),?el . ut tne WHEN '. ' _ r. 2itney--- " meetin was one . , "lose ' support. If the Premier hadmot said. of the Veteraiis' Assomatioiiz of (Mr: evidence was not worthy of credence,; 1 that. it would not have been Ivec.essa.ryliirir, and it did lean closely to Con-l they must count two. In the present fior him Cur. Whitney) to" 1'fy. 1vhat he |.se_rvatiye principles. The Premier Hser. the evidence of the member for ' :' Wdr; going to say. How did it cy1veil1n1stli, took good care not to tr, Manitoulin was corroboraced in one" i that from one end of, the Prov.i1yti.rese1,1t at that meeting, being con- very important regard by the men who' i of Ontario to another, and even Within] Vlmcedb tha.t .he had done enough for heard him talking to Frank Sullivan in l the House, t,tutemetlts wHf made byltlem 'l', glvmg them mo acres of land tht Crossm Piano Factory. The Judges' Liberal members of. the Liberal p,nrtyisome" icre. sai1A.o.is evidence "may affect" the i r that, no matter what else should hap- The Finding Too Extreme. Cl'Cdlllnllly of Frank Sullivan. MoatI ' ..- r rTr3 . m. . _ 3 F . . . I pen, they would got rid of Stratton Mr: Whitney yotaend, also from The 2:12 2310133 Eggsétndfigragfelc'g gt They ll The Letter to the Premier. Hamilton Heral and _The Ottawa the when", 'fi these th r IE If"; aside I . l . t h .' 1 Journal to substantiate his own ogiiii- that thev did (it"" ll ref 111ntstts, it The Premier had said that le w1511- ion that the position taken by the _ . ..: .m a. tel Ill? same . . ed to rule with clean hands. That was Judges in the commission was one story exactly alike. That was Ill their ll a proper wish; but if he. werem anx- yyhich.had. lossered them in the pub, favor. ambit was an established prin- , ions to have the public believe.so, lic estimation. Nor was this opinion ciple of evidepce that exact resemb- t whv did he not go into shared alone by the, people outside oi lance oi stories tended rather tn dis- l the" witness box a He had a the.Hotyse. The Ion. members op- credit. them. fhe Judges also made no ' T letter irom the member for Mam- pos1te, 'by their actions.,.load shown, mention oi the cvidence of Mr. Cav-: , toulin offering his support to the liov- when the report wat. lait.i Pp.otl, the ers. l ; l . ernment, and yet he would not go. into table, that they wer.e dissatisfied. "l h.eir The Lett t h P . l I I the b0x. The Premier had said in iafes.on that occas19n showed no Sign er o t e remier. l . the morning that what had been said of triumph, because they felt that the There were two important matters! ' to Mr. Gamey was that if he did rt,t,eetteysr,stie',.e,.s had gone. too far. In in regard to Mr. Hammond. He would sign the letter he would not receive every quarter of Ontario to-day the say nothing of the attempt to get' the patronage. He has lat .rtegetiTi?d"e1nv1eortiin1rils,editi'rteds,ed, Otpenly {halt El"; Hammond to alter a signed interview l _ l . . e an T 2 . 0 ex reme an la', _ -. _ ., . .1: iiiep1yretaorrathra?rillf, t commissioners. gone altogether too -iar. The couii-l But Hammond, he was informed, had, l' ' _ ', la tie F tttl engaged had been altogether ig- man a signed statement to the coun-i .'-, > ' _':_u..' - ___II - I. ---