TAF. "in, MM - ' "use"-.. ., "r a . as -ecently and as pleasantly as iof the commissioners ' _ r' M", .. r-' . _. . .,t-' --.t' 'a' .r'r' ' , ' men kn wn we - ..¢ "Gleam" Press. lil.', was possible for. a man .oeeupytttg 'honored in our community t; their -. 1' i" Mr. Stratton then submitted trr,ojy.'/"v"errs'a"ti'o1""tl to do, in view oi..the con- this}! Position. for their honor, and ' of what he characterized " "the £1603"! l n that was'voluntarily offer- (their ability. I may say that their! - (ul manner" in which these chat?" I' . . . . , 'are men with whom I ha . LI had been received by the Oppose'": Welcomed Inveati . ,l d 11 . " eontpanton i .He read from headlines and' articles "I "tton. T if 51; k'.',',' life, and 1 know whereOf. ': ifrOn T l . d Em ire and'Thc. s.ar," Mr. Speaker that I felt they a l . . . . "'orlld haecfariel,,Qr1eti' '"sriCi'i'i'i'iaiii; neee.sstty of having these charges in- ' Mr. bdrm" continuing, said it I that iii the end they had been sum- F'elstigated. .As a newspaperman, I came with Md. grace from the-leader moned before the court for cpute.ivj't. , .te l tt "nsi.ttvet.tets of public opin- of. the Opposition to "Y that the Pre- One or two of the irroitssed.ly, inde- iottr. appr.eciated the sensitiveness of mier should have gone into the wit- 'pendent newspapers had outel'lcrod- $313113 f1'(,"e"'f,', when these charges Hess box. The Premier was there, - .ed Herod, and 'rr'.ne, of them had had of this J)7, been read by the people ready to go into the witness box, sum- , us way the "my"; would have opportunit "nae, and I welcomed the moned by the Opposition. He had _ been all in irons, it not quartered a.nd made in the "Hen the statement was been there from day to day, and had hanged long ago. That the toning; terview to OER: o2/ovlteer a"..'"'i not been called to the box. It might siiniations ot Mr. Game.) rt"1i',orfv1aii','rr).,iai.l, and The W 130 e, lhe with reason, however, be asked why ed as absolutely true. was shown l i in Toronto I ore newspapers} the prosecution had not called Mr. r the fact that It was me overthrow oft now to g. I' merely mention that', Gamey after his return from his visit to " the Government that these particefar; ii 1al that they know, and this h . ' . " i . d . of The " Ouse knows that I h . t e other side. Why did they not call newspapers were tCSll'OllS . ' t . ..d "r . ad no time to M G .. M , m same attacks on Liberal leaders had "concoct ." "on" that my mind would l c rego ' A r. Gamty's pal, W O , characterized the Conservative pres gm" bet!" a condition to concoct a 'came down to asst8t Mr. Ganr. , for many years while the men were 15"")! that w0.uld stand an investi a- tey when that tr.entlepyp fe?, . alive, but on their death they were tion of 27 days. But I gave to tghe the money from himself? Why referred to as great and good man. press my recollection of what tool; Hy thty.not call Jo.nes ? It was clear ' Mr. Stratum read a number of ex- place between myself and the member that their solettobiect had been to 333's] feis/a'erf/ylf Sir Oliver Mowat ii" 1/htotuhlien, and it is to my satisfac- make party capital. n ' r. lardy to illustrate this point on, an t e satisfaction of thi . . ' . 5 side h' The Foul Impeachment of the House atleast, that in the whole Watched by Sleuths. . I . . course of. that investigation there was The Provineial Secretary did not ed n the evening Mr:.Strat.ton plung- "gdpractical difference between the know 'why he had been chosen for the - . ma'at PM} i;}to a "d'SCUSSlOi'l ot the ev1 ence_ offered to the court and my, unenviable notoriety. He had not anAHfgstfluc oi the crude coucottzon Kiowa?" of what occurred between I I ITow.n anything of a plot before the said . impeachment. which, he I mem er and myself. (Applause) day It was announced in the House. could was .35 faise as any statement say that my plain, unvarnished tale but he did complain of the way in .. possibly be made. (Applause.) has stood the test and th hi h h . - T I could . . . . l _ b . . ' at my honor w IC e was pursued. During the . i not iail to recognize the las een vindicated bv th 1 th . Serious character of the start-n T, . commission ,hi . e report of ai re.e weeks that the House met, and that was A. , .. ' I If').': thi ., ' " aich was presented to! during the month following. he was with mic Danni? to the House, but :5 House---(applause)--and that thci dogged by sleuth hounds of the prose; owe " Ri 3'. sor . .' -".' knew it could not 15be r1,ropvoes,isei'rlnyl has c,',, "is 'mteimber for Manitoulinl cution. Tie could not leave a door of credible witness. l was satisfied, the; 'credited {$0631 and doubly dis. the Parliament buildings without one liri one of credible character could be subject to the d1'dTh11re,','et that was or two men following after him, some orought forward to substantiate the their falsitv a F"t- c arges felt that on wheels an.d some on street cars. .st.atement made by the member upon Opportunity (ll" tas,,'"',:,:': and the and with a vindictiveness which he 111115 responsibility as a member of this have the evidenceg :ng welcomed to thought the people Of the Province _ oyyr. At the same time, i was 'competent jurisdicti mitted to any wot.dd resent when they had " oppor- I sati.sfjed that that statement, serious concerned " on, so far as I was [ tunity. The chief counsel for the pro- :md Important as it was, was being t . isFCUtlnn had sto.od by Mr. Gamey un- sent out to the press, and would ap- .The Form of the Investigation. till atter his trip to Buffalo. Again. Phil the following day. I took the [ Mr. Stratton th . _ ihe, had characterized Mr. Gamey's chief _ i)" y, mums that Was possmle for me 'mier's heroic dedgn quoted the. Pre- lwitness. Sullivan. as an unblushing Cohtdk'e at that time. and befoic the said: "We will 0 rim"? wherein h°.iand willful liar, a man utterly reck- ch oes of the. slanders had left this honorable mengi'ychn t is country. as less of the truth. emanhbe'r. I said to the Premier most peached or w ' till character Utllni- , . . in 'taetiyteeu,1ri,'tt titer?1 was "ii truth all." The c:,,'.,',',",',",,,",'",,:,'-,":,',,',',, " it Mr. Ginny: Politics. J-".'. ottnememoe . ena- ...'. Manitoulin. so far as the ',1,'trteriiti; ed lor the appointment of a cammsie- 11r...Strattt?n gave instances of many Pomts of his charge were concern d s.lon, .when the leader of the O oski p.o.liticitty who had changed their po- (Applause) e . twig. instead of facilitating the pppro- litics Withogt being accused oi being . cee my, in every wa F " Icorrupt: an , taking up the charge of 1"e't1 Friends and Colleagues. a system of /gsetrr-1/ce,r'apet,e.ree/ rim" E payment by himself to Gamey. he said . That was the first ste that I took .They contended for an 'in'l.'dt'i"iraytiso'He; no evidence was kept out. The rules r i to clear my character OiP the foul ar yCOnllliittcc, and in this regard he would, Ol evidence vtre extended. Mr. Gam- _ garments made upon me at that "me. mot say they were dishonest He ey had been independent in politics ly was. all I could do. No min the same time believed that ma at long back. He had stated to friends Etiegetzcceived a more cordial or loyal strong-minded Conservatives in tliu'e'I between S.eptember I and IO last that from gA, support than I received Prornicc approved of the Govern- he was gomg to support the Govern-' ' leagucs c." lam"3r and from my col, nT11t l act10n in appointing a commis tltent: At the Conservative conven-i , . the 'l) Il the Government, and from sion, instead of a committee of 'hr tton he had not given any definite de-l, W . 'findeem'J,eh0ders1 of the .H.otsse, a con- House. The leader of the Oppositioe' claration of his position. h was true! N '. aging to me my?" which was encour- had 5th the Judges had no ri ht t"! that he abused the Government. Hel, ' would be b68113 which I felt satisfied c.o.mplai.n of criticism. He (151 O! .t'Y.ld rather have supported Mr. tion that It)',).',?')),?,),') by the investiga-l think there was any man in the Pilots Whitney in power. The tele raphic re- . -" felt, Mr. szaicout hto take place. 1: Vince. Judge or juryman. politician?" port sent by Mr. Gamey to gl'he Globe! rr nothing but wh , twat I had donel layman, who would complain oil r, was. .to the same effect regarding his! and legitimate It gm; cgt',1es,t.ite,1iiotnliae1) criticism. Mr. Whitney had Malta"? posnion at the convention. l F Government, and I "3513;" or the:I the case. of George Brown. 'direrreAt/e'i' MThE', Government had no need for", dicious in m . . e.ven iniu't had criticized the Jud t , . e t r: anicys support. They had a ttta-l y actions or sayin i ges, but he had o t f . the member for Manitouli') gs withi forgotten to mention that ail th . , n y 0 only one..and if they could.! t: 3'." violating no confidenc mi IAnd I, .iluen.ce possible had been exerciscdm- notldhold power without him theyl ' .Lieutenant-Governor "'llCc l) 1 If: [ale inlpriSOn him at the time. (Flea he - to cou not dr? so with him. Everything ' it was m, (int n . say-and, His hon. friend l . r. ear.) was uncertain and dependent men the t l . l y to tender him an ex- . . tad been rather u bve-elections I . ipsj"eyo,ti-t-hth#, he was Perfectly sat happy in his reference to that case in t -. l e . ' - - . _ I made uni}; (111;?1 i aelxhatnhaet'"pr that was,' Mr. Blake on the Commissioners Mr. Gamey's Account. l . . _ l A o. e remie -' We . . l . pra,ctically accompanied by niv aria? Sirl.yhn Boyd, at the conclusio f Mr. Gamey sad that he received! ' ' 2,133." as "rpii:,1chl. Secretary' of "a the Slttlngi had quoted the word;1 g SCth €353 (,reothl'ir'."e/tear; Meyers Mr.| q , . met is instant _ . _ .t a great Judge at th l A ' ase an " l r. tratton) ah'con , r' with my desire to h . compliance:' ll . . ' e close of the Par-l tradicted Mr Gamev Th -. . . . ' ave a full inve - ne 1nqulry, saym ' "C . .." ' . , sy. ere was not . Sfagttggtsécttte charges was a in"; throughout this saga: i)dJ,'essct1ol,',s, 13ml t,.,t,h'."ssyrp.'k said that (immey was! .- o me. I felt th sought onl the vel ", . k . amey imsef was thel cessity of the inve . . e ne- y ." truth, we tiust We' only one who said that . been charged . stigation. I had shall be guided to fi d . _ been id . _ money hadl ' with _ . . , . n It an pai him, and he . . i i/le. .my honor adamant???" imp"- 'Set l forth plainly tn the sight of all1 knew in his heart that Jiierdjie",'gee,'i)/ Provipce, and as the "1611'le (E the "nin- F was not true. His own booksihad bee ' . I COlistituency which I repres r or the l Mr. Blake. in concluding his address gone into. and no withdrawal . n I felt. Mr. Speaker thati'cnt. And moreover. had said: "On the part C", found of $3.000. Why did Mr Carlin. , solutely iieccssar ' It was ab. ithe, people Of Ontario . '.. cr, not present his , A . e) have a f ll y and essential to ltcr with h Aka." this mat- bur . accounts? The Sud. tigation u 'Ifhce.and impartial invcs- inuc confidence In the hands 's'l'i7t/l"teth'evail presented, but it was _ in bl" ., ave been Sixteen years . . If e ice would prevent his get. th It)" ic_liic, and I am quite satisfied tutti at Elie Gore Bay account a so tar " . C A r. am - . . cerned thei'ttmisI ag,tperg,"e""i,y, "A" wrong. Il'heciicczuonli Arse fil stollutely t Province but can s one m t is the C011 t T e r1ttllt m - . " th 2 / r he Gore Ba ducted myself honoilabl at I have con-i _filed 1n the court and 't'haeydgi,?/,l'r',t, was and decently wherever l aliliiiv honestly 'of last fall. e u , ury one and in the" e Cone _ Mr. S . member for 'll'l'iri'tl'Gitn dual? of the, Of this tJeaitnttntpe'id2te "has Ihm aware he w ' .ne nows that . . . ut e would as treated by me m my depart- eGxaan',1"y"dh1dn1tt"t it 1s,ttt,'eqt,iearteidt. Mr. now w et er it w on the vas,