mm he F- - " at e' (Etta e and' he not have remembered that date it receive _ mama", from the, t he was, ior the. downfall of member for Manitoulin to? appoint-l i the Government Was " likely, w. merits. and had not acceded to any of i Stratton asked. that tt would Fye. them. was sufficient proof that there $3,ooo to Mr. Gamer the day after' lr, had been no corrupt bargain. . had attended a Conservative conven- Mr. StNttcm was going on fo'tprale I tron. without some explattdtion of Why of the matter consideration b t M he was at that meeting? If Mr. Ga- Whitney renfnded him that. u i r. t had spread that $3.000 upon the h: an. ar- I A'"Y rangement ad been made to adjourn :.f1oor of the House the day after he at to o'clock each ni ht t l '... ld have done good ' _ . g . . I (received It. be W011 . . ,Mr. Stratttn said be would mm to ' service to his partv in the bye-elec- on M he 'ld . . . _ . , Cr't ' Colt finish in half an , "one in the three Norths. hour. Mr. Ross however h . l Ilr. Gamey said that he had only, would be best "gt," t .h,t, ought It l $1.100 gaing through the bank on Sept. if nvent. and the Home 'a". the arrange- ll. They had diacr-vered that he had'ln'elock _ " antourned at IO l Srr,oo going through on that day] '." 1 [Why were the cash books not dis- Question by Mr. Powell. l dun"? Why the deposit slip not pre- . Mr. Powell will inquire of the Min. 1 sented? - h tstry whether Frank J. Sullivan a gen l The Aylesworth le.tter "-asf li e 'of Captain Sullivan. wa: an animal." , genesis of the whole thing. and i t fd [of this Government in the Puhli 1 ;had had anything to fear they C0": IW'orks Department in 1902 whe he I ihave deztroyed :hattwletter. int; all. hail {tendered for the 173.000 tie" .1003": a /tyricft1ehtatle',e. 'tf,e'.idl"iime'l, and ly tea.c',,ryr"ctAt? of the Temisknm: I ,AM' .""" ' ." WV i...' .- t ,the latter had taken it away. i'1,,','i'u'T,vaivi,,d Are 1v.hspyyrts per- , l I . er 0" any Government (Where the Money Came From. 1tor otrtside tsctt1trarts? 1 1 Mr. Gamey said that he. had de-. tATheannual report ".f the I2eekeepers' , trimmed his money rm the attern-fon ot (,)sr,"Aat,'C.",. of Ontario has been pub- lSept. ll. and Mr. Crofun 1a1d it _'" It f . Rl'_mR an account of the an- _ ii" the iorenooi1. Mr. (rosem wr. tidy ntta meeting held lll Barrie t weqnently called, the Stare, was Iiyov.- -errerer-erueri-ces-e- , ':ered. and the books "ere mutilated. No doubt the $900 and tlyi5oo cam , lfrom the Rattle place. and ii the bunk iwere <earched they "Mild show yhere _ 'the money came innit. Mr. (mute-v .hnd mid that the $000 cyue/ro,m Mort Hug" lie felt attrc that t: the mutt dated hft')k were produced intact FF "Quid show "here the money ntft't' iirom. It waq very <ingulnr t'in' tle member for \lauitoultn hurl when thew- ,en-;mgr <tep< unit": for t'ic with"? in? covering up some (little 1711', had lbw" .-otnm:tted ' I " he had been hnugh', it: t ultd , . Niamey heroine weaker with ,1: l t Tt'rt the three No-ths m 24w _'s tir, ', iv,- the Government "luv? 7w u..- owl 1m support? lie Hid iv 'd ~' Show) Vt" i'llte Globe interview UN"? 'ACI, "r lured for Gamer's 4lli(u"l "new a; the (bye-elections were 'ri"t'Y !- 'Itey 't'ttl united to make h'a rt: twin t "wit" ltl'wv could have mid Crt -' it w" tint" ' it" the effect that the, i t-'. it . ',t't" 't llettera offering tttppurt. I " Straight Denial. l Mr. (iamey said tha' he _'_y."-r',, 'had told him the (lettotntn't': "t tr' ', ' iblil' about to be given inn: ll' jsltou'td he tell him the detrammw~12~3 (No one would believe Mich " s', t' l\\l'.y did the prtr_'r"11tliu11 ll " t'y ll itrace the nine 32.!) billa? H/r,, 'l,,, , :('lntario Haul: lnil<? There m: t: .--.- frlerice that they were (ln'arto Pun" ybil's. and they could trace until the _crack of doom. uvtil the end of a'l mime. and they would timer tind that (any mmtey wa; given by him to anyone tto give to Mr Game:. Three thou sand do'lars in any permn's hands wn.; la ilifficvit thing in ill'l" 1n thew days loi commercial trrnc:n.ct',on-, F What "a: there to my Games 'isr in The Globe interview"" AY, the mem bet: o; the Opposition supported the Gc,vt_rnmevt in matters that they were satiifed with, ft, Mr (inmey promis- er! tu. " Mr, Crani': ctatenteut with re- gard to the protect were t'ot true. all that the itrozecution had to do wa; to pm Mr. Brian} in the hox in emitrav dict In: evidence. They did not do so. and Mr, (irant': evidence mitet be accepted as true A; to the patronage. "hat he Hated to Mr. Games wae that when he wat a monomer of the Government he would receive the <ame ctnnsiclerati,rv, a: any other <ttmmrter of the Govern, merit If there had heen 1 Corrupt bar gatn. he thought Mr Camey would surely have obtained A little artpoint men: of an inner of marriage licenaes