_'"derysitiii - I L , . . m ItMe, "eintter I 1, ' TUte i"! _.= . a." to.the T frt, said Bet? " : 'Lain- paw.' "C and a side 2 calculated tor 'ttse In ttt House. T What nle'rene'e was to be drtwn': 'from the letter by Mr. Carney, iii.riiiil that th.er.e was mreonsideratititroffer- ed for hit support ? They had,a right; to be suspicious when such a state- ment was .tttadepthat there had been some consideration, and they had 'l/ rtght to be sus icious in view of the; actions of the Ministers on many other,: occasions of late years. At IO o'clock Or. Nesbitt moved the adjournment, and he will resume his speec.h when the House opens this morning at " o'clock. At the conclusion of the.aiternoon session Mr. Whitney asked when the printed copies of the evidence would be read . The Premier replied' probably on gaturday morning. One copy..he hoped, would be ready this morning. Inquiries of Ministers. _ Mr. Macdiarmid--Will Mr. A. E. Ames, as Chairman oi the Temiskam- ing & Northern Railway Commission. have control of the disposition or sale of the bonds authorizedinder bill 187 E Has Mr. A. E. Ames tendered h/tl, resignation " Chairman oi the said; commission ? If not, is it the intention of the Goxernment to ask him to do so ? _ Mr Ross informed Mr, Fa) that the evidence would probably be printed and diwtr+uted by Saturday morning, and that pcrhtrw one Irlry would be ready; tr, vim I