The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 23 Jun 1903, p. 1

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a - . on " _. PeF'r _ w:,,:;",' '1 JP, Br' . "rt ' .l- V . l 'Si? Bit . Mit i "g5. -." t,. tjr"rjiiitt.t.. "He said that as the Provin- , , ii, . .. " ML' .55 e" cr"r':' cial seereurgadhad said everything , - f CC) .. "" ly A " 'r'!' Hammond said was true. and i '.. l "ltft 'jf)iillif,r"l as hirevidenee showed that Stratton ' . " U . ' i wanted The Globe Iiiiterview given. ; _ . _ lthen Dr. Chamg'ga'9,5 evidence that . _------'""- ", Game s'u 'este ie interview on Jan-i , . h ' uary :3 {is false. in}? Je,',', ttii, L. , . t "missing ea . .. Mr. Rickard tt Amendment int e 322% cash hook and sud were) Legislature. there the Friday before Crossin gave: . his evidnece. ' _ I --------- Mr. 'iitvaiton---Everybody who was there knc ws that the leaves were 31::- _ sin when the books were examine y LIBERALS HAVE THE FLOOR. meme" on Friday 5 _.-.----..--. A Price For the Information. i Mr. St. John asked why the Premieri Mr. Pettypiece Puts Straits did not stand up. and offer a reward or . . $30,000 for the information as .to .the, Points. source. of the money and promise tm-, munity from punishment to the man' --------. who gave it. , F , Mr. Pattullo--Some friends of the Mr. Pattullo Delivers an Eloquent hand gentleman might get the re-l ' war . l and Forceful Speech-The In- Mr. St. John-The hon. gentlemani terest Continues. from North Oxford is looking for re-; wards. He is looking for a position asl i m--------.----'"- a Minister of the Crown. Mr. St.i John quoted from a recent editorial in; By way of change, the floor oi the Ihe Globe that the canker of corrup-; Legislature Was in possession of the tioln'had elaten h'eie'r'e1'l,y, into Canadian: . , . . by all of vester- ponies, w .ich. e rea as a condemnan Lily rals during near - . tron of affairs in Ontario as well as int day's session, the Opposition mamiest- the other parts of Canada. This had! ing a keen desire to have the question been written before the. report came put. Mr. St. John concluded out and was written not in the expecta-i . address in an hour in the ioreuoou, 2:31:23" a report as actually did) and moved an amendment expressing' . l itt..e, view that the report was not in -A Slight Slip. I accordance with the evidence. He" Mr. St. Ichn condemned the (,,So,e.ern-i i was followed by MR William Iticlc- ment for the actions of Cap. Sullivan I ard of West Durham. whose breezy . in. South Ontario, and said not a hair;' <tvle and host of arguments made quite Ot his head had been touched, ! _ ' __.' Col. Gibson said Sullivan had been an impression on the House. He re . _ _ , , ported there for bribery and tried, I! concluded by movlng an amendment but the charge was not substantiated. i to the amendment, adding to the 111211" Mr. St. John-l accept that expla- il motion an expression of censure on nation. " 1lr. Gurney for his conduct in conncc- b Irate, Lee a.sked t)Y.t..sottte prooi i t.icy wit/I. the cabP. Ilr. 11Y,1,'t.C, tan; beaittien1tansgu",tiap :52: - iollowed in a speech which was cloie- Conservative party. He might have , ly reasoned and tilled With a number a, good a reputation as his hon. friend. - of strong, new ponits, and ending With (Opposition laughter.) l 3 an apt comparison between the young "ariii'iltsiJtof,1,1, then proceeded to read. 1 Napoleon from Manitoulin and the old 223' SE?" ,3" John T. Link.later of , Va oieon from Corsica. Mr. Milton . , e. . arie ttt connection with . . pr. * the ll est Huron case. , Carr spoke briefly, and Mr. Pattullo Col. Gibson rose to a point of order, I took the floor at 5.30. occupying it the that while he was perfectly willing to l rust oi the evening. His address was have those matters ventilated, yet the .5. an excellent, logical effort, characterize Irre?f"rtf ai.fidayit was surely out Ot " . 7 . order as referring to matters critirelv .: ed by his customary eloquence, and apart. _ / throwing into relief many oi the in- Mr. Whitney said the "ihicultv was . consistencies oi the Opposition and the to draw the line once they had betn r culpable actions oi Mr. Gamey, The 31:915ng "matters under a wide "if- , . _ . _. . 9- U le. t ll'leilt intern. "l the debate continues, Mr. St. John said he had been 10:! to ,1 the galleries being crowded all the read the affidavit by reason '1' Mr time. Mr. Hoyle opens the debate Lee's challenge Howev l L .,.' ii t to-day, and Mr. Hanna, Colonel Gitr. " . . " . er. " You".' e 7 '.. _ - .relieve the Speaker of the duty of m.- son and Mr, Graham are expected to lil d _ d n speak to-dav or to-morrow. .' 3. an procee . He concluded by L. . . . ,abung the report of the Judges was, e Few Copies of Evidence. lam insult to public opinion. The Pt'0-.i r When the Legislature resumed inip.1.e clatt.tored for a better state cy the morning Mr, Whitney asked howithmgsv tor a better Government, '.it It - many mpies of the printed evidenceicome from whatever quarter it would.' r; Egg"! be at the disposal of the them-13A" Amendment. 1 [ The Premier replied that one thou- Mr. St. John then moved the ioilow- if MUN] copies had been printed, of whichiiing amendment _ , It M? Would be required ior. the lioundi "That all the words after the word, t'tJIJlCS of the sessional papers. 'that' he struck out and the following r Mr. Whitney asked if it was not pos- substituted therefor ...-.-'In the opziiin n e sible to print more. ' {of this House the report or tindiog ri The Premier replied that it was int-f oi the Commissioners appointed to in-, cl possible to print more now. .Thsnmt-l quire into and investigate the Champs s in had been set up on' linotypcl oi bribery set forth in the statement,' i1 machines and the metal was ineltedi made to this House on the nth of; "Siam as soon as the impression was} March last by Robert R. Gamer E"t-~l It "WW ofi. _ member-elect for the District of "Matti-, rt Mr. Whjmey said had he known only toulin. and the further statement made 1,000 copies were being printed he by him on the 27th of March last is no}. [ would have been willing to have saved supported by the evidence adduced 'oc- the people oi the Province this ex- fore the said Commissioners. and that Must. He thought it was an outrage the conduct of Hon. , R. Stanton 13 that should be spent for so shown by the said evidence to hart tew COpies. been disreputable, corrupt and steam?!- . . ous; that the House regrets t at tic St John on Cronin Books. 'Premier, Hon. Geo. W. Ross, having Mr. St. J.ohcthen resumed his ad- received a letter from the said Ga' y. Algtss on the Gamey Commissioners' med September IO, 1902, iailed to Lie

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