The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 23 Jun 1903, p. 2

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" i m ' V b' ..",L41l~ Be. . , V I - ~ eviTenee before the Commissioners C' PINK: Accounts C T '.ciEv-'- '- ~- . , we. r . ' a'."." . ' ommittee would' :Ioo' .. . . .-.. Bt and also that the said Hon. Geo. W. be well able to imagine how such all somethi'h¢ lied"; Ontario to, V V - t " iF ' Rthssdand his other colleagues were not cu. he as the present one would be tried the 'd'l'e, Sd een said respecting " . "- " _ " e u on to . . .id . d als ttt a C . . '.'.~". , . . p gne en ence; an 9mmittee of the House 1 . r og ithis House furthermore expresses its gnly thing that came out of the Pugh: Took Good Advice. 1}. . , Carries I., . . . _ - .. '/r.'M I " l 't regret that practiees contrary ccounts Committee was the tact that Mr. Stratton had been c d a '5. l g o aw which were indulged in by mem- the Government sold a timber limi for not denyin th h on em . .2 a I (bers..of the fro.vern.m.e.nt, and which someone, and it was M'h t to was made Aug 1 e C arge When." _ I i , ,praetices, if persisted in'. are calculated cheap. pe aps too his client hndery fry?" would advise _ ' gto undermine and destroy the political It was charged b h . . l to say . sucn. Circumstances not . -' lav . " . . Y t e Opposition'; y a word until the.. ro ti system and demade the dignitv or pub- that Chancellor B d . came I - p per one . 'lie life. have been justified and leivmd. san and took advagl'a wa? very parti- sac thatt yw/r'.oriiabne,, as unreasonable to 1 ed by the same Commissioners in their nicality against th ge o ev.ery tech- to" post ii . Ganna went to Buffalo ' ' report.'" a that were e. prosecution. If Mr iiiiEi. r. amey as to say that 'l " , vantage EOhWhy did he not take ad- Ed; ",9! Nob' or Frank Sulliyan "loads t _ V Plain and Simple " Comment. 9 that he J, 1d1r. Blake's declaration give is?" as to what evidence to _ M .. . . . I l ou .throw up the cage whens . t 5 to Hon. s. ll. Blake he , A r. William Rickard (NN est Dur-l Mr. Gamey disap ear d 9 F ' asked if to chan e hi 1.. I ' ham), wh, {allotted Mr. St. John, re-l, talk until the s':','?,',',', T, l You could' would change himgfr IS pgitica coat . _ Presented himself as "a plain and Sllll-l a speech as long :5 Coin and make| tthe name former) 'Omiv 031:1); Sang ', ' . ple man," not a law} or. and not giftedi'you had to get back t Je", amt. hm: Conservatives) to) , Q, a im , ','- \anth the power; of endlei, talk. llutl the charge "he , sttodhe"e1,e,1'r1',',' :3; virtue. (Applause.) Mrp "6'ihd'i,' . p am and simple man kn..." what to: conclusi . can prove I h d l . . . . . . . ' rt _ ... . _ e ivel b . '.' . [ a been praised f h V call one who Jeliberately . ii' . Cl . a y y sworn evidence that itl d ", . V nor _ " lil- ' ' Sother's name to a JL'i'/li"/nt :hRd hall: 3 t was not true. l 'lel,1ern/vesnthe11tt,edasnce/ l' 1"t News. I ' it off aR g . . _ ', . I "..". .' q wa.s employe by Con- l i lwhat nat,2"too1";, Also lumps! Some Comparisons. l 51Cl'\at1\'cg to write Conservative arti- ' l . " ma w . J c ' T ' ' . l V .exchgngu bank deposit slips 'annd "Sr"; . Mr. fiekard had done a little figur l (heat etipffutlh :31) to the dfmlnd Mtg T . '"C' i,tf the property oi "A 'ln . _.' I mg an summed u th V . 'f . ' xc at " tac e tne wor _ . ' ank andl . p . e Cost ot the in- inde end a . . rr tthen thin". th he rt' , qutry at from $70000 . l . p ent to his title. He did not ' i) f.' at it li.i~ done m, I; . _ . "I to$8o,ooo, includ-i think anyone bell .ed tl . . , . 1ave an Idea. he aid - l " 1 mg extra indemnity . l. . . . ever. tne Provincial . Igadme to demeriho (in; All" c/tau,l,1l,/i1tisa/ expenses. This "'39 "J,Q',,ti"tr, in?" 1eecvrfttrryo achtucahly paid $3,000 to Ga- l 1 some sleight-oi-hat q _ f' .: "and equi a , . U tlt k .. ".'. ttg ttse or "'. yers, or any- . . 'those bank deposit dig)? . "(Him "1:3litlmught. t3). 't1,at1'yiistea,iiyhm/, Hci a]; Shells": the (apposmon still said ' isimple people would 1",. _ 'l lint the l g C) some . .. ve e C arges true "in the - f " names about ! ' o11g speeches of l . mam WI i . .that man which L' . i. lb tlte present . lat did that mean? asked , mar not be Farin- "e ate he had earned ev . _ . . ', Mr Petty . _ . ' (mentary, And I wond .. l l'eKtra ind . "Tl cent ot his . . yplece. As soon as the. leaves Gamer "., et ll that Mr. I . enmity. He as'ked .1, I from the cash book dis d I _ IS the sam . l eff . . , lat tile _ . . l appear: . the . (rpember ior 1ie,',ti1teo,'ie,1,,'l,aon Ji' 'tlr, i was tail; lie, ttpoll oyr intntigretiou. its?" trims" Conservative prels, iday received a bi 1 . 'ester-i) ' . " teemmg million _." ere l tlle money come from?" . . Inch at peom _ "l humpc think f . . s at ce; . d . . . ,the inscription "T es withl! . C) Canada. to whicl l . he . li that had happened Mr , . o one who wo Idi (were. lookin f l ' "f CII they Stratt , . ' ', ' Irat'ner ll l g or Willem ll l . ons books, the cas . . imam" bin"??? C,f/'h"' be an honestllthat our Judges were 1d/,tpltvf"fidur1,e, closed then. for then tclid'mll?b:3:a'l:l . s , Tr. ' . . . l A . T vthe member in, TC, t. te,, other day; Inere a few members oi the Ophoeitirie would not have stood by him anvl that the Cr n' 'sl . niiituiiim declared; Ext-ho had not applauded the smell 'ill longer. (Applause) But the 0090'. "sir John 'r,",?,:."'::,',,',,,"") Proviuce,) the member for Manitoulin {116:3 '3 Slllml stood by Gamev Because all . "_ ' , ( , _ . . . _. 1itaa,C,o,,i Ktiighthood {gm {sznlfi'c tthci f, warm in?" m his (Mr. Rich-Ania" :33th 1?l he had an them, thev could'; ' mung written the Citi mt. I cart. am " wished also tcr . ' _ ti 11m, go. The conversition in " »C0mmi<tit:n I misguilhnf the Royall la.te. the leader oi the (oopitcli"t"'i1','/aiC'," the piano 1;1ctory indicated nothinszd I 'member l . f'! the hon! while he had _ _ In. tor lhe talk about the " arc l" . '.C: l ple' that men who clir,t1 other pen l h hi applauded xiguyrously "t been Sullivan's lk I? e might have, t '5 names and tam C:', ', rst IS vi o _. - " . . '35 1mg or Game .'s ir"'; pie Cy property and pit-fl": other pt"; end. g r had subsided toward the Re evtr had any. The charges) liadl yen? are nd: mom-ugh will". F fyei Cen . f,',ef'l. 1iy,Tpyt1 but the talk con "mi li,', Jorn Biryrl was by hi; £033": a: Sunng Mr. Gamey. 131:: It had Pt so, when was a pub- (im Wear "rtripei" 'llPVlic-h hvrmgin' ln conclusion M Ric w,' an sale.' Ytt, Gamey's conduct l 1'J,eJr1/',"'Iti' that such gum." l tile ami/noni/f/tUI' the- r. itikarcl mored in 21"" 'not Cl surprismg in view oi the , unset to chauge tho ' I e not " .' the w . . amem ment "tnat all . soil S O corruption which l , ..' . _ . . . ords al . A d - . It lad pour- I will: that the " Mr1pes at their . 1ter the first word -th , e continuowslv i . . - , y are -i _ F struck c ' _ cnat be ' . '". rom the C) ("than l 10m stone "at; oi :lfri'mded with addel mt and We iollowing words to.r ytars.past. He, however hfad his _ watchman wit" 1 I/i',,')'; and that a H l to the original motion, land thi; mlftake Ill coming out and. :h e/ll! . l guard (we: mg"; hr [l.iiyl,y,',ye,t,' keep; (lltlilise regrets that it has become i-A- ("finite crrrruptird. against / tiaeiii',jjerl, .- .)t I "Slutt- Mr Fifi: and by ieight. .1) m place on recordsan expression individual. (Hear, hear.) Ill'"', . :zdtmzrnment of 1h", a"! ard moved the i)" cc.rssuft "l the conduct of the tr/Jn,.'.',. Th T I l _ Restuviuc l _ I oate. er WY Maximum" h _ ' m , e wo Napoleons. I l l Mr Crt' A llc speech at "n o'vlrvl the matter; ir, .' HI cor1nfft1on with M . l l Lip. "ll'. ard te1erterl to the tlf'lN; ft vestigation.' '/,"r'mtlg the subject ci in-' Vapgl PEltyPlCEC compared Ganiev to; T % inset. sa.sitW m. _ _ " . . eon: eac had come i T . . I .' carried P, -- ' . _ at when a man . "In, . rom theirl :l . the pro ill"): "tyur-ore/i Crt' concealed' Mr. Pettypiece Speaks. to 1:12:02): It old Napoleon "tiring; _.,1, -' ty "' auother t', . No on l . _ .7 . . o " n, t e yot1ng Napoleon tn! , Lultf'tl ll 'lt'illlnv T lt' pull, I ' e L ll thc C9pivonit:on side roie Buffalo. Historv did I : were reqartl I t',' , hitce bank slip, r, speak, and Mr. H J Pctt -,.-, went tobri _ . ' not tell us who, , af/c mueherm "I me bank, a: rah; : than. Lamhl'ml (Ulllllll'Cll 31""th Elba bu 'rtndgdlhe oid Napoleon {mull L, I I " Fs -, _ s ," . . t - - . b r,', "q," h r _ . lute tram the Government b: _ e "T W C'li l teil ..s that the member, ' ' An Examvle For Sons l while Ih. Whitney bore vi Isa', :nches., Po 1mest v.ambtun (Mr. Hanna; venti, l ' ll, - . l . . "ltll Sl'll: '1 .' n t . _ , .. , _ "ll Mr. Rwh'm] 11m . l '51} Af. remarked that a (lid")','),";'. irom hifre'tjisealuu'lrig hap'oleon back I. it cwumirlcratvu1 H: "pithy-mg lime to at 11/'cif)1"'tlld"'f would have. ma/uieii {tired tinally to. St e 153390160" re- , l hfptenibw lo and " lager .m' ii/ [,r,,c",'. 3:31:61 not dthe country young Napoleon. after 11:11:! but libel l l st tich he lldll q " _ .Ch) Cr 27. "'1'. - I . _ . at l t'rerylrg tice) 'Waterloo Wf . . v P3t. IIS' I [ I l Rickard p,io,i','/:,ie,1tTit,t similar. Il:. Ecl'wllléltl'lhjll'tl e~teem (ll :th net-pie. de- i tApplame ) ould retire to oblivion.' l I . ." _ I , ': evert'it con mi 4,- 1.5 l ' [ 1 zu'llltt' " ' . . L lllllllcrru'e Ill- l , ___' . Trrinittfttll. J!) . 'ser Cie'," "milligdl dung") m the lat t .t'i'tle (t:?}l(l)'ltll)l) If, been rril the rigli'l er- Milton Carr. . , . inn. l . _ ls' _ . IC WHO ther w MI . .. _ . that l, lat' . ' Rent cman eauli ' g . ". L n) 1ave rc,t- l ?lr . ' 1','f,v,l'vfry't1'e1,/',11',I a still no; iii the' 1'",,l,diti,:i/j,1,:1,t "P/ty lll i)ii.ii.i:,i,tiit,) 1,ilr,idi1oeniefraerdr (Pan-Sbsnund)' who I , _ ' "tVertttt _ "r ' ", ll! tr. n pid . . ' .' to ~. , '. 'i l l "c believed "H Hath tili'tche ?(.ai', not -l.rry'.loery wa,' proved c,ty,c,hyee, Ili, I Niggestion that the o.egrckilr/ev'and,' ' That tin-v Ward alvr . "my "We tell to the _ , ' ' . C "rites' rquarantim-d . d _ _ . . V e e . l . . tut the lm . . mound. i11mtcud Ct! ll C) J ' an said It IVA b l lor 1lum:oou', ll. member; Dilution ("up ; r . . " p- that no bodv li - ts pro able ' _ "in was that h l ._.', their rcmarkc, m tl l _ _- y, rellg1"rus' or TCCllla . aiqucsl " letter ll _ . P e had mam churure 1 . . . "it had It, Jud: .. "__ r. but l . l hi, iathc ' . l . , 'eV I") had been tidk . l _ _ a, lstdriut a d . , , . crs um t ,it, 'd, ol,', " / 'tl my: lur , " . . ' n the m - _ f/cl,'.""" lhis was a \lilendi'rlrtill with [Inphrnmhl tle ,ubieci tlle tt' l I)" tor '\I"l'1't"'"l"l was not a tit prelim . . . 'N- ' 1 . a rrrttaqe was aivavi ."_, _ / I) 5'! m tne Hctuse .: , . . 1.> Mr. litilmid' ..' . l t, \('l'lllllf'lll u11pporrtCrr . . Haw" trt Opposition ). , . Why didn.'t the ii Ix. h s evidence accounted in. l cl, the ieade r" . . and. go would box 'l Pttt Cap. Sullivan m the' " " the Provincial S . '- 'l' , ' . t, tl'wn. the Opposition what x "pen they had him h - . , '/ l vshereaboutc, ltn Sept to Elmira" i M" "Hum liC1 n he WCre in power 'lll(l ueeks? ere trot hve ' cliisioit ot' " x ' , an tlle (on. 'l'H'VP (if iour Lil . _ .. ' i ' _ Lie , _ ' .ierul' wailw "W- , I l evidence was Ilgtjiil made. upon thatl C",',,','),"; him. Further he t'),,cy',rcc Mr. Pattullo's Review. I r . x , roneous. _ l Suntct tii, r _ . ",' . _ kT. 1 l e. alleged tou,take pointed , Anoth-i were [V, to sin, inn. the menibersl Mr. Andrew Pattullu l _ ': hi!" osnaljrs "l'llmitc "nib". the; Iohn Ironing it,? Twp"? him Mr St Speaker. asked whr all the lhe next I tiat the comm:' _'. . was the fart . tat sau tint Sir Oiir li . . . ment oi l - . _. OHS argl'.- , Lhilotlers I d . . ' l l nuld . . 1VCt" Mouat ' l tne C)pp:ritiot . ' teV . the Klan: lil sam that never have done e . . har -. _ -l no" . fhev ( (in Jl.atycru1,ry',rt,tie1t was (lispnmd nil Ur J'/,',tl).t"rc,' rccal!vd may? ilzliitlisssl 1a"ritir1,.tl"v? 1(Jmerl'mneiit were guilt) t ___-, -v\\llCl\\"" " .r. rt)". '. . (31 . ,whenthtvonlv - . Jim Wits' 4- d Niiiday at and Mr M t. . t _ . ttls had tl l . ' of course an .l lll ; off . . tsreilith johied h Mement ol the me.iv,bor'i . " "as not tlone w l crror, but in ' '.. ' j . 311" protexte The f) - tonlin. The me _ '. sl 1yr Mani- He did Pot knot!) Jltfi1t, to. deceive.,', 'i/i'l1,t,.1otli2,Cr.1T)f, only {h dead hill» "0w found 1112:3311?" the Opposition . printer'; crror or wl '.ner it was a "'iiifiv._it'ici' . lea'?). ll here did the! their will, coinicl' 50>. much against . wa -. .- ,1?"- It was, but] F get their Hm _ . . . pe/ie to stand bv l tr satisfied that ie which thes. 7 no) Irom member tor Man uli Frm l tie , error. It was merely an! Jiiiiiii.i/i, ip,',,',--,.,'-",, or S.6oo--to cash oi 'llltlllittiné ("I itvht in. [he question l ' ' . . " It a Corriiit -' , i. , H. catrey a,thc. .. l The Premier's Position 1 t/y,'C'"ip11iesr, for South Toirmitcd lull? ll royal citnt.nli:csirtp, instearlnhieln y . The Premier h . _ pro-19"": 1:333 "(third-tn sitw off .th'; tadC"1"/ilt1',, F" "It House, Mr. Pat? l ' " h L ad declared in . . , '52. li~t tirttieli against th: . . - yvivas as Important t s-d . - . == .ieec hat unless h ms the speaker (5l . _ ml at it," before tl , . t ta) as" . me ov , e could comma l ." r. Pettfpiece)? Tl . ' lt? micron-e but ' i I! 'i,ed/,0,en,t, of the country hon St filter hid declined and had io 'h 116 altei .he long debate on 'tl surely: l " t not wish . e - out. g to tri,', "R t Il", it "w . lat suit" _-. ' " . . . V IP, .._ . AS stran . _ J ct f 'lhat waf, s'if',tm'e't'i',t)gtUe"'lte"l it It, all. evidence "speed": the"??? of the members 1',Iffd till \the Opposition .t seemed to h . . o ear. mam: in R _ , n 5 Mate- th ' . . Him to by", 1 ' . ave the rt ht . . . ochester Mr P . e "WWW. estieci llv , . " 1p _ It. Anyone . g rltt4 about said if that . .. ' . I. ettypieee . . aily in View n- l _ -, . who h d b I "a. allow . recent occur - . t tlte c.' t,tA r a een resent - W . . ted ihev Itll _ w rences HI th , i., _ "sikt * i p at a}... ell admit the evidence a? night taunts Committee c Iiiblit Ac, I 09 out! . l t 'I

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