The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 23 Jun 1903, p. 3

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IltlEal WW P. r. . , . '. _ . 'iairiii 'Blttt.i$iitiilB.,liFFFi'i", _'i' Ira. 'it'?""""',"'?'),"),',: 'NIlll. r tttat ' ' n", 'o Pisg" "rrg't8'airrr',' . . I . 'i.1' . . axis ,- / , it: $4.3?me _l't'h1te. Wins?» lllF,C)"tff, ti. but» "it: ", l hai as _ -- .. f 1:. ". 433-9.", were to new '; eCrown,th saidhadburx- b. CW. "f. ... G' . " '; tpd tree,S'ft'a1'i'l,') 'ir/tlie':'? "in: fedtrt tli,'i2?ig'f?'tt't'tit,i,ic'r' :2: at. . . weres w it true- _ . "F ' 1eiiitr,.iieeicisii'i'i'ii'i,'i'et 3:0... meg. for an... they e',.',',',??,';,,,." as? . . . ante n our . a . "he jsn,ves/tie'so'l, 1iteil Je, the" at: tt,'e'r'ldo',),s/' clever crjtpit.tals. ttt "353032.884 approved of by both sides the, ieii,i,et1thr,iarh'd ctt,'ed,Ur,t,i'? , - dges access to t e p , . iof the House, to thay that the. In . . a entertainment by lhad been asked to step down .int.o. the firetigiptht?otr'.tfif4'l1 of the Judges political arena. This was practiclalllys; who had condemned them. . iii?! (j',rg,scirt,t',Tiey'd in??? ii? '(M'r. Defending the Jydge Pattullo) should have an election trial Mr. Pattyl.lo criticized the leader {if it should not be tried before Judge the Opposition for. applauding t C, Street or Judge Meredith, who had member for Manitoulin w(liien hehatccus-i been keen politicians on the Conserva- led Sir Jphy.Boyt.i.--:Boy , ass. e WES] tive side? The remarks ot the ppp?- called-wt being dishoneStC Ir. 2t,'et sition were an insult to every Judg.e is Boyd was 1yti,tt'itesdval'sy heeornsaeTlliitvie, ' a I y n , . the country, and had been so receive g?\;;it-i'i1:;n. He was then, and had al- by them. l ways been. a man of stainless charac-I Guilt Inconceivable. l ter. The legal fraternity, moreovem Mr. Pattullo, resuming in the eve.n- said of Chief Juiilcct 1a,hott'f,e,evu1,e'i ing, said it was absolutely inconceiv- on whom Jij.etehpaitthtelseraet 'dd "(331210" able that the Provincial Secretary, after been hf)?" , , able Judge in the such an investigation, should be guilty 'to)iii?{ray e & tthcharges of political and not found out. _(Applause.') .lf corruption proved. it was a matter at the qonservatives.reliev.ed the I?.ovm- history that those convicting Liberals cial Secretary guilty, why didn't they were only half as numerous as those go into the party iunds ? .Because they convicting Conservatives. .. It was a were afraid to have their own pa.rty imatter orhistory also that the Liberalsl funds investigated. It was a_fair mfer- .when they made charges proved themI ence that had the latter been investigat- in every instance. The reason the Liiiil ed we would have found out where the eral Government had been so long in money came from. (Hear, hear.) 1i.r. power was.becanse they had kept them- t Gamey had deceived many people, his selves pure. (Applause.) party, his lawyers and the country. He Mr. Pattullo closed with an earnest had been in a business that trained all protest against the deliberate policy man's wit, and had been experienced of assassination oi public honor, such in politics. Instead of being a back-l as they had seen during the debate. woodsman he was a man of abilitv and He did not believe the people Of this resource, an extremely fluent. and country would, condone such outrages forceful speaker. Therefore he was a of the decencies Of" public li.i'.e, statrh man who, ii the crime had been com- pfoii.tttttttorl m prtynetre.. In his con- mitted, would have succeeded in prov- cluding sentences he paid an. eloquent! ing his case. (Applause.) The story, t:Ciluttcto tl,t,e, hm"? and ability of the; however, was so improbable as to be "tp. if." 'ILIIEOT' ( , . unbelievable. It assumed that the It '1' la- riye North Ontario) Provincial Secretary was a knave as ryfTy,1 'he, 11"'hri'21re,1t Of the debate well as a iool. if it had been true. the and Me I o we at journed at 10 p.m. accused should first be sent to a luna-l'W'ants Reward Offered. tic asylum. (Hear. hear.) Gamey's Mr. W. R. Smvth ives notic . confederate had never been called, and,' motion as sf,),ivd.ll,"..r12il),f,st this 16-15315: 'ohtienitehreenscte, was he could not corrob-l recon- mend the Lieutaardci.i/rriiil , e t e story. lin Council to offer a reward oi teni Gamey's Bad Breaks. thousand dollar, ($10,000) for inform- The incident of the leaves in "ml ation lc'ading to_the discovery of tlicl Crossin book was one the common source 'm.m which R... R. Gurney, people would understand, and they LN" received Ir/to t"tichY depOSit-' would say the Judges were honest, andl tul Ill the f.radery Bank at 10mm" Ir, what they said about that mad?" " day Ol September latt, will ter the people would acccpt "poo wloich..,he deposited in me Ontario) If the member for Manitoulin went {6' Bank in loronto on the same date.| Buffalo for rest. IV) fault could he i, also $500 which he alleges he,refeivftyi frond: at the same time he said he, on the tot/n day Of January lastl and. "as 'iorry he had gone ff the iunior that the Lieute.nant-G.ove.rnirr in counsel knew where Gamey wi,-, the, cil guarantee immunity from morning of the memorable confer-E 1nent .t'l ally person or persons giving ence at the trial. what did Mr. Blake such Information." l and Mr. Ritchie think oi them for Col., Ilatheson will inquire what not informing them. (Applause) quantity of pine and other woods hrsl Ilr. Pattullo tlenouo.ced Mr. Lucas' been cut on Moon and Crook-ed ls-i charge that Mr. Mclivoy took the lands. in the Georgian Bay, under li- leaves from the Crossin book as m- censc to Chew Brothers and their Iainlous. and without a shadow oi HICCCss'Irs' since Ist January, 1000. einr once. =.='.,."e"="'r-"'"-'"..=""--LT"-"'d'.r. l .Cyl, Matheson- There is the .ame 'kllltl of evidence against McEvoy as against the member for Manitoulin. 1 Mr. Pattullo denied this. and gave .\lr. )lclivoy as his authority, and in response to the Opposition laughter invited any hon. gentleman opposite to go any place. outside the privil- ege of the House and make the charge, and they would soon have the chance to prove it. The desertion of, Gamey by his counsel indicated they! had lost faith in the truth of his . storv. if they deserted him without cause they should be taken in hand bv the Benchers of the Law Society. (Applause.) . " In the Main True." The hon. member for South Lan- ark (Col. Matheson) had said that he . believed the story of the member for 1lanitouliu was in the main true. Col. Mathecon interrupted to say he' . believed that the member for Mani- toulin received the $3,000 and the . $1,000. There might be other state- ments in which Mr. Gamey made er- l COPS in the same way as the Judgcsf "It-----------.,

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