| -- esR ts e n c e im > ... _ e Sm * iess £ ¢ oht track. t t meaor t mt eata in ... d Ntamkt1 . e Graham wound up with a forceful tri-- fhorse engine on ght racien MAfi e t o o oc ead s recauns $ 1| y o ie th:ufia(; ;P Geo. W. Ross as a | * big engine on the wropg,trai:k. y W";Phfi Macdi "fi&' Kesbitt, , leader who had acted throughout 2° | Aleged Errors. °* \Pearce, Powell, ' Preston (Durham).l . .. one who believed he was answerable | In the first place, the Judges haq' | Pyne, Reid. St. John, Smyth, Suther--| _ _ _ for his actions to a higher Being, and mlade ~rome egr o neous * 'stSfeMents: \and, Tucker, Whitney--37. o ol '5{1?5]2-':'1 Te tt{:: the highest ideals of 2 'They had made references to the pro-- eA Personal Equation. 19e insflan gentiCH19!1 'test saw--off on Oct. 26, and to Mtr. i ed t-- & _ » ; i n f ; \ The House then resum the or s Mr. Foy's Opening. |McGregor as a Liberal Organiz®!) 'qinary routing Dusiness romaining. *A | _ Mr. J. J. Foy (South Toronto), who which had been pointed out . by th® _Col. Gibson moving the second read-- . rose at 12.40, opcncd with a j\lSt!.fi_Ca' Efl]emlxr for Manitoulin to be erron-- ing of the judicature act, pl'OVidiflg sfij tion of the position of the Opposit!0" feous. Next the Judges had made 4 imat the bill previously passed provid-- "% in calling for a committee of the House | number of important omissions. They ing for an addition 31 section of the 33 'to try the charges made by the mem--| had not taken | up the -- {formulated \High Court should not go into effect \ber for Manitoulin. A committee of | charges. They left out the letter Of |jnfi December 31st. f P 2l 'the House would have understood the | Feb. 20, and included the X Y Z letter | _yfy Whitney said there might per-- i | evidence of the Provincial Secrefats, instead. Mr. Gamey's: letter askiN8 / paps be a personal equation involved, ~4 \and would have seen through it on | for $2,000 as a loan, which the ©O0M-- |and if the bill was to enable the Gov-- Emany subjects on which the commis-- missioners mentioned, had not bechi | Scpiment io get into Letver shipe D: 12 | sioners were not so well able to judge. || mentioned in the formulated charge§, |{ore they parted with the Attorney-- 'The qu.estion of patronage also was| and was really only an evidence of CGeneral he would yole for it (Laugh--| E | one which the commuttee would under-- | carelessness and haste on the part of ter.) ;stand. They would know that| the |Mr. Gamey. This was merely a fact Col. Gibson laughingly replied that % usual custom was that in a riding i to bear out the point that the COW~ ; there was no personal equation involy. es where the Government candidate Was | missioners had given undue impOTt~ (ed, and the bill was given its second | defeated he %ot the patronage. ance to some evidence and had mini~ !reading and passed through commit-- AR Mr. Foy will continue after the 100M || mized other parts. tce & ~W s s That $1,200. Mr. Latchiord moved that the full! . ~ 8 Criticised the ReporL. The commiskioners had commented gessional indefinily bs patdf A o Mthe $ . S ami MUus-- t _ At 315 o'clock Mr. Foy ,'CS""'ed' | upon the failure of Mr. Gamey to pay ;:t'ly(gi flécridlafing;e?,?jrmoaw k The first motion, he explained, W@S| ingo court the $1,200 he received on o CS me g* had b bsent 'that the report be accepted. and the| 7 ced P _ 0" ) lowing members who had been abs¢i f1e, 1€P £ s an L O U from Sullivan, whereas B¢) , nortion of the session through ii}-- 8 commissioners thanked. The speakers| nad undertaken to pay in the money + ,, # :--McKay, Cameron (Fort Wil-- 'for the Opposition on that motion hadlor the marked check, it . the coutrt| ness :C> onde, ith £ $ p # l + liam), Beck, Hendrie and Smith. |presented arguments which could NOt! wouid give him an order to protect, t v be answered. Then the Government| nim in his ownership of the money. Canada Central Grant. ; : }r::gecaa;ozr:rc'l'lngrfmw:rtamtihdemdedntj(? The court had refused to do this. | | _ Mr. Latchford then moved the reso-- & nf to fhe anC Mr. Foy combatted the view that the ) jnution providing for the land grant of ment, by which they would condemn} provincial Secretary should be consid--| 7,400 acres per mile to the Canada f the men}x;ber fzr Mf'li"tl""]"".me th?& |ered innocent if the member for Mani--| Central Railway Co. for its proposed | ?:f:;st; eglasl:eflt?: fl(eb;]:: ';"'(';'n' 2:'1'16 toulin were discredited, There wer¢) jine from the imouth of the Franch| proposed condemnation of thl: uem. [ SCs people. ha said, who were eNel; River northward through Sudbury to | j ber for Manitoulin. / The member fori inclined to think that it was possible| Hutton township, _ a distance of 70| Manitoulin was fiot ow on trial.. IIf that two people might be guilty. / miles, _ This line, Mr. Latchford said, | § the House wished to censure him it Mr. Foy dealt briefly with the pro--| was projected farther northward to Al-- could be done at a proper' time. The| test. _ The fact that Manitoulin had / bany River, and southward to Scotia ¥ question to discuss was Whether thck been set offfagainst South Wentworth | -- Junction and Toronto. _ The ~Fr.cnch c evidence justifi'ed"thc( report. _ There did not sitct the fsct that Hie prolesL!. River was O 47 nmportant chaill '.'f a was no. doubt that the : x' y Ewas wnhdrgan as against Mr. Gamey. communication, a route which wqu:d( & t the two eminent| 'The only difference was that the GOV-- _ become much more valuable as time| 9 afindl learnfed lc.om.mxssumers _""?"1'1,""'*1 ernment got two seats instead of on¢.| went . on. The -- railway -- would | i9 ]\f'(a:dnyfr al;dt.";;-th. 11}:!11berl> 101 CC [ The paynient oi money was said to be follow the Wahnipitae Valley, where | + * ankly discussime Mat fepors l improbable. . Any crime was improb-- . there was an agricultural area. the | and making such comments as they i apje, _ It was still more improbable _ result would also be further develop--| l fit, Judges | were not infallible, '|that Mr. Gamey would make up such a | ment in the Sudbury district, the es--| h'j- No Judge pretendel to be infallible.'}story when there were uo grounds for |tablishment of more smelters, and the On the contrary, the history of our ;4 : lopening up of the northern nickel range, : courts a_ssumed that Judges would * 'lat present undeveloped for want of make mistakes. Their knowledge was Accepted the Hint. |railway facilities. Farther north some ' that Judges made mistakes. That was At this stage Mr. Foy appeared to be of the largest iron deposits in the Pro-- | why F()Ul'ti of appeal were constitut--| in trim for an hour or more of speak-- vince were to be found in Hutton ed. The public and the hon. gentle--| ing, but on a hint from Mr. Whit:| township. Southward from> French ,' men opposite were, he thought, a little ney he drew his remarks to a close,: River the district of Party Sound was f surprised at the judgment, and be--| concluding by gayving that there was an excellently timbered with hardwood, lieved that the commissioners had| illegal and corrupt effort to influence and there was no way of getting it out. | gone a little too. far.. An examina--| the member for Manitoulin, and on At scotia Junction there would be | tion of the evidence showed that the| that ground he was of opiniion that the goog connechions southward and east report was faulty, and the evidence did| finding of the commissioners was ward. not bear it out. Members of this| wrong. Mr. Pettypiece Opposed. House were probably more competent| Mr. Foy resumed his seat and AIf. Peltyvpie Ay x T to judge of political matters and oi\ brought the debate to a close at Six ,1 s U_t\{'_"f'c Nes _"'q'm,h' )n} said the ways of Ministers and politicians,| minutes past five a'clock. | Ar-.':; "i"':}"' (: o P L. agalMint LIt. "f even better capable of coming to con--| inasd s esn \'\'.". ""\'7'-"'"}" to give nis red clusions upon them, than the learned A Majority of Four. | ,\)','.'xk; aua ;f',' ' "',"ifl,; pedkho . all Judges whose duties were at Osgoode The division was taken at 3.30| :'\k'm: ,'l',' |", M N' Hall. The greater the abilities of the| o'clock and resulted in a vote Of 41 t0 ; o \1\\L\' ',n,!, 1((1",I h ':"(fm,'.; Judges, in lact. the greater the mis--| 37 in favor of Mr. Rickard's amen in addimon since ,;.,'_,':,"{(,(.'.1:.7 5n San.. take they would make if on the wrong| ment to the amendment, whereby the| 000,000 in ;;1'.;30\: !1,' 3':1 lllr-\":".'f track. He would rather be a one.| House censured the member for Mani under the proposal vw:--.:\"f(';:,l« the glx' f \ toulin. Mr. St. John's amendment minion Government t "ic':: 1r q"\'u']»j'"l was lost, and the original motion ad mS oo | opting the report of the commissioners 'and thinking the commissioners was J |carried on the same division. The yeas and nays on the first divi ; sion were as follows :-- Yeas--Mossrs. Anderson, Auld, Bar ¢ ber, Bowman, Brown. Burt, Caldwell, (Cameron (HMuron), Conmee, Currie, Davidson, Davis, Dickenson, Dryden, | Evanturel, Gibson, Graham, Gross, ' Guibord, Harcourt, Hislop, Holmes, James, Latchford, Lee. Little: (Nor 'iolk), Pattullo, Pense, Pettypiece Preston (Brant), Richardson, Rickard Ross, Russell, Smith. Stock, Stratton Taylor, Thompson, Truax, Tudhope 4t f N'nv\v':.\\lv':mx'\. Barr. Brower, Car-- / i « negie, Carscallen (Hamilton), Cars callen (Lennox), Clark (Bruce), Craw -- ford, Downey, Duff, Eilber, Foy, Fox, f Gallagher, Gamey, Hanna. Hendric, . t¥ Hoyle, Jessop, Joynt, Kidd, Little (Cardwell), Lucas, Matheson, Morr &