'lriratNlt R AWN-"v .,, _ " 'l A. . l " -. i . _ r '/tll8lltlh' H !lrl'0l!'lh'rlrii',! JAN0Atir'iii,'; sl;ll,lllgl!lRllllllllltl,llll.llRr8.v!.l' I ltr' , TTr' ' 'N..,., ii FABES _ ttiisi, in $159333? '7Gi.iFtiiidiiF"t1i, 7 rr; i, ' ... _ l (internment should r' step, in and SW ', I . it i; reported so and so, your chart- til THE ENEMY or is cancelled. The rights that you T a are supposed to enjoy under it are take.n. away from you. Such all"? . -.----. ~posuion as that, it once admitted, _ could be carried to an absurd limit. ' . . It would be a most unsafe power to Liberals Will Not be Hound" outrun to an.v..Govtwnme!tt., Iand I f omce, rim sure that ii my hon. friend. exicr Out o ' l". entrusted with the rcspo.ntibili9 W government he will appreciate the j. f,i,1iglts oi assuming any such re- _ s onsibiiltv a t . ." "GOL. GIBSON'S ADDRESS, p 3 l hat . . The West Elm Commiasion. m--.-------. It was the practice of_the hon. [ gentleman opposite to. bring up at Will Stand By His Lead er every possible. occasion old "and . iirroum)iesis charges. West Ellyn Through the Fight. iyas frequently heard about. {is lion: .iriend. the leader of the Op- .,--.__,_.__H position, had on one occasion assum- ed that the commission to try ter, t . , ch.arges was really a pointed to sine Junction I'ool"r"e - Government 'icritttitt:dits.. He charged the Gov- Not in a Position to Cancel it,tPPtl1t 'u'lill appointing Judgesrlor __ itge purpose m shielding criminait". Charter Mr. St. John Attacks ( That was lzttle shone? charging the Mr. Davis. "ridges. tutti shielding. criminality themselves.- _---.------'---'". Mr. 1yhitryay-1 never uttered .a word with relation to the West Elgm Hon. Colonel Gibson concluded his tl,e,.t,lfy,,m,l,t that I am ttot more . oiild _ . _ more convinced every day was nasti- address to the Legislature yesterday. liiiii, and I have never said any- speaking ior an hour, and finishing lwhere that the Government were con- with an eloquent declaration oi his aim?! In the th'i'h.rt (if l",', ballots. le r inatic titailt" l. ' r l y ton. men on: Jo now a. f if "link! "el to tit "1.1". his leade . I .have accused them ot almost every- .m or t f Gm ernment? intention to thing else, though, m relation to the continue in the trust imposed upon West Elgin matter, and I do so now. them, and ii they had to retire, to Presumptions of Guilt. tiotic with heir faces tt l eon: " ' /i1? l I It . c b .0 ifs flu} l i Colonel Gibspw--Trat appears very not as coward: and traitor: to then' (much like saying, "1 do not accuse party. fhe Conservatives, more- 'you of being guilty because I cannot over, would possibly find that the tide prove,,", {6111 you are "EUR" "13 ; - ". , ', il,1, , t. some. . i am accuse o neary would turn, the GovernmentV, ill. Item everything else hut that--and he says would change, and the Opposition, I am-ther, I might as well also be after being so near to their desir, accused of that. It reminds me ed haven, find themselves still further a.gtyyi 1deal ot a passage in the Liie . 'av He als ex lah 'd that the Ot milestone by Mr. Morley. It 4.." Jo l so A? be "'lly. Ci applied to the hon. gentleman's as- (Asvernment was not in a positron to sumption of guilt on my part 1siths vancel the charter of the Toronto out trial. and also. applied very Junction Recreation Club. it illegal st,rygl P. the Provincial 'secretary, " . , ' an woo. 0: course. everyone knew. was practices. new proved the Croverlo- guilty according to the hon. gentle- ment mignt Jo SO, but lht Gove.rn- man: Writing oi the case oi the ':rlyl'c was not constituted if" try1ng Irish and rhea home rule question. iniormations tor breaches ot the law. Mr. Morley said. "Everything was I'hc fPut?s we." tor tlet pur.T9/f. being presumed against the Irish. Mr. tit. John iollowed Colonel Gib-, Everything that Wat; not to be prov- . .. i... . . ,. ' t -et - . . .. ?ot?: and .'ipolic fo.r alt hour "Nd "l. ed against the Irishman was assumed halt before lllQlel'lg the .adjr.tyrn- against him." Not proven was yent. He criticized Premier Ixlcrrsi treated as onlv an evasive form of for not j1irrlfaf'll'if m the wlttte.Eii box: guilty. li tilt: three Judges found 1t1 the Gamey case, and Mr. Ross ""3 that there was no evidence that the icrrupted to make a s.tatcment on! accused had done this thing or that. the tubject, explaining his coursed-letg yet it was held legitimate to argue had been ready .i.O attend the cy.1rt',i'iihat evidence must exist if only: it at any moment tt called upon. _\_lr.i could be found. (Government -ap- St. John then tookuip the '. ac'eyi plause.) ol .Hon.. E. J. Dana regarding bis They were not all Irish in the GOV- s' ".srtt.natton, and drew tron? the Li???" eminent. though thev were to a cer~ J11tr>itOrter a iill explanation. Che I item extent home rulers, and the hon. Home l??" el'iortly before 6. . Ilr. tgentlcnian would probably be satisfied Il. G. fapyiey Vcst..,Htiy:r.n, IS ex- Ewith nothing else . than that every- pr.cted to foilow Mr. St. John, and liliing else ~mould be assumed against Mr. A. .). "will?" Muskoka, will ithem. That was a general principle probably iollrow mm. . {gin start in. with. . Of course there The Attorney-General Continues. i :WaS a British max-im- that theot"o? . ' 'q' . . . i in.lust be presumed to be innocent un- Hon. J. M. tnbson. resuming lilo: i til proven unilty. but that was an old. . ~.peech at. 3.2.5 o'clock, saidthat ithau; 'archaic and exploded doctrine. How been claimed t),oat,,,tht Government 'admirably the quotation fitted in with; should cancel tile Toronto Junction 'the code of ethics that hon. gentle-;' sryctat.i.or.t, Club's Charter. "So we, men had adopted. i should " illegal practices are once es- ', . . . I tablished. Hut the hon. gentlemen says ', Fighting the Presbyterian". , ',he Governylent should trg them. I: Those were' not the arguments that do not think that the Govc.rnment; should be used by people who had should. the Government IS. "vi a machine such'as that now at commend 1.or the purpose Otto" work in North Oxford. Schools HIg iniormations tor breathes Ol the of instruction were even said to exist laws Of. the country. "'ch are ' in Toronto for ballot manipulation. cour.ts.tor. that purpose and thei-el , Mr. St. Jolur--The hon. gentleman are juries tor that purpose, and though l inrobabiy knows more about that than we may have a suspicion that thisi live. do ' _ n' " . t . ' I . . I. .. . r' or that ne'jf/1fr.?.',; or illegal practice l Col. Gibson-n he only thing [know is being carried on here or there '.t, . " . ' . . h rd be- _ " _ . . . ' -:-. :1: that instructions in ere over ea or elsewhere. no Goyernrntyu "mun iiii siven in this citv and not under be justified in assuming that that t g g ' . f' 'ii,' ' said twr d b k , z. . , Liberal auspices. here were " tutti c ta en as tact and act upon l . . . . N th Os- "V l ..2 'i ' . t, _ to be thirty or tor-.y men in . or l " the strength oi .uapicnm. I do i .1 te _- 'l T h dnever appear- _ not thipk that on any. reasonable con- b ford. 'most 0',.'f1';"'. a ', nideration of the situation anyone', led on a public Fancy-31' , truth T will seriously argue that although, I 1.311: St. John denie ttle r there is suspicion and it is common (this. . ami- mport that illegal practice is beingll Col. Gibson -_. l may. per-