l iwas no . Ttth all t ttt Itihid'wer. lit filo'd'ng oi the North Renffew C'CC' ' resource; oi the Province it wus, ttttte a ll884 thiiiAitWitd, the Patron partys tion. Mr. Graham referred to Mr. the greatest resource iiii, Jiiriaiir,iit Iltl {support {In 1898 they were nearly de- Cameron's ars.wtptrttotltat there _was; of our children, re'ceived a ""19. a, leated. and in 1902 they were defeated a doubt about Mr. Dunlap's right more attention. While Ontario hail' allt by a popular wote. Their duty then to sit in the House. "I. believe, he done great things, having ispent near- I " would have been to.resign. Instead, isaid, "that. this House is all-power-; iv a million dollars a year in edu. ' lot that they fought, fought. fought. iul for Its own needs, and . If} Gtin its children, he thoughtithi- ' and to-My, with all their influence. ftltere be any doubt as to the rightg'i time Ul come when they should take J thev had a maiority of onlv three. The l m the member to take his :seo.rt,pv.hich -' another step onward and not onlv .4 Conservatives "were" accuse/d of bound .1 am not prepared to adm't' there; provide free schools but also free l,', ing the Government. They were not ijhtluld be a way,.and I believe that" hooks. Our system, while not per- G doing so, but the Government were i" , way, of wiping out that techn.i-,, feet. war; being rapid] developed, and hounding the Liberal party. It was icahty. If he has done wrong there " as to the system or school book; i not fair to the Opposition to accuse i" foy..t, m it"; 'ioll,net7, to find out now authorized. he believed it ir, I them of bounding the Government Sn it?" 1"2's'fi'o,f' "Irv? can" we 11'3" the best system on the continent. ilong as they remained within the pro- in"; ("if 1' ke "l, ottse, am iAt the same tune he was oi opinion _ Vince of facts. They were not sent /i11.1J,,e,r,i)va1), in: ta tl advantage of any .that. in some cases, too many books 7 _ . C . . techmcallt.y to rob a member of the I 'AIT. . - to the House. however. to De merely he t to which he was rialitl l lune supplied to, th.e child. because _ party hacks. The Minister of Agri- ;:.,f:- (A plause.) as a y elect- 'he was strongly in favor of aholiur l culture had been lacking in progress. I . . v. I' J.'. . I . ' . ling al' hom.e w?rlr for children be ' _ "in ll any wonder that then did not I . l _ iHe had merelv accepted the stiggCE' ', H4 "M . . ,.' {Ion the senior third. Mr. Graham , E . . . . , . ... . . ' get imprinted on the Government side fi d h h b k l bv a ( .uons of the tarmeis associations. ll. 1 . 'h ll ., " l - . Fl'r.e otttt at t e. oo s USCf ,llh» '), anltlti be sorrv to detract from the [Mi-C. Otltit t,"yrlf,"?, eiarges were made children from the first to the mum .hon. gentleman-. as i" believed he was _yi'l'/1st. them . these charges had been i books would cost 5175. During the T the onlv iiiiiiiiUriiioi.re skirt: "were 4'.":"'_l.° cy1tiuyy1sly for the he" thirty last ten years the school books used i clean ii, regain-duo the disclosures m. plats-{1:1 y/ bt'c'omc titer settled pol- 'in Toronto had cost only eleven cents _ rthe member ior Manitoulin. Ile. a"? (i; 'Gi",'.).',!"';?,,",:',), wenty years per annum per pupil. '0 that the i, thowcrer. was not progressive enough. Mi? ..1r .' IIT, . owat had.been de- 1,'apot1e,t nf.essary to SUpPly book; l")? i, 'The dead mm." mum". should Ive Ju. tti.ct.ed i!" hu'hhgdhc Province down 'all the children attending the puhln- _ :eo'tiraized Stt that tru" otrnl1. beef cattle ilk-ill] rle it so that it could not recover and .separate schools throughout the _ would be placed on the English marker', Ill=~(.'ll. aiid'llon. Aicuander Mackenzie l Provmce was not such a 'tartilntr Wm in such a way as to competc. with the "in Jud . For" (i/Tiers attacked, 1'tt after all. l 'Armours and h s its av,y', rr. M' 1:tr. the ()llit(.htll(\ll no": accused the Tir. Obie ti An we ed. 3' lerican d t e ll 1 'dlii n 'A . oral porty of departing: trout the soil-n- , C tons . ". r ' ' V i Mr: 'i'j?fitfre.2ci, Titer iuner d") record oi these meu. l t tertercti'/eri,!'/r, Initio 31': 'e'."",','.:."'":,,',',, 1 'i..- '.' '"t J"'.""", , S'- rewere "I _"ci1',i;'iry,'.d c'l',.'1t,i"'ch,i,'Ji"t,e,',c//,',"i iij,"ic,riru! 3 Mutiny in the Opposition. m.easrs,by which school books could he. _ luv'tlie "atl12c,"/.i/"i'e"dCrl1i"lf in 'ti',') Ty lormito Teleg.ram had correct- given Tee to, {it}: chereg,sti2,i,s, 11h") r 'fre. in Quebec the Population had '9" l 1uwt.tltc"ta "tqauvst the Opposi- anti." WW" '51 d e "65 k mist t" N ' l'iucreased much more rapidly than in _ti'"'l "m" iocn_chesr.hy s'9."1il' that the), 1'l'fr1'1.1f'Y, gown o. :31 "(if 1'??? .- "hstario. The 'o',"v7rt1,,'2it"i"id','i1i'ir2l,i'itey/,y,'t: of th.e Opposition wiiti not: Glut: '1'l,"Jd', 'rf,1doa'1,,s, to J,l1 pan: 3" l." 'tion poiiry was not wood enough to at- Em tuc whole trorlt roy, but At the l 0 e o were ef,1"se SP r.en "in." l , 'tract settlers .1" lid','. Ontario instead ilawoty members in the trout row. The! not own their books.. Nothing Tm" i] i,oi 535mg. mi m' the northwest. an"; momm- for North Ontario (W. ll. i',g',t,'"ti,1y, in??? IT gumflhe}; the iiree ,irhiycd book policy of the OPPo-'lHnle moved ait .amend.meyt to the!, ~° . ey P"s c Jor tl' "if T l Ire.'): i.. I aition "A. m, " " , . 1 b .l: amendment moved irom the trout row.l From a sanitary .pot.nt ot View. he did " a I' : _ ie Titt icvera PfTRf.',C,r" it Irii'; " w" oi rot oi .1 . "n.' not see any objection. The same l 1'." the Government had endorsed. The. . P'.. c , "f nt ot COP" . ri . l " ld h D in " 'l"-~ it transportation problem was the moutrl'11T. "mm was a conspiracy against $§n0?? Gi) ." ut til) we"; pix) impcrtatrt now before the Province. in". trout beaches. " wa.s the" lluty ' ran in _. ntario. f../rfy..' 11th iifl- , "t, 14i "., . . . in "I. wl.ere the (cm 1 vocate a Government Printing bun-an t' The Minister or Agriculture, when A ; . l . p racy cam.e to manufacture the books He ..( Gl , resolution was presented to obtain lliinm' Any oi them who were not m ntl 1 it i t "d h", m; ' , 'better terms from the railwavs. had ac- tin" coyplr."cy should get up. (Ap- 'l . hamper 'ng nnsrt,e_ y,.?, e, , f o I " ccpted it In a vote oi want" of confr. vlrtt.vse.) it was dangerous to go (3ch ,.,tie,,t, it ..11.e, tiii,t:,tj.t,1,S"',.1rt,"s:,'.,tt ' _ dence solelv because it came from the against the trottt benches. They would i)/sl,tQ",',t",',a/' not 'ihe,x,'i,st"i'lft"i; ,1,t,i',yl)"/',t V Onptnition: and all the members on ill'"". 'lay.V. the Government of the 'ti "til?I 1ot.'vtiC't'"i7,.-, nous (Griffith). ' the Liberal side voted against the ino- l Province " the people so tar lost their l la fl15 l? ','j' in? l/ri/c,',?,',"') f i i tion. - immds. (Laughter.) ltone as c'ne.aply an a: we 1' not ye - _ l . . l Electric smelting, tr: which the hon. lter, by legitimate trade CI.d it was now . The Popular Majority Fallacy. ,meinher ior Manitoulin had referred 1rllee. by tht,btsr.eay.. it was yo great l Mr. Geo. P. Graham (Brcxkville) jwas a aood thing. and had been intro: is:retcn Of the imagination. now-mm" 9; I said that as' he grew older he believed t, (lured by a man who had been greatly i to "fa that the iree scho.ol book i ,less in the charges brought againstfahuwd by Conservatives-the Hon. 'i?vr,'??o',1i/f,1,1, could be carried oyt, . , {public men on both sides of politics in) Cifotul Siiton. li the Province or the The - ("alignment had ,Canwd I? ' ' , Canada. The death oi such men asfnienihcr ior Manitoulin got the bene- man) greater Prryp10rst10ns : It 'f"' 'he ' ' .Atidrew Pattullo, who devoted so much: tit they had the Hon. Clifford Sifton to duty oi..the Government to carry. A mm 1 i ' itrme, and energy to the public weal. 'tlennk. The immigration policy oi Ht.believef they were considering the _, l " tmade one wonder whether it was the Ontario Government had been .subiect. Thex question tuen no" i l " lworth white to enter public life. First) ridiculed. They must bear in mind Inhere would, the Polley cotptiroT.' i, , lof all he wanted it; straighten out a: that Ontario had largely peopled Mam- tile had an idea as to ti.1ts. A-hme Ht- l l i i little tangle that the leader of the Op-' lobe and the Northwest. They were l crease m the Sui-"Sim", lint?" coyid i l Q position had got into when he said that,' firming m building ttp that . great 3W" bit-better spent than ll) educating 'i, ithe member for Brockville had i/iii/r) right iirttl of the Dominion, that iour children. Even the corporations (: led the greatest oi all Canadian news-i would some day take great quantities, !,might be taxe.d a little more. Titen l lpapers oi being possessed of a devil.; oi our manufactures. It was not lure had our timber. It would be a l I'Vhile he believed that statement hadl tC.,'r to prcscnt 0"? one cide oi the avaliiabie investment of a.?,,.",:;',"," I' wc i (been printed in one eastern Ontarioi (if't-Slhm- He he .ieved that it was' 50"" transfer each year a Attic oi our 2 paper, he was glad to say it was not in', tut; out) oi Canadians ' to be Cana- 1 Amber or our forest resources to t.irt _, iliis. It was childish to talk oi a popu-i 1e/,ij1,.'yi.:htii,rit,' /tt .""d "a the crime, I brains of our son: and daughter-. 3 it: majority ior the Opposition in! :1..-i-;;i":% is: tsg.et...ydi,. deg o!": The Soo Troubles. 5 , ..' _ o . . . 'i . e l 1 ng- . . i, " was iiiiii'wiin he was a very young: O! my trade of Ontario. l if,idt1','e,1,a,,1'o,,r, troubles at the Soo. ilt q lman. By simple manipulation fig-' Not a Hyprocrite Question. i 'c'iasms' egeasereprhi,s,ef, 2 heardthe (Li). tires could be made to prove ato"- l ... .1 "h . ,, [ _ '.',',.'2 he 1e up erstoo "mi-m" thing. "The majority of the coit/ :.. , ii- Wort' ypocrite had been usedl 1ell?.'?a,rr.", at tlle time that the actjon 7 stituencies rule in this', Province and; {limiteiwc to I," question u.pptt "lei Pike" by the Government was "is! F g in this House, and the Government te..,'",.:,)",",',".:") boo; matter-which ap-l i.s.ugrrestttl. by the leader ot the OPPOSI- I have them and the Government are) iii" a 11mm glam?" paper a short; tpo.n. (Opp?sitiy1 hear, heart I'hat ' igoing to keep them." said M r. Graham, I).',';.';,').,:.,',' gob e nould excuse the being the case, where did the objection amid applause. The Government.', {fin iii-1.1" it Il Wm." like the Opposi. come? m to the carrying out ot the ' 1'h' won more than two to one. J/ 11:". 276.241 F's poem-ch the statutesl idea? . l the bye-elections since the general}; 1'fc1r1.1i.s'"nrfev"i'diit?, tool. and see Mr. For-lt was the way it ms ' ic'ection. What had caused the most r ." 1" . 'crence ad been made tol done. ' i (recent bye-elections? Of the four it": school.books. In 190! h.e had Mr. Graham replied that there was 'l ;thrce had been opened by death, and l halt a question on the orders in re- only one way of doing it. and that Wts5 I " (the fourth by the grossest corruption Iga'rd to free school books,. and had by giving the assistance. It had tobe _ ion the part of the Conservatives that ,toilowed it up every year since, and given either before or after the elec- , ihad ever been provenjn this coun- liliffmjtm tn do so until'somethmg tion, and whichever way had been i . i (try. He did not believe the mem- I "* f,"Pe., i"he 9pposit.ion had at, chosen the Opposition would not have:; lb? for Manitoulin lhad iextirotseed hwy Hana tint: it',.'.',)")'),',,")':',') a sugg.es- been satisfied. Never in this coun- ', t',tt uetice in t e resu ts o those ve- H' ". t . '),,1 e 7 To s tnantrtac- r . . , . ' ', elections, and hehquoted The Wood l Salli "1 iiilcd Central Prison, and giizen f 2%;an guchfatglmctoical tteemo:sot,rtit,filr, 3 stoc ix fess, t e a er that su - . e cn.' ren_at cost prlce. he . I.. . - . - ', ported this) 8iat,',1f,iat'i",lie' candidate t, plan 'trati immediately 3"" to be tlie- , 'e','.te,'ugtwtisteteanrtyi,t,1e,ii',irsetrgitftJi Q 1. ,e,yt,,Udix,ig'r1ss: t/t,tc,t"iel",ri,1, might 1,s've'e,'i'ii'se': ladHIVOlve thchspread of digs: at the Soo n arm m assisting a ', § _ see w ether e o was wairr n - - a _. ' o nave ot er imnractica le T '." . . t 5 e ed in the statements it had made 'lt/i" itcattircs. for Which it was /',,r,1ceef,i,'au"jf . :I'hey said the Governments "mm. . . cerning Mr. Gamev's appearance in ly (stopped. ' it) was small. It was. however, 800d: 5 that donstituency. . , Fro S _ . , substantial and robust. Great oaks ';, , l . y i e chool Books. f 1 , ! .. ' , . . tom ittie acorns grew. Mr. Graham , "t iNorth Renirews Member.. it Mr. Graham expressed the opinion ' summed the House with a story of an til ', Dealing with the delay in thel that .hayine dtvslowl so splendidly" Irishman who hadacough. Driving A, . . .. Ltll) timber, mining and agricultural l past a cemetery his friend said to him. if _ , . L'lyots have an uncomfortable cough." Jt,