SATURDAY, F at; .. r] fNT 20, ION. """"71N,8Mllll - tit' .. d have money to put in W» ' _ I _m 3;th " a T ' SA "itil'i been informed :th/i',i,i1,,i'ie'f,'ti, JS',' Plumping For Aldermen. ' trout and pound "ft- , hg h th't Mr. Murphy's bill to prevent plump- granted, and expressmg t e $95., a ing at municipal elections by compel- IN THE SOHO" fl Quebec would tey." all at?!" 10115 ling a voter to vote for more than one . I for ccmmercial To t IS no re- candidate was promptly given the six ply had been rcceived yet. months' hgisth on Tile second reading. _...._..._..... . . Mr. Murp y imse was not enamor- Sellilool Sailings Ire,', f savings banks ed of it. [1ti"iiptrhietlt8t"tev"id it oEly at . The Clues ton o sc JO . ., . the re nest o tie ttawa Cit oun- Education Department Asked to tra.t' brought "P pn the motion of Mr. cil. The Attorney-General said he Authorize Them. Preston. for copies of. all correspond- did not see why voters should be com- ence between the . Government and pelled to vote Mr candidates they did .............a.,... any person respecting the establish- not approve. oi simply because they Intent. of such bag?" in the SChPIOJISHO': were nominated.r The result would be the Province. "l e system, salt If. to ot-event men iroin voting at all. Mr. LIABILITY OF TRUSTEES. l'reston, was originally instituted Ill whim"; said a man should not bet France. in 1834. They were now geu- compelled to vote for an undesirable' ---., ---_e_ '" eral all over Europe. In 1885' they candidate in order to have the privi- were introduced in the United States, liege of voting for a desirable one. Government to Revise the Fees and now they were. to be tougnd in i Mr. ble/gil',",:".,),'"))' dispense with . rn schools in 85 cities and er States, the pub icatimi in the newspapers o of Magistrates (he: scholars of which had saved Sa,- ithe list of polling places where money 138.747. «l which $1,616,780 had been thy-laws were. to be vote.d. upon at.the ---qr---.--mr---_--- q xvithdrawn, leaving a balance of over 'stime of the regular m.unicipal, elections T bl . . half a million dollars to the. credit of was read a_S_ec'Olm(l: tlmqtand referred rou e f".'" Interprovincial Game the depositors on January 1, 1903. Five "Ur ihuvthcill,1 ifn'Inr'lt,tfea,ved for Regulations Due to Quebec Law 'ycars ago th.ese banks were inaugurat- a rethrn g; correspondence respecting --st. Joe Railway Land Grants cd ilyes/ synulty1eoeslt m Galt and the salary of the Ontario County jail- im brantford, and had since been es- Thi the second time that the Amended. bl sl . , hr.' . , er. is was _ . . . . It ished m Ottawa, Winnipeg and county had been placed in an invidious - 2 ""9939 The number oi pupils on the position in this matter. In 1896 it ..__. -ee lpubltc'scllool rolls in Brimtfo.rd was had come up, but an amicable settle- "... , . . » 7 , - _ .'2'0§°' and.921 had deesit.s It? the ment had been reached. . blow the . tsiiaitsioit oi the system ol sav-,il school savings banks. During the five county was embroiled again m a law- lugs bank, in the public schools was Eiyears 39970911311 been collected, $6,220 suit. Jailer Decker died in tom. and brought to the attentioutof the Legis-:. had been Withdrawn. and ther.e was a it was found then that the {19' lattirt: vcsterdav b 3\l T 11 P " gibalancc of $354.79 The depositors at creased number of.iemates Ill the jail .ci" " J y Fir. . . res-I the present time had an average of the duties of the jailer were much tun oi South Brant. The system had'lS3.75 to their credit. There were saw lighter and his salary was, therefore, muted most satisfactory, he said, in tings banks new in thirteen of the It,: reduced from £700 $6100 and $roo 1nctilrciti;lu, .. . ,i., N. - . ', roiito schools. and there was being e- was given to us yvrte. tie matron. thriit . J' l": principle- l industry iptisited in these banks an average of Since then. he believed, a turther de- 'm "mmm)' and hc urged that Sioo per week. The chief objects were crease had been made. The Inspector the JiAucation Department authorize it.) inculcate industry, thrift and econ- was charged with forcing the county It, 'ehl':'trs.riu, and relieve the public 'iomy, and it had been always impressed into the (301111.. whereby thts matron school trustees oi the personal liabii- lupon .tlle. depositors that the money if"? giicggeded m obtaining a judgment W m... " "ep ' . . ',., . " _ idepositcd should be earned bythent- Ol St. . . . . - t) at [Mann carried in case ot 'selves and not provided by their par- Mr. Stratton replied that he had no tltetaicationr. Hon. Mr. Harcourt Cents. , . t,1.ii,r,1yde, the rc/)rertg,'iench1tii,1el,',r awn-t. ' ' c. " rui' .. ' : . roug trown. P ie su iect a cen "a? _,1/"l',1,.v,1rct.i1,11,1rc)'ts1,ac,"i'i',:j, lTrustees Personally Liable. . .. in bone of contention in the .county for hm}, arrived '1h//'," lite (5:)ftlnli t I if] want to ventilate this aubject, linany years. The remuneration should "Mm tukc "my Wm, . Ill" 1""? said Mr. Preston, "and also to ask the De reasonable for the work perforzn- i'~,cm,iu. Rt»: sii'/ T3551 iii-"MD Ill Department of Education to give these ed. . He did mat think that $700 ior mil tl' _'" . C.'.,'.',': . ". . ' '3 banks some recognition. At the prc- the jai.her and $130 for the matron was i _ 1C "mm?" ot assust1ug "l thc U" sent time they are existing entirely on excessive. The correspondence waf, t"is.htycnt ot dead meat industry ltoleration. The school boards which already prepared and would be placed "3" being considered by the Govern- :have established ~them have done so on the table during the afternoon. int-iii, bur no deniiitc plan had yet been [entirely without legal' sanction 'aiii Mr. Murphy moved for correspond- ("THIN upon. i should there occur any diiiii2iiijiv, the NICE between Ontario and Quebec To Revise Magistrates' Fees. _ school trustees are personally liable. I 'diij1errsett'aenrt'i,:nnc,e. 'era,",))'),':,'," bligrinmhd-iil , V . " ,- . tt . , l . Ce" Hunt ...t l /tt.o.rrwr.v-GiTya] Gibson, rcplying lo l tllllllk WE. thUJtEhha: Ili) ("l,%l),"1Un11. fi-ching agreement: wifhrmt payinfnt of "it. _llepi", said the Government had Rwy"? fi'l 3'. C SI )f11lr,ll,y 1 ti h-. a license fee. received memorials trout certain Mag- ii,i'.",',',' in l" Fling)!" gm. lei "r',)A,"litci'GI Mr. latchinrd explained that in the l~lrfilc< mutt..- .Pryvincc asking tir a killiligljlggd 'J,"i1,"d1'f'y",1dehe ghaLt'ih); past any obstruction to such an ar-l """f'" Ohihelr We" and It waf the school boards in a few places in this 'rangement had come. from Quebec. Nol [,1_i11'l", ot It. 1/'r'vrr1)'t1rt. .th1lltrT- Province have done." license was exacted from Quebec fish-i' ('i'11,\ie,.teeij,'1.""'c"t "WHO" " bill dual- lion llr Harcourt said the in-. airmen who wished to, tish in Pte,',','),) ' a F l . - . l i 1 _ . . . " ' ' L'ut it was different with re arc, to merit . m" Hugh UM}; Watt informed by, the itorc,attegis,1tC.l io,rcvtealh1,,td"t,ut,tyt who wished to hunt here.g Previousl JtCor1erfa'..'y'rp,1s. that rthe Vermilion that "di,' [svsten-i of schoobl savings to 1895 there was a mutual arrange-' can. mine in Deiiisrm lownship had ba k iiai" assed the "iiii/irive'"s",iGC' ment. but in that year Quebec intro- we: been forieiterl _to the Crmly lor e, n S .d. p o obiection was raised duced an act to do away with this. and mill performance ot work. nor did the . or/le "if? agud iliat it mi ht ifiiG/. in 1897 Ontario did likewise. with it in-ti'ernment regard it as an asset of It?..? Duluth?" tl l r t rkg f the icondition that it Quebec were to show HM. PrtnnHce. BY order In Couucil tere "an t e retina Y/l d 00in", ia disposition to grant mutual arrange- "i) March, 1900, the charter was ior-. school,_but ngw tlte 9'9"": "pi" 'ts linents Ontario would do the same. ..'ii('t'l, on the ground the company pt leading e i.icatiriants wa a " l' f (b'irtce then nothing had been done. had not conducted active operations .. tavpr. There ha,is, oee.n " Flow", $1 {and whatever fault there was attached during the thrcu. years since it was twofution, as Pl hon. Lrlf'yl, la'bs'lfk' lto Quebec. There had often been granted. but it was subsequently but Ito one talky..oftykip.g a if"? ac - liiiuch difficulty at Aylmer in protect-, Iii-might in: the attention of the Gov- ward, and possibly thetimc I')" cftnle ting the game from Quebec poachers, intuit?!" that certain material' facts when su'me. way will open ly Fl"? 'during the close season. The corres-l "ere not placed helore the Govern., the department can actively aw)" t f, 'pondence would be brought down if: "Wilt when the order was passed, and school boards in the direction named. there was any. i i; was rescinded. The Government Mr. Whiter thotyAt there cogld be ' Mr. Whitney asked if any similar, m, aware that the property was now tlo two opfmonf ot the value ot the trouble had occurred on the Manitoba; being advertised for sale by order oi school Savings banks, and the system border, and was informed that Mani: thr court. should be givenmore attention than it toba had good hunting grounds of its , Hon. Mr. Latchiord told Mr. Mm had been given in_tlie. past. The 390'" own,. and Manitobans never showed; pin that the department was not carat" cr the lia ieltyc'ef L1"? SCh%%1C§;::tci: any inclination to hunt in Ontario. : that that fs'/"itrc 1-,tvnecr"c1:'"ii1s1,tftuiii"iit 1,,v,trge'l,lCfe1,itdeidcrt'ii'iir to 3...... Changes in the St. Joe Bill. l '/.,l.1:11s,,1sislfi1,"nicr,og",. in {get in 'll'),',,,,','), them responsible u. any misfortune Mr. Latchiord introduced a bill to, Mk: 62h De my Commissioner of that might occur. individuality and amend the act respecting the land, h." Itt, Pf (liigbec had written that development oi character was what grants to the Thunder Bay, Nepigon 'tytcre',e,i'-,/s' oi. this nature had been people were beginning to understand & St. Joe Railway. Under the ttneed- 'd','a,,'t"e2', although many applications as the more important part of the edu- Birgit the land grants Will be in me dis-' f d been received. A few licenses had cation of children, instead of What tint ot Thunder Bay instead of Al- 'rc/e',, issued for small quantities oi net might be called the machine education gottnzthanfd maylbefat a dlistance of at: lo supply local consumption, and when that had been the rule in the past. .., Islea o T11? mi es tom lb]: camping 5 Mr. Latchlord was there last summer .Mr. Graham endorsed Mr. Whitney s railway. ey must not Alt, F. " tCifiicie.nt fish to supply the consump- View that the keynote of the idea was ly way on the south ot .Lake epigon.' "'. t New Liskeard was not being the development or the in.d.ivitNali.ty. of lhe time .ior commencing the con- tton Il . the ill nets. A few days ago the child. When his own idea of givmg structicn is textanded to April I, 1905, truss; :1" m 2't had 'again written to free school books was carried out the and the time for construction untill iii: "gm" authorities, swing that. it gr?!).,....-.. The time for bringing in set-l