_more than at present. R 4 : .'f"v" 10 | w¥ . --' _ The Chairman said he understood Gflnsu 8 iA BIL i _ the company was willing to pay 4 ts L. # 8 ' _ through the no'sehxf only they chould lfet «--spbnsccemacense s * away from the harassment that they wI 'nu UP AT LEGIS--| . 'had been subjected to in many muni-- | ** LL BE T 0 NTHURSDAY --_|cipalities for years. . LATURE ON * | P % ~--Mr. Staun-ton& a; thfe lll'cqucst of the mc ce i m i amamize } _ _committee, read the following . table, stt s With Contractor E. showi_ng tl'_le gross receipts of the com-- Onlhas_ Duput;u titRlise Deben-' _ pany in thirteen towns and cities :---- Patriarche-- uty ohso : & Y Tolls. Rentals.l tures Set Aside Until Tuesday--, o Barrie .............$ 3,155 $ 3,.5090 St. Catharines Bill Passed.-- > ' ge"eV]llc w ww w s e afe 3'419 7'5w sumsmeereenmeny mengemene tone $ erlill voe k s a e 0# se e 3,&' by964 + « h ¢ t $ [Brantford .. ...... 6.794 141793 | _ The Private Bills Commuttee of the $ Hamilton .. ...... 19,824 58,749| Legislature met yesterday and deait F llfu'l'%s-ton s« x« kke» + _ §,550 '5~§?g first with Orillia's bill asking for power | gfi.atf"o'}d' d wat l';'é';'i 4;"{3(, to raise debentures to pay the balance | _'St. Catharines .... 5:263 ,4:597! due to Mr. H. M. Patriarche, con--| St. Thomas ...... 4.147 9,203 1| tractor for the town's electric power ; "'I'Ngr%nto Ne krains s . 68,7(_)5 401,4';'! plant at Ragged Rapids. Mr. Patri-- Brl:clix?i'lllénu tsit * 2'3'_2 I;;gog arche and the town have had a long-- tA ; > ppcaes § standing disagreement upon the ques-- Proposition to Toronto. J tion, and have been unable to come to 'phI(\)lIn:é é(t"anl:g;g; \i'a:sd ntjl"': asE:ilsegc.'g; any understanding, in spite of frequent & 2 Pal . dn ol f They are now expecting $600,000 in Toronto. If Toronto suf. || conferences. 'fered a little by this bill, that shou!d' the judgment of the court as to t.he ! not prevent it going through,. so long}| balance owing on the contract. The 't'? the company did not escape t2X2-- || Cpo;irman suggested a further confer-- ion. 4 art] j i _ Mr. Staunton said the company haq||ence between t'hc partxcs.and ad].Otll'nCd 'a proposition to make to Toronto. !| the hearing of the question until Tues-- ']Th;y$w§r'e now asscss,cd $77doog on || day next. and, $478,0c0 on street--plant, and about $ * $30.000 on the switchboards, etc. The || Consumers Gas Bill. company proposcd that their gross rev-- 1| The Consumers' Gas Company ofi ente in the city should be assessed °" [| Toronto asked for power to increase a basis of 73 per cent., Instead of h0 their capital by $3,000,000. Mayor n1 161 > > * * © would be $25,000 more. That made a t | P resent on behall -- total of $500,000. It would be only a brqu.mrt was pr€s 1 PA f , few years when the tax on gross re-- the city, and opposed the request, ask-- ceipts would be_much larger. ing for an adjournment, claiming that . Corporation Counsel Fullerton pro> pe pad only received a statement oi | tested that it was unfair to cut the as-- §; ed with 11 fica-- 1 sessment in Toronto, whils it was in. the lacts cgnnect \n't' the app ica-- --_--_creased in other places. tion-- on Friday last, 'The Board ot' The Chairman--Toronto seems to be Control had been in session practically | only too glad to accept this bill where evyer since then considering the pro-- I they benefit by it, but when at any al.; He l fit the pringiple of The | point they are hit a little they raise POS4). He thoug e principle of the x iz Taré s #ain: bill was a wrong one. A special meet-- a big squeal. Toronto is gaining all ; a ¢ | --|along the line: ing of the Coupcfl had been called for s Mr. Fullerton said that +Toronto Mor?day to dlbc}"s th? que'stlonsflm-.i f lwamc% to be able to tax according to zlc:ll;fignzllgrclltsdraw up a set of necessary| |_ daw; they were not asking for special o | concessions from the company such as Mr. A. B, Aylesworth, K.C., appear-- Mr. Staunton had suggested. Toronts 64 for the company, and urged the _ had defended the scrap iron assess. Committee not to postpone the con-- ment, and the company were now pay-- Sideration of the bill. |__ . ing a reasonable tax. Under this bill Hon. J. M. Gibson said it would be they would again have their assess. Dbetter to have a conference between ment reduced by $:50.0m Y YC :ge May:)-r t?ndt' the fcc:'lxlnpzmy rgtttfler $MF. Stannton--If is & an waste the time of the committee. It'Ir. Fu}lc!:*to?n 1mlnti?ngngldtp(;]ill?tke}:i Mr. John T. Smail represented the % * "BD+» -- i in-- out that the company was putting its shar'cholde&:. ,Whfi cl)_t;gected tt? tlfie "5 wires underground, rendering its street C °28® and woU M Psn anate. nelp ; f a ie enrlfs ; whenever the committee dealt with piant more valuable, and resulting in . > : f a an increased assessment. the bill. The bill was laid over until| Ald. Hubabrd also opposed the ac-- Thursday next. | ceptance of the proposition ofi the com-- St. Catharines Bill Passed. I pany. ho w Mr. Staunton finally said he would St. Catharines wanted power t?kap-' agree to $125, instead of $200, per 'ply $150,000 f?r purchalsmg_ Stofi m' mile, and $7.50 on the double cireuit of | 225 tsérgt;t" ga; '}':iazh %;vileg:gscsi;aé g\::.g'; | wires for branch lines. | * a The Chairman, however, thought it fthe old Welland Canal, nprov1deg the shounld be $135 per mile, and Mr. Staun-- | ifisenrtn?ét&%;':;egsg':r:a;::dbcu?,dtea;n; ton agreed to tlus.: 5t 7 4 'former act by debentures, for general Mr. Carscallen said that 13 per cent. city improvements, for the power was too great a difference in the as-- Y P 'm f -- works at Beaver Dam Creek, and for sessment between Toronto and Ham-- ine construction of sewers and road-- ilton. , M makys ways, but was never used. Mayor Mr. Staunton--That's only Tocal jea!-- / Marquis, City Solicitor Connors, Ald » » o O"S.Y; o gaF . Burson and Messrs. Hodgetts and ' .l'u.ther dx;aumon on the question Begg appeared for the city. The bill __ _ was postponed. was passed, with a few minor amend-- womememmenm en memesmemmnnememmmemes | ments. ; | Other Committees Meeting. ' The Standing Orders Committee met and passed_ several bills as hav-- |ing been sufficiently advertised, includ-- § ing the Kingston bill in connection with the street railway. It had been well advertised for two weeks in the papers, and posters had been put up regarding it. In addition, it was plain |_ that it had received an unusual amount of pubhclg]y in the press. % The Railway Committee organized and appointed Hon. John Dryden Qhau'man. They adjourned until next Tuesday, when they will take up Mr. 7 .Lees bill res.?ectmg the Windsor. & | Tecumseh Railway. ho C