"mas-W- 'ill, '8,r,'5c,, A " 'tatt" " L.." ttt - 7"" I "'Mlqle""'"" it w ....'.~ . -NV tie?, -.::'»-?-w _"__, - ,l'7r'i"iiii"ii' . .E" 'r ' -- _ mRrr,' and not one of the nations re-l GUPYBIGHT ' ' '.. . presented at.,the Berne copyright con- i 'vention would tolerate any infringe- Ill al ment of that principle. The. only MII , ' books that would be affected by thel . l motion would be two or three readers, -----__ 'and nine-tenths of the proposition in l ' _ . ' the motion would be useless. As J, . . the remaining ten 'er cent. io a , Dr. Nesbitt Wants the Imperial readers they had JI moderii litiriiiiirgz Act Amended. to draw. upon. The f-ops-right. for thei , most valuable part ot the. literature or, 1 any country had long since exliircd_i like": "irh'i,'ltSic'it/sect1, of literature . aso sin a e or e sc oo boo stlrat NO DIFFICULTY IN FUTURE. never had been copyrighted. Lind"? over, it must not be forgotten that "n"'-"'"'""""""-""'"."- there would be no diifrulty in obtain? _ing from any great author teLmisyonl Education Department to Hold to useh extracts iTO'tin his books. Scel, l . in t at practica . no advan .., l, g Copyrights on All Extracts. WEN be gained, {my should tag; make it possible ior a publisher lo I ----._-_-.r-... hold a pis.tol at the head oi an author and permit him to use whatever he Government Asked to Grant Reason- pleased of a .wory without perniistirm able Compensation to San Jose or compensation f _A special Trmyit- . tee of tire House or Lords had, it luv Scale thsiferers--Many Bills Ad- years ago, gone into this question that- "need a Stage. onghly, and the petitioner, a publi~higr of text books. who desired the ailop- --- -e- ---.-. -- tion of the principle laid down in the present resolution, had received dis-' The Imperial copyright law, as it ai- tcf,'),1r'lf,,e,,r'l'i'ltt fromd every "mm?" of - .. v . _ -, . u; . '" - ie com ll ee".ay was reminded of ' has extracts trom t.he work: ot well the inviofable rights of property. The ' known authors incorporated in practice of asking the Legislature to public school' text books, occu- rest. upon the fegislatidn of other pied the attention oi the Legislature Parlidaments was also io be depre- for some time yesterday. In the dis- cate . " . " cussion, which arose on a motion by An Alleged Ring. Dr. Nesbitt, the Premier announced Mt'h. \Vgitney Salddilgt éhere was . . . __.- ' on e or er paper or t e a a ma. that inuthe tuture no text boo.k would tion asking the House of Cgmmons be published until the Education De- of Canada to do thus and so. Simi- partment held the copyright on all ar- lar motions lhad berg put lon lthe . . i., " - . pa er severa tines uriii the ast licle.s on EVIHthth'Op) ri.zht .had not twig) sessions. The motion merclv cxpired. fhat fruitful topic ot debate, expressed a desire m an academic, the San Jose scale, was introduced by way on the part oi the people ot' Mr. Lee. and, as usual, several 1tt:t,.tr/e,t,giiost,h'r'et the gugden W' _i"ipny'ij.(: . - " snou remove rom cer am ex- "' speech.es were heard. from member'itracts in the school books. The hon. rcpresemtmg trmt districts. At the 'r)1ip,i,1t,y" of Education had said that the evening session a number oi public'publishers were able to arrange as bills were advanced a stage. Mr. Gra-ia rule with the great authors. and ham's bill to regulate stationary tmgi-iso there was no hardship. The" nears, which met with surprising sup- what h.arm could crane ni'tllc House port from both sides of the House. wasiappmvmg ot the. motion? The House ', read a second time. ,nt Lords committee knew absolutely1 . nothing about the school book outs; Copyright Law and School Books. tion in Ontario, and it Ihile no im-i Dr. Nesbit't moved "that, in the. pertinence on our patidO make , opinion oi this House, the 1mperili'iyggestlor? HI opposition to tlocir copyright act should be amended so as vlews. Aboyt two ye.ars ago he WI; in permit selections from an author to fr.1y8n some information by a p/ilt bc used in the authorized public lishing house m 1fef"y.:e,. Priyts. school text hooks in any part or the shown the 1.f,r.sefPt1.lts, with tlie fut)" empire." He pointed out that the 333""! publishers ot ted.t.. Pele: ..yyl, Government had, after preparing a amost every f.R.t oi them container; ...: . . . -.- _ , a clause providing that when any "we" ot text books, found that the other ublishers wished to come in copyright of certain selections they and 'tare'. part in the publication Ci: were using was held by certain pub- parties to the contract Wure. bound )ishcrs. and the Government had subse- to agree to their doing so. But when quently W. make .arrapgenets with these outsiders tried 'to' come in they these publishers. tor the publication. received a lawyer's letter on the part Another publisher endeavored to get" the English copyright holders. a text book authorized, and was mr- threatening an injunction: Then the able to do SO ior two years. He thep whcle truth came out that the pub. went to England and acquired for ai1ishers, had' formed a "ring" and ar-f wry nominal price certain copyrights i ran ed with the English copyright: covering articles in the authorized tholgers by which thev could use these? text books. This placed him in the 'extracts. but could Inot. assign the: same. position with regard to these right .to any others. That alone; books that the other publishers were iwas the reason why something should in, and he had since been able to make ibe done. Jf the number of hooks arrangements by which he had the 'lconcerrted was small. it war ali the:' books authorized and had shared in more reason why the motion should. the proiits of the public school pubfi- be adopted. l cations. ll they were ever to have Polic For the Future i iree school books in the-Province, it I y . f . _ J I was very important that they should ' Premier Itoss. explained the 413ml": he free in the matter of copyright. It (ty .that had SUSS" ttt the .past, and: was quite apparent that the authors in poi.nttd out that the se,ep.tJi,,edca,tel1/er question had received nothing for the gained had cleared the atrmyp Tug use oi their selections, and, as a mat- .When tt became n.ecessary, as It "Quit ter of fact, it was an advantage to them m a reasonable time. to prepare te.' to have selections from their works books'for the whole schoo coursed, used in the school books. I tt would .be an. 'easy matterpto 1rol . _ _ ' any collision with either publishers or Action Wouldbe Useless; I authors. Dr. Bain, who was sept, Hon. Mr. Harcourt hoped that thei to E.ngland, had. Emmi le de,iff.,te,i.f motion would not be .pressed, as it'iobtaniing Permisswn tom. xp 'ttcell. was not in the public interest or in il and authors to yse extracts rpm. t e the interest oi l . - 'works, The thing to. do m tu "I. . ' anyone. lhe founda . It ..d. c with tton rinci le of he ... would be to arrange in ". van t..' . p p t sitability of a r ht which count r de ended . the holder of, the copyrt , . . ry. " upon the eiiioyment' ould b I done he obiec- JY'. the individual of the fruits' of his 79- . e eastiy . ".